

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janet, he's SO CUTE!

    Sylvia, he's very long legged and long necked. He's going to be tall like his mama.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janet, we are going to be in OK later this month for the girls' baby brother's baptism, but it won't be in OKC! His new mom is from Tulsa, and that is where the baptism will be, at their family church. BUT we will be visiting them occasionally now that I have the legal paperwork in hand (termination of parental rights making me their legal guardian). I was not going to take the chance of running in to their biological parents since they are often in the OKC area. The one fear the girls had about me adopting them was that they wouldn't ever get to see their baby brother and cousins (their dad's brother adopted their baby brother). I promised them we will visit often. Maybe some time we can get together!

    Miriam, that would be great fun. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Just checking in, ladies...busy all day and just had time to skim.
    Sylvia I love all the bowls!
    Welcome all the newbies!
    DH slowly getting better but it is slow going. I am mostly over my cold but it is lingering in some ways.
    Looking forward to sneaking outside tomorrow and enjoying a few minutes of Indian summer...
    Betty WNY
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Janetr. So very cute!!! We spent vacation in the Hamptons n people were walking their llamas like we walk our dog. Very cool!!! Looks like you have lots of land, pretty. Gayle Minneapolis
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    the llama is so cute - and the bowls!!!!!!!!!!! OMG they are great! I'm with Heather can you figure out shipping and give us a price? they are amazing.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Barbie, I do hope you will be able to sleep with that contraption on your foot.

    Lillian, rooting for you to get your 7 hours of sleep.

    Katla, glad you got your blinds up and now have privacy. What is it that you do behind those closed blinds??? LOL

    MicheleNC, OMG you went non-stop yesterday. I got exhausted just reading about it. I want some of what you’re drinking.

    Joyce, I have no idea what I said or why. Always consider that it’s not you but me that is one of the witches. (Or 2 or 3 of them) I always think chili and most soup gets better with age and let’s just pretend that we do too.

    Sharon, so glad you have a DGD to teach you about “suckers”. Too cute! And how nice that you went to the Skate Canada Gala with your cousin in law and had a good time. Doesn’t a productive day feel good?

    Allison, good for you on getting back on track. I hope the veggie thingy works well for you. How nice to still have your Dad.

    Jenna, it sure sounds like you are doing a good job. Keep it up and the scales will show it in no time. You are right that it doesn’t sound like you need to lose any weight, but you are the only one that knows what feels good on you. Keep up the good work.

    Heather, Christmas Pudding??? Did I miss Thanksgiving??? I thought we just had Halloween?? OMG talk about getting old. Okay, yes, I’m in a silly mood. I hate to be slow but what is Christmas Pudding? And do you make it all year long? I mean I know you can but do you normally? I love learning about food from your, Heather.

    Penny, glad to hear you are heart healthy! Better a broken Garmin than a broken heart. i40048.png

    Mary, you are swimming and painting and lifting. No wonder you look like a million bucks. You go girl!!

    Chris, Jake is a cutie. What a beautiful day. Glad ya’ll had a good walk.

    Miriam, congrats on signing the papers. I hope all goes well and quickly.

    Terri, congrats on not polishing off that bag of granola. You can do this and I’m going to do it with you. I’m ready to get the scale moving again now.

    Mindy, so glad you liked the asparagus. Once I cooked it in the oven I could never go back to another method. I did decided to forgo line dancing today. I don’t want to aggravate my knee and it is getting better.

    Joyce, I would be upset too, about the lab results and not being called. Did they even stress the importance of being careful???? I mean, I wouldn’t have known that. Gee whiz.

    Heather, that is sad about the pudding. Not exactly what we would call instant pudding, either. Wow, after cooking it for 5 hours I’d have probably cried. wallbash.gif

    Barbie, I did consider going to line dance to sit and do as you suggested, but didn’t finish at the doctor with my friend until it was too late. If I had been planning on going to dance I’d have really been miffed that the doctor’s office was running so far behind. I’m glad you were able to sleep in the boot. I guess the support felt better since you are considering buying another one.

    Sylvia, the bowl is cool with the decal.

    Kimses, good for you for staying on plan.

    Betty, glad you are getting better and your DH, too. I do hope you can get out and enjoy the weather.

    Janetr, the llama picture doesn’t show up well on my computer for some reason but from what I can see it’s cute. Are there other little ones around? What fun.

    I took my friend to the doctor this morning for a 9:45 appointment. She wanted to get there by 9:30 to do paperwork and we got there about 9:20. She got in to see the doctor right about 12 noon. Excuse me, I know I don’t have a medical degree and make the $$$$ that this Rheumatologist does, but why do they think there time is so much more valuable than everyone else’s’???

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:
    Spin at hm- 60min, 124ahr, 141mhr = 472c
    walk dome 2 hm- 39.26min, 3.9amph/pace, 117ahr, 140mhr 2.5mi = 324c
    total cal 796
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 50 minutes of a downloadable spinning workout. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class.

    Volunteered at the Green Room today then went to CVS to get vitamins (I had a $2 and $5 coupon) plus the 7Up (which I'll take to WalMart to exchange for the sugar free caffeine free version). Had to make the snack I was taking to Mexican Train tonight. In the meantime, found out that the bro of the gal who has it, he died yesterday. He used to go shooting and many times played Mexican Train.

    tonight we played "turkey" dominoes. I didn't like it one tiny bit. Vince liked it because it involved much more strategy. I didn't like it at all, and it seemed that a lot of others there didn't either. Some of the guys did, probably because they are more competitive.

    Penny - you should be very proud of how well you're doing

    Heather and Mary - feel better fast

    Miriam - congrats on that signing. So happy for you

    terri in Milwaukee - Good for you measuring out that granola!

    Chris - what a beautiful walking area and Jake is so adorable.

    Cheri - the other day I was wearing a sweatshirt, today I was hot. Go figure (and, no, it wasn't a hot flash)

    Heather - oh no, the glass broke! Doesn't that just make you feel terrible? Your husband and his aunt look so great in that pic. Thanks for sharing

    I go to the podiatrist tomorrow about the plantar wart and then we have ceramics at night

    Karen - one time I made a store bought pizza and forgot to take it off the cardboard!

    Aylvia - beautiful bowl.

    Cute llama

    DJ - I'm a big water drinker

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Now it's my turn to join the ranks of you who have DHs with health issues. Today DH and I met his melanoma surgeon and plastic surgeon. He is quite obsessed on getting results that minimize scarring, but it doesn't seem feasible, especially considering the excision is larger than a silver dollar, at least a centimeter deep and smack in the middle of his forehead. The actual cancer threat is not wearing on him and he refused the doctors' recommendation to do the test where they inject dye into the nodes and see if any cancer cells spread apart from the tumor. Neither one of us has spent much time in doctors offices and find the whole ordeal stressful. Guess this is one of the joys of aging?

    First of two, possibly three surgeries is on November 13th. A great test of spiritual principles.

    Margaret and Lisa, your advice about medications will be in my mind if/when we ever have to get and rx. Up to now, knock on wood, we're a prescription-free household.

    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks for the healing wishes for my foot. I'm hoping it gets better on its own. I'm thinking planter fasciitis. I'm taking it easy. Swimming and lifting and painting didn't hurt it. Walking is uncomfortable. I will work out around it!

    DJ - that is so true about doctor appointments. Most clinics try to get you to see the physician assistant. I refuse and they say they are 2-3 weeks out! I think they over book them.

    Michele- is turkey dominos like chicken foot? I like that. I'll have to google turkey dominos.

    Betty - I hope your cold goes away!

    I have an early morning. I'm going to my DMIL to help her make her Christmas card. It's a 3 hour drive so I will check in occasionally.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2015
    Michele - you wrote "Volunteered at the Green Room today then went to CVS to get vitamins (I had a $2 and $5 coupon) plus the 7Up (which I'll take to WalMart to exchange for the sugar free caffeine free version)."

    You buy 7Up at CVS and exchange it at WalMart? How does that work. Man I just go to Walmart buy what I need/want and go home lol I must be a whole lot lazier than you.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Now it's my turn to join the ranks of you who have DHs with health issues. Today DH and I met his melanoma surgeon and plastic surgeon. He is quite obsessed on getting results that minimize scarring, but it doesn't seem feasible, especially considering the excision is larger than a silver dollar, at least a centimeter deep and smack in the middle of his forehead. The actual cancer threat is not wearing on him and he refused the doctors' recommendation to do the test where they inject dye into the nodes and see if any cancer cells spread apart from the tumor. Neither one of us has spent much time in doctors offices and find the whole ordeal stressful. Guess this is one of the joys of aging?

    First of two, possibly three surgeries is on November 13th. A great test of spiritual principles.

    Margaret and Lisa, your advice about medications will be in my mind if/when we ever have to get and rx. Up to now, knock on wood, we're a prescription-free household.

    Stay well. We can do this.
    Colorado Foothills

    I hope November 13 turns out to be a lucky Friday, the surgery goes well with clean margins, and your DH recovers quickly. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2015
    Rori - you wrote "Now it's my turn to join the ranks of you who have DHs with health issues. Today DH and I met his melanoma surgeon and plastic surgeon. He is quite obsessed on getting results that minimize scarring, but it doesn't seem feasible, especially considering the excision is larger than a silver dollar, at least a centimeter deep and smack in the middle of his forehead. The actual cancer threat is not wearing on him and he refused the doctors' recommendation to do the test where they inject dye into the nodes and see if any cancer cells spread apart from the tumor. Neither one of us has spent much time in doctors offices and find the whole ordeal stressful. Guess this is one of the joys of aging?

    First of two, possibly three surgeries is on November 13th. A great test of spiritual principles."

    Please, don't take any chances with melanoma in any way. DH should have the surrounding nodes checked if the doc suggested it. Melanoma truly is one the of fastest spreading, deadliest cancers there is. Because it does spread thru lymph nodes, it can spread thru the entire body within six months time. It truly is nothing to mess with. I'm not a medical professional but I worked at St Anthony Hospital in Denver for years in the radiation therapy department where cobalt treatment were given to cancer patients.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, that baby llama is precious. But why do they grow up and learn how to spit so bad????? And the spit is so thick. Just yuck.

    Sylvia, that bowl just gets more beautiful each time. I can't wait to see what it looks like after you fire it. Do your grand kids show any interest in doing it with you?

    DJ, it was the doctor's nurse who was telling me the precautions. She did call me back after I got back from Sams and found out that the prescription hadn't even been called in. The doctor or nurse practitioner is the one who gives the order and the nurse then calls it in. So she had to wait until the nurse practitioner gave the order. She ordered Vancomycin instead of Flagyl that the nurse told me would be ordered. Nurse told me it is pretty expensive so if it is to much for us that she could call it to another pharmacy that could actually compound it into a liquid formation and it would be cheaper. Well with him in the gap with his Medicare D we are used to expensive drugs. Drugs we were paying $45 for before the gap we are paying $200 for now. I doubt we will get out of the gap before the end of the year. we were counting on his expensive drug for his Ulcerative colitis to getting him into and out of the gap. But since it is given by infusion in the hospital, it is covered out of his Medicare part B. That $753 an infusion sure would have helped price wise.

    Remember the old show ALF??? I have an ALF puppet. I guess the last time Ellie was here she had it out and left it in my office. So I just put it on and it freaked the cat out!

    Heather, you were right to throw the whole thing out. Your aunt would have done it also. My daughter took a casserole out of the oven and immediately put it in the freezer to eat later. UMMM, didn't work. What a mess in the freezer to clean up. Learned her lesson. She is a worse cook than I am, well less common sense.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Love the lama, butter wouldn't melt. Ha Ha.

    Day 3 of the month went to plan. Think I should revise my weight goal for the end of the month, as I seem to have lost nearly 4 pounds overnight - obviously a lot of water weight after the (boozy) weekend.
    I'm now 60.6kg (133.5 lbs) so my target is to get in the 58's. More importantly, I want to fell comfortable in my current work trousers and get back into the trousers I was wearing a year ago. My waistband is really uncomfortable and I am determined not to give in and get a larger pair. Thank goodness I can "cheat" and wear dark leggings with a long top sometimes.

    Why did my DH have to make chocolate cake and carrot cake yesterday? He brought a few pieces in to me while I was watching TV in the evening, and I didn't have the heart to say no. Don't think the amount I ate did much harm. Had only eaten plain sea bass and veg for dinner anyway. At least I was able to resist the wine!!

    Reasonable session in the gym after not going for about 10 days. Back again this evening to work a different bit of me.

    I've enjoyed reading the little things that go on in your lives, mine seems a bit dull at the moment. Maybe that's a good thing - I'm a bit fed up with the things that have gone wrong lately. A bit of calm is nice.

    Have a nice day, all.

  • WalkinChik
    WalkinChik Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Pascale, I live in MD I'm new to MFP and just found this group. I'm 51 single mother who is now making the most of being an empty nester since September. I have weighed as much as 385lbs and have been down to to 205lbs. I recommitted myself to my journey 2 1/2 weeks ago at 281.2 and today I'm at 277.9 lb.
    I would love the support
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    all I can say is yesterday was a day....went and fed my DFIL... one of the ladies that works there,quit.. the owners are bullies and dont treat either there staff or the residents well.. I did stop at the closer nursing home and spoke with the social worker and got the ball rolling a little further to get him closer to us.. know it is a better place.but could take time..
    might be taking care of Faith(SIL mom) for the next 3-4 days will find that out today..on top of working and taking care of things here...
    got to work at 9:30 and got thrown right into it..we had a patient who has been there once a young man and he needed a Root Canal well with his type of insurance there is a 6-8 week wait and a possibilty that it wouldnt be covered..but the Dr started one anyway. 2 1/2 hrs later and no lunch that was done, and it just went downhill from there.. it was close to 70 here yesterday and they have the AC off at work, even with the windows open it was hot in the office which didnt help matters.
    came home and dropped into bed..
    supposed to be going out with my friend Doris tomorrow,but dont know when I will fit it in...
    all my thursday's have been wrapped up with things getting done here at the house..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited November 2015
    Wonderful news about the progress concerning the adoption, Miriam. Those girls deserve a better, more secure and supportive home than they've had in the past.

    Barbie - Sorry you have to wear such a clunky object to bed every night. I'm sure it would drive me crazy. I value my freedom of movement in bed to the degree that I haven't worn anything at all since my teens. :blush:

    Mindy - Lindy Hop is a dance style that combines elements of jazz, swing, Charleston and other styles from the 1920s and 1930. It's lots of fun even for a klutz like me with two left feet. It includes both pair dancing and solo. A guy who recently moved up here to study the Northern Lights at our university started a free Lindy Hop course for beginners and I go whenever I can. (Oh, and I teach scientific writing.)

    Joyce - Bummer about the Clostridium difficile. It's terrible that hospitals don't communicate with each other! Think how much information is lost and how many tests have to be repeated unnecessarily. What a waste! I suspect your Charlie got the infection at the hospital. The bacterium itself is everywhere and most of the time our normal gut flora can handle it. But people who've recently been on antibiotics don't have a normal gut flora. Plus, a lot of the people who develop C. difficile infections get them from sloppy hygiene in a hospital environment where the staff ought to know better! I worry about the world-wide increase in the number of bacteria that have developed resistance to antibiotics. If we don't watch out we'll be back to the bad old days before penicillin was discovered. We don't want that! :noway:

    When I was a child we never had an erector set but we did have Tinkertoys. My sisters and I often built Ferris wheels and spent hours giving our trolls rides.

    Way to go Cheri! I loved the last pic with the maple leaves on the sidewalk. Last week when I was out walking in Stockholm I saw a 2-year-old plowing joyfully through fallen linden leaves with a stick. I'm 60 but I couldn't resist following after him, kicking my way through the deepest piles. Later I grabbed a whole bunch of leaves and threw them into the air. A man walking the other way looked at me and smiled.

    I'm feeling the after-effects of yesterday's visit to the doctor. Mainly sore bum. I haven't ridden a bike regularly for years so 45 intense minutes was more than my padding could handle. Unfortunately I also appear to have the beginnings of a cold. Not what I want just before a long plane journey! Anybody have a good cold remedy?
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Penny - I used to love all kinds of dance. These days my left knee won't let me. :'( Envy you the Lindy Hop!

    DJ - You make the pudding well ahead so that it matures. You can easily keep it for a year in a cupboard. We have "Stir Up Sunday" towards the end of November when people used to mske their puddings. Most people buy them these days. I will also make some brandy butter to have with it. You can serve it with cream or custard. Needless to say I will have a VERY small portion - just a taste. I love it, but ..................... o:)

    I am putting off starting my writing. I emailed the solicitor, wanting an exchange and completion date. :sad:
    Feeling very so so about going to London tomorrow. I'm just not in the mood. :( Partly just my hip etc pain which is dragging on, though bearable. I will enjoy it when I get there, but my energy is low and I'm not in the mood for dressing up, getting packed etc. As usual, what shoes to wear is causing me problems. Got to walk, but look elegant tomorrow night. My friend carries her posh shoes around with her in a bag, but I don't want to do that.

    Sorry to sound down. I'm sure it won't last long. Pain and not knowing what it is can drag you down.
    Hugs to all those with husbands ill. If they get a bit grumpy then it's understandable. :laugh: Poor old DH wants the old me back.

    Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Aw, Heather... Sorry to hear you're down. PM me your address and I'll send you an encouraging snail-mail postcard.
