

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Rodney Yee's Yoga Burn DVD. Man, that man has one good bod! If you need any reason to purchase this DVD, just to be able to look at that bod is reason enough.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do one last section of the ab DVD, hold my plank and then take the extremepump class.

    Heather - I know you and you'll get that weight off. Sometimes when I have to estimate I'm never sure if I over estimated or not. Many times I think I probably did underestimate

    CynthiaT - you probably told us, but I forget. What is the course in?

    Beth - thanks for reminding me that I need to clean out the spa. Jess is coming today and she might want to use it. Sadly, after this we'll probably close the pool. You'll hear me crying out in CA

    Lenora - good for you checking that website before you go out to eat! And being over by 188 calories isn't that much over if you have to go over. Sometimes it's actualy helpful to confuse the body and go over one day as long as you don't go too far over. I don't think I've ever had a sore in my ear. That must really hurt. The first time we took Loki to the vet for the "get to know them" visit, the vet took Loki's temp. You should have seen how big his eyes got!!!! It was really funny.

    Chris - I'm so sorry for your friend.

    Well, off to clean the spa and then probably string some more popcorn.

    Later, chickas

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps -

    mikesmom - so sorry to hear!! wowzers!

    kirby's got a 12 mile run today, so lets see how far i go on the spin bike, probably a 2 hr or less run for him. type to ya later. already took a pain pill, shoulder was killing me a bit early this morning.

    type to ya later
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Joyce - <3 Happy Anniversary <3 Even though it was 9/2 I hope you had a fun time celebrating!

    Sylvia- that would have been a beautiful picture!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi came back before I got to far.
    Blueyed blond
    I'll be in Orillia nest Sunday. I have a very good friend in Barrie.

    Hopefully your mirrow will be reduced some more.

    Right now waiting for my crust to cool to add cheesecake and blueberry and strawberry toppings. That is for those who don't care about calories. I'm making a crustless pumpkin pie for myself. See how that turns out.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
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    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
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    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
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    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
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  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited October 2015
    Beth -hoping things improve! :flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl - what fabulous wedding pics! You must be so proud. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa - how exciting about the warehouse! :D

    Katla - I think it's a sign we're getting old when they start telling us what to do! >:)

    Chris - Agree, wholeheartedly! Love our friends and love ourselves. :love: We have no idea how long we've got. Don't put off the chance to be happy. :flowerforyou:

    I was stressing a bit today, so DH suggested we went for a short walk. We ended up doing the longer walk and had a quick drink in the sun in the pub garden. I had some babies to ogle! <3
    I made some scones this pm so we had those to come back to. 103 cals per scone. :)
    Didn't marzipan the cake, but will do it tomorrow.

    I sent a guide to Paris to my brother and his wife because they are going in Nov. It arrived today! ! ! ! ! They are soooooo happy. It has lots of pics. They don't know Paris at all. DSIL wants to visit the Louvre. ;) Hmmmmmm. Hope my guide helps. DB was looking for a cheap hotel. Hmmmmmmmm. :laugh:

    Got to cook. See you later.

    Heather UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Thanks everyone! DH and Dad both agree the best solution is for DH and I to purchase the house from him in the next few years, so we will make an appointment at the bank soon to see what we need to do.

    The boys came home early so bowling and weight lifting around the football games this weekend (not relaxing and shopping but that's okay).

    Alone time is over so I will catch up with you all tomorrow. Hugs ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Beautiful pics Tazgirl. Love the hair.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Terri - I am so glad to hear you have reached a tentative agreement and can make plans to proceed with getting it all taken care of. Hope your mind has been put to rest. Things like that are so upsetting and just send us into a tail spin. Hope all works out now. You deserve it.

    Janetr OKC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love seeing other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening My Friends,

    Janetr, ewww eeeee Sorry about the dogs. Is it skunk season or something?

    Katla, I don't think I know about a elephant ear that you eat?? What is it? lol

    Terri, I dont' call your troubles trivial. OMG I would be in a tizzy if I were you. Not that it is any of my business, but do you and DH pay any rent? If you bought the house would your dad still live there with you? If so, maybe he would sell it for nothing down and you make the payments with him living there for free? Something. Hopefully you can work something out. Not likely this is something to sweep into the corner. (((Hugs))) and maybe DH should quit buying bowling balls and think about where you are all going to live.

    Sylvia, your canoe trip sounds wonderful. Wow, what a way to get away from it all and out with nature. I hope we get to see some pictures of the birds.

    drkatie, good questions to think about.

    Joyce, belated happy anniversary. So glad Charlie is getting better. Must be that great nurse he's got? :)

    Mia, You are worth the work!! You are worth it, you are worth it. It isn't always easy but you are worth it! (((Hugs)))

    bwcetc, great buys.

    Katla, glad the celebration was a success. I have been surprised to see how many people here really go all out with the Halloween decorations.

    MicheleNC, golly gee, lady, you did a wonderful job of catching up. I'm working on it too. Still at the convention hotel but going to check out in an hour to head home. (later) handing you a kleenex for those tears when ya have to close the pool.

    Linda, great job on the weight and low carbs. That should help blood sugar. Keep up the good work.

    Chris, sorry about your friend.

    Taz, great pictures! What a beautiful bride and mom! The guys aren't too shabby either.

    I am home from the convention. It was nice and I did pretty well on my eating most of the time. Now to get back to regular rotine and lose any weight I gained. I won't weigh until in the morning.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.


    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    edited October 2015
    afternoon ladies~
    just back from our long car ride. was very nice... here are a few pictures, these are of the Northern Berkshires ,in northwestern Mass.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stat for the day -
    spin- 120min, 80ar, 95aaw, 9g for 15min, 14g for 15min, repeat, 134ahr, 150mhr, 47.4mi
    total cal 1060

    this was a good session, had to put my sweat soaked clothes thru the swim suit spinner to wring out my stuff!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Tazgirl- what a beautiful wedding! Thanks for sharing!

    Allison- great pictures!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Tazgirl ... Beautiful!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    welcome.gif blueyedblond , it's nice to meet you....keep coming back and join in the conversation. This is a very supportive community.

    smiley-happy026.gif Terri, I'm glad that you were able to talk to your dad and begin a plan to buy the house you live in. Take it one day at a time and do your homework and don't panic about the future.

    smiley-happy026.gifTazgirl, thank you for posting all the beautiful pictures of the wedding...it looks like it turned out great.

    smiley-happy026.gifAllison, I'm glad your long car trip turned out well....beautiful pictures of beautiful scenery.

    smiley-happy026.gifDJ, if you were careful about your eating at the convention, it won't take you long to be back to normal and on the weight loss path again.

    :'( Michele, I know how you love your pool and how much you'll miss it this winter

    smiley-happy026.gifHeather, the long walk and the scones sound great. I have to stay away from scones because one is never enough and I'd want to eat more.

    smiley-happy026.gifBeth, "don't stress" doesn't work for me, but I am often helped by "identify the problem", then I can take steps to reach a solution that will then reduce the stress.

    smiley-happy026.gifJake was gone for a few hours this morning so I had time to catch up on important paperwork and TV watching.

    t116005.gif Barbie from NW Washington

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin]
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Went out to eat with a HS classmate and her fiancé; had a wonderful time. Lynn (the fiancé and my husband get along great); both in the construction/painting business. He must have made a 'killing' when he was building homes and investing it so he really doesn't work any longer. My friend and he have been traveling a LOT since they met about 3 years ago. Going to the Mediterranean in a couple of weeks; have been to China, Russia, Egypt, and several other places. She is so worth it, too! Sweetest person anybody could ever know. It is about time that she found a man to treat her properly. He treats her like a queen. He's given her an engagement ring; but, they are probably not going to marry (not any time soon). I think she is afraid of getting into a situation and finding there is a 'hidden side' like with 1st time around. She's being 'very' cautious. Her siblings tell her to get 'married'.

    Terri_mom - nothing in the way of a home is trivial; but, if your credit has improved; maybe (if you are paying the house payment out of your checkbook and doing so 'on time') your credit score will be high enough to find a small house that will maybe have 2 bedroom (I think you said you only had a son at home) and make the move. Leaving your father with the house to do with as he pleases. Maybe 'if' he sells it he will apply what you have paid thus far, to what he borrowed for the down-payment. He could be getting some 'negative' input about the house if you have siblings who feel that they have done more for you than he has done for them. Even though it sounds like you and your husband have been the ones caring for them (parents). I'd think about sitting down with an attorney and maybe coming up with a 'contract' that would be 'fairly' fair to all of you. It is never a good idea to 'co-mingle' funds for any reason. My husband and I both have joint checking accounts; but at different banks. He does NOT use mine, nor do I use his, without permission. He pays some of our bills and I pay others. It works for us.

    My husbands' 'estranged' daughter co-mingled her grandmother's money (my husband's mother) with hers and actually had her change her Will and had a POA made practically giving her carte blanc. DH & BnL took DMnL back to the attorney to have the Will remade leaving her out of it; and while they were gone, she got mad and tore up the POA. I guess she thought that one of them would be named. Then they had to take her back and they made the 'before-estranged' daughter with a "limited' POA so that she could do things that were medically related. She actually moved her into their home and showed that she owned it; which she did not; and then she actually sold her grandmother's house twice within a year - and told her Dad and Uncle that all the proceeds were used to pay off the ALF. She had also talked her into going to the bank and signing new cards, saying she needed to 'also' be on her checking and savings account and leaving them off it. DMnL did not realize this. Bought mutual funds with what she had inherited from her husband (DFnL) and was building a pool in their backyard when she died. Talk about 'gall'; but, after a few other questionable transactions, they (DH & BnL) were told there was a small insurance policy and they needed a death certificate that she did not know about until it could be cashed I - she got very mad because she did not get 1/3rd of it. So we asked her to send us one. Attached to it was a 'sticky note' saying 'if you need anything else, call the funeral home'. That translated... I don't want you in my life (nor will you see the granddaughter). It's now been 8 years!

    All I can say is "Karma is a *kitten* and she WILL be coming around at some point". But, at this point we no longer care, just sad that we don't see the GD who is 9. Our wills are set up that if we are killed in a common disaster where it would be impossible for it to be determined who died first, then they will be probated in such a way that she can't come in and try to claim what is rightfully our sons' inheritance. If this is you father, maybe agree that the payment you have been making equals the down payment that they gave you or if they borrowed it find out what his intentions are (make sure he has a Will that determines what will be done with it upon his death) or else you might find out you will have to sell it then, to settle up with siblings or pay bills if it is listed in his name. I would not wait thinking that 'things' will necessarily 'work out'. You might 'think' you won't have any issues with it; but, being a legal assistant, things can go 'south very quickly when money or property is involved'. Whether it is because of a divorce or a death. I'm sure you want to be 'fair' with any siblings; but, occasionally there'll be one that 'nothing' satisfies them.

    Now, some days I think ... well if something happened to DH before me, I would send her a copy of the probate paperwork with a 'crisp' $1 attached (certified mail, return receipt requested) and tell her 'not to spend it all in one place'; but on most days - that are good ones - it's not worth the cost of a stamp to do this and I don't really give a $#*T. She knows how old he is and she knows where we live and she knows our phone number; or could find it in the event she had deleted it from any address book; we're in the phonebook. I think she was afraid that 'if' she did not get put on her grandmother's Will she would not see anything from her estate. It wasn't that they were miffed because she had put her name as a beneficiary on the Will, it was that she left off 4 grandsons. IF she had died without a Will the way it would have been probated - the two sons would have inherited 1/2 (split in half) and the other half would have been equally divided among the five grandchildren. Nothing brings out the 'worst' in a family quicker than a funeral where there 'might' be something worth anything.

    When my MnL bought a ring and I was with her she had told me that I would get it. I should have 'said' something when I saw step-daughter wearing it; but, I didn't. Not important now; other than she (MnL) had written out a list of things that were special that family would receive; and stepdaughter marked through some of them things and we never saw them. One thing was a painting that I had done for my MnL for Christmas. Only picture I forgot to 'sign'. I asked that it be returned to me for the sole purpose of signing it. Oh HELL - No Go! Maybe if she tires of it, she'll send it to me rather than put it in a 'yard sale'. Thanks for letting me 'vent and rant' about this and get it off my chest, so it won't rear its ugly head for another few years. LOL!

    But, the lady's writing desk that we did get is an antique and probably worth more than the ring would be. And I get to see it daily which gives me a lot of pleasure. When we lived in the same town as I-L's did - we'd go antiquing every weekend that she felt like going. Other times we'd go to the beach. I had a wonderful MnL. My 'newest' DDnL has already asked me that 'if' I had not already made plans for my Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet that I got from my grandmother, she would 'love' it. I'd rather give it to her than to my other DDnL (because she would either sell it for a lot less than it is worth or she'd give it to one of her sorry siblings or a stranger claiming they had lost everything in a fire or something). They did get an antique desk when my mother passed away and she is quite proud of it. I was pleasantly surprised. It is always good to make an addendum to a Will if you have certain things you want one child to get and for another one to get something else. I firmly believe that EVERYBODY should have a Last Will and Testament - that puts to rest (most of the time) any arguments later on.

    There were 3 of us; and my oldest sister took care of my mother's finances; but we always got a itemized list of things she had spent and what she had earned every month ... we also divided up my mother's household, while she was still living in the house when it became apparent that she was unable to do so herself and needed help doing basic simple things. Never a fight by anybody or even hurt feelings over it. All of us had 2 children each; and when it came to getting something for our own children; that took the place of our 'rotating picking of things'. It worked out really well; so that everybody in 2 generations got what they wanted and our mother could also see the pleasure on our faces when we got them. After we put her into an ALF, her mind went down pretty quickly; and we had already sold her house and divided up the proceeds. Most of the work had already been done and with a few swapping around things, in the end everybody got 'exactly' what they had wanted. The things that were too big to be in our own homes, we sold to an antique dealer. I think there were only 2 things, a dining room buffet and a wardrobe closet (I would have 'loved' to have gotten it; but it would have dwarfed any room in our house (unless we had planned better drawing out the plans for it).

    Unfortunately, a lot of people will put off making a Will because they think that 'if' they do, they will jinx themselves and they'd die soon. You can always change them. They are very important if you have a blended family. Extremely so, in fact.