Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I want to meet you gals, too! But Bmore is too far for me money-wise right now. :cry: I hope someday we can all meet! And then I'll write a script and sell it to MGM and they'll make a movie about it and then I'll share the profits with all the sisters of the traveling weight loss pants and then...

    Speaking of, I have a very good friend, Alice Henderson, who is a writer. She used to write for the Buffy the Vampire dealie. Well, last year she published her first novel, VORACIOUS. So if any of you like that kind of vampire-esque reading, please buy her book!!!

    Deb - so relieved to hear that this psych is going about things in a good, sound way. I like him and I have not even met him! Two thumbs up! You are the best mom on the planet, by the way. :heart: I wish I had you at my school. I long for the day when a mom cares enough about her child to get to the bottom of issues. Not happening on my front. :frown:

    I'm embracing the 402 today. I went through all seven stages of grief since this morning. :heart: Stage one - denial. I could not believe it did not read 399 on that scale. I worked so damn hard! :heart: Stage two - guilt. Did I do enough? What about sodium? If I had only not eaten out that one night, dammit. :heart: Stage three - anger & bargaining. Maybe if I don't eat today I will weigh 399 tomorrow. :heart: Stage four - depression. This one really hurt. The true magnitude of not weighing 399 today - full of despair. :heart: Stage five - upward turn. I went to the pool and worked out for forty five minutes in the water. :heart: Stage six - reconstruction. I know what I have to do to get there and I am going to do it NOW! :heart: Stage seven - acceptance and hope. I did it, I accept it, and *kitten* it I am going to get to 399 by this weekend!!! :tongue:

    I found it on Amazon for 7.99 if anybody is interested in the book!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    TOM hit me full force this morning (it threatened me for 4 days first. argh. Seriously, the whole TOM hanging out for a week and a half thing isn't cute at all). AND I ate a Boston Market frozen dinner last night with OVER 1900MG OF SODIUM!! Holy mother! Anyway, despite all that, I was back under 200 this morning at 198.8. I'm definitely bloated so I'm certain that when TOM leaves and I get my sodium consumption back under control, I'll be back around 195 again. Looks like no real damage done from eating my way through my honeymoon. I'm hoping some metaboslim revving will come of it, actually.

    I haven't been to the gym for a week (though I seriously got plenty of exercise over the weekend -- my quads are actually still feeling the hours and hours and hours of bike riding I did on Saturday & Sunday). It will be a miracle if I go today since I'm not feeling so hot thanks to you-know-who. I'm not that worried about it, honestly. If I don't feel well I'll half-*kitten* the workout anyway so I may as well save my gas and go for a few hours sometime tomorrow-Sunday instead.

    Won't be around much today. Still super busy at work making sure the next payroll isn't royally effed by complications with the software switch. Have I mentioned how much I love my job lately?

    Edit -- changed "188.8" to "198.8" :tongue: But how nice does "188.8" look? I'm sick of the 190s, darn it (but I'll take them over the 200s, that's for sure).
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - How was your date last night???

    It was good! It's so refreshing to go out with a gentlemen. :laugh: I almost don't know what to do. It's been so long since I been out with a guy who opens doors, car doors and is polite. It's different! :laugh: And actualy has his stuff together!

    POS Me-awww you so sweet! Thank you for the compliment!! :blushing:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - glad your date went well...No rush on the clothes (not like i can wear a 22 at this moment in time ), just let me know whenever you have time :smile:

    Thanks everyone on the kind words regarding my daughter and the psyc...me and hubby are really feeling optimistic about this. ...a little nervous to on what he may find with all the tests...but if it is something as simple as diet..i can surely handle that...and if it will lhelp with the accidnets and have my sweet baby back and not have to give her narcotics i am all for it.

    I am ready for my workout at lunch...i think i am going to do the heartrate mode again..that kicked my butt the other day

    hubby is feeling soo down i feel bad for him. So far he lost like 1/2 lb and he is soo frustrated, he burned like 1300 cals yesterday and was sitting at 8 trying to eat so he would be at least like 1200 net calories, i don't think he made it, i tell him he needs to eat more throughout the day on those days...i think he is probably still loaded up from eating soo much last night...hopefuly it will even out and he will have a good # in the mornign.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Raider: Yes, I've check eBay and Amazon for those workout systems but people bid them up almost as high as they would be to just buy the darn things. I did find one seller who has several of them for $60 each, so that might be an option the next time I get paid. I ended up buying a kettlebell workout kit at Target last night for $30 but then didn't try it out yet. I wanted something new but not for $120!

    Bluenote: I think you should write a move about our group after we meet. I just know it would be hilarious and touching all at once; a true classic. I can hear the movie trailer in my head. Paramount Pictures brings you the touching story of a group of women from very different backgrounds who were brought together through their weight loss journeys. With moments that will make you cry as they struggle with family difficulties and loss, as well hysterical moments that will sure to bring fits of laughter, these women will find a way into your heart. Don't miss The Sisterhood of the Traveling Weight Loss Pants."
    Oh, and I'll be sure to check out Alice's book. I love that you lived so close but had to be so far from home to meet. You're definitely meant to be friends, if you ask me!

    Stongue: Welcome!

    Julie: Love the cockroach story! I'd be having a heart attack, too!

    Susan: I love your positive attitude.

    lildeb: Hopefully this doctor will have some answers and ideas for Serena. Let me know if he says anything about putting her on a gluten-free diet. I've known children with autism who were put on gluten-free diets and it seemed to help behavioral issues.

    Jess: Glad your date went well. Gentlemen are refreshing, aren't they? My boyfriend is still a gentleman and we've been together almost two years! He still opens doors and is polite...*sigh*

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: over by 31
    Sodium: over by 2216 (frozen pizza being the culprit)
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: 20 minutes of 30 Day Shred, Level 1 followed by 30 minutes of Cardio kickboxing video. Whew! Burned 591 calories to cancel out that DQ sundae.
    Proud: That I worked out to cancel out the sundae; it's better than having the sundae and not doing anything about it! And I was down 1 lb. this morning (193.8)
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - Glad that you met a gentleman and treats you the way you should be treated. It is so nice to have that in a guy!!!

    Julie - Hope your new software nightmare is over soon! They gym will still be there tomorrow and Sunday so you are able to take some time off.

    Heather - I love the summary that you made for our movie. Sounds like something I would watch!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Nightmare Wednesday is bleeding into Nightmare Thursday... Does anyone know where I can get a new job, $15,000, a new car and some more will power to stay away from the cake in the fridge?

    I feel like everything is spiraling and I don't have enough resources to make it stop...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    heather-Oh my goodness the kettle ball is a freaking workout! I bought it and did it once, haven't done it since! Let me know how you like it!! Congrats on the 1 pound down. Making baby steps in the right direction!! I agree blue should write a movie about us. I feel it would be pretty entertaining. We are a pretty awesome group of girls!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Nightmare Wednesday is bleeding into Nightmare Thursday... Does anyone know where I can get a new job, $15,000, a new car and some more will power to stay away from the cake in the fridge?

    I feel like everything is spiraling and I don't have enough resources to make it stop...

    Sorry to hear you are having another rough day. Just tell yourself you don't need that cake. It's not going to solve your problems. Vent here all you want and need to, to stay away from those sweets!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    tstout - Deep breath... Sorry you're having a tough day. It WILL get better. Hang in there!!
    Jess - Glad you had a nice date last night!
    Heather - Way to go on the kettlebell! And amazing movie summary/trailer. :smile:

    Baltimore reunion!! Well, I guess it's not a reunion, since we're never met... Baltimore initial union!!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Over, by 307 (1507 total) Ugh. I had a major sweet tooth yesterday and was so snacky!
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - None. again. It's so HOT in NYC!! I wanted to take a 2 mile walk yesterday, but just couldn't do it. Must find motivation again!
    Proud - There's not too much to be proud of actually... I did have a good talk with our team's VP, so we'll call that a good thing. Yesterday was just a blah kind of day.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Nightmare Wednesday is bleeding into Nightmare Thursday... Does anyone know where I can get a new job, $15,000, a new car and some more will power to stay away from the cake in the fridge?

    I feel like everything is spiraling and I don't have enough resources to make it stop...

    Sorry that your day is not getting better!! I hope it stops really soon!! I agree with Jess, stay away from the cake and vent on here. That is why we are here to get each other through the hard times.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Good morning, Baltimore! OK I am not meeting up but I can at least add lines from Hairspray. I am a singer, you know. :laugh:

    Heather - the trailer is perfect!!! I am cutting and pasting it into my word processor thingie. OK I don't know what you call it when you type documents - isn't that word processing? My friends here bust out laughing when I use the words word processor! They ask me how the 1980's are doing! :tongue: Only I guess the whole traveling pants thing is copyrighted so we'll have to come up with something else. How about traveling weight loss capris? :wink:
    tstout - (isn't it Teresa? Not sure, sorry) {{{hugs}}} your way. Hang in there. Things will get better. :heart:
    Ann - I am so excited for you to go on vacation because you are sooo excited!!! Yay!!! :flowerforyou:
    Susan - Yes, I know exactly what you mean about the food diary. An eye opening experience, for sure! Way to go on your optimism! I love it! :flowerforyou:
    Jess - Ah, so nice to hear there are actually GENTLEMEN around that are not taken!
    Deb - Thanks for the info. I think I may try wearing my Polar to the pool tomorrow. I hope it doesn't drown! :ohwell:

    Just got back from PT for NINETY minutes. Woo! Plus I had six shots of espresso beforehand AND I took my ADD meds!!! I always forget to take my meds. Ooops.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    tstout: No matter what happens, just make sure you're taking care of yourself first and foremost. If you find the source of a new job and $15,000, please let me know! And step away from the cake!

    blue: Yes, typing documents is called word processing! Maybe we should just be the Traveling Weight Loss Sisters, since we're all going to start visiting each other! I'm bummed that I won't be able to go to Baltimore, either.

    And, Blue, how can you even manage to type after six shots of espresso??
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    And, Blue, how can you even manage to type after six shots of espresso??
    Very fast, my friend. Very fast.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    And, Blue, how can you even manage to type after six shots of espresso??
    Very fast, my friend. Very fast.

    mmm, love me some espresso. I can drink a ton of that stuff and not feel a thing..LOL
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    elmox: love the new picture..so cute :)

    Heather: where have you been? I must have missed you posts...we missed you girl:heart: Glad your back in the swing of things..
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    BTW, Did MOMMA come back from her camping trip? Or is she missing in action?
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Thanks, ladies :) So far I have susatained from eating any cake... but while doing so I had not eaten anything besides a cliff bar. No coffee, no water, nothing. Terrible, terrible, terrible. I just made myself eat lunch (lean ground beef, salsa, light sour cream... who needs taco shells?)

    I just keep waiting for a break and I don't feel like one is coming. One can only tread water for so long.... here's to hoping/praying.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks, ladies :) So far I have susatained from eating any cake... but while doing so I had not eaten anything besides a cliff bar. No coffee, no water, nothing. Terrible, terrible, terrible. I just made myself eat lunch (lean ground beef, salsa, light sour cream... who needs taco shells?)

    I just keep waiting for a break and I don't feel like one is coming. One can only tread water for so long.... here's to hoping/praying.

    Sorry to hear you had a bad couple of days..good thing is the work day is almost done. Hang in girl!:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I like the traveling weight loss sisters! :drinker: I bet it would be quite a story!
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