What is your passion?



  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    My grandson, drawing, knitting ,my cats, travel, photographyt, the world around me. II look for the joy in every day I am given on this earth.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    @azulvioleta6 Latin dance is the best! I love the social aspect almost as much as the dancing itself. I hope you get well enough to dance again soon!

    I've been back at it for about three years now! :)

    I am much too old to ever go back to performing, but I might dip my toes back into teaching dance in the next year. My partner and I are teaching ourselves something called Cumbia Cruzada (from Rosario, Argentina) and we may try to teach it at some point. It's tango, paso doble, salsa, merengue and cumbia combined.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    jaga13 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    I have several things I sort of like to do but nothing that I actually feel passionate about.

    And that's OK. You don't need to feel passionate about things.

    I did get kind of caught up in the quest to find something I felt passionate about back when I was in my late 20s, but then I realised, it's OK to just enjoy doing a variety of things without being all passionate about them. :)

    Probably explains why I've had a whole variety of jobs over the years ... and dabbled in so many things.

    Maybe I'm just passionate about variety. :grin: Either that or I bore easily. :mrgreen:

    Makes sense. Maybe having interests without getting passionately excited is enough. Somewhere on the thread someone said I might look into depression due to an empty feeling. I didn't say I feel empty. I just don't have anything that makes me anywhere as excited as my husband and his sports!

    Please note all that I did not make the alcohol comment about sports. I don think that's a big reason why people are passionate about sports. I grew in a family that didn't watch sports where my husband did. No big deal.

    There is a kind of depression called dysthymia. It is minor compared with an episode of clinical depression and it can last for YEARS. It can kind of sneak up on people and it isn't always easy to recognize.

    There is nothing wrong with having a more subdued personality though, and that may be all that this is.
  • jenniferfranco7545
    I do pole dancing fitness! And ride motorcycles and love being a make up artist!

    Yes!!! Pole fitness is my obsession!!!!
  • breelinda
    breelinda Posts: 67 Member
    jaga13 wrote: »
    As my husband is screaming about the mets, I thought about how I am not really passionate about anything. I have things I like but nothing I'm passionate about (except my kids). Maybe this is why I overate for years and gained weight. I've lost most of it but still struggle to stay within my limits.

    Just curious, what are you all passionate about?

  • breelinda
    breelinda Posts: 67 Member
    Helping others, non judgementally, with compassion and grace! :)
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Horses and martial arts and being really darned good at my job.
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    As my husband is screaming about the mets, I thought about how I am not really passionate about anything. I have things I like but nothing I'm passionate about (except my kids). Maybe this is why I overate for years and gained weight. I've lost most of it but still struggle to stay within my limits.

    Just curious, what are you all passionate about?

    I've never been passionate about anything in particular. The whole ... "you've got to find your passion" ... thing, wasn't a thing where I grew up and still isn't. Someone once told me many years ago that it's kind of unique to Americans, but not that big of a deal to Canadians and Australians. I don't know if that's right or not, but nevertheless, I just don't hear people talking about what they're passionate about.

    That said ... I do have interests.

    I enjoy cycling long distances, and that is one of the main reasons I have dropped back down to what I weighed about 10 years ago. So I can cycle long distances more comfortably again. Cycling also allows me to eat more. :)

    I travel ... we try to get away somewhere about once a month for a weekend, and longer trips whenever we can.

    I take classes. That's a good way to focus on something other than food.

    Those are probably my three main interests. :)

    First, there is no comparison between an "interest" and a "passion". I guess you can't explain it to someone that doesn't have a passion??
    I have an interest in MFP and it has turned into a hobby/past time but I wouldn't call it a passion.

    I have a passion for animal rescue and for the rescued animals I've been lucky enough to make part of my family. Yes, that is a passion. It burns in my heart. It's hard to explain.

    Have you had boyfriends that were cute,fun,smart and then one day met the one that makes you momentarily forget your own name and you feel you cant possibly live without them? That's passion.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    edited October 2015
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jaga13 wrote: »
    As my husband is screaming about the mets, I thought about how I am not really passionate about anything. I have things I like but nothing I'm passionate about (except my kids). Maybe this is why I overate for years and gained weight. I've lost most of it but still struggle to stay within my limits.

    Just curious, what are you all passionate about?

    I've never been passionate about anything in particular. The whole ... "you've got to find your passion" ... thing, wasn't a thing where I grew up and still isn't. Someone once told me many years ago that it's kind of unique to Americans, but not that big of a deal to Canadians and Australians. I don't know if that's right or not, but nevertheless, I just don't hear people talking about what they're passionate about.

    That said ... I do have interests.

    I enjoy cycling long distances, and that is one of the main reasons I have dropped back down to what I weighed about 10 years ago. So I can cycle long distances more comfortably again. Cycling also allows me to eat more. :)

    I travel ... we try to get away somewhere about once a month for a weekend, and longer trips whenever we can.

    I take classes. That's a good way to focus on something other than food.

    Those are probably my three main interests. :)

    First, there is no comparison between an "interest" and a "passion". I guess you can't explain it to someone that doesn't have a passion??
    I have an interest in MFP and it has turned into a hobby/past time but I wouldn't call it a passion.

    I have a passion for animal rescue and for the rescued animals I've been lucky enough to make part of my family. Yes, that is a passion. It burns in my heart. It's hard to explain.

    Have you had boyfriends that were cute,fun,smart and then one day met the one that makes you momentarily forget your own name and you feel you cant possibly live without them? That's passion.

    You're right that "interest" and "passion" are different. I have "interests" ... but I've never felt deeply passionate about anything or anyone.

    And that's OK. Some of us are not programmed to be passionate about things. We are happy. We are interested in things. We enjoy things ... but those things are not everything to us.

    (I am married, and I love my husband ... but no, I don't feel that I can't possibly live without him. I've never felt that way about anyone.)

  • steponebyone
    steponebyone Posts: 123 Member


    What's funny about that?

    It was supposed to be a smile, as He is my passion too :)
  • barberd0ll
    barberd0ll Posts: 1 Member
    Cutting hair; barber/stylist