Do you guys like Quest Bars? Worth the price?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Worth $25 for a box, yes. I wouldn't pay more. I do find them tasty but they unfortunately don't fill me up much on their own.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited September 2015
    iln_rb wrote: »
    I guess none of you that have eaten multiple bars per day have run into any digestive problems? I always wondered if the sweetener would "disrupt" things if I ate them everyday (which is why i'm surprised to hear people eat multiple bars in a day)

    Yes, this happens to me. After eating 1 Quest bar almost every day For a couple of months my body seems to have adjusted. I can't give up mu Quest bar "habit," they are my mid-afternoon snack/daily treat. I've had two a day a couple of times with no problems, but the bars are so expensive I try not to do this.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    My body has never gotten used to eating a lot of fiber. Ever. But I also found out I have issues. :)

    I can only eat 1/2 a bar at a time (unless I cut out everything else with fiber in my day).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i personally don't get all the's just a protein bar...they're ok an all, but the way people gush over them on here, you'd think they'd give you multiple orgasms or something.

    I personally prefer Cliff Bars if I'm going to have something like that...usually when I'm going to have something like that I'm out on a hike or fishing or something like that and I want something that has a bit more in the way of complete nutrition than a quest bar...but oh noes, carbs...

    The advantage Quest bars have over most others is their macro balance and the fiber. It really depends on why you are eating one. I eat Quest for the protein and fiber and lack of sugars and carbs (T2Dm). Others like the Clif because they need more carbs than protein.

    Protein: 19-21 g per Quest bar compared to only 9-11 g per Clif

    Carbs: 20-21 g per Quest compared to 44 per Clif

    Fiber:14-20 g per bar (depending on the flavor) compared to only 4-5 for a Clif bar

    Or, you could just eat real food ;)

    I'm curious what about Quest bars (or bars in general) are not "real food"?

    I eat bars occasionally...don't really have strong feelings either way about them. But this seems to be an awfully poor argument 'against' them.

    since i agreed with him, I'll throw in my .02...when I say that I mean that I'd rather, for example, have my breakfast of eggs and pinto beans and green chiles than having a bar for breakfast...which happens occasionally when I'm running late...but it's never as satisfying as having my "real" breakfast

    Oh I would much rather too.

    I'd also much rather have that than, say, a bowl of oatmeal or cereal.

    But that doesn't make oatmeal or cereal "not real food"

    very true
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i personally don't get all the's just a protein bar...they're ok an all, but the way people gush over them on here, you'd think they'd give you multiple orgasms or something.

    I personally prefer Cliff Bars if I'm going to have something like that...usually when I'm going to have something like that I'm out on a hike or fishing or something like that and I want something that has a bit more in the way of complete nutrition than a quest bar...but oh noes, carbs...

    The advantage Quest bars have over most others is their macro balance and the fiber. It really depends on why you are eating one. I eat Quest for the protein and fiber and lack of sugars and carbs (T2Dm). Others like the Clif because they need more carbs than protein.

    Protein: 19-21 g per Quest bar compared to only 9-11 g per Clif

    Carbs: 20-21 g per Quest compared to 44 per Clif

    Fiber:14-20 g per bar (depending on the flavor) compared to only 4-5 for a Clif bar

    Or, you could just eat real food ;)

    I'm curious what about Quest bars (or bars in general) are not "real food"?

    I eat bars occasionally...don't really have strong feelings either way about them. But this seems to be an awfully poor argument 'against' them.

    In essence, they are a convenience food and full of preservatives. The more a person relies on convenience foods like protein powder or protein bars, the less they incorporate whole foods and actually learn how to cook/eat rationally.

    I have nothing against convenience foods from time to time, but relying on them everyday is another story. It's almost like the world is slowly forgetting how to cook and compose a rational diet consisting of actual food that tastes good.

    Again, I don't necessarily disagree.

    Still, don't get why they're not "real food".

    I just think it's a poor argument.

    The ingredients are something like this:

    Fiber syrup
    Protein powder
    Etc etc.

    How is that the same as a steak, broccoli, and a potato?

    Strawman much? Where have I argued that a Quest bar is exactly equivalent to a steak, broccoli or a potato?

    When will you answer the actual question I asked?

    I answered your question clearly and directly with an example of an ingredient list and how they differ from actual food. I don't know how much clearer you want the picture to be painted.

    My only issue with food supplements is that people think they have to rely on them to have a rational diet. No... if you are taking supplements on daily basis in order to meet your nutritional needs then you DO NOT have a rational diet and you should probably look into correcting that.

    No you didn't.

    You made the argument that Quest bars are not real food.

    The fact they contain different ingredients from other 'real food' does not disprove that they are 'real food'.

    X =/= Y (Your argument)

    Why does X =/= Y? (my question)

    Because X = N+Z (your response - which in no way proves X =/= Y)

    Okay, so here is my argument:

    The only thing Quest bars have going for them is convenience. They are okay if you are in a bind and cannot fit a meal in. But in the grand scheme of things, they are just an overpriced candy bar that contains a lot of protein and has a laxative effect. Some are decent tasting, others are down right disgusting and reminiscent of moist sawdust. The fiber in them is primarily soluble and not insoluble; a good mix would be 50/50. A lot of people experience also stomach discomfort/bloating from Quest bars. I have friends who eat 2 or more every single day as opposed to a more nutrient packed meal.

    Yes, they are a processed food and that isn't the worst thing in the world. But if the concept of limiting processed foods from your diet is news to you, then I would be concerned about your nutritional knowledge as a whole. On occasion, I will make my own Quest-style bars without the preservatives and additional ingredients. They taste much better, contain no fillers, and I can control the level of sweetener.

    Overall, my concern was about the sheer amount of powders and bars being used on a daily basis as a way to hit daily macros. People are forgetting what real food is for the sake of 24/7 Convenience. If you are sitting down during meal time at home and unwrapping Quest bars, then I suggest you reevaluate your approach to your diet and health... especially if the rest of your daily diet consists of other processed foods.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Not worth it in my opinion.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I've only had one, and I wasn't a huge fan of the texture/flavor, so definitely not worth it for the money.

    I don't eat many snacks on the go (I'm usually home or at work where I have access to storage and a fridge). When I go on a long hike I may buy some protein bars, but I found I prefer a little bit of trail mix, a sandwich, and some jerky.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2015
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i personally don't get all the's just a protein bar...they're ok an all, but the way people gush over them on here, you'd think they'd give you multiple orgasms or something.

    I personally prefer Cliff Bars if I'm going to have something like that...usually when I'm going to have something like that I'm out on a hike or fishing or something like that and I want something that has a bit more in the way of complete nutrition than a quest bar...but oh noes, carbs...

    The advantage Quest bars have over most others is their macro balance and the fiber. It really depends on why you are eating one. I eat Quest for the protein and fiber and lack of sugars and carbs (T2Dm). Others like the Clif because they need more carbs than protein.

    Protein: 19-21 g per Quest bar compared to only 9-11 g per Clif

    Carbs: 20-21 g per Quest compared to 44 per Clif

    Fiber:14-20 g per bar (depending on the flavor) compared to only 4-5 for a Clif bar

    Or, you could just eat real food ;)

    I'm curious what about Quest bars (or bars in general) are not "real food"?

    I eat bars occasionally...don't really have strong feelings either way about them. But this seems to be an awfully poor argument 'against' them.

    In essence, they are a convenience food and full of preservatives. The more a person relies on convenience foods like protein powder or protein bars, the less they incorporate whole foods and actually learn how to cook/eat rationally.

    I have nothing against convenience foods from time to time, but relying on them everyday is another story. It's almost like the world is slowly forgetting how to cook and compose a rational diet consisting of actual food that tastes good.

    Again, I don't necessarily disagree.

    Still, don't get why they're not "real food".

    I just think it's a poor argument.

    The ingredients are something like this:

    Fiber syrup
    Protein powder
    Etc etc.

    How is that the same as a steak, broccoli, and a potato?

    Strawman much? Where have I argued that a Quest bar is exactly equivalent to a steak, broccoli or a potato?

    When will you answer the actual question I asked?

    I answered your question clearly and directly with an example of an ingredient list and how they differ from actual food. I don't know how much clearer you want the picture to be painted.

    My only issue with food supplements is that people think they have to rely on them to have a rational diet. No... if you are taking supplements on daily basis in order to meet your nutritional needs then you DO NOT have a rational diet and you should probably look into correcting that.

    No you didn't.

    You made the argument that Quest bars are not real food.

    The fact they contain different ingredients from other 'real food' does not disprove that they are 'real food'.

    X =/= Y (Your argument)

    Why does X =/= Y? (my question)

    Because X = N+Z (your response - which in no way proves X =/= Y)

    Okay, so here is my argument:

    The only thing Quest bars have going for them is convenience. They are okay if you are in a bind and cannot fit a meal in. But in the grand scheme of things, they are just an overpriced candy bar that contains a lot of protein and has a laxative effect. Some are decent tasting, others are down right disgusting and reminiscent of moist sawdust. The fiber in them is primarily soluble and not insoluble; a good mix would be 50/50. A lot of people experience also stomach discomfort/bloating from Quest bars. I have friends who eat 2 or more every single day as opposed to a more nutrient packed meal.

    Yes, they are a processed food and that isn't the worst thing in the world. But if the concept of limiting processed foods from your diet is news to you, then I would be concerned about your nutritional knowledge as a whole. On occasion, I will make my own Quest-style bars without the preservatives and additional ingredients. They taste much better, contain no fillers, and I can control the level of sweetener.

    Overall, my concern was about the sheer amount of powders and bars being used on a daily basis as a way to hit daily macros. People are forgetting what real food is for the sake of 24/7 Convenience. If you are sitting down during meal time at home and unwrapping Quest bars, then I suggest you reevaluate your approach to your diet and health... especially if the rest of your daily diet consists of other processed foods.

    You are making a ridiculous number of assumptions.

    I happen to agree with you that a Quest bar is basically a glorified candy bar that has a few additional benefits (like some protein and fiber which to me makes it a lot more filling than 200 calories of chocolate). On the other hand, the similar-calorie chocolate bars I'd be interested in eating taste a lot better, so there's that. (They aren't any cheaper, though.)

    Anyway, I use them as a convenience food and occasionally as a snack in lieu of a chocolate bar/ice cream that fits better in my macros that day and will be more filling (generally if I feel like something sweet pre or post workout in the afternoon and am not in the mood for fruit or yogurt). I wouldn't assume people are using them as meal replacements unless there's some reason they cannot have a normal meal. (I have used energy bars as a pre race/workout meal, but not Quest bars because the macros aren't great for that purpose -- I didn't use the energy bars because I thought they were better than a meal, but because I was in a hotel or otherwise not at home and did not have a refrigerator.) I also wouldn't assume people think they NEED them or that they provide something other food can't or that they are eating tons of them. I think they have the benefit of being (1) easy to carry around or to eat on the go (and sorry, but lots of people find that helpful on occasion without therefore having a poor (or irrational) diet); (2) easy to store in a place without a refrigerator; and (3) (I admit it) a substitute for a dessert-like food when something sweet is desired.

    Somewhat similarly, I add protein powder to oatmeal when I have it. It is an easier way to add protein than cooking something, I find breakfast more filling when I get a good amount of protein, and the powder is IMO just as good for my purposes as cottage cheese or greek yogurt (what I'd likely have instead). I don't think protein powder is magic, but it suits my purposes and I eat it WITH other foods, so whatever. I get my breakfast protein from eggs (with vegetables) and dairy or smoked salmon (also processed) more often, but on occasion the oatmeal with protein powder (veggies on the side) hits the spot. So the idea that people eat this stuff because we don't eat other foods is odd and annoying.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    You are making a ridiculous number of assumptions.

    Judging by the number of Quest bar related threads posted here on a weekly basis (you can check the search bar for that) I would gather that a lot more people are relying on Quest bars for the daily convenience and possibly even for meal replacements, than you think.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    You are making a ridiculous number of assumptions.

    Judging by the number of Quest bar related threads posted here on a weekly basis (you can check the search bar for that) I would gather that a lot more people are relying on Quest bars for the daily convenience and possibly even for meal replacements, than you think.

    Your response to a comment about making ridiculous number of assumptions is to demonstrate you're making more ridiculous assumptions?
    People like quest bars, it doesn't mean they're using them as a meal replacement, though apparently if they did, it would be irrational for some reason.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited September 2015
    senecarr wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    You are making a ridiculous number of assumptions.

    Judging by the number of Quest bar related threads posted here on a weekly basis (you can check the search bar for that) I would gather that a lot more people are relying on Quest bars for the daily convenience and possibly even for meal replacements, than you think.

    Your response to a comment about making ridiculous number of assumptions is to demonstrate you're making more ridiculous assumptions?
    People like quest bars, it doesn't mean they're using them as a meal replacement, though apparently if they did, it would be irrational for some reason.

    Have you read the comments in those threads? Some admit to relying on 1-4 bars daily, and six people in this thread alone have already plainly admitted to that fact.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    You are making a ridiculous number of assumptions.

    Judging by the number of Quest bar related threads posted here on a weekly basis (you can check the search bar for that) I would gather that a lot more people are relying on Quest bars for the daily convenience and possibly even for meal replacements, than you think.

    Your response to a comment about making ridiculous number of assumptions is to demonstrate you're making more ridiculous assumptions?
    People like quest bars, it doesn't mean they're using them as a meal replacement, though apparently if they did, it would be irrational for some reason.

    Have you read the comments in those threads? Some admit to relying on 1-4 bars daily, and six people have already plainly admitted they do in this thread alone.

    Why does it bother you so much?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    You are making a ridiculous number of assumptions.

    Judging by the number of Quest bar related threads posted here on a weekly basis (you can check the search bar for that) I would gather that a lot more people are relying on Quest bars for the daily convenience and possibly even for meal replacements, than you think.

    More likely because they are like candy bars.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited September 2015
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i personally don't get all the's just a protein bar...they're ok an all, but the way people gush over them on here, you'd think they'd give you multiple orgasms or something.

    I personally prefer Cliff Bars if I'm going to have something like that...usually when I'm going to have something like that I'm out on a hike or fishing or something like that and I want something that has a bit more in the way of complete nutrition than a quest bar...but oh noes, carbs...

    The advantage Quest bars have over most others is their macro balance and the fiber. It really depends on why you are eating one. I eat Quest for the protein and fiber and lack of sugars and carbs (T2Dm). Others like the Clif because they need more carbs than protein.

    Protein: 19-21 g per Quest bar compared to only 9-11 g per Clif

    Carbs: 20-21 g per Quest compared to 44 per Clif

    Fiber:14-20 g per bar (depending on the flavor) compared to only 4-5 for a Clif bar

    Or, you could just eat real food ;)

    I'm curious what about Quest bars (or bars in general) are not "real food"?

    I eat bars occasionally...don't really have strong feelings either way about them. But this seems to be an awfully poor argument 'against' them.

    In essence, they are a convenience food and full of preservatives. The more a person relies on convenience foods like protein powder or protein bars, the less they incorporate whole foods and actually learn how to cook/eat rationally.

    I have nothing against convenience foods from time to time, but relying on them everyday is another story. It's almost like the world is slowly forgetting how to cook and compose a rational diet consisting of actual food that tastes good.

    Again, I don't necessarily disagree.

    Still, don't get why they're not "real food".

    I just think it's a poor argument.

    The ingredients are something like this:

    Fiber syrup
    Protein powder
    Etc etc.

    How is that the same as a steak, broccoli, and a potato?

    Strawman much? Where have I argued that a Quest bar is exactly equivalent to a steak, broccoli or a potato?

    When will you answer the actual question I asked?

    I answered your question clearly and directly with an example of an ingredient list and how they differ from actual food. I don't know how much clearer you want the picture to be painted.

    My only issue with food supplements is that people think they have to rely on them to have a rational diet. No... if you are taking supplements on daily basis in order to meet your nutritional needs then you DO NOT have a rational diet and you should probably look into correcting that.

    No you didn't.

    You made the argument that Quest bars are not real food.

    The fact they contain different ingredients from other 'real food' does not disprove that they are 'real food'.

    X =/= Y (Your argument)

    Why does X =/= Y? (my question)

    Because X = N+Z (your response - which in no way proves X =/= Y)

    Okay, so here is my argument:

    The only thing Quest bars have going for them is convenience. They are okay if you are in a bind and cannot fit a meal in. But in the grand scheme of things, they are just an overpriced candy bar that contains a lot of protein and has a laxative effect. Some are decent tasting, others are down right disgusting and reminiscent of moist sawdust. The fiber in them is primarily soluble and not insoluble; a good mix would be 50/50. A lot of people experience also stomach discomfort/bloating from Quest bars. I have friends who eat 2 or more every single day as opposed to a more nutrient packed meal.

    Yes, they are a processed food and that isn't the worst thing in the world. But if the concept of limiting processed foods from your diet is news to you, then I would be concerned about your nutritional knowledge as a whole. On occasion, I will make my own Quest-style bars without the preservatives and additional ingredients. They taste much better, contain no fillers, and I can control the level of sweetener.

    Overall, my concern was about the sheer amount of powders and bars being used on a daily basis as a way to hit daily macros. People are forgetting what real food is for the sake of 24/7 Convenience. If you are sitting down during meal time at home and unwrapping Quest bars, then I suggest you reevaluate your approach to your diet and health... especially if the rest of your daily diet consists of other processed foods.

    All of that wall of text, and nothing addressing the single one and only thing I have questioned in all your posts...namely your claim that they aren't "real food"

    Heck you go so far as to call them a "processed food" which they are. How can you call them processed FOOD in one post and then claim they aren't food in another?

    Whether you or I think they are good/bad/rational/or otherwise is not what I am nor have I ever argued. They ARE real food whether we like them or not

    Why you continue to ascribe all of these strawman arguments to me is baffling.
  • sunny_t16
    sunny_t16 Posts: 3 Member
    I eat 4-5 a day (well not recently because of the formula change, they aren't as good) and never had any digestive issues. I eat a hell of a lot of fiber though. I think my body is just used to it. I usually get way over 150g a day.

    I think the quest bars taste gross. They are too dense, chalky and floury now. The new formula with the soluble corn fiber gives them a weird fakey taste that I dislike. Now they are only palatable if you bake them unfortunately. I would much rather have other protein bars like pure protein or detour.

    Thanks for replying!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    NCSteveVH wrote: »
    I also have a Quest bar (or two!) a day as snacks -- love them. Just a heads up for those who closely monitor your caloric intake (especially if you're eating more than one Quest bar a day). The macros in many Quest bars are 21P, 22C and 7F. That adds up to 235 calories, 55 more than what is listed on the label. Apparently it has something to do the with the fiber/net carbs or something. Since I'm OCD about tracking my cals, I just do a quick "add calories" entry of 55 to cover each Quest bar I eat. Not a lot of cals and maybe not worth it, but if you consume 7-10 or so a week like I do, that's nearly 400-500 cals a week.

    Finally someone has brought this up! Their labeling is far too misleading.
    It isn't misleading to set fiber as different calories than carbs. Quest isn't the only one that does this, it is allowed by the FDA. Typically, insoluble fibers are 0 calories per gram (you don't digest them) and soluble fibers end up having utilizable calories around 2 per gram, but it could really vary based on the form of insoluble fiber. To actually get energy out of them, your body usually has to have your gut bacteria ferment them into MCTs, which uses up available energy.
  • onlyadrizzle
    onlyadrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    Wow didn't realize how controversial a snack bar could be
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    iln_rb wrote: »
    I guess none of you that have eaten multiple bars per day have run into any digestive problems? I always wondered if the sweetener would "disrupt" things if I ate them everyday (which is why i'm surprised to hear people eat multiple bars in a day)

    It's more the fiber than the sweetener. I have to make sure my fat doesn't dip to low if I'm eating a lot of Quest bars to keep things running smoothly.
  • krisfrantzen
    krisfrantzen Posts: 20 Member
    I don't agree with the whole if someone eats or uses protein bars powders they can't figure out cooking food.

    They are a bar. A supplement for a healthier lifestyle. 1st I can cook but the bars give a quick easy start with all the macros you need. This leaves the rest of the day to make good choices and have a sensible meal.

    It's all relative as well. For those that say that you can't figure out "real food", I feel that the choice of a protein bar or whatever you choose is better then what I have chosen to eat in the past. McDonald's wendys etc etc.

    Everything we eat has preservatives or some sort of chemical in it that people say are bad. So how is it any worse then anything else we eat for convenience.

    I say if it works for you go at it. What's good for one is not good for another. But do you have to shove it down my throat that what I eat is garbage compared to something else. I'm going in the right direction so support is the best thing.

    I'm sure I jumped around slot there but it irritated me

    I love quest bars and a lot of other convenient protein products.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I love Quest bars, have them several times a week or when I am out and about for the day.