Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Cari, one way to up your speed in the running club is to take one evening a week and do hill training. There should be something online to tell you what to do, but when I was training for my half marathons, our group would literally find a big hill, and run up and down it. Makes you go faster on the flat the next day! (If it doesn't kill you)! Also, you can start doing simple interval speed training. Even sprinting from one telephone pole to the next, then walking to the next one, then sprinting to the next etc. It will kick your butt, but it will increase your speed as well!
    Great advice... I really want to start running with all the motivation here! Love it!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hey ladies! So my daughter encouraged me to run again last night... I had a rough go of it and I walked some so she left me in the dust... I am really motivated to get into running more as she is really into it and I want to be there to challenge and keep her going! So proud of her! I thought someone mentioned an app that helped them but I don't see it and I'd love to try it! I've read the whole minute/2 minute... etc.. but how do you keep track when you are focusing on running... last time I did one block/2 blocks, etc and that helped but I would love for a app to tell me what to do... I know.. sounds lazy... but maybe it would force me to do it...
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Shy, go for it! Running is so awesome, I miss it a lot! I need a new bionic knee and then I can do it again. Lol! I'm not sure about the app, but with the watch, you buy a specific running watch. Mine were Garmin or Ironman, and they have a specific timer that you can set for whatever you want, the 1 min rest, 2 or 5 min run. You run, it beeps, you walk for your 1 min, and then it beeps and you start up again! If you have a store in your area like The Running Room, they have those watches in stock all the time. Takes the thinking out of it! Just work your way up to 10 min running, 1 min walking. It's a great system, people do it for all running races, short or marathon length.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    update on the calorie change.
    Day 3 and my first day of doing my extra exercise.
    My daily calorie goal is 1590.
    my exercise for today as racked up another 850 calories from kickboxing, playing beanbag football and walking the dog.
    I have managed to eat 1291 calories and it is now 8pm and I really don't think I could eat anything else.
    leaving me with 1149 calories left over.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Joy - Thanks for the input. I do already have some hills on my route, I hate hills but I am getting better with them!
    Jen - Excellent, i'll check that app out.
    Shy - I use an app on my phone called 'Runtastic Timer', you basically set the intervals you want, so say a 3 min warm up, then run for 1 min, walk for 1 min, and you want to do 5 sets, then it just tells you when to walk or run. You can adjust the time to what ever you like so as you progress you can increase the running time and decrease the rest times.
    I went for a run tonight and I set my phone to 4 min runs, 1 min walk, then after doing this twice I thought, "why am I doing intervals?", so just ran the rest of my route - I think I needed to prove to myself Monday night wasn't some weird fluke and I could keep running. I did ok, I basically ran for just over 20 mins straight, i'll work with that and keep trying to increase my distance/pace.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    update on the calorie change.
    Day 3 and my first day of doing my extra exercise.
    My daily calorie goal is 1590.
    my exercise for today as racked up another 850 calories from kickboxing, playing beanbag football and walking the dog.
    I have managed to eat 1291 calories and it is now 8pm and I really don't think I could eat anything else.
    leaving me with 1149 calories left over.

    Have a BIG glass of wine, that will use some of them up! ;)
  • Cirque95
    Cirque95 Posts: 22 Member
    Walked almost 10,000 steps today and done a body pump class at the gym - exercise makes me feel amazing! Also decided to take some measurments today and I've lost 4 and a half inches since my last measurments, so happy with that. Also noticed that I'm fitting into some of my old clothes and my figure is getting more toned. I've not really had much of an apetite today so I'm a bit worried I'm not eating enough calories but hopefully it will come back in the next few days. Days like today are so motivating. :)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Awesome Ladies! Thanks for all the tips, tricks, apps and ideas!! I love it!! I'm sure Lexi will want to go for a run tonight... Wish me luck! ;)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    The scales are holding steady, which i am pleased about at the minute, measured myself this morning and I have lost 1.5 inch of my waist, 1.5 inch of my hips and 2 inch of my thighs in 1 month :smiley:

    Have a great day everyone and keep doing what works for you :smiley:
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member

    I Just thought i would share my progress picture :)
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member

    I Just thought i would share my progress picture :)

    Nice job. Keep up the great work. :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    update on the calorie change.
    Day 3 and my first day of doing my extra exercise.
    My daily calorie goal is 1590.
    my exercise for today as racked up another 850 calories from kickboxing, playing beanbag football and walking the dog.
    I have managed to eat 1291 calories and it is now 8pm and I really don't think I could eat anything else.
    leaving me with 1149 calories left over.

    Have a BIG glass of wine, that will use some of them up! ;)

    @CariTJR - I like the way you girlfriend!! ;)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member

    I Just thought i would share my progress picture :)

    @GillianSmith2 - AWESOME JOB!!! Now that's motivation for all of us. How much have you lost total??
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member

    Yesterday (for some random reason) I noticed on my MFP home feed the calories remaining and the "net calories". I could not get my brain wrapped around why they were different, what the difference was, why the two were there. Still not clear on what the heck the difference is. If any of you have an idea of how to dumb it down for me.... please share! I don't know why I can't get my head around the difference between the two and which should I focus on more? Should I make sure to get my "Net calories" in or my total "remaining calories" in? I get the 'Intake calories' - 'Exercise Calories' = Net. And my "net" calories is like my bank account - I've eaten this #, I've burned this # and this is what I have technically have taken in for the day after my exercise burn. BUT.... isn't the point of burning more calories/exercise and tracking it - to lose weight? If you eat back all of your burned calories - isn't that going to be a maintain level vs. a weight loss level of intake? :s:| Opinions, Suggestions, Thoughts....
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Jen - Basically MFP has already worked a deficit of calories into your daily goal, so say for simplicity sake they guess you burn 2000 calories a day on any normal given day doing your usual stuff, this is called your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, your TDEE, this is also your 'maintenance' figure. So, MFP say if you want to lose weight, you need to eat 1500 calories a day, 500 calorie deficit. So when you exercise say you burn an extra 500 calories, your deficit has now gone down to 1000, because you've got the MFP daily deficit of 500 already worked into your daily calorie goal, and your exercise deficit of 500. Now, there is a lot of talk on here from people who say you HAVE to eat back your exercise calories because MFP has already given you a deficit, and if you don't eat them back you've got too much of a deficit going on, but then there are those who find if they do eat them back the weight doesn't shift. There are also those who eat a proportion of their exercise calories but not all. It's up to you basically. Your net calories are just the amount you have eaten in the day, minus any exercise calories you've worked up. Does that make sense?
    Anyone feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. :smile:
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member

    I Just thought i would share my progress picture :)

    Well done you! Look at those jeans now. Fantastic!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Jen, Thank you :). I have lost 22lbs so far. Ive got 8lbs left to go before I am at the normal weight range.

    Thanks Cari :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    All this running talk is making me want to get out there and join! Let us know how the runs went!

    I have to skip my boxing class tonight since we have tickets to a concert so I got up early this morning to do a workout DVD. My body was having none of it! I can tell I'm at a hormonal time of month because I want to eat all the things and I'm feeling super lethargic. Thank goodness it's only for a few more days :/

    Gill @GillianSmith2 you look fantastic!!!! That's an amazing amount of progress in such a short amount of time

    Jen @ChangeisaDecision, Cari has a great explanation. To put in my own two cents: Your intake calories are your baseline. That is what you need to lose whatever amount of weight you set your account to assuming you do minimal to no added activity in your day. However, since exercise burns calories, they factor in to the equation too. Your net calories are your new daily baseline once exercise is factored in.

    One thing to keep in mind: since people often under-estimate their intake and over-estimate their activity it is often recommended to only eat back half of the exercise calories that you "earn" if you do decide to eat some of them back (for sanity's sake I recommend it)

    Cari @CariTJR, I liked your idea for a glass of wine so much that I'm having one tonight in your honor!
  • tgermsheid
    tgermsheid Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    I am a father of 4, and with trying to keep them active and on track, I fell off my own fitness/nutrition wagon. In the last year and a half I've gained about 30 pounds (so easy to put it on...). I have been back at it for about a month now and starting to feel better. Any help is always appreciated. Feel free to add me.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Wooohoooo! Gill, you are hot stuff!!! Way to go, and keep up the good work. The last 8 lbs may come off slowly or not even at all, but who cares because you've already won!!

    Jen, in the beginning I ate back all of my exercise calories, and I lost. But now that I am more active, and I've lost 30, it is becoming harder to make that scale go down. So now I am trying not to eat my exercise cals back. So it is up to you, you just have to go with what your body is doing!

    Jen, I know that feeling! I am at a plateau right now and it's driving me nuts! Got on the scale this morning after the gym and I'm the same AGAIN! Talk about Mrs. Crankypants!! Let's turn it into motivation to shed just one lb by next Thursday. That is my goal!! One lb, is it too much to ask?! Lol! Let's try!