Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- No food?! how come? Get some food girl! ...I have a slight headached but otherwie Im fine ...so scared about going back to the gym...feels like its my first time going in...ugh
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    so far so good! I have my meals planned for the day and should be able to stick to it. I plan on going to the gym after work and I will be easing myself back into a workout routine.

    I am scared and excited at the same time. I am scared that my endurance has gone down but excited to push my self again and start feeling better!

    How's everyone doing today?



    You are off to a great day back! When you get to the gym you might be surprised in your endurance but don't over do it. I am glad that you are feeling better! :heart: ya!

    I am sleep but hopefully will wake up. About to go take my morning walk.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I heard that there is an iphone app that will tell you how fast you are walking/running. Does anyone know of one? I usually just guess at the speed I am going but wanted to try and get a more accurate reading.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess- No food?! how come? Get some food girl! ...I have a slight headached but otherwie Im fine ...so scared about going back to the gym...feels like its my first time going in...ugh

    Oh no I ate too! LOL I meant and NOTHING no energy! Sorry. Yeah I'm a pig I have to eat. Just take it slow going back to the gym. That's what I plan to do. Wont make it to spin tomorrow. :cry: You will get back to where you were!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I heard that there is an iphone app that will tell you how fast you are walking/running. Does anyone know of one? I usually just guess at the speed I am going but wanted to try and get a more accurate reading.

    I have heard iMapMyRun app will I think.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Thanks Jess! I am going to go try it out now!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning girls! Hope you all had great weekends and are ready to start of the week strong. I had a great time in Boston this weekend. Went over on calories both Friday and Saturday, but had a great time doing it. I did log everything, which always makes me feel good and accountable. I went for a run around the Charles River yesterday morning with my friend. I ran for 13 min straight (new record!!) at a faster pace than normal. HOORAY!

    I think I was the biggest loser last week, so I've been thinking about the challenge. I have LOVED doing yoga in the park for the past month. It is so calming to be exercising outside. I know that there are lots of us in different climates so outside exercise isn't always an option, but that's my challenge. Take one of your exercise routines outside this week. Maybe it's later in the evening in your backyard, maybe it's an early morning walk to beat the heat. But get outside and sweat!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls! Hope you all had great weekends and are ready to start of the week strong. I had a great time in Boston this weekend. Went over on calories both Friday and Saturday, but had a great time doing it. I did log everything, which always makes me feel good and accountable. I went for a run around the Charles River yesterday morning with my friend. I ran for 13 min straight (new record!!) at a faster pace than normal. HOORAY!

    I think I was the biggest loser last week, so I've been thinking about the challenge. I have LOVED doing yoga in the park for the past month. It is so calming to be exercising outside. I know that there are lots of us in different climates so outside exercise isn't always an option, but that's my challenge. Take one of your exercise routines outside this week. Maybe it's later in the evening in your backyard, maybe it's an early morning walk to beat the heat. But get outside and sweat!

    Ooooo surprinsgly enough I love this! I hate being outside :laugh: :laugh: But this past week Bobby and I have been throwing the football around. Its been great bonding time for us and my arm is seriously sore afterwards...maybe we can add in some tackling or something to make my HR go higher...just saying... :devil: :love: :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning girls! Hope you all had great weekends and are ready to start of the week strong. I had a great time in Boston this weekend. Went over on calories both Friday and Saturday, but had a great time doing it. I did log everything, which always makes me feel good and accountable. I went for a run around the Charles River yesterday morning with my friend. I ran for 13 min straight (new record!!) at a faster pace than normal. HOORAY!

    I think I was the biggest loser last week, so I've been thinking about the challenge. I have LOVED doing yoga in the park for the past month. It is so calming to be exercising outside. I know that there are lots of us in different climates so outside exercise isn't always an option, but that's my challenge. Take one of your exercise routines outside this week. Maybe it's later in the evening in your backyard, maybe it's an early morning walk to beat the heat. But get outside and sweat!

    Ooooo surprinsgly enough I love this! I hate being outside :laugh: :laugh: But this past week Bobby and I have been throwing the football around. Its been great bonding time for us and my arm is seriously sore afterwards...maybe we can add in some tackling or something to make my HR go higher...just saying... :devil: :love: :tongue:

    :laugh: Nice Cris!!

    elmox-Glad to hear you had a great time in Boston!! Love the challenge! It's going to be in the 100's here all week so I'm not sure what I will be doing outside besides the water park tomorrow. But I'll give it a shot!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    dang it...when I am in full stalking mode no one is posting...boooooo

    i am so hungry...by now I prob would have consummed 1500 calories so my body is going to have to readjust all over again. It really feels like starting all voer, except this time I already have a support group well established :drinker:

    ok...so im gonna go eat my lunch.....its finally 12pm...Ive been counting down since about 1030 :laugh: :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh my goodness I know what you mean about it feels like starting over. I'm so freaking hungry!!! It's 11 here and I don't go to lunch until 12:30. My friend just text me and wants to know if I wanna go to lunch at olive garden. Kill me! LOL I haven't seen her since she had her baby. I will behave, I will behave! Well, I met another dude Friday at the country bar. Should we see how long this one lasts? :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - Good going on getting back in the swing of things!!!

    Jess - believe the waterpark is a workout :) we went to hawiaan falls which is like a fraction of hurrican harbor and my legs were killing me...alll those stairs on the rides you will get your workout :smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    ooo Jess do tell!

    lildeb- great to be back! ps- i did call daycare and hes doing well, thanks for the post on FB :flowerforyou:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well the app didn't really work. I was walking around my building on the track and I guess since it isn't on real roads it couldn't calculate my time. Maybe when I get some time to look at it and really figure it out so I am back to guessing.

    elmox - Glad you had a great time in Boston. Like the challenge, it will make me go for my walks every morning. So Day 1 of the challenge is done!

    Jess - So do you think this guy will make it? Does he have more potential? I am hungry too and I don't eat till 12:30 either. Maybe I can snack. I know you can be good at Olive Garden! Just have the soup and salad that is usually a healthier option.

    Cris - Glad it is finally 12 there. Now can you please pass it mine and Jess's way? :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So far so good this morning!! I have planned out my meals for this week and I am sticking to it as well as exercise.I have to do this !!! I am going to do the best I can and log everything !! I will succeed as well as the rest of you will succeed too.We can do this ladies lets stick to it and BURN THIS FAT RIGHT OUT THE DOOR!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess I just have to say you look so super skinny in your new profile pic and by the way I love the BOOTS you look awesome!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    ooo Jess do tell!

    lildeb- great to be back! ps- i did call daycare and hes doing well, thanks for the post on FB :flowerforyou:

    Cris - I am glad he is doing great...i am hoping this day care works out better for you.

    we love our day care, i was actually torn on moving next summer because they won't be able to go there anymore, but we can't afford houses like we want where we live :sad: so we are looking in an area north of here...abby will really be in "pre-k" so i am hoing we can find another one we like and a good afterschool ..we have had some bad day cares too...so i understand what you are going through..it is very hard to find a great place that will care for your kids...when you can't.

    ugg...i by the ligh cheese sticks for me and the tiwst ones for the girls....i forgot to get the light ones this week...and 2 packs of the fat ones...now only 30 calories, but sitll,...that is usally my morning snack and a little protien kick..oh well.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think he has potential. But they all seem that way when you first meet them! Very misleading! He seems kind of quiet though. I've talked to him a little bit since Friday but I was soooo freaking busy this weekend. And drunk. I didn't want to make any stupid drunk phone calls.:laugh: I think he's coming out with my cousin and her husband and me tonight, so we shall see! But he has a good job and what not so he doesn't sound like a loser. YAY for no losers!

    awestfall-Good job sof ar on your day! Keep it up!!

    raider-I downloaded the app but haven't tried it since I haven't done much running/walking outside. I guess I could of tried it out at the 5k. hmm...that would of made sense!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So far so good this morning!! I have planned out my meals for this week and I am sticking to it as well as exercise.I have to do this !!! I am going to do the best I can and log everything !! I will succeed as well as the rest of you will succeed too.We can do this ladies lets stick to it and BURN THIS FAT RIGHT OUT THE DOOR!!

    Ann - So glad that the morning has started off well. Starting off on the right foot is always a good thing!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I made a progress collage! Much love to Jess for her patience in helping me get it posted here.
