One chance on my own thread to help that all im giving



  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Regular bar attached to poles in a pulley system i go to planet fitness
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Im doing a program from mark rippetoe a strength trainer

    And your one rep max for deadlift is 50 pounds and squat is 65 pounds?
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Yes because im new and dont want to injury my back and weak elbow since i broke it 8 months but will try to increase weight
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Yes because im new and dont want to injury my back and weak elbow since i broke it 8 months but will try to increase weight

    You say you have a weak elbow, but the lift that exerts the most torque on your elbow is twice as high as your other two which are leg exercises.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Been doing more amd just going by week by week and ill try to get To 75 next week
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Regular bar attached to poles in a pulley system i go to planet fitness

    Smith machine???
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    Been doing more amd just going by week by week and ill try to get To 75 next week
    Bro c'mon these people are trying to help and it seems like you're switching up your story. You shouldn't be doing squats or dead lifts on a smith machine. The most I've ever done on it is weighted calf raises. Squats and deadlifts should be done with a regular bar(weighing from 20-45Ibs, I believe). This will allow for you to get the full range of motion.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Very confusion
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    Yes because im new and dont want to injury my back and weak elbow since i broke it 8 months but will try to increase weight

    You won't snap your shoulder on either deadlift or squat of you perform them correctly. While squatting the bar should be on your traps not your shoulder. While Deadlifting you shouldn't even be activating your arms. By this I mean you shouldn't be yanking on the bar as if you're trying to perform a row. Your arms just hang there, holding onto the bar.
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    Yes because im new and dont want to injury my back and weak elbow since i broke it 8 months but will try to increase weight

    There's just no way all your major movement should be so low in weight. Te bench press is understandable, but the weights you're lifting in both squat and deadlifts are extremely low. Don't be afraid to add weight. Don't add 10 as if specified your friend told you to do in your post. You'll hit your 1RPM way too quick. Add 5 and you'll see a significant change each week. Once you can't lift the weight anymore take deload.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I know that silly amd all i have at work out isnplanet fitness that where i go so i have to make use what i have and now lost my personal trainer friend
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I know how to do dead lifts squats i been taught right way
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Get medical clearance on your elbow

    Get a physio to advise

    Ditch your friend

    Ditch the Smith Machine and get the free weights

    Get the stronglifts 5x5 app and do that

    I agree with the advice above, you should probably be moving a lot more weight
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    These are the stronglifts starting weights, directly from the site, linked at bottom

    If you’ve done free weight exercises like Squat, Bench and Deadlift before, with proper form, start with 50% of your five rep max. If you’ve never used free weights, haven’t lifted in years, or you have no idea what a five rep max means, start with these weights:

    Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press: 20kg/45lb. That’s the empty Olympic bar.

    Deadlift: 40kg/95lb. The empty bar with a plate of 10kg/25lb on each side.

    Barbell Row: 30kg/65lb. The empty bar with 5kg/10lb on each side.

    You start heavier on Deadlifts and Barbell Rows because you can’t do these exercises with proper form holding an empty bar in the air. Each rep must start with the weight on the floor.
    Read more:
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I dirched friend he yelled at me and ill look at strong lift app
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Ill try strong lifts app somce it on my phone thank you
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    Ill try strong lifts app somce it on my phone thank you

    -Just google Jason blahas 5x5 novice program.
    -Put it into action.
    -Eat at a surplus.
    -Lift weights.
    -preferably free weights. Don't touch the smith machine for a long time.
    -add weight every workout
    -don't expect to bulk up in three months. It'll take at least 6 months to end a good bulk. Sometimes even a year
    -Educate yourself a little more about how the body works and how you can improve as a beginner(don't mean this in an offensive way. )
    -don't give up
    -lastly, see your gains and be happy while you do.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    I have permission from doctor to work out just go slow am increase slow bit ill do stronglifts or this guy named jason
  • bryanacuna
    bryanacuna Posts: 24 Member
    I dirched friend he yelled at me and ill look at strong lift app

    Take Rabbitjb's advice as well. You have all the information you need in this post. Read upon it and but it into effect. It will at least get you started.
  • ServeJesus2008
    ServeJesus2008 Posts: 222 Member
    Im taken rabbits advice amd yours i dont use smith machines they are free weights in a way it only gym i got