

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Barbie, glad you had a good trip but made it home. I like my smartphone too but don’t even try to post from it. I’m a computer user for sure.

    Marilyn, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Come often and join right in.

    MicheleNC, around here it is not allowed to have dogs or cats roam around the neighborhood without being on a leash. Of course some people do let their cats out but the bird lovers aren’t happy about that when they kill the baby birds. Heck, when I was a kid most dogs roamed the neighborhoods at will and just came home for dinner. I vividly remember the ones that used to chase the cars barking at the wheels.

    Mindy, it sounds like a fun filled trip. Hope you have some pictures to share.

    Mary, glad you had a good trip and didn’t let the little “stay over” bother you. Good luck with your new “diet”. How much more weight are you wanting to lose?

    Joyce, when they poked the hole in her uterus, did they sew it back up? That sounds crazy.

    Sharon, glad you had a good trip, too. It sounds like two very big dogs that were liking you a bit too much. Lol Hard to turn down all that lovin’. smiley-love029.gif

    Allison, what a bummer that you got the cold and DFIL, too. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.

    Katla, just go in the RV and take a deck of cards and maybe a bottle? LOL Tell that DH of yours to call his daughter and just say I Love You. You and I know the conversation will go fine from there. Men! Honestly.

    Lisa, I have never lived anywhere that had anything like those butterflies. How cool!!

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Gosh it got cold last night. At least for here and this early. I think the actual temp was 41 but I didn’t want out of bed this morning. I had an appointment to get blood work so had to get up. The sky is clear and it’s a beautiful sunny day. Just cold. I actually wore a jacket to the doctor’s office. I have a Moose meeting tonight so will wear something warm to it. Maybe one of my new tops. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    DJ- I have 30 pounds left to lose. I am hoping to lose body fat and build muscle. The diet is supposed to help you to lose belly fat. You can look it up on the Dr. Oz website then look up Dr. Valter Longo. I did not just go by what Dr. Oz said on his program I researched the doctor responsible for the initial study. His findings have a lot to do with cancer research. The fasting kills old cells and cancer cells and promotes New stem cell growth. Very interesting. My DH has decided to do it with me for the next three months. The breakdown of macro nutrient consumption is 56% fat 34% carbs and 10% protein. I am having a hard time getting these percentages so have had to play with my food consumption to get them close. It is a 1000 cal or under five-day fast. It is also supposed to help with heart disease, diabetes, and give you a Fountain of youth. I'm a retired science teacher so this is my new experiment.

    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2015

    Here is my 'precious' little "Cracker". I had to get my technical team to be able to post her to this site. She is 4 months old; we gave her 6/16 as her birthday (son's birthday). She seems to have been potty trained and leash trained; but, she fights having to go into her crate. I'm going to try to find her the yogurt treats that Margaret uses on her whippets. She is a terrier mix; and, if you are wondering what that thing is around her neck, its a cone so she won't lick he sutures from being spayed. Hard to believe she was picked up as a 'stray'. All I can say is, 'their loss, my find". She had been at the shelter for 2 weeks and nobody had called to find out where she might be. We took her to our vet (who did not do the spaying) and he said to bring he back in 10 days to have sutures removed. I'm going to a Women's Retreat on Friday so it will have to wait until Monday. He agreed that she was 4 months old; and is doing well with her suturing and the cone must stay on until he takes the stitches out. He checked her for worms; and put her on flea and tick medicine. Only sold me one, to see how she did on it. Now 3 weeks from now I will have to take her back in to be checked for heartworms and to be put on medication to prevent that. She is a 'lover' especially of me. She cried for a long time the other day when I went to the grocery store and DH said that little would make her stop. So he brought her back into the great room and play with her.

    The children and Grand's came down yesterday with their 2 dogs and she got so excited and DH says he is happy that she has enough spunk to chase and play with the other dogs. He did not want her to be skittish to the point of cowering behind something or someone. She came in and was a little hyper but then she settled down and went to sleep until I fed her and took her outside. This morning she has been sleeping a lot; but, I guess puppies are like babies - they sleep most of the time.

    I've posted what I think I will be eating for the day and stayed under my 'caloric intake', too. I hope that I have not gained any weight this time, since I have been off and we've eaten at restaurants that are not very low in calories; and I had a mixed drink and a glass of wine. So I guess I will find out what happens tomorrow.

    Found out that friend who does our taxes did not get them done before the cut-off date; so she said if we were penalized, she'd pay the penalty. That's a good thing, too. I got all my stuff to her on or before April 15th this year (thinking she would do them); but, she is working and that comes first. Boo-Hiss!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Lenora ... Cracker is cute! I was expecting an "ugly" cute ... Not at all! As for disciplining ... I just never used the crate ... Dealt with the problem immediately and moved on.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oooooh this morning I was BRAVE WOMAN. Well I felt brave. It was raining cats and dogs, and husband and I decided to go for a walk anyway. I knew my TOPS ladies would bail out on me, because it was raining. So I normally walk faster than my husband, so I just walked ahead of him. He listens to pod-casts of Old time radio shows anyway. I normally walk with people because I am nervous that ELK will walk out on the trail. Towards the end of the path, where I turn around and go back, I saw them all in a side clearing, just chillin lying down. I was quiet and passed them fine, but then I had images of them charging down the trail...silly I know. I jogged even, then rested, then jogged stretching my gait to long strides. From that twig to the another twig on the path further up the way. I did that a bunch of times. I was proud of myself! I cut 15 minutes off my normal walk time with my ladies. I probably can cut 5 minutes more off if I stop darting and looking around for ELK... lol Paying attention to my surroundings is probably vital though.

    Well I hope everyone is hanging in there, persevering, and eating mindful. I am get back into my groove, and it feels nice, and comfortable. Both my sons contacted us and made it to their respective homes fine.

    My youngest son bowed down to our will and agreed to get his hair cut. My husband dropped him off at the barber, because he had to buy the comedy club tickets on Saturday. The son picked a #2 buzz cut, so now I can actually see ears, plus his skin instantly clears up. Go figure...

    I am blessed to have a son that realizes that he has it pretty good, (no demands of him really). I used to remind him periodically that just like I have a job as his Mom to tell him what to do, he had a job to be my son. Part of his job is to be the great student that he is, keep his room fairly orderly, sleep when we tell him, eat what we give him. Thankfully he converses with my husband in issues current or ancient histories. I am hopeless in historical debates, getting one thing mixed up with another, which they find so comical!!! Ok I admit it, I make mistakes on purpose to make them laugh... (well most of the time).

    a pic of a great meal I made recently...


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Since I still have work to do, I am a few pages behind on my reading. Apologies to anyone, I hope you are not offended, but know that I think fondly of you often.

    Sharon – From what you say about your son and his career path, my daughter will never be a successful tattoo artist. She is talented, no doubt, but very stubborn about the final look, so I’m not sure she could rein-in her personal creativity to make something that the receiver wants if it is different from her vision. Also, she is terrible at accepting constructive criticism; she takes everything personally. Then, she also does not get the emotional support she would need from her Dad’s side of the family, and she refuses to move to my area, because she can’t picture life without her friends (her Dad is the same way). A few years ago she had an engagement party , and her paternal grandma took every opportunity possible to tell the “kids” how she disapproves of tattoos and piercings and such. So, from a distance, I keep verbally supporting whatever career she thinks she wants from one month to the next. But thank you so much for sharing your information. I will keep it in the back of my mind when I talk to my DD about her life paths.

    – sorry about the loss of your friend. Hugs !

    This was not a good bowling weekend at my house. At Saturday League DS averaged 184, and at yesterday's tournament he averaged 183, which put him at third from the bottom. He and DH kept arguing about which ball he should be throwing. Personally I would think it would take longer than 2 days of bowling to learn how a ball with perform, but what do I know ?

    Friday after work we cleaned the gutters, but only had about 30 minutes of daylight, so there's still plenty of work to be done.

    Yesterday after bowling we stopped at the Outlet Mall. Why have I EVER paid such high prices for athletic clothes? I will never shop for Nike anywhere besides the outlet. 2 6-packs of socks and a hoodie sweatshirt for under $50. No one warned me that teenage boys can't "cross label" their athleticwear. // People sure give me funny looks when DS holds up an item and I tell him the color. I hate when he argues with me about a color, but then he holds it next to another item and says "see, they are the same" and everybody laughs, so at least I'm not wrong. He finally admits to being colorblind, so I'm not quite sure why we keep having these conversations, but he still makes me laugh at least once every day. (most of the time DH does, too, but yesterday his sinuses were congested, so I just stayed away).

    The Hancock Fabrics store near my house is moving about 6 miles away this Weekend, so they have almost everything on clearance. I bought a Brother Computer Embroidery Machine for $275. I can't wait to clear the kitchen table and start practicing on towels and such. I already read the manual. I also bought way more yarn than I needed (I don't need any, I still have 4 totes full). My youngest niece asked me to make another hat and blanket for her youngest daughter. I knitted the hat on the loom, because that's what was needed based on my RA pain, but I'm doing the blanket in crochet. Plus a friend asked me to donate to "Little Red Hats for Big Hearts", so I have 2 baby hats done in shades of red. Those are easiest on the knitting loom (and only take an hour or so).

    Okay, back to work.

    Hugs for Everyone Again ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Well ladies - I'm back!
    I have read everything and I hope you will forgive me if I don't comment as you can imagine I have been a bit busy. :o
    No pics as yet, but I am working in it. our proper camera takes huge pics, so I am waiting to reduce a few or for an email from a phone.
    The weekend was a huge success and DH is ecstatic at how well it went. No hiccups at all, but a huge amount of work on my part and a lot of help from friends and relatives. I restricted my alcohol intake in order to keep on the ball and in charge and was able to marshal all the help needed. Spent a lot of time ordering people about as nicely as possible. :D One or two people really were a huge help. I have a golden glow of success now and I am so pleased that DH was able to completely relax and enjoy the weekend. Most of the time he was in 7th heaven. B):D
    The venue was beautiful, people brought amazing food for the potluck, everyone got on with everyone else, the catered dinner went well, there was masses of alcohol and we drank all the champagne. The cake was a huge hit and my DGD pulled down her pants during DH's speech as she has just been potty trained and wanted to go to the toilet. I read a poem after the cake cutting and DGD kept saying "Johnny's cake gone!!!!!" as the helper had taken it out to the kitchen for cutting up. My poem was US TWO from NOW WE ARE SIX, the same poem I read at DS's wedding and it's about Winnie the Pooh. When DGD heard the word Pooh she was mighty excited!!!!!!!
    The help we had hired for the afternoon was amazing and made all the difference. A real professional! You should have seen her cake cutting!
    My yoga teacher's dress I had borrowed looked lovely.
    The colour changing candles, the multi coloured lights I bought and the silver disposable cutlery were all huge hits. :D The cake was the best fruit cake I have ever made.
    I nearly had a fit when I couldn't fit 25 people round the table, but my step daughter came to the rescue with her idea of borrowing tiny round tables from the barn which we joined on. Genius!
    Only sadness was that DS#1 couldn't come as he had a major panic attack. I thought he might not make it, but it was still a big sadness. I only got the text at 4pm that day. :'(
    Lots and lots of packing up and now we are home. The presents were all fabulous and we have brought back quite a bit of food and drink. So happy that people mucked in so well and were so generous with their time and money. The Sunday night, the ones who were left all went out for a pub meal which was nice and I could relax at last.
    Will get a couple of photos ready for you asap. I am just soooooooo happy it all went well. :D

    Lots of love, Heather x x x x x x x x x UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather-I am so happy that your DH birthday party went so well. I am glad that you are back and can hardly wait to look at your pictures. LOL about your DGD and her potty incident. Kids do the darndest things!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    DS emailed this photo from his phone.yevjrn4ht2km.jpg
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    cute poocher pic!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather-you look absolutely beautiful! Your husband is quite the looker as well. Very cute couple. I love your outfit. I have to say you look awfully young not old enough to be on this thread.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Glad to hear everything went swimmingly Heather. And what a nice-looking couple you are!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, so glad your party was such a success. Most important thing you said was that your husband was in 7th heaven. I agree with Mary, you look Fabulous!

    Becca, Crackers is precious. Already we can see how he has affected your life. You can't stop talking about him!!!! We love all his escapades.

    Minivan broke down today, last week it was SUV. I am glad we have AAA and they came and towed the van to the Ford dealership out our way and they will look at it tomorrow.

    I have an old recipe for chili that although it tastes real good, I am sure it isn't low in calories or fat. But while we were out shopping last week Charlie picked up a just add meat can of chili and he has been so anxious to eat it. So that's what's for dinner tonight.

    Joyce, Indiana

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    Annr - wow, that meal looks wonderful!!!!! :p

    bwcetc - yes, she is cute; but in a 'ugly-cute' sort of way. I think her personality is great! She does sleep in her crate. It's just difficult to get her inside it. I think tomorrow when I go to town I will see about finding some yogurt treats which Margaret uses with her whippets. She likes the treats that the shelter gave me a box as a part of my adopting her. Last night she finally paid some attention to the stuffed monkey they gave to me, the tennis ball is really too big for her at the moment. I bought some smaller (yet too big to get caught in her throat) tennis balls. They are in her crate; I purchased a bright yellow bone-shaped toy for her as well. Next Monday I will take her kennel back to the pet store and get my $$$ back (in cash) instead of getting a store credit since I wrote them a check. She's noticed the bone as well. My DGD who plans on being a vet told me not to give her any rawhide toys because as a puppy she can't digest it and it will make her sick. I sort of remember that about her Luna.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    edited October 2015

    The cake I made with the sparklers lit. DH's niece is sitting next to it. She is the aunt of the little girl, the one the family rescued from the Phillipines when she was abducted by her mother.


    The main birthday meal. My younger son and DDIL are in the foreground.

    Heather uk <3

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather-I love the candles in the cake! What a lovely gathering. Thank you for sharing.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    What fun Heather, looks like you had a great time!

    Lenora, crackers is absolutely adorable.

    You all are making me want to learn to take pics and start posting...and that would be a big step for me....
    Karen from ny
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Crackers is cute!