What made you fat and how are you overcoming it?



  • squiggleharris
    Partly being depressed, and feeling like I had nothing to look forward to. Partly being tired all the time through not sleeping and travelling a lot for work, I overeat badly when I'm tired.

    Not keeping an eye on what I ate, and never making up for overeating with more exercise.

    Keeping a food diary is definitely helpful. I never realised how much of my daily calories I used up just drinking coffee!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    My love affair (with delicious food)!

    I'm still having my affair-but portion-controlled and extra workouts when I want more!
  • kristinadalba
    I was always the heaviest in my family and was made aware of it at a young age.Diets before ten and being the only one who couldn't have second helpings.My mother always was body consciousness;she used to do toe dancing and my grandma was old school keep your body for your man attitude.So my siblings always called me names and with my parents divorced by age three,I turned to food.When I was twelve 11 I was 5"4'c cup with hips...weighed about 150lbs ,then at twelve I walked home three miles from school and partook in binging and well the most unhealthy bulimic scenarios .then i lost thirty lbs by restricting calls immensely.fastforward to 16 and I was moving across country,165lbs,drinking,fast food regular.17 through 18 was a balancing act and I was normally 155lbs,but when I graduated early I outlets my stress through strict diet and excessive..leaving ,e at 130...only to gain until I met ,my fiancé at 18...losing again my yo yo weight.I maintained 140,the. Became pregnant with our son.....birth at168...healthy and happy pregnancy...didn't care about weight of course only my baby's health and well being.I lost weight steadily after birth and five month post pregnancy I was at 145lbs,but the birth control shot depo...was a kick in the *kitten*.I was hormonally imbalanced,weight shot up to 184 and was moody beyond belief.decided to go off it and struggled losing to only gain again.So here I am today with a two yr old gorgeous son,fiancé,two lovely beautiful step children and in college.Some class's are online so I'm sedentary most of the day.april I was 180 lbs,now through moderate cardio,lean proteins,juicing,and a healthy outlook I'm at 155lbs.im 5'6 and enjoy my body and am embracing the journey to a healthy weight. Via healthy lifestyle.goal is 130.
    I know I posted some vivid scenarios here and I wanted to say this was my experience and I know it was unhealthy and self destructive but to see a clear pic I feel it was the only truthful way to express my personal experiences with life and weight
  • upscalelifedownscalebutt
    Medication (which was thankfully temporary) compounded with a few other health issues. Also when I met my husband he liked to eat alot, and eat out all the time. It changed my portion perception, and lead to some weight creeping on.

    Got off the meds. Hubby bought me Insanity (a work out series). Calorie restriction.

    180's in March.
    150's now.

    Move more. Eat better. Stick with it.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    My first full-time job, I sat all day and didn't realize I needed to make it up with exercise. After all, in college I never "exercised" but I probably walked at least an hour a day to-and-from class. The job was also very stressful (well, the job itself was easy, but the corporate culture was a soul-suck) and I tend to stress eat.

    Also, cheese.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    A disease that kept me from moving so I was pretty sedimentary plus all of the meds they put me on to control the disease didn't help. Now in remission I'm building up my stamina and moving more. Haven't changed much in the way of what I eat or how much just moving more has really made a big difference. Oh and getting off those awful steroids!! yuck! No more moon face for me! woo hoo!!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    It is called eating an abundance of food, and sitting on my *kitten* to much, and pretty much not caring. Now paying attention to what I put in my body, getting up and moving, and caring what I feel and look like! That is it in a nut shell. I have no excuse for being fat, and that is one good reason I am changing it!
  • Tamm04
    Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
    I became overweight as a kid. Summer before 5th grade I remember gaining a LOT doing little but discovering my love of books, and buttered popcorn. I could eat massive quantities of buttered popcorn. Over the years I just kept up eating the unhealthy stuff. No one ever talked to me about eating 'healthy' or not eating so much. I grew up in an overweight household and they are still overweight. I talk to THEM about how healthier I eat, what I eat and how I work out...I don't tell them what to do but give them insight into what I do. Sadly they still do what they've been doing.

    I also found out about 5 years ago I have hypothyroidism, but I think 25 years of eating unhealthy didn't help at all.
  • anthemforagirl
    Lack of education.
    I have been overweight since I was a child.
    My parent's nutrition was poor; therefore, my nutrition was poor.
    Plus, my mother fueled emotional eating habits.... Have a headache? Eat... Sad? Eat... Let's celebrate! Eat.

    It has been a long process... A lot of reading material... A lot of teaching myself how to cook.
    I stopped eating fast food... No soda... I stopped eating a lot of pasta, breads, cheeses.
    Overall it has been a very good lesson but I have been able to get my health in check before I started developing conditions like.. diabetes and heart conditions.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    In for all the excuses, for me it was over consumption of calories

    This should be everyones answer...too much food not enough exercise.

    Regardless of why you ate you made that choice just like I did. I made bad food choices, and didn't exercise.

    Sometimes it was boredom, depression, celebrations, being "too busy" etc but when it comes right down to it we all have a choice.

    I overcame it by making a choice to just do it. It is a life choice period. I am just as busy ( busier now that summer is here), just as bored at my work, have as much to celebrate (son is graduating college with a 4.0 GPA), just as depressed (medically speaking) but I made that choice to make time for me (which btw helps with the depression).
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    ive always eaten healthy foods, lots of fruits and veggies, made things from scratch. we never ate fast food when i was a kid, i never buy soda unless im having a party, i dont snack much. dont get me wrong, i love food. ive worked in the food service industry for years. im not one of those people who has trouble eating all of their calories, LOL!! but i drank a lot of beer, and instead of ever exercising i slept or played video games in my free time. now i have an activity level that matches and supports the amount of food i need to stay satisfied, and ive dropped several hundred calories a day by not drinking.

    having babies made me fat, depression and alcohol made me keep the weight on. im taking it off now, three years too late i have discovered that i actually enjoy exercise, it makes me feel good. and i had no idea how happy i would be without booze.
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Eating too much, not exercising at all, denial, and excuses. No more excuses, looking at myself (inside and out) with eyes wide open, exercising a lot, and mindful/more healthy eating habits.
  • bethanykf
    bethanykf Posts: 68
    I ate too much and moved too little. It didn't help that I moved from an active job to a desk job, but that's my own fault. I could have compensated with more activity outside of work and I didn't.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Well with my second pregnancy, I used it as an excuse to eat junk and I really didn't move around much. I gained the weight, only lost 10 after the delivery and stay the same for two years due to eating a lot of fast food, not exercising and snacking a lot (I lost some last year but fell back into bad habits).

    Then in March of this year, I decided that is was stupid of me to keep living like this. I wasn't happy at this weight and I knew what I was missing. I had been skinny and healthy before and loved it. So I have been at this for a few months, just started my 4th month and 27 pounds down. I kept all my skinny clothes and the feeling I get when fitting into my smaller clothes is what keeps me going.

    I am closing in on goal and I know that this is something I will not let go. I will not be lazy again and I enjoy eating healthy now. I don't deprive myself, I still have my frappucinos and ice cream, I just don't have it everyday!
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    That's an easy one....eating way too much (mostly junky, fatty, sugary stuff), and being inactive. I fixed it by cutting my calorie consumption in general, plus cutting out bad fats, sugar, and white carbs, adding in veggies and fruit, and by exercising 6 days a week. Now that I've lst the wright, I do slow myself a treat or two on the weekends.