

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: We have raccoons in our neighborhood and they've been digging up our lawn to eat worms and grubs. They can be fierce. We've seen them stalk and eat a cat a couple of winters ago. Keep safe. I love the kids on the beach. Your mom was a beauty. :heart:

    Joyce: I love the nine important facts! Thanks for sharing. It put a smile on my face & I intend to pass it on. :bigsmile:

    Alison: Hugs. :flowerforyou:

    Rosie: We've had a very dry year so far and it is good to see rain in the valleys, and snow in the mountains. I have indoor ways to exercise & have fun. :smiley:

    Heather: Happy Anniversary! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    My dog is scratching constantly because he is shedding. We have piles of dog hair to pick up every where. But I wonder if he could also have fleas so I'm going to get a flea medication to put on him. Then if he scratches I'll know it is only the hair issue. Poor little guy. Our previous Keeshond also had this situation. They "blow their coat" twice a year & there is very little shedding the rest of the time.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sylvia – So glad things are working out to ensure the grandkids are being cared for.

    Pip – Glad to see Kirby is being released.

    Terri – I have 2 thoughts that may or may not help you…

    1) I hate wasting food so when I eat out if I know I won’t eat something (usually bread) I ask them to leave it off so it won’t get thrown away.

    2) I try to think of restaurant prices not as food costs, but entertainment costs. Thus, I am not wasting money on food I am not eating. I am spending money on a place to sit and enjoy my friends and family. I’m also a people watcher so observing the other patrons and wait staff is also my entertainment.

    Oh! Thought #3 just popped into my head. I often do not bother to get an entrée. I get appetizers or side dishes instead. Some places allow me to order from the Children’s Menu when I tell them I am a member of the Tiny Tummy Club (gastro bypass).

    I had a colonoscopy scheduled for Tuesday. They do a pre-screening where you call in and answer all of their questions so that everything is in the computer the day of the procedure and you can check in much quicker. I did the pre-screening on Monday 11/9. Wednesday evening (11/11) I noticed some pain and itching in the same area that I had shingles last Sept. I made a Dr. appointment Thursday morning and was able to get anti-viral medication. Within a day the pain and itching stopped and the little blisters started healing up. Hooray! I went through the colonoscopy prep this past Monday (11/16) and showed up for my procedure bright and early on Tuesday. I asked them if they wanted to know about my newest med since I had gotten the prescription after I had done the pre-screening. The nurse said she would add it to my chart and asked me what condition it was for and left the room shortly afterwards. About 5 min. later the doctor who was doing the procedure came in and asked to see the shingles. Turned out I still had one blister that had not dried up. She told me she couldn’t do the colonoscopy since I had an infectious disease. I didn’t know shingles were contagious!!! Also, there was no question about contagious diseases on the pre-screening questionnaire so it never occurred to me to call in advance to ask if the colonoscopy could be done. The doctor apologized profusely and said she would be asking them to add a question about infectious diseases to their screening procedure. Now I have the joy of rescheduling and going through the prep all over again. I tell myself that if this is the worst thing I have to face this week I am doing well.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    morning peeps -

    went home last night, gas heat still not working, i'n going to go home tonight and turn on the electric heat pipes are gonna freeze if I don't do something. I'm gonna go to the neighbors house to see if he can help me turn it on. the bars that we ordered from amazon came in. they are adjustable bars to help you get in/out of the shower.

    he got approved for a handicapped thingy when we drive places, that will b a lot of help. thinking when I pick him up, I will take him home, leave him in the car, check the heat, then we'll go directly to the car place to get the thing for the car. he wants the kids home on Saturday, I told him we'll see how things go and he is settled b4 doing that, right now I want to make sure he is settled.

    katla - no he doesn't read MFP or FB really

    cutie raccoon pic

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,433 Member
    edited November 2015
    DJ You are grieving for your fur baby, so no need to apologise.

    Pip you must be so pleased that your sister and Mum are so considerate. Family support means so much. That will ease things a little, financially. Shouldn't the other driver's insurance be paying your expenses? Kirby will be so surprised when he sees what his co-workers have do for him. I am praying hard for some good luck for you both. You seem to have all the bases covered for tomorrow's homecoming.

    Becca It's one of the benefits of a power cut that the stars are suddenly brighter. There is so much light pollution these days that it's a rare thing to see the Milky Way at night. Lovely pictures of the elk. We have had badgers and a fox in our garden but not for a while now. Your mom looks like a lovely person. You must miss her a lot.

    Lisa WTexas You are making a great job of that warehouse. Your kitties look very settled on the couch. You studio looks very roomy. I'm sure you will soon get everything shipshape.

    Beth nor BUF I find that as I get older, I have to push myself to go out in inclement weather. It's just not pleasant to go walking when the rain is pouring down and the wind howling past. Sorry that your family are having health issues. Healing thoughts and hugs for you all.

    Allison A safe is a good idea for important documents. DH bought a fireproof one which we keep in the wardrobe. He doesn't actually lock it as we have copies of most things. He says it's just in case of fire. Commiserations on your DFiL deteriorating health. Dementia is such a cruel thing, especially for family to watch. I hope Tom appreciates how much you do for his dad.

    Barbie What an excellent idea for restaurant eating. We are taking our DD#1 and her boys out for her birthday treat tomorrow night and I'm going to try that out. I'm thankful that you escaped harm at the hands of the storm. We suffered little with the gale which passed through.

    Kimses Hang in there. If you persevere the weight is bound to start to go.

    Katla You are such a kind person. How good of you to welcome the new girl in yoga. It can be so daunting when you start exploring new fields of interest. I'm sure she appreciated your friendliness.

    Joyce That's great news about Charlie. Let's hope he goes on improving. I laughed out loud at God's plan for us, and the 9 important facts.

    Grits Woo Hoo on the 4lbs loss!

    Sylvia How great that your son had a good day, and it's wonderful that you are finding ways for your DEGD to exercise. Let's hope that things will settle for a while.

    Heather Is your anniversary this weekend. Have a a great time in France, and keep safe.

    Mia What a nuisance, to have to reschedule and go through all that palaver again.

    It seems that our computer hard drive is okay, and it is a software problem. Our friend is defragging the memory and hopefully that will sort out the problem. We want dancing this morning and I was able to stay to the end. Last time I had to leave early as my hip muscles were getting sore.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Beth - I think of you and your family often. Wish I could be of help. Do they have respite care where you are? Can you get away for a break?

    Katla - glad you are getting some rain at last! We have had a lot of rain and wind in November. Storm "Barney" :noway:

    Mia - what a drag! <3

    Joyce - fab list! :laugh:

    I often get a load of fresh veggies in and then decide what to have for dinner based on the veg to go with it. So if I've got a nice cabbage I might do a stew, or if I've got green beans I might do fish. I always have a freezer full of meat, chicken, fish and seafood. Tonight I've prepped the mushroom risotto ready for the last 10 min stirring. :D

    Sylvia - well done on getting all that sorted. I expect it has helped your son's mood as well. :flowerforyou : Nothing makes you more depressed than indecision.
    We got in touch with the solicitor this afternoon, answered a few questions, so the will signing is next Tuesday. She explained about LPA, which I also want to sort out. Over here there are two sorts, financial and health. The financial is imperative, but to do both would be very expensive. :noway: We will discuss it more on Tuesday.

    DJ - we are glad to get the wills signed before we go away. Must write down my new savings account as well for executors. I always think, "In the midst of life we are in death", so I don't think we are safe anywhere, nor is life a safe place. Life can turn in an instant. The important thing is to live a fulfilling life and go out of your comfort zone occasionally. The most dangerous thing to do is to retreat into your own "safe" little world. A living death and a certain way to die young. FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY. We are going to Montpellier in the south, which is as likely as anywhere else to have troubles. We will probably have a totally peaceful time, but you never know. You never know.

    OK, on with the dinner!

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    well no nap yet... SIL just came down and downloaded files on usb, I am having her keep it for me for safe keeping at her house in the safe.. waiting on the countertop people
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- you sound like you're going to have a great anniversary! And, Christmas wine sounds great!

    Rosie- score! Great job on your shopping spree! I love it when you can find everything you want and especially when the clothes fit so nice.

    Karen- what is Kettleworx? It sounds like you have a great plan for the Thanksgiving holiday!

    Lillian-have fun at curling! I enjoy watching. You probably will feel sore tomorrow or the next day!

    Barbie-it is always nice to sleep in! How are your legs doing?

    DJ - (((hugs))) I like to get everything prepared early before the holiday so I can relax that day too.

    Sylvia-happy dance! So glad that you and your DGD are going to be able to spend some quality time together as well as getting the exercise in.

    Allison-you're so good to your DFI L. It sounds like you have a lot of construction going on at your house. There are always hidden costs.

    Katla- I hate fleas! I don't even have an animal and I noticed three fleas on my bathroom floor on different occasions. They probably hitchhiked in from the yard which we have very sandy soil. Or they are left over from the previous owners 20 cats that she had.

    Mia - i'm sorry that you had to go through the prep for that procedure and not get it done. You're hearing more and more about shingles every day. I'm just wondering if it would be worth getting the vaccination.

    I already had a busy morning of exercise swimming and 20 minutes of kettle bell swings. We went out to breakfast after swimming. I chose very wisely two scrambled eggs bacon and fruit. My husband sells them the food so I know the calorie content and was at about 350 cal. I am doing the five-day fast this week until tomorrow and hit a plateau until today I lost .1 pound not much but downward progress!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Mary from Minnesota, Kettleworx is a dvd program working with a 5lb kettlebell. Lots of squats and upper body movements that I just follow along, it was a popular dvd program years ago and was gathering dust in my basement until I unpacked it! I am still feeling it after 2 days of rest, that tells you how in shape I am!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sylvia - does the 'evil ex-wife' try in any manner to make contact with the grandchildren? Maybe she is trying to show that she has changed and wants a relationship with them. If y'all are afraid she will get them and run maybe you son needs to make some sort of document (be it a Will or whatever) that shows she had her parental rights revoked and that you are their Guardian. Better to do it now, than to wait for her to take you to court. Hopefully, if she tries y'all will be appearing before the same judge that took her parental rights away from her. I think I would be talking to my attorney about what to do. Does she have any kind of visitation? Supervised or other? >:)

    Katla - your dog would also have a skin problem; our JRT did when her hair stayed long; we had her clipped so that the vet could dip her to get rid of it; kept her clipped all summer long. We could not even tell that her tail was actually 2" long - her coat was so thick; but, we also did not have to worry about her being bitten by any misquotes either. Cracker take flea meds; but, I think her collar bothers her because that is what she is constantly scratching at and I know she does not have a flea problem. B)

    TerriRichard and Lillian - Yep - I am very proud of my weight loss; I could tell more by the way my clothes fit than anything. The pants and jeans I had taken up a month ago are getting loose on me again; but, at least he took them up through the crotch; but, he might not be able to do it again. o:)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mia: All of us who ever had chicken pox are vulnerable to shingles. I'm so sorry you had an outbreak and that you have to reschedule your colonoscopy. I've had the shingles vaccine, but they say it isn't perfect. DH can't take it due to his array of medical issues but he also had chicken pox as a kid. We have matching scars in our eyebrows, a coincidence as we didn't live within 400 miles of one another or meet until more than a decade later. I hope that isn't TMI. :noway:

    Tummy trouble today and I'm sticking close to home. I think something is going aaround, and I surely don't need that when I'm getting ready for travel. I hope everyone has a good day. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited November 2015
    Katla - I have a chicken pox scar on my temple because my mother gave me a Twink home perm while I still had a crust on my pox. :noway:

    I am going away on the 2nd December for two weeks. We will be living in an elegant apartment near the centre of Montpellier facing a tree lined square. My desire is to live like normal residents, visiting the market, hiring bicycles for rides to the seaside and riding the trams around the city. I hope there will be festive lights in the centre and a gentle bustle. I adore speaking French and will be buying a local paper and reading it in the cafés. We will have wifi and French tv. Here's hoping my dreams come true. B)
    Our anniversary is tomorrow. 11 years married. I have bought him two books of detective fiction that I want to read! :laugh: I did buy him some lovely truffles yesterday, just because he deserves it. <3

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    terririchard - don't know if the ins. co will be blaming the driver or kirby yet. i dunno how that all is going to work out. i think kirby found a bike atty and sent him the report 2c what he thinks. bike atty's are more specialized that a regular atty cuz alot of them are riders themselves.

    i just emailed my doc to see if he can refill my percoset prescription. i still can't sleep on the shoulder side for too long without it starting to hurt. when i start doing my outpatient therapy sessions i know it will be hurting then and i will need some relief. i am going to try to see if we can get our physical therapy appointments at the same time at the same place so i can make one trip for the both of us, we'll see...

    supposed to be in the 20's tonight so i will have to go home and turn on the electric heat at least. it's fun riding when it's cold, i miss it.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Happy Anniversary tomorrow. I'm giving you my good wishes now so I don't forget. :blush:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Heather~ Happy Anniversary early!!!
    Well praise the lord and pass the ammunition.. the counter top guys came, finally got the correct piece , and new sink in...the plumber and contractor will be here tomorrow to install the dishwasher and get the sink back up and running.... Tom will come home Saterday and I am sure Sunday will want to finally do the backsplash and then my friends the kitchen will be done..
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Barbie – So happy that you didn’t have damage from the storms. // Yes, I have done the same at restaurants. Sometimes, even if cottage cheese or fruit or something is not on the menu, they will substitute stuff in place of the French fries, which attacks both my joints and my full caboose. I was just hoping for something simple, since Peppermill has so many different places to eat. But I intend to enjoy the free adult beverages, so I will be keeping my food in check, and exercising whenever possible. Please feel free to remind me again in late February, so it is close to the front of this over-packed CRS brain of mine. I love the support ! ! ! B)

    Becca – I have to hide healthy food to get DH to eat it. He has had Hamburger Helper with ground turkey or chicken enough now that he no longer complains. Next I will try turkey meatballs on Flatzza whole wheat pizza, and see if I can get away with that. I know these items aren’t really healthy, but I have to take baby steps in his conversion. // OMG ! Did you really mistake a raccoon for a cat? I can’t view your pictures from work, so I look forward to seeing them when I get home tonight. // When I first moved to Minnesota I had no idea deer and other larger wildlife just roamed around. The only time I saw Deer was in a zoo, or a County Deer Park/Reserve. “Why would Minnesota let deer on the outside of the fence?” I was further shocked a few years later when I moved to a REALLY rural town, and came across my first cow wandering in the road. :D

    Joyce – thanks for the list of warnings for Seniors. I laughed, then sent it to my Dad.

    Allison – Follow your heart. If you enjoy taking care of your DFiL, then that’s what you should do. Ask your (D)B – How does this affect him? Or any of his business? You are a wonderful person ! ! ! o:)

    Rosie – Congrats on your new, affordable wardrobe ! ! ! B)

    My Dad cracks me up again today. We were e-mailing back and forth about silly stuff, when I popped off about Thanksgiving. Greg will make the turkey and everything, and we will bring it down to his house, unless he has plans. He says “I was waiting for you to invite me. I will make Brussel sprouts for the 2 of us, and pumpkin pie and real whipped cream.” Why do I have to invite my Dad, who lives in the same house as me? And whenever we don’t go to Minnesota, we do the same thing – Greg makes everything and we carry it downstairs to eat with him. Silly man ! // He is also getting out the “big” snowblower for the storm we are expecting tomorrow.

    Well, today was another crazy day at work, but luckily not as toxic co-worker-wise as the past few days. Tomorrow there will only be 3 of us here, so I might be extra busy, but we’ll see. I’m not yet caught up with reading, and still have not gone back to what I missed over the weekend, so added hugs and prayers for everyone I missed today. Struggling to stay on the plan, since I am currently not eating back any of my exercise calories, but I feel confident that I can do it today. The trick for me is to keep my mind and hands busy, and keep the candy out of sight. DS sometimes will eat the healthy food I prepare, so tonight will probably be high protein and vegetable, and a Knorr pasta side for him (5’8” and 160 pounds of pure muscle, so I really try to push the protein).

    The sad news is that DS was the last boy to be cut from the basketball team. He was so close he could taste it, so it really stings still. When he is ready to talk about it, we will probably try to get him to focus more on baseball, and find some camps. Plus, this will free up more of his time for schoolwork and bowling (need him to win more scholarship money if he’s planning on going to College). He’s a good kid still, so I’ll keep him a little longer, especially if he keeps killing spiders and reaching things that are too high for me to reach.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Kelley Coffee Meyers Shape Up DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do exercise in the water. The good thing is that I can go early and workout on my own

    DJ - We had to have PJ put to sleep about 4 years ago (maybe 5) and we still think of him

    katla - the thing about appetizers is that it seems that most of them are deep fried. I did call the restaurant where we're going to go Sat. after the concert and they said that they'd broil the crab cakes. Then I'll just get some veges. That was so nice of you to welcome the new person to your class. Sometimes it can be so intimidating when everyone knows everyone else and you feel like an intruder. Feel better fast

    Becca - I know EXACTLY what you mean by having a pickey eater. If I put peas in something, Vince will literally pick each and every one out (just like a 2 year old). Me? Total opposite. My breakfast tomorrow will be (get this) cottage cheese, steel cut oats, and peas. I just thought the peas would be something different with the oats! Vince wouldn't have tried those burgers, either. Not if he can see the spinach and I don't know how I can hide it. He does have no idea how many times he's had silken tofu since it doesn't have a flavor. Great swimming

    Joyce - the weather may PREDICT one type of weather, but it has changed so much by that day that I don't believe it until I'm in the weather. Thanks for telling me about the FitBit Flex. Will have to look into it. Loved "God's plan for aging". Absolutely loved it. So happy for Charlie

    barbie - I buy lots of frozen veges, too. Sometimes my freezer is so overflowing that it's hard to close!

    Sylvia - how nice of you to offer to take the zumba class with your gd.

    Remember the gal I told you about who fell at the 50'-60's social? Well, seems she has a severly bad sprained ankle. So I made some chicken rice soup and a chocolate cake and gave them to her hubby last night at ceramics. Truthfully, the soup probably needs salt since I don't cook with it, but he said that his wife doesn't cook with it either. Well....better to have to add salt, it's so hard to take it away.

    Alison - I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL

    Heather - did I miss it? Happy anniversary!

    Mia - I'm the same way, I hate wasting food (I think that's a throwback to being raised by my grandparents who raised their family during the depression when nothing at all was wasted). I many times ask not to have the bun given to me. I've many times ordered from the senior menu. I find that the children't manu too many times has things like chicken fingers and hot dogs on it, which I really don't want. The only problem with appetizers I find is that so many of them are deep friend. Actually, almost all of them are. Unless you're going to do like I'm planning to do Sat and have the crab cake broiled.

    Mia - oh, I feel for you having to go thru that prep again.

    pip - just what you need right now --- to have to worry about heat on top of everything else

    Volunteered at the Green Room this morning. Our computer website went down so we couldn't input any orders. Then when it came back up, it was a mad scramble to get things done. I almost totally forgot about Newcomer bowling tonight.

    Talking about shingles: I had my flu shot a few weeks ago and Vince just went for his so in about another few weeks we'll both go and get the shingles vaccine.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member