

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Well another day has started. Last evening I got a call from my DSM telling me my dad's best friend passed away. Wilmer was a very nice guy and we had kept in touch since dad passed. The funeral is today and I am working so can't go. Then this morning I get to work and find out one of our weekend girls gave notice effective Oct 30th. So that makes us short again. Gotta love it. Also when we got home last evening there was a note on the door from DGD saying how much she misses us and wishes she could see us. I knew it would be coming as last weekend we were two other DGD's. Then her mom tells me on FB how she cried when we were not home. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Joyce--I think the ones like underwear are good. When my dad was ill we used the ones like underwear and it made him feel less like a baby. Glad to hear DH is eating better, but please take care of yourself. Worried about you.

    Teresa from AZ--Welcome, this is a great place for support and friendship. Hope to see you around lots.

    Sharon--Hugs! He sounds like a very unhappy person.

    Allison--I agree with PIP about leaving the note laying around and then just say I was writing down my feelings. All I have to say about him putting the dog in bed with you was just mean. I agree you need to stop doing so much for him and when he asks why just tell him, he told you that you are a poor housekeeper and etc. Make him realize how much you do for him. Not by telling him, by showing him what it is like when you don't. I am so concerned about you and your health.

    Meg--Hope your knee is feeling better. Doesn't sound good.

    Heather--Sending prayers and hugs for you and DH.

    I am not surprised the fitbit counted steps on the horse. I know when we ride the motorcycle if I don't keep my arm close to my side it will count steps. Tuesday I was rocking my DGGS and it counted the rocking as steps.

    Brenda--Welcome back!!

    Carol--Congrates on getting some job apps sent out.

    Margaret--Great news about DB!!!!

    Kim--Hope you are getting the new computer up and running. DH updated us to windows 10. Sure not easy to figure out and he can not figure out how to down load picutres from our camera.

    Becca--Thanks for sharing. I agree you have to do what is best for you and your family.

    Katla--So sorry to hear about DD and the baby. Sending hugs and prayers for all of you.

    Meg--Congrates on the loss and do hope your knee is better soon. Will you have to have surgery?

    Brenda--What keeps me from giving up is I know I have to do this for my health and better late than never. Just take it One Day at a Time.

    Terri--Your multi-colored heart sounds very pretty and what a nice thing to give to someone who could use something to hold on to. I know when we lost our baby people didn't understand that the baby was already our child. Thank you for being so kind. I also like your idea for Sylvia of the tip jar. I just wounder if the people taking the class and paying the $20 know it is not going for the supplies.

    Well ladies I am once again caught up and going to get some things done before time to go home. Ladies please take care of yourselves. Sending prayers and hugs.

    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thinking about you, Allie. Major hugs. Many have said it, but we can't say it enough--you are worth being treated far, far better.

    Katla, oh so many of the same for you and your daughter.

    Joyce, sounds like Charlie's doing much better.

    Next-to-last status report out this morning... letting go of the restaurant has been easy for me, a little harder on those who attached to me. Some always do--it's usually 25% love me, 25% hate me, and 50% just watch and wait, they're there for the pay, nothing else.

    Half the miscreants at the restaurant were faced down by the new manager, while I calmly stood and took notes. When told inventory was not matching sales, and that we did not believe that the bar only had one cash customer all night on the night in question, the response was "How would you know that?" No protestations of innocence, nothing else to say. They quit the next day. Replaced already, and the new bartenders are doing fine.

    Such fun. Not going to be involved in facing down the other half. Harder to prove on the restaurant side, they're still building the evidence.

    Time for a kitten break! Squeak has Mouse in a headlock here, and my favorite suggested caption so far:

    I'm not choking you, I'm HUGGING you! Sit still!


    Mouse does not look terribly worried. Considering she was the runt, she has learned to beat the snot out of Squeak quite handily. They're fun to watch.

    Warm regards from rainy, thundery West Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wait Megblair - you're not supposed to refer to me as wessecg. If you can't remember Cheryl, I would at least expect Carol from you :wink:
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Allison, i hope u r feeling the group's love and support. I know that getting some much needed sleep can only help. We are all pulling for you. Karen from ny
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    With a houseful of cats, I cannot do traditional jigsaws, but I do one or more of these a day. Note that you can set the number of pieces on the puzzle you choose.

    h2616.gif Miriam, the last time I did a real jigsaw puzzle was at an RV rally with friends....you are right that doing a puzzle in a house with cats is impossible....I checked out the site. It looks great
    Hello again! I managed to read through the last four pages and made some notes.

    Heather - I'm going to look for the White Road book you mentioned. I love to read that kind of stuff.

    Sharon - My appointment with the specialist is November 10th.

    CLEatMoulton, Sislee, Teresa (AZ), and crose0056 - Welcome! Tell us more about yourselves!

    Joyce in SD - I'm not at my goal yet. I'm down 130 and have 30 left to go, but I think I've gotten a little too comfortable, so I've just been maintaining for the last 6 months. Since I started having tummy trouble. It's hard to know what to eat or not to eat.

    LPN - Your virtual ironman sounds like fun.

    Miriam - I used to love doing jigsaw puzzles on my ipad but was running out of space and had to delete them.

    Wessecg - I didn't know the fitbit would count steps on horseback. That's funny.

    Meg - I'm so sorry to hear that your knee went out. I hope it feels right again soon.

    Sharon - I love the part about "I decided to be happy today". That's not easy to do sometimes.

    Pip - your shoulder looks so much better!

    Alison - I'll say it again. Tom is an *kitten* and doesn't deserve you. Stick to your guns.

    I stopped at the store on my way to the studio and got stuck talking to a neighbor in the parking lot for about 45 minutes. She lives down the street from me and was telling me about their dog getting loose yesterday and running to our house. He must know that is the house where all the neighborhood dogs go for cookies. So I didn't get to work as early as I planned, thus that is my excuse for not getting anything done yet. I saw they had some miniature potted roses on sale for $3 so I bought myself a yellow one. It's so pretty. When we first moved into our house there was a miniature rose bush in the front flower bed. It lived for about 15 years and finally died. Maybe I'll put this one out there, once I've enjoyed it inside a little bit.

    OK, so now I'm really going to get busy. First I have to make a to-do list, then I'll be off and running.

    Have a great day!

    D.J.~ yea I am peeved about it to and think I will give him a piece of my mind when he gets home... let him run up on the bed and get stink all over the place have a candle burning now. and just finishing my tea. then I think I will not go see DFIL today,I feel guilty not going ..but today has been a day. might read for a little bit , then take a nap.. and then make dinner

    Hey Alison,
    I try to never comment on other peoples relationship troubles BC I am double divorced and though I would love to blame both solely on the fact that they had anger and violence problems..truthfully that was just the final straw in a bad marriage that I partook of. In other words I had shortcomings also that contributed, so I don't really feel worthy of giving anyone advice. That said, this is driving me NUTS. I have grown fond of all you ladies and hate to see this INJUSTICE play out without saying something. Seriously, after all the *kitten* comments he makes, the unswerving faithfulness to your FIL the indecency of not just not handling the pups predicament but vindictivly letting him hop on your bed....YOUR GOING TO COOK HIM DINNER? I'm sorry. GIRL! No way! He will never treat you with respect if you debase yourself this way. Please please accept my apologies as I fear I have stepped over the line, but my heart is breaking for you..
    Mindy from Boston
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,401 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    cory17 wrote: »

    What you trying to do, Cory? One up Pip with two periods instead of one!

    You go, girl!

  • Rachelcosby
    Rachelcosby Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ladies, I enjoyed reading all of your posts. I am new here and after reading don't feel alone. I have a lot of weight to lose 50+. I can do it. Started reading the compassion diet, it is changing how I think about myself, be nice to myself which I thought that I was but really am not. It will be a process!
    My employer offered a free fitbit If I walk 6000 steps a day, I accepted the challenge.

    Thanks for reading and sharing! I think that we can be healthy and safe.

  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Katia – So sorry for your family’s loss. Thoughts, prayers, and hugs to you all!

    Janetr and Pip – So glad you are both improving after your surgeries!

    Have not been posting much lately because my 92-year-old is in the hospital. She has been complaining of dizziness and weakness for the past two weeks, but we’re so far unable to determine the cause. We’ve had two hospitalizations and three doctor’s office visits during this time. I just got back from the hospital a little while ago, where she was taken earlier this week by paramedics. However, it didn’t escape her notice that one of them was “a good-looking boy” so I am taking this as a positive sign.

    Reading this thread is something I look forward to every day. My eating during this time has been terrible, but I am continuing to post everything daily and honestly.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3 Alison, whenever I've had to make a big decision in my life, it has helped me to write about it...what would be good about each choice and what would be bad about each choice and in the writing, the most important factors have become evident to me and I've been able to make the choice that was best for me.

    :) I think all my aching body parts are starting to feel a bit better which is dangerous because I don't want to be any more active than I have been lest I slow the recovery or create a setback. At line dance class I sit during the time the teacher is going over the steps and then get up and dance. For some reason, nothing hurts when I'm dancing. Jake did a lot of the dog walking today but even so, the girls got me out for longish walks before dance and before supper.

    :) Sharon, I like when you said, "I decided to be happy today".....that's a lot like my happiness commandment "Act the way you want to feel".

    October Resolutions (with week one comments)
    *walk an average of 13,000+ steps a day (doing great with this)
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day (every day)
    *finish organizing photos and other files on computer (working about 15 minutes most days)
    *meditate for 5-10 minutes a day four or more days a week (hubby has decided to meditate with me)

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington t120006.gif
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just kind of quick pop in. I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Probably would have been there already but I was waiting for the soccer field lights to off (they shine into my bedroom, especially when the windows are open).

    I found another job to apply for. It is with the school system in the county where I now live. It's certainly not my dream job but it pays decently and has full benefits. The online application process takes about 60 minutes so I will have to do that one at home. It's for a Senior Purchasing Agent and I was in purchasing (actually, I WAS purchasing) for a very large bank back in the mid-80s so I do have some experience, even though it is old. I purchase things for work now, too. We'll see.

    Do any of you meditate? I'm beginning the practice and am using an app to help me. But, last night, I had flashbacks to childhood abuse and it was very unpleasant. I was a little afraid to try it again, but tonight was better. Is that something 'normal'?

    Alison - I won't say anything this time but I send hugs.

    Meg- When do you find out about what will be done about your knee?

    Sylvia - Isn't it sometimes so difficult to stand up for ourselves? Shame in the person who scheduled the event then stuck you with the cost.

    Thanks for all of the 'atta girls' for doing the applications.

    I'm off to bed, hopefully to sleep.

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    stats for the day:
    Spin- 45.19min 90ar, 69aw, 8g 20.1mi = 281c
    walk dome 2 hm- 38.33min, 3.9av pace, 107ahr, 133mhr 2.4mi = 259c
    540 cal total
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Carol, when I meditate I sit in a dark room on a chair with my feet on the floor and my hands in my lap. I concentrate on my inhale and exhale and when thoughts come I let them in and out and focus on my breathing. I don't know what your app is about but I've found that quiet is best for me. I just finished reading a book about meditation called "10% Happier" by Dan Harris. You might find it interesting and useful.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    mtowne002 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    With a houseful of cats, I cannot do traditional jigsaws, but I do one or more of these a day. Note that you can set the number of pieces on the puzzle you choose.

    h2616.gif Miriam, the last time I did a real jigsaw puzzle was at an RV rally with friends....you are right that doing a puzzle in a house with cats is impossible....I checked out the site. It looks great
    Hello again! I managed to read through the last four pages and made some notes.

    Heather - I'm going to look for the White Road book you mentioned. I love to read that kind of stuff.

    Sharon - My appointment with the specialist is November 10th.

    CLEatMoulton, Sislee, Teresa (AZ), and crose0056 - Welcome! Tell us more about yourselves!

    Joyce in SD - I'm not at my goal yet. I'm down 130 and have 30 left to go, but I think I've gotten a little too comfortable, so I've just been maintaining for the last 6 months. Since I started having tummy trouble. It's hard to know what to eat or not to eat.

    LPN - Your virtual ironman sounds like fun.

    Miriam - I used to love doing jigsaw puzzles on my ipad but was running out of space and had to delete them.

    Wessecg - I didn't know the fitbit would count steps on horseback. That's funny.

    Meg - I'm so sorry to hear that your knee went out. I hope it feels right again soon.

    Sharon - I love the part about "I decided to be happy today". That's not easy to do sometimes.

    Pip - your shoulder looks so much better!

    Alison - I'll say it again. Tom is an *kitten* and doesn't deserve you. Stick to your guns.

    I stopped at the store on my way to the studio and got stuck talking to a neighbor in the parking lot for about 45 minutes. She lives down the street from me and was telling me about their dog getting loose yesterday and running to our house. He must know that is the house where all the neighborhood dogs go for cookies. So I didn't get to work as early as I planned, thus that is my excuse for not getting anything done yet. I saw they had some miniature potted roses on sale for $3 so I bought myself a yellow one. It's so pretty. When we first moved into our house there was a miniature rose bush in the front flower bed. It lived for about 15 years and finally died. Maybe I'll put this one out there, once I've enjoyed it inside a little bit.

    OK, so now I'm really going to get busy. First I have to make a to-do list, then I'll be off and running.

    Have a great day!

    D.J.~ yea I am peeved about it to and think I will give him a piece of my mind when he gets home... let him run up on the bed and get stink all over the place have a candle burning now. and just finishing my tea. then I think I will not go see DFIL today,I feel guilty not going ..but today has been a day. might read for a little bit , then take a nap.. and then make dinner

    Hey Alison,
    I try to never comment on other peoples relationship troubles BC I am double divorced and though I would love to blame both solely on the fact that they had anger and violence problems..truthfully that was just the final straw in a bad marriage that I partook of. In other words I had shortcomings also that contributed, so I don't really feel worthy of giving anyone advice. That said, this is driving me NUTS. I have grown fond of all you ladies and hate to see this INJUSTICE play out without saying something. Seriously, after all the *kitten* comments he makes, the unswerving faithfulness to your FIL the indecency of not just not handling the pups predicament but vindictivly letting him hop on your bed....YOUR GOING TO COOK HIM DINNER? I'm sorry. GIRL! No way! He will never treat you with respect if you debase yourself this way. Please please accept my apologies as I fear I have stepped over the line, but my heart is breaking for you..
    Mindy from Boston

    trust me i would normally say much worse. but i know i would go over the line. i agree with u more than you know
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »

    What you trying to do, Cory? One up Pip with two periods instead of one!

    You go, girl!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited October 2015
    I am really tired, but it was a great day visiting with my older sister in the coastal city of Lincoln City. Wow has that little town grown up and now is quite a bustling place.

    We went to an antique mall and was there for a couple of hours just having fun. Towards the end I looked thru some great pages of old magazines that were in plastic sleeves in good condition. One stood out that I will give my eldest son when he arrives. Its a Coca Cola ad from a magazine 1944. It is entitled "Have a Coca-Cola= Here's to old times.....or welcoming home a sailor son." It shows a father and son toasting a bottle, and the son is in his uniform. At the bottom the paragraph reads "These days there can be more real welcome in a snack shared in the kitchen than in many an old-time banquet. And with ice-cold Coca-Cola to add refreshment, you have all the makings at hand for a good time. As our men in camp and overseas so often tell, in all the world there's no more cordial invitation than those three familiar American words, Have a Coke. At your icebox, the same as in P.X.'s around the globe, Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes,-has become the global symbol of American Hospitality." My son has many cans of Coke that he picked up in many different places. He has a Coke inspired tin, so this will be a nice addition to his kitchen collection.

    I told my husband that I feel like my "chakra" has re-allined since our visit. I know....so California sounding eh? Its nice when family can make you feel grounded and more secure. She is a great sister, and I could not hug her enough. She lives in Colorado but she does come to visit Oregon because her kids still reside here.

    Did not eat the best of food today.... I had a burrito and I will have to eat light tomorrow and drink alot of water to compensate for it. DamitJanet..you are absolutely correct about my TOPS meeting. I have decided to take a sabbatical on my attending, and make my own motivational commitments.

    Pip.. I am a lucky duck when it comes to having a husband that is so forward thinking with keeping our marriage his #1 priority. He asks me most every week if he is being attentive enough, or if there is anything we need to mull over or discuss. We have learned to adapt to each others likes...so I might watch a show that is more his style, and he might walk around an antique store with me...give and take... The point is that we do things together. Which is so different than what he used to do before his liver transplant. Glad you are healing well. You need a new profile pic....that one pic makes my stomach do flip flops! (((((hugs)))


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again. The workshop is over and it actually went very well. Everybody seemed to have a good time and they made some really nice pieces. Now they have to dry and I'll fire them and put clear glaze on them. Then the program director is going to mail them to each person. Before the program director arrived another guy came in and said he is the one who pays for things, so I'm supposed to work up a bill and email it to him and he will send me a check. I told him what she told me and he said, "forget about that, just send me a bill for what you need to make it worth your while." So, I feel better about the whole thing. And as a plus...the workshop participants bought almost $600 worth of pottery from my gallery. That was great!

    After everybody left I have to chase the neighbor's cat out of the studio. We had the doors open and this silly cat waltzed in and out, checking everything out. It was kind of fun, since I can't have a cat of my own.

    Alison, ditto what Terri said.

    Lisa, great kitty pics. More please!

    Good night everyone.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rosie: I really do not fully understand the situation with DD. She has had several pregnancies and miscarried more than once. One of those was due to the swine flu epidemic. She has two beautiful and healthy children now and wants a third. She's sad now, but planning to heal and try again later. She wants three children. My mother had two miscarriages before I was born. I wonder if her problems were similar to DD's but have no way to know whether it is coincidence or not. I had no problems carrying or giving birth to my children. I wish I could be more helpful. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Your DH sounds like a keeper. It is great that he is so attentive. I would have made the same decision as you about the TOPS group. It was not encouraging or supporting your progress. :flowerforyou:

    Today we bought airline tickets. We're going to DDIL's parent's house for Thanksgiving. It will be quite an adventure. We haven't flown anywhere since DD's wedding in Mexico about 5 years ago. I have flown to DD's a couple of times, but DH has not set foot in plane for a LONG time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hello again. The workshop is over and it actually went very well. Everybody seemed to have a good time and they made some really nice pieces. Now they have to dry and I'll fire them and put clear glaze on them. Then the program director is going to mail them to each person. Before the program director arrived another guy came in and said he is the one who pays for things, so I'm supposed to work up a bill and email it to him and he will send me a check. I told him what she told me and he said, "forget about that, just send me a bill for what you need to make it worth your while." So, I feel better about the whole thing. And as a plus...the workshop participants bought almost $600 worth of pottery from my gallery. That was great!

    After everybody left I have to chase the neighbor's cat out of the studio. We had the doors open and this silly cat waltzed in and out, checking everything out. It was kind of fun, since I can't have a cat of my own.

    Alison, ditto what Terri said.

    Lisa, great kitty pics. More please!

    Good night everyone.

    I am so greatly relieved that things turned out SO well! I know you will be there for the girls. You are a great person.
    Mindy from Boston