I love bullies....



  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    little kid was bullying
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I was bullied all through school. Right up until year year 10. (High School)

    Year 10, everything changed for me, but i don't think it was for the best.

    I was badly overweight, my parents brought me a mountain bike to ride to school. They just refused to drive me any more.

    I rode 15km to school, then 15km back. Then i started Roller Blading. 15km to, 15km back.

    I wasn't into exercising at all and had absolutely no idea i was loosing weight and packing on muscle. My fitness my mid year was outstanding, but again, i didnt even realise it.

    Anyways, i was in Science Class, and again getting picked on. I lost my **** and belted this guy.

    Luckily for me the teacher knew what was going on, looked after me and kicked the other kid out.

    The next morning in home group all i could hear was whispering about me and what happened the day before.

    As soon as i walked out, i was hit in the head by another bully. Smacked him up too.

    This was when i started to get worried. I wasnt a fighter, and i could tell repercussions were coming.

    That same day, on the way home i was approached by another from within that gang.

    He was hitting me in the head so many times i couldnt see straight. Didnt know how to fight and this kid was so fast, i just picked him up and smashed his head on the road.

    This was so not me. I didnt know what was going on.

    This kept going for weeks. Another bully, and id get him too.

    Untill i was suspended.

    Turns out one of the bullies that came after me, parents were police.

    That meeting wasn't fun :/ Sitting there with the principle, 2 police, my parents, a kid with stitches in his head, and myself with a broken hand.

    It got so bad i left school and joined the work force.

    Still didn't know i was getting stronger by riding so much, and now on top of that i was working 10 hour shifts.

    I was on a bus with my girlfriend late one night taking her home and this gang got on.

    Broke my nose, jaw, eye socket, ribs...

    It was bad.

    I got better, but was so angry about all this **** that was going on, i took it out on my parents and they kicked me out of home at 16.

    That's when i went on a revenge trip.

    Lost my ****, and tracked every single one of them down. Beat the crap out of all of them.

    Now ive never had a problem since, but what i realised years later is that i had become the bully.

    Its a cruel, evil, vindictive world out there and it will really **** you up if you don't get help asap.

    I didn't, and im lucky im still here.

    Now that i have my own kids, ive brought them up completely different to the way i was.

    Taught them about defence, what to do, how to handle it.

    Its definitely an issue that needs targeting.

    I cannot believe this got lost in all the arguments. Thank you for sharing! Definitely something we can all learn from.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Sorry to hear :(, reading a lot of these just make me mad. I'm not a big dude (muscular) I was at one point but if I saw someone being physically bullied like ya'll are talking about ...I'd break a foot off in someone's .....
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I know it's not "PC", but I firmly believe that the ONLY way to effectively stop children who are bullys is through [child-mediated] violence. i.e.: Punch them square in the face, kick 'em in the balls, WHATEVER.
    There will always be an easy way to justify violence in the face of bullying. It's in our nature, why we root for the underdog, why we all felt like cheering when Marty McFly punches Biff by the car. We see a hero as badass when he stomps the bad guy.

    Reading through the stories of people getting bullied is sad. I feel anger - even rage - at bullies who prey on someone weaker. I'm not gonna pretend that I don't also like to see bullies get their comeuppance. The scene of the bully getting "a taste of his own medicine" is attractive. But I won't try to justify it as the only solution. That's just lazy.

    Yeah, I know people have tried "everything" before resorting to violence. I suspect that in many cases "trying everything" generally means "I got frustrated with trying to talk about it/seek help - or just angry and tired of the bullying, so I lashed out."

    How many times is that lashing out born of our own frustration and anger? Does lashing out in the face of bullying make it OK? Is that how justice is served? In other areas of your life, how many times have you solved a problem - and felt good about solving the problem - when your solution was done in anger? It's pretty rare for me.

    It's not as cool, or tough, or badass, but you know what's ultimately more difficult than lashing out in anger and frustration? Controlling your emotions and seeking a better solution. But our heroes don't generally show up that way. Sadly, you aren't likely to see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson portraying the character of "level-headed guy who talks his way out of conflict" anytime soon.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    I thought this said "I love bellies...." especially after I saw Crank reply. :embarassed:

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Well, firstly from a young age i've taught them to be open and honest with me.

    I was never able to speak to my parents. They just didn't want to know, so ive made sure my kids know im always available to listen.

    Secondly, ive taught them to ignore the bully, and tell the Teacher.

    Normally sorts the issue out at a young age. Unfortunately, doesn't work as you get older. (I have Boys)

    So, to combat that ive made sure my kids do a sport. One they like. Keeps them fit and agile.

    As for the older son, i taught him to stand up for himself. He doesn't need much help in this area, so were lucky.

    The youngest is a bit of a bully at school, but im fairly sure its because he's bigger than all the other kids, and wears glasses.

    He was hitting some of them, so i enrolled him into Martial arts class. He now knows that if he does something wrong at School, hes going to cop it at training.

    All i can do for now i guess.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
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