Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    THanks gals..I am soo hoping the 260's are here to stay (at least for a little while), I will be perfectly fine not seeing 270 ever ever again !!! 270 is a big thing for me to get past...I had spent a great deal of time in the 270's, it actually where i was at max most ly since i was like 26 (that is until i ballooned up to 318), I had gotten lower than 270 but to get out of it makes me feel soo good..

    Now hopefully i won't sabbotage it and it will be here for good...
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls!!!

    Scale was at 200.0 this morning! Whoooop! :drinker: :drinker: This time I wont take getting into the 190's as lightly as I did before. I felt like "my job here is done" but no no no my friends I still have a long way ahead of me. I think I also want to develop Julie's attitude that I dont care how slow/fast I lose the next 50lbs, because it WILL come off slower, but the important thing is that it comes off!!!

    Cogirl- What happened to momma?! I thought she was still at her bible camp or whatever....

    Momma- if you are lurking, I am praying for you and wish you and your family well...please come back when you can :heart:

    Julie- Woohoooo! :love: :love: That's awesome on the tip! and DUH! You are not fat!

    Mstahl- You sound so happy, reading your post and sensing your joy for life right now made me smile :flowerforyou:

    lildeb- hooray on your 260s!!! You have been working so hard and been so consistent you will fly right by the 260's

    Heather- I am like 4 days late but I can feel TOM coming because I get really really hungry and I could def have finished a box of something or another yesterady. Dont beat yourself up. I know when I went through my spiral of bad behavior that there was nothing that was going to motivate me to get back on track, except going through the process. I ate the bad food, I lounged around...I thought it would be a "break" from working so hard and tracking so closely but all it did was make me feel worse about myself and I felt physically ill from the disgusting crap I ate. Maybe you just need to ride this funk out and you'll get to the point where you have had enough too. I love ya, and hope you stay on track with me! Please?!

    ok really gotta go do some work

    oh ps- I am wearing one of my old tshirts from college and it fits! my belly pertrudes out of it further than it used to but thats the damn baby's fault :tongue: :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    cris - WTG on 200.0 that is awesome...good attitude !!!!!

    I am so ready for my 1/2 day to be over...i got a little over an hour ...hard for me to work, just nervous about what i am going to say at the meeting..i know i am stressing about htis wayyyyy to much...but i don't want to forget something.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - Hope you everything goes well today for you and Serena!! Congrats on seeing the 26#!!! That is awesome, all of your hard work is paying off!!

    Julie - Congrats on the compliment! You are definitely not a fat girl!! Plus $17 richer!!

    Lauren - I am sure that your weight gain will go back down after TOM and the water weight go away. You have been doing great and glad you aren't letting the gain mess with you!! I almost feel out of my chair when I read your exercise comment. :laugh: It is something that my body is telling me too.

    Jess - Have fun on your date tonight! I have been to Schlitterbahn more time than I can count but since I have gained all this weight and I am so fair skinned I don't like being outside a lot. They are going to be building a new Schlitterbahn right down the road from my house in Cedar Park. It is going to be very interesting.

    Cris - Yea for fitting into your old college shirt!!! I have a ways to go before I can do that. Maybe we I hit Onderland I will! You are almost there again!!!

    For everyone that saw the scale move today.....CONGRATS!!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    So today for lunch we are going to Red Lobster for a birthday lunch and I am so proud that I got online and looked at the nutritional information to pick what I wanted from that. I am going to have the Wood grilled chicken and shrimp scampi with rice pilaf. It is only 380 calories!! But it is loaded with sodium 1380 if I remember correctly. So I will need to keep drowning myself in water.

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!! Be back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Raider - Good job on looking at the red lobster nutritional...i really like that more resturants are doing it these days , i remember it used to be unless it was fast food nobody would have anythning on their websites---still given everything loaded in sodium...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning girls....

    just got done with c25k w8d1 man.. after taking a week off I sure feel it... But, it was a good burn. Anyway...

    lildeb let us know how Serena does

    jess and cris... I did talk to momma and will keep in touch with her outside of this site. From what I understand she has a lot going on in her life right now and her family needs her. She is still going to continue her weight loss journey and will come back when she can.

    Rader... good job planning the meal at Red lobster.

    I am going to try and get my laptop back up and running. we had a darn virus that hit the network right before we left on our trip. So, now I have to reinstall EVERYTHING on about 4 computers. So far I have 2 down and am on the 3rd. Also going into to work this afternoon. So, back to the grindstone here.

    I will check in a little later.... Have a great day ladies!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning girls....

    just got done with c25k w8d1 man.. after taking a week off I sure feel it... But, it was a good burn. Anyway...

    lildeb let us know how Serena does

    jess and cris... I did talk to momma and will keep in touch with her outside of this site. From what I understand she has a lot going on in her life right now and her family needs her. She is still going to continue her weight loss journey and will come back when she can.

    Rader... good job planning the meal at Red lobster.

    I am going to try and get my laptop back up and running. we had a darn virus that hit the network right before we left on our trip. So, now I have to reinstall EVERYTHING on about 4 computers. So far I have 2 down and am on the 3rd. Also going into to work this afternoon. So, back to the grindstone here.

    I will check in a little later.... Have a great day ladies!

    Great job getting right back on track! We missed you while you were gone. Keep us updated on Momma and let her know that she's in my thoughts and prayers! Hope everything is okay with her family

    Raider-Great job planning ahead. That shows true progress!

    Cris-Yay for the 200!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Raider: Great job on planning your meal ahead of time, based on the nutritional info.

    Cris: Congrats on being at 200 again. Now just jump right into Onederland...no toe-dipping needed...the water's great! I promise to try to stay on track with you! I won't leave, even if I do have to ride out the funk to get to the other side.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Raider - glad I could make you laugh. :smile: And SO proud of you for planning ahead. Great job and that's the kind of changes that last.

    CoGirl - Great work with jumping back into C25K. I have not been super diligent with that and it seems like I do one workout per week instead of 3 per week. Hearing Jess and Cris talking about 25 min runs makes me a bit nervous!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    At 402 this morning, girls. Considering it was a leap to 410 last week, I am grateful. But I want threederville so damn badly! And I am starting to lose at such a slow pace! One pound in May? That is pathetic. OK OK I know I overate in May, so let's move on. 4.5 lbs. in four weeks of June? P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. No overeating there, so darn it! Ugh! Boo! Hiss! Drats! What happened to my days of three pounds per week?!!?!? Surely they are still there, my sisters of the traveling weight loss pants.

    OK pity session over. How is everyone's day?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bluenote-Is it time to increase/decrease your calories to get your metabolisim going again ya think? Could be possible! You will see threederville soon!! I know it!!

    Elmox-You have TV's at your gym so you could probably rock the longer jogs. All we show is news. I can do them, I just get raelly bored! What week are you on?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Blue- your body is prob just adjusting to this new weight...you will prob have slow loss for a bit then bam get right back into normal losses, we jsut gotta wait for our bodies to catch up sometimes...stick to it....its better to be getting closer to 300's than giving up and moving furhter from it right?!

    Elmox- lol I am hopefully finishing up week 8 tonight which is a 28 minute run....god help me! I havent done a c25k run in weeks! Towards the end I was doing 1-2 runs a week instead of the 3 then it went to 1 then it went to none...ops

    cogirl- welcome back! Sorry things are so hectic!

    heather- HI! Glad to see you posting :smile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks, Cris! It's really slooowww at work today, so I'll probably be stalking a bit. I'm hoping it will increase my motivation for a long, intense workout tonight. I really need to kick my own behind and sweat buckets tonight.

    Bluenote: I'm sure Jess and Cris are right. Your body needs to adjust, but you'll start seeing losses again. Our math guru Julie can probably help you with finding the right calorie intake to get things going again.

    I'm so bored at work today. There just isn't a lot to do; I'm even trying to find projects that might be due in a few weeks just to cure the boredom. I'm also waiting patiently for lunch to roll around in an hour. I'm not that hungry, just need something else to do!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I hear ya! It's boring over here too! It's stupid customer day around here at the bank. You wouldn't believe how many people ask if we are giving out free samples of money. I've been asked so many times it's not even funny anymore. I try so hard not to look at people like their stupid. Or they ask when we print the money. Seriously!?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Blue -- I feel you on the losing slowly thing. I figure losing slowly sure is better than not losing at all or gaining. :smile: I'm kind of re-evaluating what I eat now. My calories are right on but I fee like I've strayed from the right kinds of foods. I've felt super busy lately so I've gone for some packaged foods more often than I was before. I noticed I'm eating fewer fruits & veggies, too.

    So, I'm back on top of looking for new recipes to try. When I was having so much success last fall I was trying 3-4 new recipes each night and I always had leftovers for lunch. Now I come home and rush to throw one chicken breast on to cook and then I don't have any leftovers so I run to Subway for lunch and then I don't even have time for dinner the next night so I grab a frozen dinner and yeah, I think even though my calories have been pretty good (a little low lately, actually), the foods haven't been the greatest. Lots of protein bars and protein shakes, too. It's time for me to start eating more *real* food again.

    I know I'm carrying a huge amount of water weight between sodium overload Thursday-Monday and TOM (which has been trying to start since Sunday but is still hesitating and very light which is *really* irritating -- I don't like this new thing it has done the last 2 of months *at all*) but I weighed 200.4 this morning. That's like 5 pounds more than last week! I'm so bloated it's ridiculous. :laugh: I hate TOM.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    There must be a sodium bug going around. I have felt like a huge bloated cow since Friday! It's awful! :noway:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I'm really hoping that when TOM is over, the four pounds will leave with him. Well, at least two, anyway!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    As of right now I'm up almost 6 from my lowest. So don't feel bad. If it's not gone by the end of the weekend, I will change my ticker. :indifferent:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well I am back from lunch and boy was it good. It took everything in my power not to keep eating those cheddar biscuits. I allowed myself one since I had already planned it but it tasted so good that I was wanting more. But I am sooo glad that I didn't indulge myself with them. I didn't really want to come back here and tell all of you that I ended up doing bad after all the encouraging comments. So that really helped ladies!! Thanks!!

    As far as the sodium bug I definitely have that too! I moved my ticker back from where it was on Saturday because I moved back to the weight I was on Friday. :( That just means I have to work harder.

    Heather and Jess - I am soo bored too. It has been that way all week and tomorrow will probably be the same way. Too bad we can't just leave work and do more fun things but we gotta work. Dang it! :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm on an hour and a half wellness conference call. Good times!