September 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Just saw this and had to share for all my new shoe loving friends!


    and this one just cracked me up


    How I feel when I see @stoshew71 runs


  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I cracked up hard at the second pic LMBO.

    9/17-- 2.01mi
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Shoes. I want/need/want/need/want/need no I need some more shoes.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @skippygirlsmom the pictures are wonderful. Skip seems to be an amazing kid and it makes sense you’re proud of her!
    @patrick333 that’s such a good run—i can’t wait to run those long distances
    @JoRocka your pace is great. i just started introducing speed running, we’ll see where that takes me!

    I took a rest day yesterday and then tried to run a 6 mile today, but my mind tricks wouldn't stop. I cut it short only to regret after breakfast and a shower, just like you @smithie092015

    9/1 rest day -- elliptical
    9/2 4.2 miles -- wasn't that easy for some reason, but done!
    9/3 rest day -- elliptical
    9/4 3.17 miles -- that was probably the most difficult run since I've started seven weeks ago. The humidity was so defeating and soul crushing!
    9/5 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/6 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/7 3.32--running again!
    9/8 rest day -- no workout
    9/9 3.52
    9/10 2 -- decided to run two days in a row for first time
    9/11 3.18 -- another day of running (three days in a row)
    9/13 3:11 -- took a day off bc of heel pain (did elliptical though) -- fasted 5K: pace 9:51/mile.
    9/14 4.51
    9/15 4.12
    9/16 rest day
    9/17 4.75

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dawniemate wrote: »
    I was trying to picture all our running group squeezing our bums as we run lol☺☺ you can't help but smile at the thought of it! !! Happy running everyone

    HEH- I wish all of you could see my dance classes- we spend at least 5 minutes working on squeezing our glutes!! It's how in our world we do all our hip work (I'm a bellydancer) so I'm like a butt squeeze glute master!!!

    @snha thank you!!! I'm happy at this point to just get them done- overslept again today b/c I got home around midnight and forgot to set an alarm (I rectified this just now by setting my phone alarm- 5:30- T-W-R- so I don't ever have to worry about it going off on my none run days which is why it gets turned off in the first place).

    I'm excited hopefully to keep running and add more specific speed work in- I like doing sprints.

    @skippysmom I'm impressed with her "get it done" attitude with the shoes- AND she hit a PR- that's wonderful- I really hope she gets some people looking at her for colleges!! Running for college is hard- but getting money to do it is really awesome.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    HEH- I wish all of you could see my dance classes- we spend at least 5 minutes working on squeezing our glutes!! It's how in our world we do all our hip work (I'm a bellydancer) so I'm like a butt squeeze glute master!!!

    You've probably worked your way up to a silver dollar!

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    HEH- I wish all of you could see my dance classes- we spend at least 5 minutes working on squeezing our glutes!! It's how in our world we do all our hip work (I'm a bellydancer) so I'm like a butt squeeze glute master!!!

    You've probably worked your way up to a silver dollar!

    ha- I get paid to do this- so I'll be hoping for more than a silver dollar- if I keep at it maybe I can get a bar of gold or something out of this deal!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    9/1 Strength training and elliptical
    9/2 6.5 miles (6 at 11:29 and .5 at 15:00) on the treadmill
    9/3 4.5 miles at 11:59 on the treadmill
    9/4 3 miles at 11:00 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/5 Rest Day

    9/6 5 miles-nice trail run with 4 at 11:35(ish) and 1 walking
    9/7 1.5 miles at 12:00 with my 10 year old.
    9/8 1.5 miles super-slow walking on the treadmill on max incline plus strength training
    9/9 7.75 miles on my local park trail at 12:33
    9/10 3.25 walking the doggy for my rest day
    9/11 3.00 at 11:30 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/12 Rest

    9/13 Rest
    9/14 4.5 at 12:30 on my park trail.
    9/15 3.25 at 10:46 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/16 2.75 at 11:17 on the treadmill (short run, since I had to go to a meeting)
    9/17 7.5 at 12:20 on the park trail. This time I ran all but the last half-mile cool down. Hip flexor was typically annoying, but my endurance was good until the end, when my thighs started to feel really "heavy", if that makes any sense.

    Goal: 75 miles


  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    It's how in our world we do all our hip work (I'm a bellydancer) so I'm like a butt squeeze glute master!!!

    Ha! "Butt Squeeze Glute Master" should be on your business card!

    9/1 - rest day
    9/2 - 5.2 miles treadmill "hill" workout with HM training group
    9/3 - 4.5 miles around the 'hood...heat and humidity is back 74° and sticky at 5:30 a.m.
    9/4 - 4 miles in the humidity...pretty good pace today
    9/5 - 8.2 mi with HM training group...tough, ended with a 1/2 mile hill...twice.
    9/6 - unplanned rest day
    9/7 - 5.76 miles of intervals with HM group
    9/8 - 4 miles in drippy, sprinkly and still humid weather...where is fall?
    9/9 - 4.5 miles, super comfortable. 64° and lower humidity...yay!
    9/10 - 5 miles treadmill/trek class...super sweaty
    9/11 - 4.4 miles...beautiful, cool morning...went downhill a bit after the run, though. Car issue.
    9/12 - 9.66 miles with HM group...beautiful weather!!
    9/13 - rest day
    9/14 - 5.43 miles of intervals / tempo with HM group
    9/15 - 4 miles of easy, comfortable running
    9/16 - 5.3 miles of hill repeats with HM group...I think I may die this hard!
    9/17 - rest day...semi-planned. Tomorrow and Saturday will have easy runs, with a 10-mile race on Sunday a.m.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    HEH- I wish all of you could see my dance classes- we spend at least 5 minutes working on squeezing our glutes!! It's how in our world we do all our hip work (I'm a bellydancer) so I'm like a butt squeeze glute master!!!

    You've probably worked your way up to a silver dollar!

    ha- I get paid to do this- so I'll be hoping for more than a silver dollar- if I keep at it maybe I can get a bar of gold or something out of this deal!

    LOL I'm rolling over here!!! Hey all that butt squeezing helps too when you gotta go and can't go where you are! @jorocka she wanted that PR so bad, at the end of the first loop around I knew she could do it if she maintained pace. I was happy she opted to wear my cheap under amour socks instead of her $14.00 a pair swift wicks LOL. I have looked at times schools are looking for bigger schools (like SEC schools) it's fast. She decided not to play soccer this year at school instead will concentrate on her running. I love that she has a goal in mind and hope she can obtain it. I tell her reach for the stars honey.

    @shna thanks she's a good kid.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 Huntsville sounds like a great place to live and run! I think I've seen a documentary on it - isn't track a huge spectator sport there? Very cool in any case.

    I can't really say how great their XC or track is. I only lived here 4 years and my daughter is still in grade school. @skippygirlsmom can proabably say more to that since her daughter runs track for a HS near Huntsville and has the more inside "track" (pun intended) on that. I understand that there is a alot of great programs for that. A friend of mine turned down a track coaching job at Bob Jones HS which is in the town I live here.

    Now football on the other hand I know is huge not only here but all over Alabama. lol

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Just saw this and had to share for all my new shoe loving friends!


    and this one just cracked me up


    How I feel when I see @stoshew71 runs


    Hahahaha thanks @skippygirlsmom LOL By the way, concerning the middle pic, A few weeks ago we ran by a cul-de-sac over near the Mill Creek Greenway and me and a buddy were all by ourselves doing our long run (and at a pretty good pace at the time). We saw a porta-potty out on the street and he goes, Oh good I needed one and jumped in. So I ran a couple of circles in the cul-de-sac waiting for him. true story. LOL

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @juliet3455 I'll have to remember the fisherman floats LOL Her goal is to run for the Fleet Feet team, she's too young right now and needs to bring down times a bit, but it's a good goal.

    I believe she gets free shoes if she's on the FF team. Or maybe certain people do.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @stoshew71 LOL on the porti john - when Skip needs to "step off the trail" I run in circles too ha ha! She just wants those nice FF shorts, she loves them she was trying to talk them into selling her a pair last time we were in there.

    @mwyvr the meet Skip was in Tuesday had almost 1100 high school runners, there were 160 in our division which is 5A-7A school (large high school) Varsity Girls. This is a meet that starts at 2:00 on the Tuesday afternoon and you couldn't find a place to park because so many people were there. I talked to a boy from a school about 45 mins from us and he said last year they started their XC program with 8 kids, this year 47 are on the team. Our track and field team gets between 90 and 100 kids in it. I have to say we don't have tryouts for outdoor, but the ones who don't like it don't usually make it past the first 2 weeks of practice...yes XC and Track mean you need to run... a lot! We end up with about 60 varsity kids at their meets and 30 or so JV at theirs from our school. Running is also one of, if not the, cheapest sport you can do. It's $200 for XC and outdoor track and $100 for indoor track compare to the $600, not including all the extras I paid for soccer last year. I think totally I spent about $900 on soccer. We still fundraise to fill in some of the gaps. Our track facilities suck so we can't even hold meets to make some money. Our new athletic director said he was shocked at the condition of the track when he toured the school. For one of the largest schools in the state it's a mess. Of course I pay $387 a year in property tax. :smile: So I'm sure that is more than you needed to know ha ha
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @kristinegift come on you were just complaining about the heat LOL I was thinking this morning my arms were chilly and I was like okay girl last week you were saying you were hot pick one ha ha!!

    Haha, give me 10 more degrees and call it good! ;) My knees didn't get a chance to change with the weather, so they're being extra turdish while the seasons change. They can't make up their mind, so my brain can't either!

    And re: your mileage post: Hooray for neg splits on an 8 miler! That's freaking awesome! :)
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Took pup and baby for a walk.
    Total for 9/17 -- 3.94 miles
  • aprilcanrun
    aprilcanrun Posts: 62 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Love this! It reminds me of these ladies at my local parkrun who run with a stroller, weaving around people and are a lot faster then me. I am always in awe of them!

    Ran a 4 mile time trial tonight with the running club. I wanted to get under 38 and suprised myself with 35:55. I was very happy! I had beat my previous time trial time by almost 5 minutes and won a box of chocolates for best improver :)

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Love the pictures of Skip! She looks awesome! Tell her congratulations!
    I hope she finds scholarships, there are lots out there and now is a good time to start looking. My daughter and I had an agreement that if I would do the research to find them, she would make sure they were completed and sent in - we paid nothing for 4 years of college, no housing, no food, no books, nada. The last two years she was the Social Justice director and got paid - so she left with her degrees (2), lots of project management experience and money in the bank.
    WhooHoo also on 8 miles with negative splits! That is great! Loved the running pictures! The new shoes one is spot on!
    @RunTimer - You're welcome, I'm glad it is working!
    @dawniemate - I agree with the others to make sure you are eating enough and that your iron and other levels are all ok. You should feel tired, good tired and sleep well, especially at the beginning but not so much that you are just exhausted all the time.
    @ddmom0811 - Check out a (free) product called AdBlok Plus ( It is a great product, works on all operating systems (Windows, IOS, Mac, etc...). I have it on my PC and iPad and have no ads at all on MFP or anything else for that matter.
    @Nettiejb - Congratulations on your 1st Half and on getting under 2 hours! That is fantastic!
    @mwyvr - repeat after me 'my name is Mike and I am a running (shoe) addict!' :smiley:
    @JoRocka - laughing so hard about the gold bar!! Ha! as the butt squeeze glute master you could do it!

    I had a much needed rest day yesterday and even still I contemplated not running today because I am still so freakin' sore from strength training on Tuesday. I am likely not going to be able to run tomorrow so I made myself go. It hurt with every move of my arms, so pretty much the entire run, but I chose to ignore it and had a really great run... no negative splits but a pretty fast paced (for me) 7 miles. Hopefully the workout aches will be gone by Saturday for my long run. No strength training either tonight, my trainer cancelled, 1st time in almost 5 years so I guess it is ok!

    09/01.....7.21.......7.21 - + Strength Training
    09/02.....0.00.......7.21 - Much needed rest day
    09/03.....6.10.....13.31 - + Strength Training
    09/06.....2.00.....29.07 - Dog Beach Sunday
    09/07.....5.04.....34.11 - Too hot to be running!
    09/08.....5.14.....39.25 - + Strength Training
    09/10.....5.09.....44.34 - + Strength Training
    09/11.....0.00.....44.34 - Too much work and too hot!
    09/13.....2.00.....60.34 - Dog Beach Sunday
    09/14.....4.46.....64.80 - + Agility
    09/15.....5.55.....70.35 - + Strength Training
    09/17.....7.42.....77.77 - just noticed all the 7s today...hmmm wish I was in Vegas or near a casino :)

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Sep 01      5.2      5.2
    Sep 04      9.1     14.3
    Sep 05      3.7     18.0
    Sep 06      5.0     23.0
    Sep 07      3.7     26.7
    Sep 10      6.2     32.9
    Sep 12     10.6     43.5
    Sep 13      5.0     48.5
    Sep 15      5.0     53.5
    Sep 17      5.0     58.5

    5 miles in the Gloaming. Strategizing how to get a run in on vacation!