

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey Ladies
    Here's to no rhyme or reason! Again, I'm good for two weeks..no weight loss. Blow it big by overeating by 1000 calories one day wake up and I'm two pounds lighter! Waited till it repeated out a second morning to post it but I guess it's for real! I'll take it that's for sure. Officially in the 230s now. Can't remember S*** anymore so forgive me if I'm redundant but the horse gala was beautiful especially the mirrored Flamenco dance by a señora and a caballero on his horse. Good times. As far as a goals check in..I am only walking the dogs on days I don't work so so-so on that one...writing down all my spending...sleep is abysmal. Wide awake as I type. Did purchase some water processed dark french roast decaf from whole foods and stopped drinking caffeine at six pm. Apparently need to stop earlier and excersize more. Did try melatonin for the first and last time a couple of pms ago. Didn't give me sound sleep, and left me dis functional until about three in the afternoon. But it needed to be tried. Began cleaning the house more and straightening up some of the big mess here with the idea of lessening the worry from my mind which interferes w sleep. Did give the dogs Benadryl last night which helped greatly by allowing me to sleep until 1 pm. Late I know but I normally fall asleep around 3 am, get up to let out and feed the girls at 5:30 am and then catch a
    Two or three more hours mid morning to total five or six. It's just not enough...so today I caught up and feel really good. Anyway enough about me.

    Pip and JanetR hope your healing is going well

    Barbie I didn't realize your hip was still bothering you so much. Good for you for moderating at dance.
    Is your name Barbie or do you collect them?

    Katla so sorry for your loss.

    Carol. Way to go on your job search!

    Becca congrats on your weight loss

    To all Newcomers. Welcome.

    Think I better get in my bed now w lights off and see if that makes me sleepy. Goodnight Ladies

    Mindy from Boston
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Katla - My heart breaks for you and your DD. Hugs to you. I will pray for you, your DD, your family and the dear little soul who has departed.

    Grits - Nice NSV - buckling your shoes and buttoning your pants. Enjoy the victories.
    I don't put anything on facebook unless A. I don't care if the world knows or B. I want the whole world to know. It can be a minefield.

    Becca - Walking is the best exercise so not surprising that the walkers lose. (Make that win)

    Maryann - Congratulations on the new walking partner.

    Allison - There may be a "skunk" living in your house.
    Never feel guilty about taking care of - YOU!

    Meg - Congrats on your loss. Sorry I am not a Cubs Fan. Blue Jays all the way for this girl.

    Irish Terri - Fabulous flowers

    Lisa- Everyone should have a kitten break and you certainly deserve one.

    Joan - Isn't is great that at 92 she can appreciate "a good-looking boy" ? That makes me smile.

    I think I am getting caught up and back on track at work. One more thing to take care of and I can get going on the training once again. I still miss my friend at work. The place would be running so much better with her. It can't be undone though. I try to let her know how much we appreciated her.

    My bedroom is going to get re- painted. Yeah. I think the colour is a light grey with purple undertones. It will be quite a change from what it is now and maybe more relaxing. DD came over and cleaned out my vanity and organized it. So much easier if I don't touch things and she puts them either in the charity pile, sell or good old garbage. Tomorrow the bathroom closet.

    Took DGD to dance. So cute in her tights and pink, sparkly tutu. So proud that she wanted to stay and pick up all the toys and put them in the toy box. I bet DS wishes she would do that at home. Reached out to "HER" to see if she wanted to go for that coffee but no response.

    DS came and packed up a little more. I think he has the majority done. A few more boxes and the cleaning process will begin. I love them but really looking forward to having my house back especially my writing room.

    Where does all the laundry come from?

    Decent day
    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, so glad your session with the teachers went well, plus the fact that they bought so much and soem one offered to foot the bill. You came out pretty good on that. Oh, plus you played with a cat. Lisa's kitties were cute weren't they.

    I think Charlie's appetite is officially back to normal. He ate a good lunch and a huge supper and then just couldn't stay out of the fridge. I knew he would be OK by Christmas but I was beginning to worry about Thanksgiving. But I have no worries now. And his bowels continue to improve. Now if only I could get a good night's sleep. It's not worry about him, I jsut can't get to sleep.

    Carol, speaking of sleep, I have a cheap $5 sleep mask I wear so it is dark anytime of the day.

    This week is every person who is on a diet worst dream. It's the annual fall festival. Evansville has the second largest street festival in the US. Second only to Mardi Gras. I don't know how many blocks, both sides and in intersections, of food booths. I'm glad the hospitals are sponsoring some healthy eating booths but mainly it;s German deep fried food. They open at 10 AM and close at 10 PM. Of course there are lots of other events like King and Queen, pet parade, light house parade, regular parade, talent shows for all ages, etc.And then there are all the rides and typical carnival games of chance. I think it's like about 70 years old now. The last couple of years we have not had any desire to go. Parking is horrendous, there is one small handicap parking lot which is free, all others are $5 or you can TRY to find a place on the surrounding streets and walk for a mile then to the festival. But my daughter is young and she takes one day off to go. So she will be bringing her Dad some fudge tomorrow. She tells me she is bringing me a Monster ear but I firmly told her NO. I don't want the calories and they aren't as good at all warmed over. There are only a few tables for people to eat at and everyone eats sitting on the curb. At lunch time you will see executives from nearby Mead Johnson in heir fancy suits sitting on the curb eating our version of corn dog called a pronto pup and corn on the cob on a stick.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sylvia - that is wonderful, and the outcome terrific. Good for you. I'd love to see some of your pottery. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Just got home from picking up my DS and DBIL from the airport. It's suppose to be 103 here tomorrow! Ug. I shopped at Walmart and Costco today so I won't have to venture out in the heat to do boring errands.

    I have college paperwork to do with my DD that is a high school senior this weekend. Then sign my youngest son up for AAA driving school and take him to his 1st class. He is also hosting a German exchange student April 2016 so I will do paperwork for that. My brother and his wife are picking up my oldest son (because he has a 4 day weekend) from his college in NC. They live just 30 minutes away. My son and brother get along well and both love baseball and the Mets. So I'm sure they'll have fun.

    In between all my weekend chores I'm planning to go to the community pool in the morning to swim before it gets crowded.

    Prayers for all. Good night.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal

    P S don't know if I mentioned that I have a huge family 4 sisters and 4 brothers and lots of nieces and nephews. We love seeing each other, but work has spread the family out across the country. Family gatherings are crazy making and also much fun.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    :heart: :sunglasses:

    Out all day today. Have read posts but no time for comments. :)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Pip: thanks for the wave! ;) Let us know how the doctor's appointment went.

    Alison: <3

    Jane: how are you?

    Lisa: love the kitten photos. Are they at the point where they jump sideways on their toes? :D

    Sylvia: congrats on the workshop!

    Seem to be getting a cold. Dang public transportation. :s I slept well last night, but I'd been exhausted for two days, so it might not be "enough". But I'm glad anyway. Will be doing some errands today and studying for my online course. I'm a little behind, but should be able to catch up soon.
    Finally sold my first husband's piano (I'd been trying to get rid of it for two years), so I'll have some extra cash next week. Yay!

    Hope we all have a good day.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning friends,
    fell asleep st 6 last night , woke up briefly when To,m came to bed,told him I was miffed ,1 he should have one kept the bedroom door closed,2 was very rude just dropping the dog and going off for a walk.. and he agreed.sometimes he just doesnt think..
    I slept really well.. the house still has skunk stink,im sure it will take a bit to disapate.
    I am working on my Ipad this morning and its a mini,so i am used to my big laptop :( i went to use it yesterday afternoon and I can get to the home page but not any farther. so Tom took it took it to work and is having he IT guy look at it..
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    Thank you everyone for the welcome backs.

    On Wednesday of last week my husband took himself to the ER because he was having chest pains, he had an episode on Tuesday at work that made him nervous , so that when it happened again it scared him enough to go, long story short it was angina (they call it the tremor before the earthquake) he was admitted and on Friday they did a heart cath and put in one stint. He came home Saturday, and is now back to work today.

    It scared him enough that we have changed our way of eating and will be exercising more. I won't be able to do the bike riding with him tho. I had a knee replacement last October and it is still not healing properly, the Dr. says until I can change my line of work it will be this way. (sigh)

    My youngest daughters wedding is on Saturday, my Son and his Family will be here today (he is stationed at Ft. Sill in Oklahoma) I'm going after work to get my nails done, hair appt tomorrow morning for wedding, then traveling to Lakeland for wedding. (super excited) So eating this this weekend will be mostly on the fly, but I will try and make a conscience effort to make good choices. (hmmm)

    Congratulations on everyone who had a weight loss.

    Hope it's a great day. FRIDAY whoo hoo!!!!

    Tina--Florida :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Tina - Have a wonderful wedding day! <3
    Good job your husband caught it soonest. :flowerforyou:

    Alison - I would say more, but I expect Tom is reading this. :'(

    DH slept ok last night. We had a chew over of all the birthday traumas this morning in bed, but we are now done for the day. :) He says the emotion stems from when he was young and he used to stick to the rules, but was blamed for things his brother had done with his weasly, wriggly ways. :laugh: I am glad he can see where it is all coming from. His brother and sister are the natural children of his parents and he was adopted before they were born.

    We will be planting garlic today and filling our pots with spring bulbs. :D The last two days we have managed a 45 minute walk on top of our exercise, but I don't think we will have the time today. D H has England football tonight, so he will be upstairs and I can catch up on recorded programmes. :)

    Katla - your air trip sounds great. Well done! My DH is very nervous about flying, but he manages, just about. :flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Tom does not read these,this is mine..only way I will let him on here is if I croak :o
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,391 Member
    :heart: :sunglasses:

    Out all day today. Have read posts but no time for comments. :)

    Quick hellos to everyone. Home for lunch.
    Tina Florida I hope you have a brilliant day tomorrow. My DD#1 got hitched in August. She is 45. Never say never lol. :heart:
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited October 2015
    Ha! Allie - no croaking for you... and, um, if you, like most people, have your laptop's Internet browser learn your passwords, and he has your laptop at work, you're pretty wide open to him exploring your history, I'm afraid. So, just in case: "If you're snooping through your wife's history on her laptop, Tom, it's time you started treating Allie better." Yes, we only hear one side of the story Allie, but you often defend his behavior, and it is often past indefensible. Maybe hearing it from someone else would make him take notice.


    And speaking of how people speak to each other, have I mentioned that my education and training are largely in communication? So I'm kinda hyper-sensitive to how people communicate, the words they use, etc. The owners asked for a summary of the transition to the new manager, and in his summary, he said "She[Lisa] has coached me on several policies and procedures that need to be done administratively and although I am sure I will fumble here and there I have no complaints." He went on to say that his standards were much higher than anyone's: "I have much higher expectations and methods of accountability that anyone at PRH has ever encountered." Seriously? Have you met me?

    I had to retype my own summary a dozen times. For 11 weeks of massive effort on my part to be dismissed with "I have no complaints," made me want to hit him in the mouth. My ending assessment of that statement in my own document was: "Armando’s ending assessment of the transition stating that he “has no complaints” felt initially as if he was damning with faint praise the massive effort it required to accomplish these things, but serves as a reminder of the nature of operations work. Consultants write reports like these for exactly that reason."

    He fell all over himself apologizing when I saw him yesterday afternoon, and said, as he has already said to me once, "I wouldn't even be here without you--because you had already done all that work, I was willing to take on the next stage." I told him that was exactly what he should have said to the owners... Am I overreacting? Possibly--but I was also PO'd that the cleaning that I had to beat these people verbally to get accomplished is already sliding. So don't even talk to me about your high standards, buddy. At the end of my weekly report, I gave him a "B" on the cleaning side, and noted that I had already talked to him about it. If it doesn't improve by my final report, he'll get a dang "F."

    He will make them money, and that's good. But if his lack of attention to employees keeping the place clean ends up resulting in a foodborne disease in the community, the resulting lawsuits will close the place down. *sigh*

    OK, done venting. Working on data analysis and revising policies at home again today... happily. :)

    Next Friday will be "c'est la vie" to the restaurant.

    Lisa in wet and muddy West Texas
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member

    Gray, rainy day here...

    Work early, medical appointment with older son later (I need to drive him ... No van yet ... But we were finally approved!) and fundraising dinner this evening.

    Weight is climbing?? Really need to buckle down and find out why.

    Hoping for a productive weekend ... Lots of little projects and one big one ... Closing the pool.

    Beth in western New York
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love seeing other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning My Friends,

    mytwo, welcome. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you. Also we ask that you sign each post with the name you want us to call you along with a location, general or specific. This is a great placee for support so come often.

    Rachel, welcome to you also. You are right that you can do this. I've lost 60 pounds and have 20 to go. Never though I could do it, but found MFP and this new lifestyle of healthy eating and it works. Come often and join right in.

    Joan, so good to see you and sending prayers for a quick recovery. Good for you to keep logging and honestly. It is afterall for you. Hang in there.

    CarolNC, kudos for moving forward on job applications. Keep moving forward. (((Hugs)))

    Becca, glad to hear you are skipping the negative encouragement for a while. LOL How wonderful that you and your DH are so into working on your relationship. I guess a life threatening event does that for you. Good for you both.

    Sylvia, go glad the workshop went well and that you will get paid. What was with "that lady" anyway? (((Hugs)))

    Katla, glad you made the plans for Thanksgiving. Hope it's a wonderful time.

    Mindy, so sorry someone held you down and made you eat 1000 over calories one day. Gee, girl. If you go over ya just do it by 1 or 300, not 1000. Get back on that wagon. We are with you!!!! (((ugs)))

    Joyce, so glad Charlie is back to eating normally. I feel for you on the fall festival, but sometimes ya just have to allow for such things. Remember, portion control in the 25 things that you just have to eat. LOL

    Tina, glad your DH is okay. Have fun at wedding.

    Heather, glad to hear that the upset is having less impact. Hope you both have a great day.

    I think I got through all the posts. Have to hope in the shower and get ready for first session at the convention. The bed at this resort isn't the best so slept so so last night.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Vacation today! We should be heading out at 12:30. I dropped DH at work. I'm getting my hair done. Then will go for a walk until he's done. Then Colorado here we come! This is a picture of the sunrise this morning!


    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Mary glorious

    Sylvia so glad your workshop went well. Glad someone else stepped up to the plate and made sure you would get paid. Remember to add in all the time your spent preparing for the workshop too.

    Tina wake up call for DH. Glad he is listening. It will make it easier for you to eat right too. Is he joining MFP too? Have a great time at the wedding.

    Beth weight is creeping here too. I need to work on portion control, move more, and work on positive stress reduction.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Barbie – excellent advice, as usual.

    Carol NC – Good luck with your job application. An hour seems like I long time. Good luck also with your meditation. (my computer tried to auto-correct to medication)

    Tina – Hugs for your DH and his surgery. Enjoy the wedding weekend.

    Cynthia – fight that cold !

    – I am envious of your morning swim. Out temps are back down to the 50’s but a forecasted high of 80 ! ! !

    Sylvia – I’m so glad your class turned out to be such a success.

    – your Fall Festival sounds like fun. The Milwaukee area has some sort of festival almost every weekend year-round. I wish I could convince DH to attend more of them. It’s exciting to read that your local Hospital offers healthier food choices. I’m also happy for you that Charlie continues to get better.

    – Back on the wagon. You can do this, we will help ! ! !

    DS’s bowling balls arrived yesterday, so DS and DH are driving to Minnesota right after work/school so DBiL can drill them for him. They will likely be on the road before I get home. I plan on grocery (and general) shopping alone, and will spend a few minutes each hour decluttering the “hot spots” in my house. I will start in the kitchen. I also hope to catch-up on the Downton Abbey DVD’s I bought awhile back, and get some crochet projects finished. Saturday I will ride with my Dad to visit my Grandma. They are having pizza, and I will try to get my Dad to allow me to bring my own salad (he usually wants to buy one for me). I also have some Easter Lily bulbs that need to be planted. One is in memory of my sister, the other is in memory of my FiL. Both passed away within a month of each other.

    I am super tired today from not enough sleep. DS started pre-basketball already. Weight lifting 8:00pm – 8:45pm and scrimmage 9:00pm – 10:00pm. Since I like to be at work by 6:00am to work-out, there just are not enough hours in the night for enough sleep. Another thing I plan for my solo weekend is a full night’s sleep, until I wake up naturally, in the middle of the bed. And I will spray all my “stinky” lavender and rose body sprays, so it will be pleasant and relaxing.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    I may have mentioned that I get derailed by social events. All common sense leaves my head, but not last night! I was invited at the last minute to meet some friends at a local bar/restaurant just to catch up and I decided to go. I decided that I would have the dinner I had been planning (the swordfish had been marinating since the night before) and just have 1 glass of wine at the restaurant. When it came time to order, I made the decision to have diet coke instead of the wine so I wouldn't be tempted by a second glass or the food that my friends' had ordered. I am very proud to report that I partook in no wine or food. I still had a wonderful time with my friends and I am fortunate that they understand what I am trying to do and don't pressure me to eat or drink. I used those calories I had saved for the wine to have some greek yogurt when I got home because I got hungry watching them eat delicious flat bread pizza. One step at a time.
    Tina...I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. Pictures would be nice.
    Becca...All I can say is I'm glad you decided to take a break from the TOPS group. Those women just seem so toxic and if you have a choice why would you go somewhere that makes you feel so bad? Use that time to do something that makes you happy instead.
    Mary...Have a wonderful vacation. The sunrise was beautiful and hopefully an omen that you will have a great time.

    Gotta go.
    Chris in MA