

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I woke up early, got ready to go take the kids to school and walk with my friend. Just as I picked up my keys I realized they didn't have school today because it's Columbus Day, and found that my friend messaged me saying she was in Louisville and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. So, I tried to go back to sleep after hubby left for work, but couldn't fall asleep.

    Last night we went to a concert on campus. They are having a trumpet festival and brought in professionals from all over and had a free concert last night and another one tonight. Last nights was VERY good. It wasn't all trumpet. They had a full jazz orchestra. But I thought my ears would start bleeding from those high notes.

    This morning I found a ring in my desk drawer that I bought several years ago. It's one of those big cheap gawdy things with a giant square "diamond" in the middle and two smaller triangular "diamonds" on either side. It was too small, so I never wore it. Now it fits loose on my middle finger. I have to say I'm enjoying seeing it sparkle while I type. I just love junk jewelry! Last night I wore my 50 cent pearls and my birthday bracelet to the concert. What fun!

    Well, I have to go throw some pots. Have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps-
    jmkmomm- lenny was husband #3, lololol. that was an old pic of the house in december, it's pd for now :0)
    turning on the dishwasher last night, fed the kids, now they're playing, gonna leave the back door open so they can go potty if they need to, bullwinkle is laying outside on the deck.

    gonna spin for an hr then shower, then put away the dishes then i dunno what.

    love the cat pic!lolol

    type to ya later
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2015
    Love this! I'd like to add that my son has sent picture proof that the same strategy works for children under 5. You just need a bigger box.
    /Penny, snowed under (though not literally) at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Your memories of your Grandma & family are so sweet. Thank you for sharing. Good luck with the phone. :flowerforyou:

    GloworminWA: Thank you for your kind words. I suspect that you are absolutely right about DD's situation, but I don't think I'll bring it up. She would not welcome my comments at this point. Maybe there will be a time in the future. :smile:

    Patceoh: Thanks for your good advice regarding DD. She is hurting emotionally now. :flowerforyou:

    DS is here working on his boat and I'm privileged to be the assistant & "gofer." DH is still in bed & I don't quite know when my "workday" begins, but I suspect it will be soon. :bigsmile:

    Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I feel so so bad. I, for some reason, just didn't realize that Jess would be gone by the time I got home from exercise. And I missed seeing her off.

    Beth - we used to have a big tarp that covered the spa and pool with the water thingys to hold it down. It's advertised that the rain will soak thru leaving the leaves on top. Used it one year, never again.

    DJ - Jess was here for about 24 hours. The dog needed to be taken out. Colby did stay in her place and took care of Shadow. Honestly, not like its a lot of work, fill the food dish, clean the litter box. LOVED the saying that you hear at the convention. You must really look skinny because guys usually don't say things like that unless its true.

    Sylvia - it seems that Columbus Day is sort-of going by the wayside. Congrats on that ring. Our cats go crazy when I type and the sun reflects off my diamond and makes this moving dot on the wall

    Off to senior bowling now.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Eating at health restaurants since DD only eats this way. Really expensive though! Going to Hammonds candy factory for a tour. I'll eat a piece for everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi all!
    I've marzipanned the cake! Will royal ice it on Wednesday. :)

    I went out to collect my yoga teacher's dress from the cleaners and bought DH's card and some extra '70' candles for the children's cake. (They are not so keen on rich fruit cake ) I've decided to make it gluten free as we have one guest who tries to keep gluten low. I bought the gf self raising flour and more ground almonds. I've boiled 2 oranges and will puree them tomorrow. I'm going to make two and use one for my contribution to the Friday potluck. Never cooked gluten free before. :o

    Had a MOST frustrating afternoon trying to amend my order for the Friday delivery. I tried both on my tablet and the laptop. :'( In the end I rang headquarters and a nice young man tried to get into it for me. No avail, so it must be a tech issue. :sad: They are going to ring me when it's sorted. I just do NOT want to get to the venue and find there is no order delivered. :noway:

    Haven't heard anything from the estate agent, so I don't know if my key has arrived. :ohwell:

    Am I stressing? YES! :laugh:


    My old friend emailed me yesterday. She and her partner have health problems and she is beginning to feel older. She was bemoaning the fact that she has no children, her only sister has no children and she has no one left who will want her writings etc when she is gone. She is burning a lot of stuff. I am grateful I have a family, an extended family and an in-law family. Even if they cause us problems from time to time. The troublesome niece is all over Facebook at the moment, cuddling DH's sister and her daughter. Grrrrrrr! :laugh: She is extremely beautiful, which somehow makes it worse. :sad: How sad am I? :laugh:

    Sea bream tonight.

    Love Heather UK
  • hopeblossom454
    hopeblossom454 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. I'm new to the community, happened upon this group and immediately loved it! May I join your group?
    I am 46 years old and trying hard to get healthier after going through some health issues. I have 5 kids, most of them grown and out of the house. I have one teenager left at home and wondering if I have enough energy to see him through high school! My husband and I have a very small construction business that I do the bookkeeping for. I have been making goals for myself, but somehow I just can't seem to reach them. I would love to make some new friends and give and receive moral support. Maybe it would help me focus on my goals more and I could make progress towards reaching them.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    welcome hopeblossom454- where do you live. we are here to help, support, give u the boot when needed and cheer u on!

    stat for the day:
    spin 1hr, ahr128, mhr150, total cal 500

    well, gotta make my oatmeal
  • hopeblossom454
    hopeblossom454 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you pipcd34.
    I live in the southern part of Colorado - the San Luis Valley. We have been having beautiful weather here, but I'm sure it will be over soon. As soon as the sun sets, it gets very chilly.
    I'm not sure how accurate it is, but I have a 2 yr old Polar Loop fitness monitor and my steps are typically in the very low range, around 3,000-5,000. I would like to increase my steps. I also do some strength training. Progress is SLOW. Some days I feel so weak, but I'm trying to keep up with it 2-3 times a week.
    I have been slowly and consistently gaining weight. All of my clothes are tight, look horrible and I feel discouraged. I'm having a hard time getting my food figured out. It doesn't help when we end up eating out a lot either. Every meal seems to have over 1,000 calories and even if I only eat half of it, I still end up over eating my calories for the day. :/ And sometimes, I just feel hungry and I don't like feeling deprived so I eat the cookies (or whatever forbidden food it is at the moment) and then figure I blew it for the day and stop counting calories. Ugh.

    So that's my struggle at the moment - getting a food plan figured out that keeps me satisfied, is somewhat convenient and is within my calorie range.
    Sorry for the complaining.
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Thank you.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    edited October 2015
    hopeblossom454 - you need a scale girlfriend (to weigh your food)! oh, the thought of weighing my stuff made me wanna puke, but i hate to say it, it works, log EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING you eat. drink a lot more water, (don't know how much you're drinking now. once you see what you're eating in front of you on the screen, it will make you realize what you're putting in your mouth. we're here for ya, you'll get a lot of input from the other ladies.

    don't give up
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving and Columbus Day ! ! !

    Lisa – Yes, thank you. That is how I feel. I have always felt ownership with the house, DH has not.

    Chris – hugs for the passing of your friend. So lucky you have those memories.

    Tazgirl/Allison – Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Michele – Love the quote about getting into heaven. I sent that to my Dad.

    Hopeblossom – I agree with Pip. Record everything you eat, even if you go over. It is really the only way to determine where you need to make changes, and where you will be willing to make changes. I’m taking the slow road, but I’m okay with it. Some days I do better than others, and exercise is a struggle. Just move your body in whatever fashion you can. Sometimes I ride a bike, sometimes I use my arms on a handbike. Some days I go shopping alone, just so I can wander around the store to get in more steps and don’t have to worry about how much time or money I am spending. Pandora on my phone has been the most help for me.

    Welcome to everyone new ! ! !

    According to my Dad’s will, upon his death I own my 50% of the house, then an additional 1/3 of his 50%, because he had 3 daughters (minus the 2/3 of the down payment that my parents made at time of purchase). Since middle daughter passed, her 3 children will split her 1/3 of his 50%. My other surviving sister is executor of finances and I am in charge of medical decisions. Yes, I have been making my ½ of the mortgage by check, and have been writing “mortgage” in the notes on the bottom of the checks. So far, DH agrees that after he and I take over the purchase of the house, Dad will continue to live in his ½ and continue to split the payments (kind of like rent). My Dad just wants to be released of all the “ownership” headaches of the house. When something breaks, DH either won’t fix it, or won’t put up ½ of the cost. He won’t clean gutters, or teach DS how to do it. He won’t trim the bushes, and he won’t pay for ½ to have a friend do it. DH claims this is because he does not feel like it is “his” house; he feels like it is my Dad’s house and we are renters. My Dad just wants to live somewhere without all the hassles. I am completely ok with that, and more than happy to teach DS how to do that kind of work, so we will get started as soon as possible. I truly believe the main reason for this conversation is to light a fire under DH’s caboose to start working toward getting the purchase switched over into our names, and release my Dad from it. With DH’s TBI, it takes a huge painful threat to get through to him stuff that needs action, because he truly thinks that if he leaves something alone it will fix itself. I am now mostly relaxed about the whole thing, because I feel like DH and I are at least in the same book (not on the same page yet, but that is likely to happen in the next few years). Thanks, everyone, for offering me all the added insight and questions, so I can prepare myself. Being prepared and armed with information makes me feel like I am more in control.

    Today my Grandma is having a new pacemaker put in. I forgot to bring protein to put on my salad for lunch, so I probably won't want to stay long when I stop by after work, because I will be so hungry. I guess I'm a little more than surprised that they are replacing the whole pacemaker instead of just replacing the battery, since she just turned 93, but whatever. She seemed to be having fun Saturday while I was there, because I was showing her all kinds of silly things that can be done on my cell phone. Mostly it just kept her mind off being nervous about today's procedure.

    I got to work early today, but so did the new PA who started today, so I showed her around the office when I normally would have been riding the exercise bike. So, I stayed on for 15 minutes today during my lunch. I really need to get back to doing my planks. The new pain med works really well for about 10 hours, so I try to exercise as much as possible at that time, and decided that I will take Aleve and Tylenol just before it wears off (my insurance covers all but $40 per month, which is a lot compared to generic Aleve and Tylenol).

    Again, thank you to everyone who pitched in questions and suggestions about my house. I truly appreciate all the love ! ! !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    DH and DD at Hammonds Candy Factory Tour


    Making candy canes by hand!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • phyllis115
    phyllis115 Posts: 16 Member
    Hopeblossom, you CAN do this! I agree with the others, log everything even if you go over your calories. When I 1st started logging I would get discouraged and stop when I went over. I finally realized I was only hurting myself. Losing weight and getting healthy is a slow process. I picked 1 skill at a time until it feels comfortable. Now I can log every day without fear, even when I go over. I'm consistently drinking 72 oz of water I'm aiming for 100. Now I am working on getting more steps each day. Once you start logging and weighing your food, I hope you will feel more in control. Let us know how it goes. Phyl from Cincy
  • hopeblossom454
    hopeblossom454 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you guys! Maybe first off I should just make an effort to log in my food, even if I go over. I do drink mostly water all day. I don't drink soda or juice. I just feel like a failure so easily because 1200 calories does not go far. Even some of my favorite healthy foods like beans and avocados are high in calories. It's very tricky trying to find the right balance. What is everyone else eating to lose weight? Any meal or snack suggestions?
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Thank you guys! Maybe first off I should just make an effort to log in my food, even if I go over. I do drink mostly water all day. I don't drink soda or juice. I just feel like a failure so easily because 1200 calories does not go far. Even some of my favorite healthy foods like beans and avocados are high in calories. It's very tricky trying to find the right balance. What is everyone else eating to lose weight? Any meal or snack suggestions?
    Hi, remember calories are a guide, not set in stone. Where did you get your count from?? In rehab we weren't allowed to use numbers, we could use food plan. This was how much protein, carbs, fruit, veggies, fat, diary n dessert. If you like to read get " don't diet live it workbook ", lots of help. Good luck n keep chatting Gayle Minneapolis