Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    @HGSmith0920 That's great news, congratulations! But how come it took you so many years?
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    I'm maintaining a deficit, have worked out every 2.4 days this month (on average), have only los 10 lbs since October. My goal is a pound a week, which should be very manageable for someone at 220 and I feel like these 5 pounds have been yo-yoing around for the last 2 months.

    I know what to do (flowchart), I'm just very frustrated and venting.

    Posted this Jan 25th. It is now Feb 26th and I have not lost a single pound. Which is fine, I'm working out a lot, I'm punching new holes in my belt, I'm more mobile and feel great but the scale hasn't moved since October. I know what to do, I'm just venting.

    I also didn't realize that there were regulars hanging out on this thread! I like it!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    There's a couple of us writing most days! :)

    @aeloine How much do you still have to lose?
    As long as there is some sort of scale or non scale progress, I think the numbers will catch up sooner or later.

    I get to step on a scale every 2-3months currently, so just taking progress pictures and measuring myself. At the end of the day, it's how I look and feel not the number that's important.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    @gymprincess1234 I still definitely have like 70 pounds to go to get into the healthy weight range, so I'm not losing slowly/appropriately. I can definitely stand to lose 1-1.5lbs/week. And I DO.... until the weekend. Then I regain. It's literally been the same 4 pounds or less since fall.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    How come weekends are your weak ends? Maybe switch up your schedule so you do more activities?
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @gymprincess1234 It took so long because of a mix of self-doubt, working full time, pride, and inability to see that I am NOT stupid! Pretty much I and life got in the way. Lol.

    Thank you for the congratulations! Honestly, I'm still having a hard time believing it!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    @gymprincess1234 It took so long because of a mix of self-doubt, working full time, pride, and inability to see that I am NOT stupid! Pretty much I and life got in the way. Lol.

    Thank you for the congratulations! Honestly, I'm still having a hard time believing it!

    I can relate I’m still trying to get back to it but grad school scares the hell out of me. I basically left the sciences because I thought I wasn’t smart or good enough for it but after time I realized I just overloaded my schedule too much to thdo point that I got burnt out. And when I started this at this current company at the original job it really sucks you in and they really don’t help with making you feel good about yourself. I’m in a better place than I was before but still could use some improvement.

    The Degree I'm getting is only an Associates in Liberal Arts, but it's something that's been hanging over my head for so long. It was because of a member on a different board(who is currently in college, a mother of 3 boys and pregnant again) that got me to finally go to the school and talk to someone. If I had done it back when I first thought about it, I could have graduated a few years ago. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess, right?

    Now this means that I can go back to school eventually. Right now the DH and I want to focus on starting a family and saving money. So more schooling is a bit away, but I would love to be able to get a BA in English/Professional Writing(i.e. Technical writing). I figure I can do that as a job and write what I really want on the side. I'm currently writing now...well attempting to. Lol. I took about a year off and I'm having a really hard time getting back into the swing.

    Sorry for the randomly long post! Lol
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Talking uni..I'm literally going to gym now to delay doing course work. Haha I love learning things, but doing assignments not so much. Will do 30min elliptical and 15min cycling and a good stretch.
  • mjy7478
    mjy7478 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm getting back on track myself and never had any help or workout buddies definitely gets hard to motivate yourself after a while..... #InsanityP90X3#
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    mjy7478 wrote: »
    I'm getting back on track myself and never had any help or workout buddies definitely gets hard to motivate yourself after a while..... #InsanityP90X3#

    How come you're losing motivation ? I've been doing this for about 15 months and still have about 4-6 months till my goal weight/fat %/healthy weight. Motivation is as strong as ever, cause with every inch and pound dropped, I'm a step closer to the goal. What I find difficult is managing my lack of patience and dealing with binge eating disorder.
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    Literally had to do a celebration dance - I've lost 1,5cm from my hips and 1cm &1,5cm from my thighs in 2 weeks!
    I'm at my all time best leg and hip measurements. Don't know what's up with my waist, but that number won't change a millimeter! Hope it catches up , cause there I'm 1cm away from my best.

    So stoked :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @gymprincess1234 That's awesome! Congrats! I'm going to do my measurements on Thursday since it's the 1st of the month. I think that is going to be my new thing. Doing them on the 1st and the 15th of every month. So 2 weeks apart. Lol.
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    I guess I will share my frustrations. I am allergic to the sun so both my legs and arms are covered in a rash. It is worse than ever. I live in Florida. I am having a lot of pain in my ankle which makes exercising difficult. I woke up and lost no weight and my cat yakked on the carpet. This is how my morning started.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @lois1231 I'm so sorry. That must be really hard! And to top it all off the cat! Can you get your ankle checked out to make sure it's nothing serious? And is there anything that can be done about the allergy other than not going out in the sun?
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    How come weekends are your weak ends? Maybe switch up your schedule so you do more activities?

    It's not even so much that they're my weak ends. I just don't work out as much on the weekends but I've gotten really used to having more calories during the week from working out. I bump it up to maintenance but I think that my maintenance number must be too high. In all fairness, I've lost around 5 lbs since Halloween-ish, but I was definitely averaging 1 lb/week for 40 weeks before that.

    I also quite smoking 21 days ago, so I put on a little weight (just that first week!) and it's finally off but I just can't break 220!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @aeloine Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit 2 years ago...hence why I'm on MFP! Lol. I became a sugar maniac and put on 40lbs in about 6 months. Lol. But seriously! Great job! It was one of the hardest things I've ever done!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,495 Member
    WOW HGSmith, what a great surprise!!! I'm so happy for you
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Thank you! :) It's such a great feeling when the numbers shift after a long waiting! Feels like I've received a gift from myself haha

    @aeloine Took me a bit to calculate what's my current TDEE and maintenance too, but it's doable, and you will get past 220 and break into onederland, I'm sure! Don't get discouraged, make a plan and then it's all a game of patience!

  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Thank you! :) It's such a great feeling when the numbers shift after a long waiting! Feels like I've received a gift from myself haha

    @aeloine Took me a bit to calculate what's my current TDEE and maintenance too, but it's doable, and you will get past 220 and break into onederland, I'm sure! Don't get discouraged, make a plan and then it's all a game of patience!

    Gosh I hope so. I really, really do. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that once the weather warms up I won't be tempted to stay at home and eat all the things - turns out that comfort food is called comfort food because it adds extra padding on you :wink:
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Haha, never thought about that ! I was recently blown away when I read that breakfast means breaking the fast when you're sleeping. lol

    I'm so impressed with myself, I've had a 5 day deficit or more, trying to drop my monthly and 3 month average, cause last months binges messed it up.