Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!!!!!

    Julie- way to marry rich :laugh: :wink: Haha, jk....

    Jess- The new guy sounds good! Dont count out the other guy though...I know there is kid drama and all but its nice he cares that much about his kids to make them his priority. Thats a good quality in a man. I met my fiance when my step son was 2.5yrs old. Seeing how much he loved that little boy is what made me fall in love with him and want to be with him forever. You can tell how good a man is by how he treats his family :flowerforyou: :love:

    Elmox- mmmmm cake.....

    This morning the scale was at 201.8, which is 2.6 less than yesterday...so hooray!

    Today I plan on doing maybe a 300-400 work out day...trying not to burn myself out this time. I need to finish c25k ...gotta squeeze that in somewhere..Im scared!:embarassed:

    b back later
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'm assuming the hurricaine harbor is a water park....sounds like so fun. I am in awe of your bravery as I'm so not ready for a swimsuit in public yet. Have a great time.
    If it makes you feel any better, I'll be spending my days in Waikiki in a windowless construction site !!!
    At least I can have dinner by the ocean though....I am DEFINITELY NOT complaining.
    I am all for boy #2, forget #1 as you are already wisely doing....too much drama !! Maybe if you are still single in 6 months his life will be less complicated.

    Raider - I do store design and actually rarely get to travel for work, this is just a fluke month with an awesome business trip back to back with a vacation/hobby course.

    Elmox - you did what !11!! that is some willpower. I'm going to bet it was not a magnolia cupcake but if you walked past one of those then you are my new idol :laugh:

    Cris - I knew it, you just can't stay off that scale :bigsmile: :laugh: well at least this morning it is playing nice.

    Leaving for the airport in an hour so talk soon xoxoxoxo
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning!!

    I have a confession. I did walk by cake - free cake with lots of delcious icing. However, 90 minutes later I ordered Chinese food for dinner! :laugh: I did have it with brown rice and gave away my egg roll, so there's a win. But yes, no exercise + Chinese food. TOM also arrived yesterday, so I'm going to blame my Chinese craving on him.

    Jess - Thanks for the boy update. Glad the new one got the family seal of approval. That's a pretty important thing.
    Cris - Congrats on your nice loss on Day 1.
    Raider- Good luck with your suger-free and water-filled day.

    Have a good one my dears!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300

    This morning the scale was at 201.8, which is 2.6 less than yesterday...so hooray!

    Today I plan on doing maybe a 300-400 work out day...trying not to burn myself out this time. I need to finish c25k ...gotta squeeze that in somewhere..Im scared!:embarassed:

    WTG!! You are losin it fast!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - Have fun today !!!!

    Cris - WTG on the 2.6lbs

    I feel soo blah today, but i am going to force myself to go workout today...

    I am soo torn, i want to enroll abby in a soccer league they are having, starting in a few weeks, but i also have to pay to board my dog when we go on vacation, the vacation itself, and Serena's birthday in a few weeks. I just don't think i can afford it all..not to mention the extra 80 bucks a week for serena's summer camp.

    We are wanting to save for a house next summer but seems every month something comes up and eats that money away.

    Then also torn what to do for serena's bday, she wants like a real birthday party like at a place, she doesn't have many friends...My good friend had 2 little boys that might come i am waiting on a response from her, she has 2 little friends on the street she can invite, she has friends at day care, but i don't know if have to invite the whole summer camp or if she can just invite certian people, i know in abby's class you ahve to invite the whole class, but there are like 50-60 kids there ...i can't afford that many..I think i found a place that wouldn't be too much $$ and have to have a min of just like 6 kids, sad thing i don't know if i can get 6 kids there :sad:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm still not caught up on posts. Work is insane and I don't want to be here. :frown:

    Cris -- My FIL married rich, not me. :laugh: Congrats of being back on track.
    Jess -- New guy does sound good. It was definitely nice that recent guy was considerate enough to give you an explanation.
    Lildeb -- I'm with you on the drowning yourself in water thing today. I was so bloated this morning I seriously *could not* get my ring on. It's fitting now, thank goodness!

    So, for the rest of this week it's going to be water water water, 1200-1400 calories, and exercise as usual. I think Saturday I'll go back to my usual routine. We'll see.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Congrats you newlywed! So glad you enjoyed your homeymoon!!

    Cris-His girls are very important to him. That's all he talks about and you are right there is something about a guy who values family like that. So whatever is going on with it is tearing him up.

    Lildebbie-Gotta love how everything comes all at once huh? I have to board my dog as well when I'm on vacation, it ain't cheap! If you have a Pappys Pet Lodge by you, look into it. They are the best priced place I can find.

    You are all so sweet with your words of encouragement on my boy drama. My life is a soap opera. I'm not waiting around for boy #1 but if it happens when he gets it all together and I'm single maybe we could try again. But I am going on a date with boy #2 tomorrow. :bigsmile:

    As far as the swimsuit in public. Not thrilled going with my 110 pound cousin but it will be okay! She highlighted my hair last night, it rocks! I need to get a pic of it and show y'all. I'm off to to the water park. Have a great day ladies!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Look at me in full stalker mode! :laugh: :laugh:

    Deb - I know what you mean with everything hitting at one time. It keeps happening to me too. The biggest one this last year was we put our $1000 earnest money down on our house and then the next night my engine blows in my car!! There was no way to back out of the house since we put that money down since it was a foreclosure. It really stunk! It will get better! For Serena's bday party you will figure something out. I wouldn't think you would have to invite everyone for summer camp just a few of her friends but keep it small if you can't afford it. I know that is what I would have to do.

    Julie - Drink Mrs!!! You, Deb and me are going to be floating at some point with all of our water! But if it makes all the lbs drop off that works for me!! Sorry your job is not going well. Have you heard anything from the other job yet? I am sure it is early but you never know with some places.

    Jess - Have a blast! My dh wants us to go to Schlitterbahn but I never want to go because I can't see myself even getting into a swimsuit! I have to go buy a swimsuit so that I can participate in GNO at the hot tub this week. I am not really looking forward to it because my friends are all skinny Minnie's!

    Well, so far 40 oz down so much more to go!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - I haven't heard of the place, we are just taking him to our vet. I know they always take good care of him. They are like 14.50 a day, they just opened a petsmart like right next to my gym, so i was thinking i would take them there, until i called 29.00 for the cheap room a night and 36.00 a night for the expensive room... For 4 days that was just way to much , especially sense we need to leave them thursday and on monday if you don't pick them up by noon they charge you another day, it was looking at almost 200.00, my vet it will be like less than 100...of course my vet is not close but we like them so we drive :smile: its not that far, but far enough...so we live up by 121 and they are down in carrollton, almost addison.

    I think we decided to wait on the soccer, i feel bad cause when her other soccer is over , she won't be doing anything for probably a few months, but maybe let things calm down a little bit..
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay...i feel like at least 1 weight is lifted off of my shoulders !!!!

    I have scheduled her party!!! YAY!!! July 17th, so 3 weeks (hard to believe my baby will be 7 in 3 weeks) ...not just getting people to come...hopefully we will have a good turn out.. They do everything but the cake..so we will need to bring that, they get to play for like an hour then party room for an hour, pizza, cake, and presents, then they can play as long as they want afterwards...I am sure i won't get serena too much stuff for her actual bday ,as the party is part of it...but i will get her some stuff, she gets soo much stuff, from aunts, uncles, grandparents that she doesn't actually know...

    I was thinking of getting her this little thing that is like password journal maybe it will get her writing in it everyday and be cool about it so she won't know she is doing what i say :) of course she wasn'ts these stupid little silly bands appeaerntly it is the rage, good thing 4.99 for like a big pack..they kids trade them and such ..
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thank you, Cris, for stalking me on Facebook. I was away from the internet over the weekend and had yesterday off work, but I promise, I wasn't pulling a disappearing act!

    Jess: I love the outfit in your pic....could you be more adorable? Good luck with guy #2. It's a good sign that he's already gotten approval from people you know and trust.

    Julie: Congrats again on your marriage and I'm so glad you enjoyed your honeymoon! I think it's awesome that hubby got you hooked up with the internet so you could at least check in while you were gone.

    ddakota: Welcome! I'm so glad Ann recruited you.

    Susan: Welcome! I'm happy to hear you're having success so far on your journey.

    Lauren: Thank you for the outdoor workout challenge. My sister and I did a 30 minute bike ride outside yesterday morning, so I completed the challenge without even knowing it! I'll try to fit another one or two outdoor workouts in this week. Your collage is awesome and you're doing so awesome! Keep it up!

    Cris: I agree with learning a lot about a guy by how he treats his family. My boyfriend's son was 4 years old when we met and he was such an adorable, sweet, caring dad that I was hooked!

    Meokk: Have a safe trip to Waikiki! I'm not too jealous of this trip, since I've been there and liked Maui so much better. Even so, make sure you get to soak up some sun!

    Raider: Make sure you go to the original Schlitterban and not the smaller second one they've opened near Kansas Speedway. I've been told that one is a dive and so not worth the cost of admission.

    Okay, so I know I was supposed to start fresh and behave over the weekend but it didn't go so well. The positive is that I did go for a bike ride yesterday, which is a step in the right direction. The eating was terrible again, though. I can't seem to stay away from the ice cream and the four pounds that I gained in the past week are still hanging on. Today is a new day, and although I'm not perfectly on track today (I blame TOM!), I can still salvage the day as long as I have a sensible dinner. I think the boyfriend planned on making grilled porkchops today, so we should be okay...IF I can avoid the ice cream.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Day 2 of awesome eating and my tummy already feels much better!!! Instead of dining out yesterday when I had to take my husband to the doctor I packed a picnic lunch for my family and we ate at the park.Sandwiches and fruit YUM!! So I am proud we didn't stop at McDonalds like we usually would have.My husband is completely on board too now he helped me go for healthy foods only even when the kids asked for chips and other things we both said no and stuck to the good stuff.YAY!!
    Julie congrats on being a newlywed
    Jess love your profile pic
    Elmox you never looked 226 in any of those pics to me you look great
    Carol glad you found us hope you stick around
    Cris glad to see you in full stalking mode
    Blue great job on the exercise
    Mstahl sounds like you have your hands full this summer
    Pos-Glad you are back on board as well
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather! You're here! HOORAY! I knew that ice cream was after you....kinda hard with summer here and all. I dont like ice cream ALL THAT much but its like during the summer I must have some...Im glad you are back. Pork chops sound delish!!!

    Awestfall- I am so proud of you and your picnic lunch. I know I would have gone to McDonalds....your way is so much better! Kudos!

    Ok Im really hungry, snack time! TTYL

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall - great job with food choices at the picnic! I am glad to hear your hubby is on board with it, too.
    lildeb - your girl's birthday party is on my birthday, July 17th! Eeek! Did you have to remind me it is only three weeks away? :sad: :laugh:

    I don't think I told you all about my breakdown at physical therapy last week. :embarassed: I am embarrassed about it, but what's done is done, right? :frown: Silly me thought that since I was *all that* with hills mode on the bike, I could show off for my PT and ride the hills mode for fifteen minutes before his grueling one hour PT session. Yeah, silly me. I was tired after fifteen mins of the bike, then I went and had a brutal session with him! Well, he is starting to have me do some new balancing and strengthening exercises, which always scare me at first because I am PETRIFIED OF FALLING. I have such horrendous balance that, when put in a situation where I even *think* I may fall, I freak out. So I accomplished the first exercise, which was sliding a foot behind me while bending over and touching (not holding! I had to lightly touch the damn thing) a box in front of me. I didn't like it, but I did OK. So I thought, well, cool, I am exhausted and I'm finished and I did it, it's all good.

    Not so fast, my sisters of the traveling weight loss pants. I was nowhere near finished. Then he has me go on this manual treadmill and walk backwards on it, in a LOW squat position, being held up only by my hands on the bars on both sides of me. *I* had to PUSH the treadmill to make it move. Well, I guess my fatigue and anxiety got the best of me, because I started spewing out curse words like a sailor and telling the whole world that there was NO WAY IN HELL I was gonna do this because NO ONE HERE KNOWS WHAT'S IT'S LIKE TO HOLD UP 400 POUNDS. Yeah, I sort of had a 6-yr-old tantrum with adult language. :embarassed: The entire place stopped and looked at me like I was a crazy bag lady that had wandered in a PT place and got my fat *kitten* up on a manual treadmill before security found out. I think they thought my next move was to hold them all hostage. Ugh. I was out of my mind! I am not kidding! It was bad! :noway:

    Needless to say, that WAS my last exercise for the day! :ohwell: Note to self: if you want to get out of PT early, just throw a 6 yr-old tantrum, curse like a sailor, and act like a crazy bag lady.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: stop it! You're killing me!!!

    I got 3 free PT sessions for winning the biggest loser at the gym and I am scared to death to cash them in. I told myself that I would use it if I ever got "stuck"....like working out eatring well and not losing, a PT session or 3 would get my metabolism moving again....only problem is that they expire in August, so I better use it soon!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - Glad that you got things planned. One less thing to have to worry about getting done!

    Nancy - You made me laugh! Sorry that PT was bad but the next time it will be better.

    Cris - Don't let those PT sessions go to waste!! Maybe just use 1 every other week starting next week and then you will be done with them by the first of August and you won't feel overwhelmed. Just a thought.

    Ann - Great Job on the picnic. I am with Cris, I probably would have gone to McD's. Sounds like you are back on track and doing great!! Keep it up!

    Heather - Glad you didn't disappear on us!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLue - I am sorry but i was cracking up laughing.,..i really don't mean to laugh at your expense..but i can just picture it

    Cris - WTG on winning the PT session, i would use them definetly before they exprire, you could do 1 a month or like raider said an do one every other week

    Okay..i kicked my own but at the gym today :smile: before i went to the gym i got on the scale and it 270.8 soooo close to 26's i can taste it...so i went on the arc trainer thingy ( i call it a thingy cause dh says it is really a arc trainer but it is freaking close enought) anyway, i usally do the interval then bumpup the resistance a little...today i thought i would try the "heart rate "mode ..

    YOu put what you want your HR to be and the time, and it increases/decreases so that you stay around that hrm..so did, it was a 3 min warm up (like at 3 resistance) ,then 45 minutes ,at points i got up to 12 (the highest resistance i had done before was 7 and that was breifly). most of the 45 minutes it would go from like 8 - 11, 1/2 way through i was thinking no way i am going to finish this..i did stop 2x for like 30 seconds as my ankle was hurting a little but then got back into doing it...

    I was soo proud of my self, burning 460 calories...yes 160 calories more than doing the same amount of time (minus 3 minutes) YESTERDAY!!

    i came home and had left over low fat burgers we made last night, and ate it on a lettuce bun (that is my new fav by the way), i feel soo great !!!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall - great job with food choices at the picnic! I am glad to hear your hubby is on board with it, too.
    lildeb - your girl's birthday party is on my birthday, July 17th! Eeek! Did you have to remind me it is only three weeks away? :sad: :laugh:

    I don't think I told you all about my breakdown at physical therapy last week. :embarassed: I am embarrassed about it, but what's done is done, right? :frown: Silly me thought that since I was *all that* with hills mode on the bike, I could show off for my PT and ride the hills mode for fifteen minutes before his grueling one hour PT session. Yeah, silly me. I was tired after fifteen mins of the bike, then I went and had a brutal session with him! Well, he is starting to have me do some new balancing and strengthening exercises, which always scare me at first because I am PETRIFIED OF FALLING. I have such horrendous balance that, when put in a situation where I even *think* I may fall, I freak out. So I accomplished the first exercise, which was sliding a foot behind me while bending over and touching (not holding! I had to lightly touch the damn thing) a box in front of me. I didn't like it, but I did OK. So I thought, well, cool, I am exhausted and I'm finished and I did it, it's all good.

    Not so fast, my sisters of the traveling weight loss pants. I was nowhere near finished. Then he has me go on this manual treadmill and walk backwards on it, in a LOW squat position, being held up only by my hands on the bars on both sides of me. *I* had to PUSH the treadmill to make it move. Well, I guess my fatigue and anxiety got the best of me, because I started spewing out curse words like a sailor and telling the whole world that there was NO WAY IN HELL I was gonna do this because NO ONE HERE KNOWS WHAT'S IT'S LIKE TO HOLD UP 400 POUNDS. Yeah, I sort of had a 6-yr-old tantrum with adult language. :embarassed: The entire place stopped and looked at me like I was a crazy bag lady that had wandered in a PT place and got my fat *kitten* up on a manual treadmill before security found out. I think they thought my next move was to hold them all hostage. Ugh. I was out of my mind! I am not kidding! It was bad! :noway:

    Needless to say, that WAS my last exercise for the day! :ohwell: Note to self: if you want to get out of PT early, just throw a 6 yr-old tantrum, curse like a sailor, and act like a crazy bag lady.
    Blue thanks and you are always making me laugh and I love that about you.My birthday is July 13th so I know its not far off.I will be the big 30 this year YICKS!!! This is one reason why I want to be healthy from here on out.I want to be fit and healthy in my 30's and put my 20's behind me and forget that I was unhealthy and FAT in my 20's and LOVE my 30's.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - WTG!!! You did awesome at the gym!!! I really need to get myself in gear if we are doing this together!! I haven't really budged and you are coming to surpass me. Now don't get me wrong, I want you to do well and you are doing that!! I plan on doing the wii boxing when I get home since my heel is still recovering from a blister that I rubbed on it yesterday. I just wish I could burn more when doing it. I burn around 200 in 20 mins but the prepared workouts don't go longer. At least not at where I am at, I really need to figure that out. Oh well, one of these days I will get it where I want it.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Checking in! Wow has it been a crazy day! I often wonder... and I probably have said this before... if I am in a place where I work with the dumbest/laziest/unorganized people on the planet.

    My brain feels twice baked after today... and it's not even over yet! :explode:

    Working on lots of water today, I'm at 48 oz right now. Hoping to get another 32 at least.

    Cris - The PT sessions are totally worth it! I worked with a trainer a few years ago (aka "skinny days") and I loved it. It just got too expensive for me. At the very least, you will get some good workout ideas to use on your own!