Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    just a quick checkin.. heading back up to the mountains early tomorrow am. I will catch up tomorrow
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So I just got my blood work results from the doctor and they aren't all that great. My triglycerides are WAY, WAY out of control. It is twice and then some of what it is suppose to be!! The thing that confuses me is that my cholestrol as a whole is okay but my good cholestrol is lower than it should be. I am so confused!! They have told me that I need to cut out the sugar and exercise more and then they will also give me a pill to take too. Cutting out the sugar is going to be EXTREMELY hard for me!!! :noway: :noway: I have the biggest sweet tooth known to man! I am trying to work on the exercising so that hopefully won't be too bad. I have got to get this under control so that I am healthy when I finally do get pregnant. Well and for myself in general. I am going to need lots of help with staying away from sugar and exercising!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So I just got my blood work results from the doctor and they aren't all that great. My triglycerides are WAY, WAY out of control. It is twice and then some of what it is suppose to be!! The thing that confuses me is that my cholestrol as a whole is okay but my good cholestrol is lower than it should be. I am so confused!! They have told me that I need to cut out the sugar and exercise more and then they will also give me a pill to take too. Cutting out the sugar is going to be EXTREMELY hard for me!!! :noway: :noway: I have the biggest sweet tooth known to man! I am trying to work on the exercising so that hopefully won't be too bad. I have got to get this under control so that I am healthy when I finally do get pregnant. Well and for myself in general. I am going to need lots of help with staying away from sugar and exercising!

    Sorry you didn't get good news from your bloodwork. My chol as a whole has been fine the last 2 x, but the mix of good and bad was off..the 1st time it was off more than the 2nd and the only real change was diet and exercise...so hopefully more exercise will help...good luck with the sugar. The one doctor said that fish oil vitamins will help too.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - Thanks! I have been taking the fish oil vitamins off and on now for 6 months and it hasn't been enough. It has apparently gone up since September. :grumble: They are prescribing a more concentrated Omega pill to see if that helps.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hello girls,

    I haven't had a chance to catch up...my daughter graduated middle school today and we went out to eat...

    Check in
    calories: a little over; 1320
    exercise: 30 minute walk
    water: not enough

    proud: I went to eat out and didn't go overboard...I kept thinking of my mini goal.

    have a great nite gals

    I might not check in as much tomorrow...children want ot go see Toy story 3
    and rome the mall..
    I miss my group sistas
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm proud of you ladies -- I have 4 pages of posts to read! :smile:

    I'm not caught up yet. I'm home, the car is unloaded (but the suitcases aren't, bah) and all my dogs are back home.

    You don't even want to know what I've eaten over the last 4 days. Holy moly. The good news is, it all contained so much fat, I'm pretty sure it just slid right through. TMI alert (what's new??), I have gotten rid of more "whatnot" over the last 4 days than in the last month, I swear. :laugh: RIDICULOUS! :embarassed: I'm retaining close to a ton of water, I'm sure, because my engagement/wedding ring is strangling my finger when it normally fits pretty loosely (even after I went down an entire size from my first ring). There have been a couple times this weekend when I've had to take it off it was so tight.

    This morning I got to meet my 2nd mother in law (Scott's stepmother) and my sister in law (who is TWELVE!) for the first time. They had driven all night from a soccer tournament my SIL had in Pennsylvania (they live in VA near DC) and got in around 3am. I had only met his dad once before and only for a few minutes so it was good to see him again, too. They were all so nice. His stepmom was really interested in my weightloss (apparently Scott had shared -- and the last time his dad saw me I was probably around 270 so he complimented me). They invited us to come down to Hilton Head again for the 4th and for Thanksgiving and Christmas and basically told us we could use their house any time we wanted. :love: The house was SO FREAKING NICE. I got spoiled really fast there but it took me forever to figure out how some of the fancy stuff worked. So many switches and knobs and buttons I could have done things the regular way about 20 times faster than it took me to figure out how to do it the lazy rich person way. :laugh: My family never had much when I was growing up and the house I own now is a 100 year old fixer-upper that has been about 80% fixered uppered and needs a bit more work so... a multi-million dollar house that's a 5 minute bike ride from the beach on a really nice golf-resort island was nearly culture shock for lower middle class me (only economically speaking -- as you can tell from my constant oversharing my bathroom habits, I'm a VERY classy lady otherwise :indifferent: ). :noway: :laugh:

    It's good to be home, I guess (I'm not going to lie -- my house is a huge a disappointment to me now :tongue: ) . I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of eating healthy and exercising. My stomach is definitely ready. I may stick to 1200-1400 calories for a few days to jumpstart. I'm sure I did gain some fat because thinking about what I've eaten, there's pretty much no way I didn't even though we were very active all weekend biking and walking everywhere. Doesn't matter how much you bike, when you eat a pound of steak, 3 slices of cheesecake, and half a calzone in a day, you're bound to gain some weight. :tongue:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Congrats Newlywed!!! Sounds like you had an amazing honeymoon! On the in laws I didn't meet my husbands dad, stepmom and 2 half sisters until last November! We had been together for 6 years and married for almost 2 years and I had never met them. It was really weird because you think that you would meet everyone before the marriage but that is not how it always happens. Glad that you met them and welcome back!!

    Pos_me - Congrats to your daughter and you! You didn't do too bad on calories. I am more than that on a normal day.

    check in:
    calories: over
    water: 120 oz and more to go
    exercise: 15 mins walk this morning
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - I am glad you had a good time !! I know whatyou mean about the bad food and the "whatnot"

    Pos - Congrats to your daugthter!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cals - 1773
    Exercise - 45 min arc trainer ( 330 cals)
    water - 72 oz
    Proud - that i got to the gym even i didn't feel like it.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi girls!

    Julie- Welcome back! Im so glad you had a good time! Knowing you, any weight gained will be shortly lived!! I missed your posts, glad you are back!

    Jess- there is no way to be good at the Olive Garden its just too delish

    lildeb- good luck tomorrow, hope it goes well!

    pos_me- missed you around today too! Congrats on your daughter's graduation...they grow up too fast

    Istpaul- great news on the negative test!

    raider- Im sorry about your bad results, hopefully we can help you turn it around! You know we are here for you!

    checking in:
    calories-1165 :drinker:
    water- tonz...120+
    sodium- 1925
    excercise- elliptical and bike
    cals burned: 620!! WHOOP! THERE IT IS!:noway:
    Proud- That I am back on track, am motivated, and I stuck to the plan...here's hoping to be BACK out of the 200's AGAIN soon

    I weighed in tonight and it was 209.?......It upset me because Im usually 3lbs heavier at night which puts me at 206 or so in the morning. My 204 this morning was prob a fluke...thinking I was dehydrated from all the beer and no water. Blah....I'll find out tomorrow cause Im surely hydrated today!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cris - good job on getting back on track. Even if you are back to 206 , it will come back down.

    My appt with serena is on wednesday..not tomorrow ..i wish it was to get this over with..still nervous , i feel soo intiminated by counselor's and psyc, i feeel like they are talking over me..probably cause i am soo emotional, and they aren't but they can't be..
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    wow there's so much going on today, I'm a bit sad I have to leave again tomorrow because I want to know what happens next !!

    Quick check in first......
    Calories - about 1400 ( 1/2 of exercise)
    Water - good
    exercise - 90 mins gardening

    Calories - about 1350
    Water - over
    exercise - 30 mins walking

    So, sorry to make you all jealous but I'm off tomorrow for a 1 week business trip to Waikiki. I should be able to check in a few times and I'll have a Mai Tai for each of you ( I wish !!!! too many calories :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: )

    Elmox - you look fab girl and proud of it :heart: :drinker: :heart:
    Raider Ape - Sorry about those test results but I suppose it's better to know so you can change your habits. I know you can do this. Remember last month when I was doing sugar free days before I went away??? Well, I would rival anyone in a sweetest tooth competition but I managed to do 3 days per week sugar free. Personally I find it easier to have none than to have a little. For me a little often leads to a lot:blushing: :grumble: My dad has had cholesterol issues for years (he's otherwise fit & healthy) and found that a low fat/high fiber diet worked so well that he could go off the medication. Might be worth a try
    PosMe - congrats on your little one's graduation, so cute !!!!
    Lildebbie - I hope that the appointment goes and Serena is not too upset. Stay strong and don't let those therapists out of the room until you get what you need out of them. Don't be afraid to ask the same question 10 times if that's what it takes. You can do this, I'm already so proud of you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    LittleSpy - you married woman you, sounds like a dreamy house by the beach and now it's yours for the using....nice :heart: :heart:
    Cris - WTG on the exercise - sounds like the old you. PUT DOWN THAT SCALE !!!!!!! step away from the scale girl, you are driving yourself bonkers with that thing :laugh:
    Jess - cute outfit and good job on the manhunt, let us know about the date !!!:love:
    That's all I can remember.........xoxoxoxo to everyone else !!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    wow there's so much going on today, I'm a bit sad I have to leave again tomorrow because I want to know what happens next !!

    Quick check in first......
    Calories - about 1400 ( 1/2 of exercise)
    Water - good
    exercise - 90 mins gardening

    Calories - about 1350
    Water - over
    exercise - 30 mins walking

    So, sorry to make you all jealous but I'm off tomorrow for a 1 week business trip to Waikiki. I should be able to check in a few times and I'll have a Mai Tai for each of you ( I wish !!!! too many calories :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: )

    Elmox - you look fab girl and proud of it :heart: :drinker: :heart:
    Raider Ape - Sorry about those test results but I suppose it's better to know so you can change your habits. I know you can do this. Remember last month when I was doing sugar free days before I went away??? Well, I would rival anyone in a sweetest tooth competition but I managed to do 3 days per week sugar free. Personally I find it easier to have none than to have a little. For me a little often leads to a lot:blushing: :grumble: My dad has had cholesterol issues for years (he's otherwise fit & healthy) and found that a low fat/high fiber diet worked so well that he could go off the medication. Might be worth a try
    PosMe - congrats on your little one's graduation, so cute !!!!
    Lildebbie - I hope that the appointment goes and Serena is not too upset. Stay strong and don't let those therapists out of the room until you get what you need out of them. Don't be afraid to ask the same question 10 times if that's what it takes. You can do this, I'm already so proud of you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    LittleSpy - you married woman you, sounds like a dreamy house by the beach and now it's yours for the using....nice :heart: :heart:
    Cris - WTG on the exercise - sounds like the old you. PUT DOWN THAT SCALE !!!!!!! step away from the scale girl, you are driving yourself bonkers with that thing :laugh:
    Jess - cute outfit and good job on the manhunt, let us know about the date !!!:love:
    That's all I can remember.........xoxoxoxo to everyone else !!!

    Have fun ...I am JEALOUS!!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi friends,

    Thanks for all the love today.

    LittleSpy - Congrats you married woman! Sounds like you had a wonderful honeymoon. Hooray!
    LilDeb - Thinking of you and Serena. I think the plan of taking her swimming after the appointment sounds great.
    Pos_Me - Congrats on your daughter's graduation! And well done on staying close to calories while celebrating.
    Raider - You're such a good encourager - we will encourage you through the test results and what you need to do.
    Cris - So incredibly proud of you getting back on track and hard core. Nice work on the exercise!
    Jess - You look crazy hot in your new skirt!

    Checking in for today:
    Cals - Just a little over, like 1332 total
    Water - 96 oz
    Exercise - None...sad. Too hot to run outside.
    Proud: I walked by a celebration giving out free cake. FREE CAKE! Did you hear that? Now let's focus on the "walked by" part. Yup, walked right past it and didn't look back. Take that cake!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Cris - it's good to see you back in stalker mode! :flowerforyou:
    Lauren - your pics are amazing! You look like a completely different person now! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
    Jess - I'm lovin' the outfit! You sexy thang! :wink:
    Deb - I will be praying for you and Serena. I did have to giggle about the teacher comment, though. :laugh:
    pos_me - congrats on your daughter's promotion to high school! :flowerforyou:
    meokk - First France, now Waikiki?!?!? :devil: Are you trying to torture us? :wink: Have fun!
    raider - I am praying for you and your test results. :flowerforyou:
    Julie - sounds like a fabulous trip! When you said it was Hilton Head before I was like :noway: - I knew they had to be loaded! :laugh: Enjoy it!!!
    Ann - so glad you are back into it and focused! :flowerforyou:
    Teresa - I am sorry about your gym membership, but I am more than confident you will find creative ways to accommodate at home! You can do it! :drinker:

    I had another great day with food and exercise. I am definitely noticing a change in my body. I think it was lildeb who called it the "second stomach" below the belly button - well, here's the thing: I always had one, but my first stomach (the real one LOL) was as big as the second stomach. Now, my real stomach has really shrunk. This now gives me a huge pear shape! :laugh: It's all good - it's just that I am not used to it so it sort of freaks me out in the mirror!

    check in:
    food: good, but again sodium was a challenge. :grumble:
    water: 100
    exercise: 40 mins of walking and weights at rec center; 40 mins on Old Bessie (she's getting lonely)
    proud: I am really focused and I think I may have actually lost some weight this week!!! :drinker:
  • SusanSuccess
    Today was a good day. I came in under my calorie allotment. Got all my water plus more. Got some exercise in. Feeling very confident that this will be the program that works.

    Yea!! Hurray!!!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blue - wtg on the eating and exericse, Its funny to see your body changing shape, isn't it.

    so this morning i have no clue on if i am up , down or the same as friday, since once it was was 1 lb up from friday, once 1 lb down from friday and 1 the same...who knows.

    I am quite bloated today...hitting the water heavy today :smile:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    meokk - So jealous!! You are going to all the places that I one day want to visit. I need your job, what is it that you do?

    blue - Yea, on the new shape!!

    Susan - WTG! You will start losing real soon!!

    Thanks everyone for the prayers and thoughts. I am definitely going to need it. It is crazy because I have cut back on my sweets once I started but ever since I got that news yesterday all I have had is sweets. I had brownies AND ice cream last night and had a cinnamon roll for breakfast! My brain needs to stop this mess! Okay, I am really going to try for the rest of the day to not have any more sweets. It should be easy since I don't have any up here. And I need to make myself workout when I get home tonight. I have a blister on the back of heel from my shoes yesterday so that hurts but that is not an excuse! Sorry for rant all ready.

    Oh and I weighed myself this morning and I am back to 264. :sad: My Saturday weight must have been a fluke of 262. :grumble:

    Water and Sugar Free here I come today!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-We missed you yesterday! Have fun at Toy Story 3!

    Meokk-I'm sooooo freaking jealous! I was excited about Hurricane Harbor but dang girl! Have a blast!

    elmox-You walked by free cake? Your my idol!

    Cris-Yay for getting back on track! Don't let that stupid scale get you down. It's going to jump around for a few days I bet trying to get everything back in check!

    blue-Here is to you seeing a loss this week! You can do it!:drinker:

    Well you ready for some boy drama updates!? The one that I was really excited about that fell off the face of the Earth a little over a week ago text me this morning. Basically saying that he's sorry for being an *kitten* he's got a bunch of things going on right now and he shut himself off from the world and it's not fair to me and kept apologizing because it wasn't fair to do that to me and alienate me. Said he's taking strides in the right direction to work through all of this. Soo..doesn't sound good! I don't want to pry or anything but I know it has to do with his girls. Their Mom took them to New York a few weeks ago and only bought one way tickets and she wouldn't tell him why. He said that his kids were the biggest problem and that's why he shut himself off from the world. Sooo...just told him that I hope he gets through it all and I appreciate him letting me know what's going on etc etc etc. So there's that. On to the next one that I met Friday. He came out to the bar last night with my cousin and her husband. He got their seal of approval. They love him! My cousin tried to convince him to call in sick to work and go to Hurricane Harbor with us. HELLO!? Not ready for a swimsuit date!! :ohwell: Anyways. I'm rambling. Glad to see everybody doing so well being back on track starting Monday. Mine didn't go so well with bad for me dinner and lunch and beers. UGH! Today! Lots of exercise at Hurricane Harbor. I'll stop rambling now. Check back in before we leave if I can.

    Has anybody seen Heather in the last few days? Hope she's ok!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - Have fun at Hurricane Harbor! Well this new guy sounds better already!

    elmox - I must have missed that part about walking by free cake!! HOLY SCHMOLY!! You are a freakin' machine if you can do that! That is awesome!!!

    Heather - I haven't seen her in a while. Was she going somewhere?