

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Pip - I used to have a Beetle in the 70s. I really liked it. We went all the way to the South of France in it with a pregnant friend and her husband in the back. The only problem was when we parked next to a war memorial in a village that had seen a terrible atrocity in WW2. Oops! They were ok when we told them we were English. ;)

    Terri - Have you tried scare tactics? Shown him pics of amputations, ulcers, blindness etc? Take him to visit a diabetic clinic. It's not to be trifled with. My DB is diabetic and does not take enough care. He has had to have several eye operations. :'( At the party he was not feeling well. :o

    Lisa, Irish Terri - thanks for the info. I do have Dropbox, but it's full and hasn't copied everything. Most things are on there. My laptop has everything backed up on memory sticks, but my tablet doesn't do that easily. At the moment it is hardly charging at all. I have ordered a new tablet and cover and will see what Dropbox has missed out when I get it. I am interested in the wifi hard drive and will investigate.

    Love to all. Get better soon Meg, Janetr, and others. <3

    Penny - I looked for the book, but the only copy was over £31 :*

    Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
    terri_mom- ::::::::::strapping on the boot:::::::::::
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been fighting a battle this morning. My son e-mailed and asked if I would buy him a new external hard drive because he broke the one he has. He stores all the kids shows, movies, games etc on it. He saw that NewEgg had one in their e-mail ad for $39. So, I went round and round trying to order it. My e-mail password didn't work (must not have remembered it right) and they said they would send me a link to make a new one. The link didn't arrive in my in-box after 30 minutes. Not in Spam or Trash either. So I was dealing with customer service in a live chat. It said my wait would be approximately 2.9 minutes. About 8 minutes later it said 1.9 minutes. After another 8 minutes the chat person finally arrived and he said he sent a new link. That one did arrive, so I followed the link and tried to make a new password. They make it so hard! When I got all that done, and also had to find the promo code to get the $39 price, then I had the same issues with Mastercard. It wanted me to create a special password to "protect" my mastercard in online purchases. But it wouldn't take the same password I just used for newegg, it was too long, so I had to come up with something different. I will never in a million years remember all these passwords. And making a chart of all of them seems dangerous too. Good grief! So, I wasted two hours on that when I had things I wanted to do. I could have thrown ten bowls in the time it took to order one stupid thing.

    I walked with my friend early this morning, then went to every store in town looking for an assignment notebook for DGD#1. Never found one but decided on a little calendar with boxes for each day big enough to write her assignments in. Hopefully it will help her keep track of things.

    Hubby and I were watching tv last night when an ad came on for body wash. It said that in one use it will make your skin softer and smoother. I said that was not true because I bought that stuff and couldn't see any difference at all. He said "Well, it's not the soap's fault. Your skin couldn't possibly get any softer and smoother." AWWWWW! What a fibber. But sweet.

    I slept well last night for a change. Went to bed at 9:00 because I had a headache and didn't wake up till 6AM. Still have the headache though.

    Well, I should go try to do something constructive before hubby gets here for lunch. Have a great day.

    Meg, I hope you feel better.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    No, I haven't forgotten the wonderful ladies on here.

    Yesterday (Mon) I did 15 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec and then took the extremepump class. Today I did 30 min of HIIT on the elliptical (30 sec sprint, 30 sec recovery) and then 15 min on the rowing machine. The plan for tomorrow is to take a water aerobics class.

    Before exercising went to bring the food donations from the church to the soup kitchen and just left them by the door, then went to CVS to get a bottle of soda for Vince. Found out my phone was very low on battery life so brought it home to charge, leave the soda here, and put things back in my trunk. I take everything out so that I can just tell the people at the soup kitchen "everything in the trunk goes". Stopped at the Salvation Army. They had this really cute sweater, only it was too big for me. Then stopped at Aldi, wish I'd had my phone with me so that I'd have had my shopping list. Then went to senior bowling (where I didn't do well at all), after bowling Vince went to get his blood checked while I went to Bi-Lo. They had Gatorade on a special for $4. Had dinner then mahjongg here. Took a shower and watched DWTS (I knew Paula Deene would get voted off)

    After exercising stopped at this lady's house and got her flash drive so we could copy the first 3 episodes of Downtown Abbey.

    Alison - hope you feel better soon

    barbie - one of the things the cats love about being at the condo is that the windowsills there are extra wide. Of course, they really enjoy the closed in porch, too

    DJ - can you believe how cold it's gotten? This a.m. there was frost on the ground, but I still wore shorts to the gym. I knew that I'd get hot and sweaty while exercising, and I did. Love the saying "sitting is the new smoking". Never heard it, but , boy, is it ever true!

    Lenora - oh, Cracker is so adorable

    Becca - good for you going on that walk! Boo for those TOPS ladies bailing out on you, what's a little rain? Every time Jess leaves here we always say "call us when you get there". You do know how to make a person drool!

    Heather - loved reading all about the party. So glad it went so well. You did enough preparing, that's for sure. Your dress looks stunning!!!!! What a fabulous cake, loved the sparklers on top. I can tell everyone had a wonderful time. The place looks spectacular

    janetr - feel better fast!

    katla - I'm sure Thanksgiving and especially Christmas will be hard for your daughter

    Lisa - lovely pic of the butterflies. So sad about the children, but glad they were OK. I'm a bit surprised they were left in the car in the first place.

    Mary from Minnesota - hope you feel better fast

    Meg - chicken soup to you

    dsamsie - welcome! You can do this, and we'll be right here for you

    terri in Milwaukee - I know how frustrating it is when a diabetic refuses to help themselves. It must be especially frustrating when that someone is a person you love dearly. But like the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water". My FIL was diabetic and eventualy had to have his leg amputated Honestly, that was the beginning of the end for him. I agree with Heather, let your hubby see in person what happens when you don't take care of yourself

    Michele in NC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 400 Member
    Just wanted to say that Heather, you look gorgeous!

    Made it through my "date night" with Sir Paul--the second time I have seen him. I had no idea when I was 10 years old watching that teeny TV screen that I would be in an arena with him in 2015-- he was wonderful!

    I need a weekend to not be on the road and get re-acquainted with my house and garden before it gets any colder around here. My life seems to be in total chaos, but I have had a very full October so far and done many things. Unfortunately hardly any of those things involved improving the condition of the house and yard.

    I ate a bit more than I should have in Toronto but walking all over the place should have done something to counteract it. I did not have any poutine, which was really calling my name. If you are not familiar with Canadian food it is pretty much French fries on steroids. Take fries and add more calories then you can imagine...

    Hope the people who are sick will be healthy in the blink of an eye!

    Betty WNY

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Just bought a wifi flash drive 64Gb. Didn't know such things existed! Thanks Irish Terri! <3 Ain't this group great!
    My tablet doesn't have a USB port so the wifi thing will solve the problem. :D Expecting it in a couple of days.

    I always get very neurotic when a new thing arrives, but should be able to sort it all out. I'm not stupid, just panicky. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia- what a sweet husband!

    Michele- thanks! I feel better after getting up and doing my exercises and walking around. You seem awfully busy though! Have a great day!

    Beth - good job on resisting such a delicious treat!

    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Found the yogurt treats and will only use them when I want her to get into her crate. Once you get her to it, she'll go in it with little fight; but, she doesn't want to get close enough to grabbed. She's getting cuter and cuter every day. I'm pretty sure that DH won't have much to do with her (such as taking her outside unless he has outdoor work to do) while I am gone on my Women's Retreat. Put her in the crate this AM about 8:45 and she cried when I got to the door and opened it; and was still crying when the 'get out of the house before I go off' alarm went off. It was so pitiful! She was 'so excited' when I got home. She had kept her crate clean and dry so that is a good thing. All I had to do is put a new paper puppy back in there. She's asleep right now so I don't think I will get up and do my treadmill, she looks so peaceful. I'll do it later.

    Thanks to all who said that "Cracker" was 'cute'! We think so, too! She's a mess! Very smart, too.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I just signed-up to take a cooking/education class on diabetes through my work. I'm hoping that if I prepare myself with some options to offer, I can slowly move DH the right direction. I know he won't be eating salads by New Year, but if I can substitute 1 item per week to something less damaging, at least I will be making a slight improvement. Thank you everyone who has offered suggestions so far, but for this subject, scare tactics will not work. His Mom just takes her metformin without changing her diet or exercise, and his Dad kept eating dinner rolls and brownies until the end, so this is a battle I can not win, but will just try to drag out the inevitable. And I'm truly hoping that a $10 class at work will buy me plenty of time. Plus, eating a diabetic-friendly meal plan will be healthy for me and DS, too !
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member

    Karen from NY
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps -
    had a lil more energy in working out this morning. kirby told me we are going to get the bug (volkswagon bug 1971) running again to drive. he got it for me for one of my birthdays. it started right up for him yesterday. he's going to have modern disc brakes put in and we'll drive it like once a week to keep it going. he was thinking about selling it (with my permission) and getting another restored one. this one was bought restored from california. the inside is all redone, just need to replace the dash if he wanted. when we retire, that will be the driving around car instead of the beast that we use to haul the airstream (save gas of course when we're not riding).

    speaking of vw bugs....I was in my early 20s, flat broke, my first boyfriend gave me a vw bug to drive; it had a rusted floor, you could actually see the pavement below your feet on the passenger side! As I was driving one winter evening through the Baltimore harbor tunnel, I heard a loud explosion and a white sticky residue flew out all over the car interior. Unbelievably, I did not lose control of the car-- a can of "Fix-o-flat" had exploded inside the car as it was lodged next to the floor heater! Covered with sticky gluey residue I made it home in one piece. How in the world did I ever survive my early 20s.....I truly had a guardian angel, with a great sense of humor. And oh, how I loved that VW bug (the boyfriend meh, not so much) ;)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Grits- cute story about cracker! It really is exciting when you get such a welcoming reception!

    Terri- if you are the main chef and bottle washer then he will have no choice but to eat healthy except his snacks. Unless you do all the shopping! Don't buy any snacks! Eventually he will have to come to a change because his body will make it so! If he has a diabetic episode Watch for extreme change in behavior which can be very violent.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    katla, it is very difficult for my husband to say that love word to me. But it is easy for him to show me in different acts of service. Is this something your husband could do for DD.

    terri, sorry about you husband and diabetes. It may be a tough battle for the two of you if he can't be 'scared' into it. I had both of my cataracts mature in my 50's because of diabetes, my niece who is about 32 now can't drive at night due to her diabetes that she thinks her medicine only will take care of it. She has an insulin pump and jsut injects more insulin.

    DJ, I looked at the data base re and made sure I picked one of the lower calorie Blizzards. I could have gone over 400 calories with on of those teeny tiny mini blizzards.

    Lisa, so sorry about what happened after you served your time. I feel so for the waitress who was only doing what she thought was right and then she gets fired when she really needs the job. Can the big guy get her a job on the ranch?

    Heather, still can't get over how you and your hubbie look. I laughed at your description of the man. A humper is not a good thing to be called here in the US.

    Mechanics shop called back on our minivan. $850 for a fuel pump and something else. We had the car towed to this place instead of our regular mechanic because of how close it is and they have taken care of it before. So CDH called our regular mechanic and his price was about $100 regular so we will just have the other guy take care of it. I guess that's what happens when you are driving a 2002 car.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mary - Sadly, no. He shops and cooks for himself as often as I do it. He buys all the junk, eats at fast food places, etc. I never buy that stuff. He is currently on a honey ham kick, except that he eats it on white bread. One huge change he will need to make soon is with snacking. He often goes 12 or more hours without eating, then stuffs himself with unhealthy food. He is starting to notice that if he goes too long without food he doesn't feel good, so I will work on dehydrating some apples this weekend for him to snack on when he starts feeling that way. I will definitely ask at work for a chart so I can watch for the extreme behavior, thanks for the reminder.

    Funny, I hear about people at work finding out they are diabetic from always being thirsty, or having to rush to the bathroom too often, but him getting up 3 times per night instead of once just didn't click. I think he will see a big change if he can stay off the Pepsi products. That is actually a huge step for him, not a baby step.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce- we spent around 2500 when we broke down in Colorado on the transmission. The way that we look at it is that we now have a fairly new old car! If we would have had a car payment that would be close to $6000 in payments a year. So I'm OK with repairing a 2003 vehicle!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - it will take him a while but his body will make him behave somewhat! You are an awesome wife!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Ooop, Heather. It's an interesting book, but not 31£ interesting. I'll just have to read up and retell the stories orally when you're here. B)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Just heard a news report for those of you whose battery life on cell phone does not last long it could be that facebook's tracking of you if you have an I-phone. They are trying to correct the problem.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    Margaret = Can FB track you if you no longer have an account with them? If they blocked you out of it, because I tried to set up a new one when my old one got hacked twice? That is the reason I no longer have an account with them, other than the 'drama' that is all over it.

    I found the yogurt treats you were talking about giving your whippets when you want them to get into their kennels. I have doggie biscuits to award her when she goes out to do her 'job'; and then food that she gets fed in the morning and at night; and now the yogurt treats to entice her to get into her crate.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Beth - I <3 this statement you made. "Finally, however, have found my resolve to move forward with my health. Logging, weighing, doing things right. I cannot control the events swirling around me but I can control how I treat myself." I'm posting this on my mirror to look at it several times a day. Mentally strong = goals met!

    Allison - hugs :)

    Lisa - You are an incredible lady! Your lastest post dealing with as the Texas Restaurant Turns ( B) seems to fit the theme of "as much as things change they often stay the same". Good folks let go from their job, crummy ones get to stay, hire their wives, or even get promoted! Management made a great chioce when they hired you; a very compent, honest, straight forward, powerful lady that gives darn good advice and knows what needs to be done. Seems to me that the owners are throwing good money after bad if they don't fix things as you recommended. You left it so much better than you found it and I'm sure that is appreciated by all - from the bottom up : )

    Heather- lovely location for DH 70th Birthday weekend. Congratulations on the fabulous party bash. You look absolutely beautiful in the picture and are my inspiration.

    Terrimom - Wow, DH has diabetes. Did he have any idea something didn't feel right?

    Barbie - Welcome back from vacation. Hope your fur babies are well today and you got some good information from your chiropractor.

    Mary in MN- great vacation pictures...I need a vacation now. ha ha

    Sylvia, DJ, and exermom and anyone I missed, I do read all your posts. Hugs and wishing you peace in your day.

    Have to go pick up DS from high school as he's too young to have his driver's license yet. I will write later on my Gym visits. I think I have found a good fit.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal