No Alcohol on a weekday!



  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Sparkling water tonight! I am wanting to snack but that's just a bad habit trying to sneak back up. Ignoring it and reading the boards instead. Glad to be home and eating food made in my own kitchen. Happy Monday everyone.
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Why isn't this a group? I think we should make this a group. Blue haired momma, u wanna head it up since u started this? If u don't want to I will so just lmk! :smile:
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    I didn't have a drink yesterday. Going to try for a 2 streak :-)
  • Old_Man_McGucket
    Old_Man_McGucket Posts: 310 Member
    Why isn't this a group? I think we should make this a group. Blue haired momma, u wanna head it up since u started this? If u don't want to I will so just lmk! :smile:

    @kirstywillia @elizabethymartin : +1 on the group idea.

  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Why isn't this a group? I think we should make this a group. Blue haired momma, u wanna head it up since u started this? If u don't want to I will so just lmk! :smile:

    @kirstywillia @elizabethymartin : +1 on the group idea.

    I second this.

    I did have two beers yesterday because I had pizza oooppsss :/
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    I don't think Kirsywillia wants to head up a group because she did it before she knew she was pregnant- why would she want to hear about all this alcohol now? I am fine keeping it a thread but, if someone wants to make a group that is good too. Ever since they changed the forums I can't figure anything out- bookmarks, groups, etc. But, I'll join and try if someone wants to head it up.

    For some strange reason I have had two Monday night social events- Go figure! So I drank last night.

    M- 1 (5oz) wine, 1 (2oz) taste dark ale

    Going to try to keep the weekly count down to 3 drinks/cocktails.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    Well done on everybodies achievements!

    I've been sober for over 3 weeks, and I'm at that place where I am having to decide whether to cut it out completely or continue down the trial and error route, somehow finding control and moderation.
  • swwass130
    swwass130 Posts: 23 Member
    I ended my work day early, am taking a moment to regroup before going home to "celebrate' my early day. I feel the pull toward that bottle of wine. I shall resist.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    @anna418 and @bionic rooster. Yay -- clap clap-- great work!

    @Fursian 3 weeks that is impressive. It sounds like you clearly recognize what you are up against- that is fantastic.

    Yes resist that bottle @swwass130- look into some deep breathing exercises and try them for some relaxation. It is hard to be patient but, I swear they work great! Or if weather permitting go for a walk.

    Ciao everyone.
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    I don't think Kirsywillia wants to head up a group because she did it before she knew she was pregnant- why would she want to hear about all this alcohol now? I am fine keeping it a thread but, if someone wants to make a group that is good too.

    I know, I know I just didn't want to take her thread from her. I'll try to set up a group tomorrow. Idk what I'm doing either but I think I can fig it out. I'll
    Post when I get it going
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    Hi all! Today was tough, I had a super busy day at work, had to run to the grocery store immediately afterward, and walked in to the house with a very annoying kitty meowing at me to immediately play with her. (We play with her every day as soon as we get home and she is angry if we don't do it immediately.) She put me in a foul mood and all I could think of was opening a bottle of wine while I made dinner. However, I resisted and stuck to sparkling water instead. I knew I would regret opening a bottle.

    How did everyone else do? Today was definitely the most tempted I've been in a long time during the week. Glad I could resist.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    I abstained tonight- but, I wasn't really tempted. It is much harder to say no when you really want something- so great job. I was tempted last week sometime when I had a burger and was craving red wine with it. The craving does pass!

    We are our pets whole world --when I don't have the energy to give my kitty attention, I feel guilty. They give us all their love. Don't be mad at your kitty -she/he has expectations too :)
  • swwass130
    swwass130 Posts: 23 Member
    I was successful last night also. Gotta say the reward of feeling so good today was worth resisting last night. I did do some deep breathing while taking a moment at work before I left, spent about 5 mins talking to my great co-workers. I have a big work out planned for today. Gonna be a good day
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    We are our pets whole world --when I don't have the energy to give my kitty attention, I feel guilty. They give us all their love. Don't be mad at your kitty -she/he has expectations too :)

    So true! She sits around all day waiting for us to come home and is SO EXCITED when we walk in the door. Kinda like a dog. We do love her but it's like damn girl gimme a break here!
  • toddmcarter
    toddmcarter Posts: 15 Member
    Cutting back on the empty calories is so important, and so hard when I finally get the kids down after a long day. But I am in - not for September obviously but for the rest of October. Do weekends start on Thursday?
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    @swwass130 @anna418 @runningforth Great job from abstaining!!!

    I didn't have any alcohol last night although there was a beer left in the fridge. I got up this morning and went to bootcamp which kicked my butt! But I feel great! Have a great day everyone
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    swwass130 wrote: »
    I was successful last night also. Gotta say the reward of feeling so good today was worth resisting last night. I did do some deep breathing while taking a moment at work before I left, spent about 5 mins talking to my great co-workers. I have a big work out planned for today. Gonna be a good day

    Woot! Great...
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Cutting back on the empty calories is so important, and so hard when I finally get the kids down after a long day. But I am in - not for September obviously but for the rest of October. Do weekends start on Thursday?

    lol-- I think everyone's weekend starts either Friday or Sat- depending on your goal. I plan to weekly post a drink total... cutting down. My friend has twin little girls and just bought the large vodka at Costco yesterday-- I don't have kids but, I hear about it all the time :)
  • JmichA29
    JmichA29 Posts: 1 Member
    Very helpful thread! Helps to be mindful of consumption so we don't derail our fitness goals. I'm going to watch this thread.
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    I seem to be quite unusual amongst my friends in that I don't drink any alcohol during the week. I think a part of it is because there was never alcohol in the house when I was a child (my Mum was always penniless from raising 3 children on her own) so drinking at home in the week was never a social behaviour I adopted - even now I mostly drink when on a night/meal out at the weekend.
    Plus, my work has a zero tolerance policy on drugs and alcohol and will do random drug and alcohol tests so that's a good deterrent. Not worth the hassle.