

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    My October goals:


    I did not lose any weight the entire month of September. However, I do feel and see changes in my body due to the strength training and walking that I do. I put my goals on an excel spreadsheet to keep track daily/weekly as to how I am doing. For this month I have chosen a pumpkin for a completed goal and a witch for a non-completed goal. Makes it easy for me to see trends.

    Good luck this month to everyone on sticking to their goals and to this entire journey that we are on towards good health and fitness!

    Cheri in chilly NE Ohio
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Yvonne, glad the in-law dinner went well. It’s too bad they aren’t supportive.

    Betty, I hope you have a marvelous trip. On not gaining, just remember portion control.

    Chris, the Aug. fun weight will come off. I didn’t do a fun August and still didn’t lose in Sept. LOL Now that you have all the excuses out of the way and will log everything you eat, it will happen. Great NSVs!!! Go girl!!

    Heather, so glad you maintained control!!! Rofl

    Linda, soooooo cute. How can you ever let them go? You are an angel to be a Foster Mom.
    Cheryl, I think the picture of you is great. What a pretty lady and the horse ain’t bad either. Ah, you forgot your saddle. smiley-gen076.gif

    Allison, so sorry you had a bad day. Also sorry you ate the m and m’s. I hope tomorrow will be so much better that you will forget today ever happened. Here, take this: (((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))

    MicheleNC, I think it was when we lived in Atlanta that we had a theater that showed 2nd run movies for $1. That has been a few years ago. We always waited and went there. I don’t know how high school kids can afford to go to the movies on dates. Sure not cheap. Ya’ll enjoy!!

    Heather, can’t you get DH to give you some ideas for gifts? I’m sure he has most everything but surely there’s something?

    Beth, that is a depressing thought that our brains can go the negative route. I sure hope not. So sorry about your son.

    Karen, welcome. Yes, this is a great group of ladies for support and information. Baby steps do seem to work the best. Please tell us a little about yourself to help us get to know you. Come often and join in when you like.

    Katla, congrats on getting the haircut you wanted. We want a picture!!! smiley-dance019.gif I saw the news and what a tragedy in Oregon.

    Sylvia, I hope you sleep well! That is scary about your DH teaching. Of course these days we aren’t safe at the movies or in church. So sad.

    Mindy, you can make your Goal list as long as you want. That is, as long as you think it is doable.  We don’t want to set ourselves up for failure.


    I love reading all the goals for the month. I have a feeling that October will be a very successful month for many of us. First thing all of us on the East Coast have to do is survive the downpours we are expecting the next few days. I keep hearing about 10” to 18” in different areas. Stay safe, my friends. I certainly wish all of us great success and happiness. I hope all those that have had surgery or been ill will heal quickly. Again, congratulations to all the successes. Hugs to those that want/need them.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Mindy, Writing down everything you spend is effective in the same way that writing down everything you eat is.....it helps you be really clear about what is going on in your life and gives you a way to make decisions about what you can do without...I wish you success in dealing with your finances...that has been an ongoing challenge for me...the biggest challenge is to not lose sleep about it...I read a fun novel at bedtime to refocus my brain from the challenges of life to fun fiction.

    <3 Barbie
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Yep DamitJanit, won't find a saddle under this old gal!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited October 2015
    bwcetc- You are awesome! It's not often that a friend says to you I love the way your mind works... The ultimate compliment, I am touched....

    cityjaneLondon- I sometimes question the reason I attend my TOPS meeting every week. A lot of the stress is self-induced I think. To lose and not disappoint them. Maybe that in itself is enough to keep me showing up. I want to be the type of person that says what she means and means what she says. I don't wish to look at this journey and be "all talk" and no action. I know this journey isn't something I shall ever "be finished" with, will always be ongoing, but getting to a goal number in my head is what keeps me eating healthy every day.

    NO_Excuses- Aw Linda sweet of you to offer your washer and dryer! Sometimes my polite requests make be definitely aware of what my friends "perimeter of friendship" is.

    fanncy0626- Irish Terri told me its called Nuero Lingustic Programming :-)

    snavemom- Redding CA is beautiful!! Glad you are all ok waterwise :-) Nice to meetcha too!

    Irish Terri- girls have more of a hard time getting used to a nudist lifestyle. My sons were 4, 8, and 13 when we started attending our clothing optional resort. My middle son, (because he could) would steal my sons shorts from his lounge chair at the pool. My eldest was the only one that wore shorts around, and because it was a clothing optional resort, he had that choice. Only in the pool was it strictly nude. Suits have a way of "framing" a body and making a nude person sexual, so by eliminating a suit everyone was just "nude people". Anyway, my middle son would wait until everyone was in the pool then say he had to get something, dash and get his shorts and make a beeline for the campsite. So then my eldest son had to not only walk nude from point A to B (the pool water to his lounge chair) but also walk from point C to D (the lounge chair to the campsite)!! He wouldn't let his younger brother rile him so he just let it slide. I can honestly state that my sons grew up at the resort, and thru puberty as well. Just not a big deal, and no nude magazines stuffed under their beds.....

    Oh today I bought container #3 of Shitaki mushrooms! I love the earthy taste, and its better than adding chicken or beef to a dish! Tonight I had the mushrooms, with spinach, a bit of spaghetti sauce and 2 oz of noodles. Loved it!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good day at work. Able to get 20 minute walk in. Planning on another walk tomorrow like to increase it so goal 30. So will see. Saturday going to the Y.

    Michelle and Linda I am interested in a fitness tracker too.
    Cheryl. I think that is a nice picture of you. Beautiful horse!
    DJ good idea on filling up the plate with yummy veggies.

    I have been researching freezers meals on.pinterest. Challenge finding healthy ones.

    Sorry if I miss anyone.

    Have a good day
    Caldwell, Idaho
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sharon, your DGD sounds so much like my youngest one. She has been known to just go up to strangers and give them a hug and tell them that she loves them and Jesus does to. She will sit and write many 'I love you' notes and then just go around and pass them out. Or she will pick up rocks, little pieces of wood or whatever she can write on and put her little message. I know that love and hugs are important to people but hopefully as she grows older she will know how to discriminate how to give her love. Even at 9 years old it can be pretty dangerous to be so giving.

    Michele. yes this is the first time he has been out to do his Karaoke since being sick. I had worried about it when he was in rehab and at home shortly after because of how weak his voice was. But it was just as clear it was before he got sick. He still is asking things about what happened. I cant imagine what it would be like to lose that much time in your life.

    Forgot to tell you all about a NSV. I had my routine MRI. I hadnt had one since 2011 and I was a bit heavier. I don't know how much I weighed then but I started my diet in 2012 and started at 232.8. An MRI machine is pretty tight at that size!!!! So I fit much better at 186.5 the other day. My arms weren't so constrained that they went to sleep. As expected, it was negative. That's why I am a mystery to my neurologist! I am not a typical MS patient.

    Fixed ham and beans and corn bread for supper tonight and Charlie ate a good size bowl full and two nice size pieces of corn bread.

    Is it Linda from IO that had the kitten pictures???? So precious. Every one of them could have a home in my house.

    Am praying for everyone in Oregon where the terrible college shooting was, and the east coast wherever the hurricane is coming. I know it will be in various stages as it comes but I still al thinking of you.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends!
    Again, it’s taken me all week to catch up with you all after being away on two grueling business trips. Good news is I lost three pounds in September. In October I’ll be working in Spokane, Seattle and Akron, Ohio. If you live in any of those areas and want to meet up, please message me.

    Janet: Sending you healing thoughts.

    Pip: You continue to amaze. Love your Yogi.

    CarolNC: Can relate to the frustration of losing a good pal. I lost mine when she moved away, so unless I count my DH, all my friends live out of state. Yeah, it gets lonely, and I miss the regular company of great female friends.

    Michele: Sorry to hear about Vince’s back. Even more sorry to hear you’re closing the pool.

    Tracie: Michele’s right about cats making great alarm clocks. I am now ‘trained’ to be up at 4:50 AM to feed Mars, open his window, then get myself dressed and in the condo gym by 5:20. He never fails. Interesting enough, when I’m away on trips, he lets DH sleep till 6:30 or 7:00.

    DJ: WoW.. 2 ½ hours of line dancing…you’re catching up with Barbie.

    Katla: You’ll do great hosting the Mexican Train party. You might want to make zucchini tots from Skinny Taste as a finger food. My DH LOVES these.

    Mary/Minnesota: Your profile picture rocks. Truly inspires me to up my weight training regime. Love the cabin.

    Irish Terri: Happy dance on hitting your new low weight.

    Lisa: Your book “She’s Thinking Outloud” is queued up on my kindle for the next time I fly.

    The photos of Mouse, Squeak, Linda’s kittens and Miriam’s Georgie Girl are making my heart melt.

    Barbie: Always great to see Bernie, your four-legged alarm.

    Heather: Can I hire you to do my birthday meal planning? You certainly have the knack for creative meals. Sending you a huge birthday (((((hug))))).

    Penny: Your lentil soup sounds delish!!!

    Joyce: “More” was my mom’s favorite song, so reading your lovely story put a huge lump in my throat.

    Meg: I hope you figure out what’s going on with Benny Beagle.

    Terri: Can I touch you for good luck! What I wouldn’t give to win tickets to a great concert!

    Yvonne in TX and Betty: Glad you can stay active on your upcoming trips. It’s made a world of difference for me use the gym in my hotel. Be mindful around food choices, and I’m sure you’ll do fine. Betty’s right about the breakfast buffets. What’s that expression Margaret keeps saying -- “just because you see the hook, doesn’t mean you have to bite”.

    Beth: I am of the belief that our thoughts manifest into reality. I’m careful what I feed my head.

    Thinking of all of you who in the potential path of the storms…stay safe. Everyone else, stay well. We can do this!

    PS: I love all the photos of walking vistas, pets, and people. I promise to be back here with a few as soon as I get them off my phone.

    Colorado Foothills

    Goals for October (carried over from September)
    > Burn 2300 calories per week in the gym
    > Eat mindfully
    > Meditate 3x per week
    > Call someone once a week just to check in
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    Love the kitten photos.

    Heather HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :flowerforyou:

    Prayers for Oregon

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I understand your worry about your husband. It is heartbreaking when someone does something so horrible to strangers. It doesn't even seem like a crime of passion, it is more a crime of mental illness. Our country has too few resources that deal with the mentally ill. :broken_heart:

    Mindy: Your first goal list is filled with excellent ideas. I hope it doesn't overwhelm you to have so many at once. :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: What a great way to have fun with your goals list! :bigsmile:

    DJ: I took some pictures of me but I don't like any of them. Maybe tomorrow DH will take one. :flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: I love the picture of you on your horse because you look so happy. What a pretty animal! I hope he or she is also sweet natured. :flowerforyou:

    I have yoga tomorrow morning, and Mexican Train tomorrow evening. In between we'll be getting our house prettied up and organizing refreshments. At this moment I'm thinking of a cheese platter and a veggie tray. Who knows what we'll settle on. It will be healthy.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Lindy2015lkb
    Lindy2015lkb Posts: 2 Member
    Hugs to those in Oregon tonight. I've been glued to the news today in terror.

    On a personal level...My hubby teaches chemistry in a university. Chemistry teachers are generally disliked, and my hubby is a pretty tough teacher, so he is more disliked than most. And we live in Hicksville where people love their guns more than their children. So these school shootings cause me to worry more and more about his safety. I really wish he would retire.

    Thanks for the kind words Sylvia. I live in Oregon though several hours from Roseburg. This shooting shook me up more than previous ones for some reason. But they are all so darn senseless.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I was just sitting here thinking a out you guys and me. I just realized that I lost almost 5 pounds in September!!!!! After s many months of no weight lost at all then the weight gain. Guess I need to get back on the band wagon again. I take Charlie to the mall every day and walk. Today I was tired after 4 laps and I sat. He continued 2 more laps! That really made me feel bad. This weekend I let him lose and he can drive.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lindy2015lkb
    Lindy2015lkb Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new to this group, but glad to find it. Nearing 55 and my youngest daughter is getting married August 2016. Current weight 239; goal weight 165. I was up at 250 in July so I've had slow success dropping some lbs. But my resolve and self discipline waxes and wanes :( I need to reach my goal this time. Doc said blood sugar levels are a little high and I've got to lose weight!
    October goals:
    *Drink a 16oz glass of water before every meal.
    *Walk 3 miles 4 days a week; add 1/2 a mile to route weekly so by November I'm ready to walk 5 miles a day.
    *Track meals and snacks daily.
    *Record measurements every Friday.
    *Record weight weekly.
    *Do my PT daily (I had rotator cuff surgery June 26th)
    *Take the real estate exam for licensure.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    edited October 2015
    I am stunned this morning by the news of the devastation of an unsuspecting community by another mass shooting.

    :heartbreak: My prayers are for all who are being affected to find the strength to deal with this awful tragedy. :heartbreak:

    My minor problems pale into insignificance.

    Modern Malaise

    My mind Is numb with disbelief,
    so many families struck with grief
    because some twisted, tortured mind,
    with festering hate, murder designed.

    Does some sick desire for infamy
    drown innate humanity,
    negate the love of fellow man
    beyond our comprehension span?

    What turns an innocent newborn child,
    in later years, to be reviled,
    become a brutal malcontent
    Until his vicious rage is spent?

    (C) 2015 Terri Richardson

    I have my Latin Study Group this morning, and Parchment Craft this afternoon, so no time to read or comment. I will be playing catch-up this weekend.

    Heather Have a wonderful birthday. Relax and enjoy your family time. :heart:

    :) Welcome to all the Newbies. (((Hugs))) to any who need them. :heart:

    Irish Terri
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies! 2:00 am we had a great time campfire, made s'mores, played chicken foot dominos. Finished reading all the posts!

    Heather - Happy Birthday! Have a great day celebrating!

    Anyone and everyone can come here and stay in the cabin or park your RV! That would be a lot of fun!

    Have a great day tomorrow. I will probably be here at this time again!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Mary~ love the bonfire love sitting around those. we dont do it here at our house as we one dont have anymore trees to burn and we dont have a place for a firepit...
    I love fall weather and we are in for a bunch of rain....dont know if we will get the hurricaine or not.. but we will be prepared..
    well my dad called last night .. so funny he asked if I had made stuff yet for his birthday as I told him I would make his favorite stuff once a month usually the first sunday of the month they have Pot Luck at his church ,he called and asked if I would bake him a cake to take up ... so I am thinking maybe I will make it and take it up there myself and visit with him at his church, cant stand the pastor up there ,that is a long story.. but for my dad I would do it..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    My thoughts are with the people in Roseburg. So terrible.!
    Irish Terri wrote: Must go to bed now as I have to attend my Latin study group in the morning. I have missed the first two sessions because of my surgery, so hope they haven't moved too far ahead.
    I wasn't sure whether that was the language or the dancing style. Considering who was writing it could easily have been either one. ;) It made me think of our former DVP (d*** vice president) Dan Quayle, who on an official visit to Latin America said he wished he had worked harder when studying Latin in school so he "...could talk to those kind of people."
    wessecg wrote: »
    Yep DamitJanit, won't find a saddle under this old gal!!
    I also noticed the lack of a saddle, but I was most amazed that anyone could ride a horse in Crocs!

    Happy birthday Heather!

    October goals:
    1. Maintain my pound-a-day veggie habit
    2. Log my food consistently
    3. Maximum ½ bottle of wine one day per week
    4. Lift weights three times a week
    5. Clean or organize or declutter one square meter per day

    Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Happy Birthday to you~
    Happy Birthday to you~
    Happy Birthday dear Heather~
    Happy Birthday to you~ <3
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    So today I'm having lunch with an old dear friend. She and I met on our first jobs right out of college. It's over 30 years ago and we have helped each other through lots of life's ups and downs with work, husbands, affairs, kids, step- kids, wow! A lot. I picked a beautiful restaurant on the Pacific Ocean that has a wonderful view and lovely salads and seafood. I can stay within my calories for today with just one glass of wine! Already longed in MFP o:)

    Wishing you all a peaceful day.

    <3 Rosie