What made you fat and how are you overcoming it?



  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    After I had my daughter I had gone from 125# to 150# (I had gone up to 175#, but I lost 25 after giving birth) and I was like "OMG I am so fat" and my thinking lead to "Well, I'm already fat, who cares what I eat?"

    Now my goal is to get back down to that 150 because it seems so wonderfully small. :P
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    eating....eating made me fat.....

    not eating...not eating is helping me overcome it....

    all smarta$$ery aside...

    I ate too much and what I thought was a portion back in the day was really probably 2 or 3 portions....

    and now..i eat 1 portion....1 ...it makes math my friend.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Domino's pizza, chinese, sitting about watching tv, doing no exercise apart from walking to the fridge.
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm not fat....I'm just big-boned! :sad:
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    My father died and at the same time I was going through some terrible stuff with my husband. I think I spent quite a few months watching tv in bed with a bag of Doritos. The weight started to pile on and I just did not care. One day I "woke up" and decided to change my life. So here I am 40 something pounds lighter and still going. No excuses though, it was ALL my fault.
  • nadz6012
    nadz6012 Posts: 126 Member
    I love food and have no self control...

    Still haven't overcome it, but I try to deal with it by preparing most of my own meals and knowing exactly what and how much I'm consuming.
  • daylilies
    daylilies Posts: 92
    Fast food. I know it's awful for you but I live in the middle of a town and I'm surrounded by fast food. If I'm coming home from shopping or whatever and I'm hungry, I don't even want to think about having to prepare something when I get home so I pick something up. I'm trying to overcome this by having things at home that are healthy and easy to grab like hard boiled eggs, raw fruit and veg, hummus, low fat cheese, etc.

    I lost weight before on a no carb diet and I was almost at my goal weight, but I ended up craving bread and pasta so badly that I binged on them and couldn't stop. I gained all that weight back, plus some. So I'm not doing any of those diets that eliminate whole food groups anymore. I'm just trying to eat more sensibly.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I made myself fat. I changed how I think about food and exercise to become fitter and healthier.
  • chefwrx
    chefwrx Posts: 59 Member
    I made myself fat, and now I am working to overcome it.
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    Sitting at my job all day, helping raise my grandson since he was born in Nov. '09, hypothyroid, and taking 1200mg of tegretol a day for trigeminal neuralgia. ALL of those things contributed and I was bigger than I ever was. I was even bigger than when I was 9 months pregnant both times! But my grandson is older now and even though he is STILL extremely needy and hyper, it's gotten better enough that I can try to have my OWN time to take care of ME. I'm 9 pounds down since May 20th! Woohoo!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Had a baby and after that enjoyed the good life a bit too much.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Eating a diet riddled with fat and bad carbs, and too many calories for me coupled with not burning enough of those calories off, is how I got fat. Eating a diet rich in fruit, veggies, whole grains and lean meats and moving my butt is what is getting me fit. And will be sustainable to keep me fit for the rest of my life. :)
  • SaraC1977
    SaraC1977 Posts: 51
    Eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it and not moving. Even if I thought about a food item, I would be like "ok" and run out and get it. I might not even be really hungry but would run out at midnight to grab Mexican food or go thru the drive thru of McDonald's at 1 am to get a McFlurry. I thought nothing of eating donuts, brownies and Frappucinos for breakfast every morning. I had these habits through high school and college but never really started gaining weight until early 20's. Since I had such poor food habits and had never been active, it was very tough to switch to healthy eating. I would for awhile, albeit no exercise, lose some weight and then gain it all back and then some.
    After 15 years of steadily gaining and up 94 lbs over where I should be, I just get fed up. I joined a weight loss group and that helped me be accountable. No one wanted to be the only one who gained or only lost a pound or two so that motivated me to limit a lot of unhealthy foods. I say limit because I cannot just say I will never eat Taco Bell again or not want Dunkin Donuts. It's just not feasible for me long term if I want to keep the weight off. That's probably why I'm not losing as fast as some. I've lost about 35 since Aug-12. I'll a few lbs one month and then maintain for another month enjoying a few of my favorite foods including going out but still working out. I will then get back on it the following month being more strict, working more and lose a few more. This just works for me and is more sustainable then losing 10 lbs per month in 9 months and then being so deprived that I give up and go back to my old eating habits. I have to allow myself those "bad" foods and going out with friends and family in order for this to be long term.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I was a comfort eater.
    I learned how to challenge my emotions into a different area.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Psychological issues with food, as a result ate too much junk.

    I've found overcoming my need to just blindly eat bad stuff has benefited me the most.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    My parents, the media, my friends, the tides and global warming.

    I just eat less and move more.
  • PDXHollyD
    PDXHollyD Posts: 21 Member
    Made me fat, originally: stress, margaritas and Fast Break bars. (190+)
    Overcame it: Atkins and mixed martial arts. (140)
    Made some come creeping back several years later: delicious Oregon beer and cheeseburgers. (175)
    Overcoming it now: back on keto and C25K. (155)

    Goal weight this time is 150. 140 was too thin for me. I looked old.
  • msaprilm1
    msaprilm1 Posts: 47
    Gummy Bears, lots and lots of Gummy Bears
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    Eating TOO much, plain and simple. I lost weight several years ago, and while the weight didn't come back quickly~ slow and steady, five pounds a year it snuck back on. I had stayed uber active and thought I could out cardio my calories ... It wasn't working. When I finally decided I needed to take charge and start logging my food a few weeks ago ... I can see how I was easily eating SO much more than I was burning. Happy to say I'm seeing success now that I'm aware of what I'm eating.
  • Pixie_star1234
    Pixie_star1234 Posts: 55 Member
    My job and my husband - eating healthier and HATE. lol OK maybe I don't hate my husband.

    My boyfriend!!! He eats anything at all God given hours!!!