
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    morning peeps-

    annr - changed profile pic JUST for u :0) this is rocky, my first golden who was a dream, multiple trick competition winner, therapy dog and just the best, may he R.I.P.

    cynthiat60 - hope u feel better

    grandmallie - when he told u that sometimes he just doesn't think, u should have said, yes, i know, that's the problem, or you're not dumb, u knew what you were doing, you CHOOSE to think about things that you want to think about and i am not one of them!, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if he read this ESPECIALLY our replies. tell me before he does so i can give him something to read!

    tazgirl - sorry to hear about your hubby, what kink of work do u do. excited for you about the wedding!!

    lhannon - CRACK THAT WHIP!!

    BWCETC - Be honest with yourself, find out why, what are u slacking off on and what you have to amp up on and take a mental note and move on...

    fanncy - purdy pic!

    I forgot to pack my vibram shoes so I have on slippers, we'll c who notices at work. I am going to put a sock on my left hand to make me stop using it during the work day (i'm using it now :0/). Kirby picks me up today for my followup app. i am going to see what more i can do as far as exercise, etc. He starts work tomorrow, off sunday then work again. we are off on Monday so 3 day weekend, whoo hoooo. he has been such a help, he got a hand held shower attachment and put a chair in the shower to help make my bathing process easier.

    type to ya later
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Chris - Wonderful NSV. Not eating or enjoying wine is tough. You should be proud ! ;)

    Pip - when I broke my wrist I asked my doctor to cast it so I could start using it right away the next day. You are BRILLIANT to wear a sock on your hand to avoid using your hand/arm. You are destined to heal properly, and stay in shape that the same time. Congrats ! It's so cute that you are wearing slippers at work. Let us know if you get "busted". :D
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Chris - Hi 5 to you for avoiding the restaurant trap! :drinker: (that's Diet Coke )

    Mary - Bon voyage! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Cynthia - oh no, not a horrible cold! I have one that keeps threatening, but so far has held its fire. ;) That's probably why you feel tired. :(

    Lovely afternoon. We decided we ought to put something in the pot in the front garden, so we hopped off to the garden centre and bought some violas, daffodils and 5 bags of compost.
    Came back and removed geraniums and got all our bulb pots planted up with daffs, crocus, tiny iris and tulips. The violas are on top of the daffodil bulbs in the front. Pretty! <3 Just one big pot to go that currently has gerberas blooming. When they have finished we will put in the remaining mixed miniature daffodils. I just love it when spring arrives. The pots are just outside our French windows so we get great value from them. At the moment we are looking at cyclamen and a bright red dahlia. :love:

    Love to all. Lisa, you must be so glad to be nearly done with the restaurant. Back to the book! ! !

    Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It sure feels like Saturday. The kids didn't have school today so I got to sleep late. Or at least as late as Spot would let me sleep. About 6:30 he started trying to get me up. I called him up onto the bed with me and he laid there for a few minutes, then jumped down and started fussing again. Silly boy. I've got to get him a crate. He's been with us a full year this halloween, and still he doesn't have his own room. Hubby didn't have to work today either (fall break) so he slept even later than I did.

    I'm up at the studio now, cleaning up from yesterday and adding up my bill. What a sense of relief to be able to submit the actual costs plus my time. And to be finished with the workshop too. It has really made me think that maybe I should start having little classes here. So many people have asked for them. Maybe I could do it after all. I have a really nice little classroom all set up. Maybe after the first of the year I'll try it.

    I drove all the way to the studio and then realized that I forgot my purse at home. Hubby will bring it to me later so I don't have to drive without my license (again). When I got here, the neighbor's cat met me at the door and tried to just waltz in with me. Like she belongs here. It's kind of funny.

    By the way, my printer is finally working. I tried and tried and could not get it to print. Then I saw a sign for a new computer repair shop opening around the corner from my studio, so I took it there. It turns out that I didn't get it back together quite right and the door over the toner cartridge wasn't closing properly, and somehow that was keeping it from spitting out toner. Something about a switch not being engaged or something. So, they fixed the door and it works. So, I guess I got the new fusing assembly installed properly. It was just the housing that was a little problem. He charged me only $35! Whew! I was prepared to pay so much more.

    Well, I hope you are all having a great day. Later, Ladies!


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    I went on a walk on a mountain bike trail while I waited for my DH. Up-and-down terrain very fun!


    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Happy Friday, I am working the 7-3 shift today and tomorrow working 6-4:30. It was only 45 degrees this morning when I came to work and only be 68 for high today. Then the weekend to be 90's. Crazy weather.

    Rachel--Welcome, you can do this. One day at a Time.

    Has anyone heard from DeeDee? Sure miss her.

    Sylvia--Glad to hear the class went well and you will be getting paid.

    Becca--Glad for your decsion on the TOPS group. Just let me know when and what kind of support you need at the time.

    Katla--Glad you have made positive plans for Thanksgiving. I know the holidays are coming fast and I have not started anything. By now I usually have most my shopping done, for 28 DGC and 4 DGGS I have to spread it out. Not sure what I problem is.

    Tina--Glad DH is doing well and that he went and had it taken care of before the big one happened. Have fun at the wedding and we will be looking forward to hearing all about it.

    Lisa--I just get a headache when I read all you have done for that place and the manager treats you that way. I am glad the end is in sight for you. Be interesting to see what happens after you are gone
    Mary--Beautiful sunrise. Enjoy your vacation and will be waiting to hear all about it. The walking trail looks like a nice place to walk.

    Chris in MA--Great NSV, visiting with friends and not overeating or drinking.

    Well I am caught up again and so far having a good day. Plan to go walking when I get off work. Have a great day ladies. Hugs and prayers for each of youl
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND NE

    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    @Vickil57 , DeeDee is still around. I saw a comment from her to someone (Lizmil, I think) on my homepage this week.

    I had an early morning hair appointment so still need to walk today. Boy, if I don't get it in early, it is hard to get motivated.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    DamitJanet. - Telling my DDnL 'not' to put anything about us on FB, just makes her do something close. Like I had a 'tweaking' of my medications done several years ago, which required me to be in the hospital. Because she had been specifically told NOT to put it on FB; she put 'keep my MnL in your prayers'. That was better but caused my sisters to call to find out what was wrong. She had others ask the same; but, I don't know what was said.

    EEEeeewwww about the skunk. We have them, but, not that many; usually they get hit and killed by a car and you just want to make sure you don't hit it again. DYS's dog rolled around in some fish guts and scales that he thought her had put them where they couldn't get to them (in a double trash bag). They tore it open and spread it all over the place before rolling in it - stunk to high heaven - would not let Lily in until he washed her. Jake the lab has been sprayed by a skunk; but, he is an outside dog; just kept him off the deck somehow. I think he went and took him to the shed and tied him up. The fish incident happened before he started working for the people that he now works for.

    We worried about our 22-year-old cat getting under the house to die; but, she died behind the shed. I guess she thought she would not be found.

    DOS and DDnL go another Boston Bull Terrier for their oldest child who is still home. The actual oldest DGD if off at college . . . and Luna loves her more than anything. They named the BBT "Jax". He is bigger than the one they had and DOS says that he is loving and likes to have his stomach rubbed; but twice he has attempted to 'hump' Luna. First time she was laying on her back (now I understand how a different size do get it done to have 'mixed' puppies.

    I went to another county's Animal Shelter and adopted a terrier mix. She is so cute and they let me take her into the lobby to play around with her. She will lay back in my arms and she almost went to sleep. Laying a cat and dog on their backs is how I pick a cat or dog; if they don't lay back and fight trying to get up, I don't think they will be a calm dog or cat. Our cat, athough he stays outside loves being held; and when we take him to the vet, the women there are all surprised that he is purring like crazy and puts his paws around their necks and then just lets his feet dangle down. We've got to figure out what to rename her from Missy; they always give a name to the dogs that are up for adoption. Said it was better than just calling them 'dog'. Have to talk to hubby about a name; but she is white with a streak of gold down her back - almost the same color as peanut butter; so I am 'thinking' about calling her "Cracker". She's cute; well maybe she is 'so ugly she's cute'. Was a stray that got picked up when she wandered into someone's BBQ cookout. Nobody has called about her, so they put her up for adoption. I'll probably pick her up from the vet's either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on when she gets 'spayed'. She was shedding pretty bad; but they told me that quite often they'll shed when they are locked up. It creates a lot of stress on them, especially the ones that have been outside most of their lives. I'm taking her for a 'get-to-know-you' visit with our own vet the day I get her. He'll be able to tell me how old she is; then we will pick a date for something like the 1st or 15th of the month for her birthday. They told me at the shelter they believe that she's about 4 months old; and they can tell that by her teeth. That's how they tell how old a deer is, by their jawbones (which they cut out). I can't wait to show DH pictures of her. She was so happy to be 'out of the cage'! She loves to have her tummy rubbed a lot. They'll give her a bath before taking her to the vet to be spayed. She did smell pretty 'doggy'. She has the longest fingers on her paws that I have seen in a long time. Out JRT didn't have long fingers; except when we clipped her drastically they looked longer. I'm wondering if this dog might have a broken coat (both short and long hair). But, it doesn't matter to me, she was just too happy to get with someone that loved her. I had a very good feeling about this shelter going in. Clean, did not smell and the dogs all looked like they had had some attention several times a day. She was going to get to stay in the office until feeding time. She told me the dogs on the left-hand side were not adoptable, they were being boarded.

    When I went to Albany (GA's) Humane Society, they didn't know much, if anything, about the dogs there, nor could they tell me about how old they were or how big they might grown. Wouldn't let me take the dog to a quieter place so I could see if they were calm or not; all were barking 'let me get out of here'. I think this dog will be fairly short; her pads were only about the size of a quarter, maybe just a little bigger. I was trying to take pictures of her but she was wagging so much that the ones I took there are a little blurry. She's probably too old to have her tail docked; I think that is something they do to really young puppies. I'll have to get a brush for her. They gave me a bag of things, the chip that I will have to send it; and it is like a tag that goes on her collar; a box of treats, a ball, and another toy, soft that she can chew on. Stopped by the Pet Store and got some pads to start housebreaking her (if she needs it, it is possible that maybe she already is). DH and I will have to decide what type of kennel or carrier to get for her. Our carrier we have is too small for her, so we use it for the cat. I need to get DH to sand the door, it is rusted some and it cut our cats nose when he bumped hard against it, wanting out. I hope the dog will ride good in the car; maybe if she gets to go places other than the vet she won't think that is where she is going every time she gets in the carrier or in the car. We'll probably end up with both a kennel and crate. I don't want her nails to puncture my leather seats in my Honda.

    Any suggestions for names? Female puppy. I still think "Cracker" is cute. Can't wait to see what she looks like really cleaned up.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Have a wonderful weekend! ;)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mollywhippet - you mentioned a 'studio' - what do you do there? I paint; but, really need to clean it out and rearrange it. Husband (a house painter) dries his shutters and doors in there along the side wall. I'd really like for him to do it at the far end; and get some sheers to hang up to divide the area. IF I had known that the smaller shed he built was going to get so full; I would have taken it instead. I told him that he could ONLY have the sawhorses and boards in there; he better NOT put anything else in there. We got a double porcelain sink to go in there. Found it in someone's yard and I drove up and asked him what he wanted for it (in the way of money). He told me nothing, so long as I picked it up. DH gave him $50 for it. All I need is for DH to build a box for it to go on and we'll divert a spigot from the outside to run to it for cleaning up.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Grits: Your new pup sounds adorable. I like two syllable dog names that are distinctive. Cracker fits both my dog naming criteria. I think you're on the right track. :flowerforyou:
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited October 2015
    Grits - It's so great to read about you being so excited about your new dog. I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to see a picture. My first dog's name was Pretzel. After that I had a cat Dice and 3 ferrets: Landon, Zeus, and Herman. I bet the right name will "appear" shortly after you get her home. :)

    I think I'm going to shop at the Mexican grocery store after work, because their café has 88 cent fajitas, so I will only have to make a veggie or salad and not worry about supper. Then I can kick back, enjoy the peace and quiet, and climb into bed early. heaven on earth ! o:)
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    edited October 2015
    Leaving all that need it with this thought for the weekend.....


    <3 Rosie
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, I think the main reason I don't really want to the fall festival is the crowds. Thousands of people down there all trying to get a parking space in a residential area. They have one day that is meant just for small children, it would be nice if they had some time just for seniors or disabled. So I'm OK just not going. I know the things I would want to eat and none of it is on the database here. I mean, how can you determine what the nutritional data in on a deep fried twinkie? And who knows what kind of oil they use and how often it is changed.

    Pip, love the new picture of you. We don't have to cringe at the look of your shoulder now.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Nsv - only drinking seltzer and eating fruit salad at a stressful meeting, while a plate of incredible cookies were front and center!
    Nsv - eating only one slice of takeout pizza after said meeting ran late with no time to make dinner for family.

    I can already feel the work demands robbing me of my sleep, i am not going to backtrack and stress eat my way through to january....I AM NOT GOING TO STRESS EAT MY WAY THROUGH JANUARY. I AM NOT GOING TO STRESS EAT MY WAY THROUGH JANUARY AND UNDO THE POSITIVE CHANGES I HAVE MADE TO IMPROVE MY HEALTH!
    oohhmmmm that feels so much better..thank u for reading my rant. Peaceful weekend everyone. Karen from ny
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grits, I have a pottery studio in our little downtown. It's a little playhouse for me, mostly, although sometimes I do sell things. It seems like if I keep the door unlocked people come in and throw money at me to buy things I didn't like very well in the first place. I'm never very happy with the stuff I make, and feel a little guilty when somebody wants to buy something. I always feel like they are taking pity on me. My own worst critic, I guess. I'm so glad you got a puppy! My advice on housetraining, if it's even possible in your house, is to get a doggie door. All three of ours essentially trained themselves once they got the hang of opening the doggie door.

    Today I spent most of the day in the studio and I managed to actually sit down at the wheel and make some stuff. The first time since my tummy troubles started, because when I lean over sometimes I get a bad cramp in my gut. That didn't happen today, thank goodness. I'm rusty for sure, though. I managed to save seven things (mugs and small bowls) out of about a dozen balls of clay. I'm using the stoneware clay that was left over from the tile workshop and I hate it. It's so gritty and rough on my hands. Tomorrow I may go back to porcelain. It's really smooth. I have got to get busy though, and fill the studio up again to get ready for the holidays.

    Well, it's time for me to go home. Have a great evening!
