Look what fast food & ice cream have done to my cholesterol



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    My opposition to regularly eating at places like Taco Bell and McDonalds goes beyond just cholestrol concerns– most of fast food is prepared using the cheapest ingredients possible, handled by ambivalent kids making minimum wage that don’t care about food quality, cleanliness, or freshness. It’s great that you are able to control your cholesterol eating like that, but is the taste & convenience really worth shoveling that garbage into your body?

    Agreed. And there's something to be said about supporting a local Mom & Pop takeout place or restaurant in this shaky economy versus supporting the corporate machine. No matter how good the .99 tacos taste.

    Real beef not filler is going to be tastier anytime. Also, the OP mentions Ruth's Chris...yet another chain.

    If eating IHOP instead of supporting a small local maple syrup producer is your thing, and helps you sleep better at night go for it. Me, I prefer breakfast at a small family owned place where they happen to also make their own maple syrup each spring.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Your post is misleading in its approach, and provides a single result without a control.

    I haven't reviewed your posting history, but I hope you go into all the success story threads and tell people about how their results provide a single result with no experimental controls. Cause it would be kinda awesome if you did.

    If i recall correctly he also fell victim to the "Women should avoid cardio thread". Seem's to be attracted to good headlines that are written to be controversial and draw people in.

    I don't find the title to be misleading at all. It's written with the intent of poking fun at "clean eating" zealots.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    not all of us would have such healthy read-outs in the annual medical tests if we ate fast food every single week.


    Do you have proof of this? I mean I eat a lot of tasty foods (all of the bacon!!) but I'd rather make it myself. I'd rather support the small local farms and the small local restaurants that are family owned.

    If you have scientific proof I'd love to see it (other than your own blood tests, because you are not a 36 year old female with family history of cancer and diabetes like I am). We're not comparing apples to apples (or same human to same human).

    I'm healthy and have always been a healthy weight. I vote with my wallet. You happen to really enjoy supporting large corporations and chains. I'd rather get the same food at a local family owned place.

    At the end of the day that's what this post is about. You are doing what works for you. The rest of us are doing what works for us. Fast food does not work well with my goals right now. I eat it once in a while if I'm on the road (I travel a lot for work).

    Show some proof...because the last time I saw Morgan Spurlock do one of his "30 days" experiments his levels were all out of whack and he gained weight. You're younger than him, yes. But still.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    not all of us would have such healthy read-outs in the annual medical tests if we ate fast food every single week.


    Do you have proof of this? I mean I eat a lot of tasty foods (all of the bacon!!) but I'd rather make it myself. I'd rather support the small local farms and the small local restaurants that are family owned.

    If you have scientific proof I'd love to see it (other than your own blood tests, because you are not a 36 year old female with family history of cancer and diabetes like I am). We're not comparing apples to apples (or same human to same human).

    I'm healthy and have always been a healthy weight. I vote with my wallet. You happen to really enjoy supporting large corporations and chains. I'd rather get the same food at a local family owned place.

    At the end of the day that's what this post is about. You are doing what works for you. The rest of us are doing what works for us. Fast food does not work well with my goals right now. I eat it once in a while if I'm on the road (I travel a lot for work).

    Show some proof...because the last time I saw Morgan Spurlock do one of his "30 days" experiments his levels were all out of whack and he gained weight. You're younger than him, yes. But still.

    You're the one who is claiming that eating fast food once a week would significantly negatively impact your health markers. There is absolutely zero reason to even suspect this would be true.

    That's a nonsense claim. It's also a positive claim. You can't prove the reverse, a negative.

    Morgan Spurlock is a shock journalist who stuffed himself with thousands of calories of McDonald's every day like a moron just to make you go "oh god McD's is terrible!" Let's see him repeat this experiment eating just as many calories from hamburgers and shakes he makes at home.

    Your claim that occasionally eating fast food would wreck your health markers is completely, 100%, absolutely baseless and nonsensical.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I just want to see the OP post some articles that show that eating fast food every single week make you really healthy.

    Because this is all I found so far in my searching:



    and why some people eat junk food without gaining weight:


    [Don't get me wrong--I love fast food and junk food just as much as the next person...and yes in moderation you can be a healthy weight and eat junk food and fast food. I'm just asking for proof. The OP has posted his own blood test results, and has lost weight. I just have not seen any science to show that I could be healthy on a regular diet of junk food--just using my personal example that I posted earlier in this feed--trying to prevent cancer and keep my husband in remission. Being healthy is more than just a healthy weight.]
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    New favorite post.

    I am currently trying out paleo because I genuniely enjoy eating that way (most of the time :wink:) but up until now I've never cut out "junk" food and reached all my fitness goals so far just fine.

    You will never take my ice cream away from me. EVER.

    And anyone who tells me differently is wrong :happy:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    not all of us would have such healthy read-outs in the annual medical tests if we ate fast food every single week.


    Do you have proof of this? I mean I eat a lot of tasty foods (all of the bacon!!) but I'd rather make it myself. I'd rather support the small local farms and the small local restaurants that are family owned.

    If you have scientific proof I'd love to see it (other than your own blood tests, because you are not a 36 year old female with family history of cancer and diabetes like I am). We're not comparing apples to apples (or same human to same human).

    I'm healthy and have always been a healthy weight. I vote with my wallet. You happen to really enjoy supporting large corporations and chains. I'd rather get the same food at a local family owned place.

    At the end of the day that's what this post is about. You are doing what works for you. The rest of us are doing what works for us. Fast food does not work well with my goals right now. I eat it once in a while if I'm on the road (I travel a lot for work).

    Show some proof...because the last time I saw Morgan Spurlock do one of his "30 days" experiments his levels were all out of whack and he gained weight. You're younger than him, yes. But still.

    You're the one who is claiming that eating fast food once a week would significantly negatively impact your health markers. There is absolutely zero reason to even suspect this would be true.

    That's a nonsense claim. It's also a positive claim. You can't prove the reverse, a negative.

    Morgan Spurlock is a shock journalist who stuffed himself with thousands of calories of McDonald's every day like a moron just to make you go "oh god McD's is terrible!" Let's see him repeat this experiment eating just as many calories from hamburgers and shakes he makes at home.

    Your claim that occasionally eating fast food would wreck your health markers is completely, 100%, absolutely baseless and nonsensical.

    I never once said that eating fast food on occasion wrecks your health markers. That's not what I said at all. I was saying on a regular basis (every single week you were eating Taco Bell and IHOP am I correct?) I can not eat fast food. I gave the personal example of health and also cost (we choose to cook most of our meals at home and spend our $ supporting local food sources and businesses).
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Your post is misleading in its approach, and provides a single result without a control.

    I haven't reviewed your posting history, but I hope you go into all the success story threads and tell people about how their results provide a single result with no experimental controls. Cause it would be kinda awesome if you did.

    If i recall correctly he also fell victim to the "Women should avoid cardio thread". Seem's to be attracted to good headlines that are written to be controversial and draw people in.

    I don't find the title to be misleading at all. It's written with the intent of poking fun at "clean eating" zealots.

    Don't think I posted in "women should avoid cardio".

    Title is trolling. John's posts are mostly bragging and inflammatory. But what he actually does is worth talking about. So it's a bit of a shame.

    He's eating maybe 1/3 of his weekly calories from fast food, including subway. It's hardly noteworthy. He's filling out his calorie/macro goals with appropriate bits of ice cream almost every night, generally under 1 cup. He's not completely avoiding foods, but he's not binging or even eating particularly "unclean" by most standards. He's getting pretty good exercise calories. He's eating at a deficit.

    It's a very solid approach, and the results are equally solid.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I just want to see the OP post some articles that show that eating fast food every single week make you really healthy.

    Because this is all I found so far in my searching:



    and why some people eat junk food without gaining weight:


    [Don't get me wrong--I love fast food and junk food just as much as the next person...and yes in moderation you can be a healthy weight and eat junk food and fast food. I'm just asking for proof. The OP has posted his own blood test results, and has lost weight. I just have not seen any science to show that I could be healthy on a regular diet of junk food--just using my personal example that I posted earlier in this feed--trying to prevent cancer and keep my husband in remission. Being healthy is more than just a healthy weight.]

    I see you are referring to fast food as "junk food" over and over.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Title is trolling. John's posts are mostly bragging and inflammatory. But what he actually does is worth talking about. So it's a bit of a shame.

    There you go using your imagination to create your own personal reality again. My name is not John.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    New favorite post.

    I am currently trying out paleo because I genuniely enjoy eating that way (most of the time :wink:) but up until now I've never cut out "junk" food and reached all my fitness goals so far just fine.

    You will never take my ice cream away from me. EVER.

    And anyone who tells me differently is wrong :happy:

    Life's too short to cut out all junk food and fast food.

    I think the OP was misunderstanding what I was saying.

    I was under the impression the OP was eating fast food several times per week and every single week.

    He decides what he puts in his body. He's proud to support chains and large corporations.

    I love junk food! I would never advocate giving up what you love completely (in fact experts always say that deprivation diets do not work). I'm just saying you vote with your wallet and the OP enjoys supporting chains. Of course they are tasty--I never said they were not.

    If I'm going to eat a plate of fried takeout I'm going to be at Bob's Clam Hut or Ted's Clams. Enjoying my local seafood fried in cholesterol free oil. To each their own, right? My fries made with love by a business that's been around since the 1950s tastes better anyway.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Fantastic work Op! You look great :):drinker:
    Could you tell me your height and approx LBM ??
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    New favorite post.

    I am currently trying out paleo because I genuniely enjoy eating that way (most of the time :wink:) but up until now I've never cut out "junk" food and reached all my fitness goals so far just fine.

    You will never take my ice cream away from me. EVER.

    And anyone who tells me differently is wrong :happy:

    Life's too short to cut out all junk food and fast food.

    I think the OP was misunderstanding what I was saying.

    I was under the impression the OP was eating fast food several times per week and every single week.

    He decides what he puts in his body. He's proud to support chains and large corporations.

    I love junk food! I would never advocate giving up what you love completely (in fact experts always say that deprivation diets do not work). I'm just saying you vote with your wallet and the OP enjoys supporting chains. Of course they are tasty--I never said they were not.

    If I'm going to eat a plate of fried takeout I'm going to be at Bob's Clam Hut or Ted's Clams. Enjoying my local seafood fried in cholesterol free oil. To each their own, right? My fries made with love by a business that's been around since the 1950s tastes better anyway.

    You have a very emotional relationship with food, it seems. You talk about fast food as "junk food" over and over, and how horrible the "corporate machines" are. Then you talk about the local places that "make fries with love" or whatever.

    All this stuff you post is in very charged, emotional language that borders on propaganda. It's not very rational, and you're clearly uninterested in logic and reason when it comes to this stuff. Your very word choice affirms that your mind is made up and no amount of evidence or logic could sway you from these strongly-held opinions.

    If you want to think that a grilled chicken sandwich from McDonald's once a week would negatively affect your body chemistry, so be it. It's illogical, irrational, and unsupported by any plausible mechanism (let alone any actual science). But you go right ahead and do it. Whatever it takes for you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Fantastic work Op! You look great :):drinker:
    Could you tell me your height and approx LBM ??

    I'm just a hair under 5'9 with about 132 lbs of LBM.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I just want to see the OP post some articles that show that eating fast food every single week make you really healthy.

    Because this is all I found so far in my searching:



    and why some people eat junk food without gaining weight:


    [Don't get me wrong--I love fast food and junk food just as much as the next person...and yes in moderation you can be a healthy weight and eat junk food and fast food. I'm just asking for proof. The OP has posted his own blood test results, and has lost weight. I just have not seen any science to show that I could be healthy on a regular diet of junk food--just using my personal example that I posted earlier in this feed--trying to prevent cancer and keep my husband in remission. Being healthy is more than just a healthy weight.]

    I see you are referring to fast food as "junk food" over and over.

    Well it is junk food in many cases. Fast food from a large corporation is junk. The majority of fast food chains support factory farming. The only one I can think of that does not is Chipotle.

    Fast food from a small family owned restaurant that's supporting the local economy and the local food economy (see my Bob's Clam Hut example) is not actually junk food. It's fast food made with love, local ingredients, and cholesterol free oil.

    An Applebee's microwaving my pasta is serving me junk food that arrives on a truck and is not actually cooked. It's just microwaved in a plastic bag. Not made with love. Not made by a 3rd generation business.

    Not saying my way is better...but I sure am saying that when I'm at a picnic table enjoying my fried food takeout from a small family business that's fast food that sure as heck is delicious and supports a small business. My fast food is superior.

    IHOP is not even a real breakfast out...I had a tasty homecooked breakfast for $8 this past weekend. Heck, they even made their own corned beef hash. Felt awesome and went for a walk on the beach afterwards. Cheap, homemade, and fast.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Excellent job! I recently stopped 'diets' as I continued to gain more and more weight. I seemed to always be on a diet or breaking a diet. I could tell you all the benefits of the zillion of diets out there. I am 50 now but back when I was a chubby 14 years old I went on my first 'diet'. I went from 140 to 110 (I was 5'2"" then). I did it by having two meals a day that I totally enjoyed. Some days these meals were huge, some days not. Some days they were junk some days not. I kept this weight off by eating this way until about 7 years ago when I decided to become "healthy". I gained 60 pounds and developed a major diet brain, obsessing over all the 'healthy' diets. I don't promote eating just junk, I promote eating food you enjoy and do physical activity. People have stated when they eat bad their workout suffers, that is a problem for me too but more of a problem was feeling I could never enjoy those so called bad foods.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    New favorite post.

    I am currently trying out paleo because I genuniely enjoy eating that way (most of the time :wink:) but up until now I've never cut out "junk" food and reached all my fitness goals so far just fine.

    You will never take my ice cream away from me. EVER.

    And anyone who tells me differently is wrong :happy:

    Life's too short to cut out all junk food and fast food.

    I think the OP was misunderstanding what I was saying.

    I was under the impression the OP was eating fast food several times per week and every single week.

    He decides what he puts in his body. He's proud to support chains and large corporations.

    I love junk food! I would never advocate giving up what you love completely (in fact experts always say that deprivation diets do not work). I'm just saying you vote with your wallet and the OP enjoys supporting chains. Of course they are tasty--I never said they were not.

    If I'm going to eat a plate of fried takeout I'm going to be at Bob's Clam Hut or Ted's Clams. Enjoying my local seafood fried in cholesterol free oil. To each their own, right? My fries made with love by a business that's been around since the 1950s tastes better anyway.

    You have a very emotional relationship with food, it seems. You talk about fast food as "junk food" over and over, and how horrible the "corporate machines" are. Then you talk about the local places that "make fries with love" or whatever.

    All this stuff you post is in very charged, emotional language that borders on propaganda. It's not very rational, and you're clearly uninterested in logic and reason when it comes to this stuff. Your very word choice affirms that your mind is made up and no amount of evidence or logic could sway you from these strongly-held opinions.

    If you want to think that a grilled chicken sandwich from McDonald's once a week would negatively affect your body chemistry, so be it. It's illogical, irrational, and unsupported by any plausible mechanism (let alone any actual science). But you go right ahead and do it. Whatever it takes for you.

    Yep. I work on a farm so I'm emotional about food.

    I'm glad that you love your large chain corporate fast food. I'm glad it's worked for you.

    There's better options out there (that are also cheap).

    Please don't say that I speak in propaganda. At least I do my best to support local businesses... :)

    Please note I'm not dissing your fast food I'm just explaining that you continue to do what you do--there's just better fast food out there.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    New favorite post.

    I am currently trying out paleo because I genuniely enjoy eating that way (most of the time :wink:) but up until now I've never cut out "junk" food and reached all my fitness goals so far just fine.

    You will never take my ice cream away from me. EVER.

    And anyone who tells me differently is wrong :happy:

    If you eat ice cream, you don't eat Paleo.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Yep. I work on a farm so I'm emotional about food.

    I'm glad that you love your large chain corporate fast food. I'm glad it's worked for you.

    There's better options out there (that are also cheap).

    Please don't say that I speak in propaganda. At least I do my best to support local businesses... :)

    Please note I'm not dissing your fast food I'm just explaining that you continue to do what you do--there's just better fast food out there.

    Well, that explains that.

    I have no interest in making judgments about the health of food based on how the economic issues involved in its production make me feel emotionally.

    You do. Thanks for your input. Your conclusions about the health of food are all based on irrational emotional decisions and not actual reality.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    New favorite post.

    I am currently trying out paleo because I genuniely enjoy eating that way (most of the time :wink:) but up until now I've never cut out "junk" food and reached all my fitness goals so far just fine.

    You will never take my ice cream away from me. EVER.

    And anyone who tells me differently is wrong :happy:

    If you eat ice cream, you don't eat Paleo.

    so hypothetically she could eat mostly "paleo' and eat 1-2 servings of ice cream once in a while. Why would it matter to anyone that that's "not paleo".
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