What made you fat and how are you overcoming it?



  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    Ate too much or didn't move enough while I was pregnant (five years ago), then lack of discipline caused me to yo-yo for a while, been the same weight and lost a little size in the last year.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    ...killing entire boxes of Swiss Cake Rolls in one sitting. I use the fitness motivational quotes found on Pinterest and really take them to heart. It's helped me a LOT!
  • katiekate58
    Life long poor coping skills led to emotional eating, emotional eating made me fat, being fat made me slow and unhealthy which made me fatter, pregnancies helped, when my son died in 2007 I did a lot of poor coping in the form of grief eating, my marriage ended in 2011, and surprisingly thats when I turned it all around, mentally atleast. Awareness is helping. Knowing my triggers, knowing that emotional eating doesn't help anything, having goals, having wicked support systems, knowing that no one is going to fix it for me, that all helps me overcome. Doing it for my three kids I have the delight of raising, that really drives me.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Lazy, ate too much, didn't deal with my stress/emotions the way I should have. Bad choices. Did I mention laziness? :ohwell:

    I let myself fall into a funk and just didn't bother to fight to get back out. It was easier. One day I just decided I was tired of feeling like feces, so I asked my doctor to refer me to a nutrition counselor and I joined a gym. I made myself a priority. I'm struggling my way back to healthy, but it's worth every bit of fight I have.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I wrecked a leg and half in a martial arts accident many years back, stopped doing 4-5 hours of hardcore martial arts training four-five times a week, but still ate, and gained a third of my body weight by the time I could walk again within the year. Most of it hasn't come back off, mainly due to health stuff and continuing to eat more than my body probably needs. Things got complicated when i got electrocuted a few years back which gave me brain damage, so even my body doesn't always know what to do with food, so often I NEVER eat, for a day or so, and then once I start it doesn't stop since my brain and body are out of whack.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Probably had something to do with me consuming over 10,000 calories a day.........


    lol Truth be told I spent alot of time on a Throne after eating that many calories everyday :drinker:
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    depression due to abusive relationship - by working my butt off to be the best me I can be.
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    A desk job and a miserable marriage was my excuse to allow the weight gain. The pain of divorce is what drove me to work it all back off. Besides diet and relentless workout routines, I have changed my life to do all the small things the hard way. I park as far away as possible/sensible, refuse to take the elevator, walk during lunch instead of sitting around coworkers, stuffing my face and subjecting myself to negative office drama.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I ate too much while moving too little. I now eat less while moving more.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Laziness made me fat. I'm overcoming it with regular exercise. But the laziness calls to me at times.
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member
    I made myself fat. I can list every excuse in the book...but I am behind every one of those excuses.

    I am making positive changes in my life so I lose the weight and don't gain it back.
    I am surrounding myself now with positive people who want me to succeed.
    I am not indulging every single day on what is convenient for me to eat or do but instead enjoying it every now and then.
    I am choosing the "hard" or "weird" way by getting off my lazy butt and doing something and not turning to diet pills or some crazy diet.
    I am not putting myself or others down. I will be positive. I will make it through this.

    I am doing this for me.
    All the other times I wanted to lose weight and failed are in the past. This is now.

    No more excuses. Get up and go.
  • Katiedid722
    Katiedid722 Posts: 17 Member
    Mine was definetly food and not moving enough. When I got married, I feel like it really started at the honeymoon and didn't stop. I didn't have perfect eating habits, but for the most part I did well during the week, maybe splurged a little on the weekends - and kept up w/ my exercise routine at least 3 times a week, so I was maintaining. After getting married in October, we celebrated on the honemoon, then came back to Thanksgiving ... and then Christmas ... and then New Years. Before I knew it my clothes were tight, and I was crying looking at the closet thinking, "What the hell, how did I let this happen?!" After tracking my food for a couple days I can plainly see that I was over eating, and that by eating out often, I was consuming many more calories then I actually thought. I have to get out of my "comfort zone" (The couch) and do my thing, be disciplined, and stick to my routine. I'll meet my husband there (on the couch) later :)
  • saeede83
    saeede83 Posts: 96 Member
    I was always fat since childhood, but my weight was steady and under 200 after 18 for 7 years. I moved to US for gad school and continuously gained weight, upto 50 lbls. I blame it on lack of activity, I drove everywhere, never went to the gym and ate out too much. Should also mention that stress and working too much made me eat a lot of sweets. So that's another reason.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    Exercise (and slight calorie deficit from calculated TDEE).
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Laziness made me fat. I'm overcoming it with regular exercise. But the laziness calls to me at times.
    Laziness was one of my best friends. I still take his calls and we have an occasional afternoon penciled in on the calendar.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    "I" made me fat--how am I overcoming it? Lifestyle changes and choices.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I used to pick at food a lot. I'd eat while I was preparing food, I'd eat what my kids didn't finish off their plates, I'd take something out of the fridge or pantry and take a few bites. I'd still eat my regular meals as well. All those little bites added 15 pounds on me over 4 or 5 years. Not a lot of weight, but definitely noticible weight and it was all a bad habit to begin with.

    I've stopped doing all that about 99% of the time, which is why calorie counting has really worked for me. I hold myself accountable for every bite so I'm less likely to end up 500 or more calories over in a day.

    I've also stopped adding cheese on things. This doesn't mean I've stopped eating cheese. I love cheese and still eat it, but I don't put it on things. I eat good cheese by itself or on some crackers if I'm in the mood. Adding cheese to pasta, burgers, sandwiches, etc could sometimes add on a good 400 calories a day. I've learned to live without cheese as a topping.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,452 Member
    I think there were a variety of factors involved, but the really BIG thing was that I trusted my body too much. I had years and years of staying the same weight (except when I lost weight due to stress, illness, undereating, etc. I did put on weight when I was pregnant, but it all came off without dieting) without having to watch what I ate, regardless of my activity level. So I came to believe that I had a healthy "set point" and if I just listened to my body and my appetite, I would stay there indefinitely.

    I don't know what happened, but I was wrong. At some point, my "set point" changed to about 100 pounds higher than the original one. It was very confusing! I didn't binge eat, I didn't comfort eat. I just ate mostly healthy food in average sized portions. I left food on my plate often. I rarely ate dessert. I wasn't a fan of chocolate or sweet stuff.

    How did I overcome it? Two big realisations:

    One. I could no longer trust my body. It was lying to me! I still have no idea what the trigger was, but my body wanted to be borderline morbidly obese. I could no longer listen to it.

    Two. Average sized portions are fine for the average woman. 1800 - 2000 calories a day is fine for the average woman. I was shorter and older than the average woman. What I was doing (eating like an average woman) didn't LOOK like overeating, but it was, for me.

    Once I'd sorted that out in my head, it was straightforward.
  • missmidge84
    missmidge84 Posts: 100 Member
    Way too much food + laziness = 100+ extra pounds
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    eating too many high-calorie snacks.

    Now I eat less of them
