To everyone struggling to lose weight



  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Ofcoarse a calorie is a calorie but hes obviously talking about a calorie of food in terms of effect on the body.
    What then is the true science? Which health docs aren't mockumentaries? and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy? Does sugar not cause insulin to rise? And does insulin not cause fat storage? How can a calorie of protein be equal to a calorie of sugar in terms of effect on the body when one causes fat storage and the other does not? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of counting calories I just believe the path of least resistance for weight loss is limiting sugar intake.

    'Everyone' is not getting fatter and sicker. I'm smack in the middle of a healthy BMI. My husband is now in the normal range. My kids are both competitive athletes with low body fat levels. It comes down to personal choices. If I make bad choices, I will regain.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I stopped at "a calorie is not a calorie"

    A calorie is a unit of measurement like a cm or a kg

    It just is

    It has no bearing on nutritional qualities

    Having not watched this documentary...
    How do u feel about Negative Calories?
    I.e., an apple is 60, but takes your body 70 calories to properly digest it. So eating an apple = 10 calorie burn ...

    Just interested on your take

    I'm not rabbit, but I'll give you my take on it... that it's a good laugh. That had to have burned at least 10 calories, too!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    @shamani5, I'll try to answer your questions.
    What then is the true science? Which health docs aren't mockumentaries?

    Documentaries in general are not completely objective; their subject is non-fictional, however which aspects of the topic are shown and in what manner is based on the perspective of the director. You're better served reviewing published journal studies, but even those have their flaws and it's important to consider the limitations of studies when reviewing the information, as well as reading studies which have reached opposing conclusions.
    and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy?

    Weight gain is the result of a calorie surplus. This doesn't mean people are lazy, just that their calorie intake exceeds their calorie output. This can be the result of increased intake, decreased activity, medical conditions, and hormonal changes, for example. These factors do not negate the energy balance equation, but failing to factor them in or incorrect estimations (thinking you eat less than you do, or that you burn way more calories than you do) can give people the impression that something else is going on not related to calorie surplus.
    Does sugar not cause insulin to rise? And does insulin not cause fat storage? How can a calorie of protein be equal to a calorie of sugar in terms of effect on the body when one causes fat storage and the other does not?

    Yes, sugar causes insulin to rise, but so does protein. Fat storage is the result of excess calories; you can gain weight eating the majority of your diet in protein if you overeat your calorie goal. If someone has a medical condition, then sugar could be an issue, but eating sugar is not going to cause fat to store on someone who is truly in a caloric deficit.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of counting calories I just believe the path of least resistance for weight loss is limiting sugar intake.

    And there is nothing wrong with this. If limiting your sugar intake helps you achieve your calorie deficit in a manageable and sustainable manner, then by all means, do what you need to do. I personally find the path of least resistance for me is to eat as many calories as I can while still losing weight, getting my micronutrients, hitting my macros the best I can, and getting regular physical activity. Sugar isn't something I watch per se (fiber is more relevant to my needs in terms of tracking), but it's also not something that is an obstacle for me personally.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited December 2015
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Protein when eaten by itself does not cause insulin to rise. Protein keeps blood sugar steady. There is nothing wrong with insulin doing its job. The issue is too much sugar many calories causing unwanted weight gain.

    Sorry, but protein does in fact spike blood glucose - in fact the spike is nearly equal to that of carbs. The insulin reaction is present also - not as high as with carbs, but the BG spike is. If you'd like to move beyond Lustig's junk science into actual real sciency science (the true kind, not the made-up kind), here's an article which properly explains what insulin is and what it does.

    Also, FIFY on the last statement.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Protein when eaten by itself does not cause insulin to rise. Protein keeps blood sugar steady. There is nothing wrong with insulin doing its job. The issue is too much sugar causing unwanted weight gain.

    Too much sugar can only cause weight gain if you eat more than you burn. The obesity problem is because people are eating too much of everything. I got fat eating a well-balanced diet. Well-balanced as far as nutrition, very off-balance as far as calories were concerned. I have not changed my diet. I have only changed how much I consume of the things I eat and I started moving more.

    I ate at Firehouse subs today, had pizza for dinner and just finished a candy cane. While I don't eat take out every day, this is a typical weekend day for me. I was under my calories. I have eaten this way since I decided to take control of my own weight and health and I have lost 50 pounds. I am now down to a weight I have not seen since I was in high school. I squealed like a school girl when my blood work and other tests came back improved, improved to the point where everything is now in normal range. My cholesterol was high, my blood pressure--I was going downhill fast. Because I ate too much, not because I ate too much sugar or carbs or whatever.

    I eat carbs and sugar every single day.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If it says cos you eat too much and move too little I'm in

    Otherwise not

    Ok, so I ended up watching it and it basically says that but blames everything except the person - the food industry, the environment, the biochemistry of the brain, etc. Very big on the "sugar is the devil" message.

    The message was a bit circular IMO. It outright says eating less and moving more doesn't work but goes on to say that's what we need to do. Oh, and sugar is the devil.

    And, in case I wasn't clear, the main message of the video is that sugar is the devil. >:)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    shrcpr wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If it says cos you eat too much and move too little I'm in

    Otherwise not

    Ok, so I ended up watching it and it basically says that but blames everything except the person - the food industry, the environment, the biochemistry of the brain, etc. Very big on the "sugar is the devil" message.

    The message was a bit circular IMO. It outright says eating less and moving more doesn't work but goes on to say that's what we need to do. Oh, and sugar is the devil.

    And, in case I wasn't clear, the main message of the video is that sugar is the devil. >:)

    The devil you say!!
  • shamani5
    shamani5 Posts: 59 Member
    I eat carbs and sugar every day also and am losing a pound a week. The problem lies in excess sugar which also causes hunger as well as fat storage. Of coarse a calorie deficit will cause you to lose weight. But for a lot of people limiting sugar will help create a much more sustainable diet because losing weight and keeping it off always comes back to the right amount of calories. And sticking with the right amount of calories is very difficult if your hungry all the time. Proponents of the low carb diet say they are less hungry and therefore eat less calories.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    I eat carbs and sugar every day also and am losing a pound a week. The problem lies in excess sugar which also causes hunger as well as fat storage. Of coarse a calorie deficit will cause you to lose weight. But for a lot of people limiting sugar will help create a much more sustainable diet because losing weight and keeping it off always comes back to the right amount of calories. And sticking with the right amount of calories is very difficult if your hungry all the time. Proponents of the low carb diet say they are less hungry and therefore eat less calories.

    I lost my weight eating a balanced diet of all things and was never overly hungry. I don't do hunger well.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    I eat carbs and sugar every day also and am losing a pound a week. The problem lies in excess sugar which also causes hunger as well as fat storage. Of coarse a calorie deficit will cause you to lose weight. But for a lot of people limiting sugar will help create a much more sustainable diet because losing weight and keeping it off always comes back to the right amount of calories. And sticking with the right amount of calories is very difficult if your hungry all the time. Proponents of the low carb diet say they are less hungry and therefore eat less calories.

    I lost my weight eating a balanced diet of all things and was never overly hungry. I don't do hunger well.

    This^^ I would say I was much more hungry going low carb. To each his own.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Sorry there are a whole raft of these pseudo-scientific easily digested mockumentaries out there's really easy to buy into them because they tell us what we want to hear

    They tell us to believe: it's not my fault, it's too tough, everyone is in the same boat

    But it is our fault. It is tough but possible and everyone can do it when they find a way of eating they can commit to which helps them meet their calorie needs

  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy?

    ...Actually, yes. Yes they are. In comparison to generations before this, people now eat bigger portions and move less. Fifty years ago, someone may have walked around all day running errands, moved around all day working, cooking, cleaning, doing certain physical jobs that machines do for us now. After work they'd go home, have dinner, watch a little tv, maybe go take a walk, and go to bed at a reasonable hour. Now? A lot of people drive to work, sit at a desk and stare at a computer, go home and stare at a tv or computer, then go to bed late and stare at their smartphone or tv until they fall asleep. So yes, as a whole, society is getting fatter due to habits like these. It's a level of laziness that has become socially acceptable because society has shifted so much. Those of us that exercise, move more in general, eat less, or some combination of the three don't fall victim to the effects of that laziness. Weight loss can be difficult, but it's not as hard as these stupid documentaries want people to believe. Everyone has a miracle cure to sell when the truth is right in front of us. It's not a pill, not fat burning foods, not a special weight loss company, it's the person themselves making changes.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Ofcoarse a calorie is a calorie but hes obviously talking about a calorie of food in terms of effect on the body.
    What then is the true science? Which health docs aren't mockumentaries? and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy? Does sugar not cause insulin to rise? And does insulin not cause fat storage? How can a calorie of protein be equal to a calorie of sugar in terms of effect on the body when one causes fat storage and the other does not? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of counting calories I just believe the path of least resistance for weight loss is limiting sugar intake.

    The opinion that reducing sugar intake is not looked upon positively on the main boards. Unfortunately any science that supports that is often labelled pseudo science, or the studies are deemed poor. I agree with you but I doubt that you will find any support here.

    The Low Carber Daily, eat clean or paleo groups are where like minded people tend to go to.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Well....I watched all the video and one of the interesting things for me was the little segment about a study linking in stress and obesity. They did an experiment on a group of women who practiced Mindfulness around their eating patterns....logging calories, and feelings prior to and after eating....also I think encouraged stress management etc etc....(it really was very vague on the specifics). Sorry.

    For me it wasn't clear whether they actually lost weight overall, however at the end of the experiment they did find that the techniques employed lowered their cortisol levels and re-distributed their belly fat to a more "estrogenic pattern"......(at least I think that is what they were saying) and I'm guessing this is a "safer" distribution of fat on the body.

    I found this 'doco'.....confusing and very depressing.

    On one hand they stripped people of individual responsibility around their eating patterns and then gave a tiny, poorly explained insight into what many here on MFP have found, including me.....success in weight loss and health management can often come through careful and truthful insight around eating patterns that have lead the person to be overweight in the 1st place.

  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Ofcoarse a calorie is a calorie but hes obviously talking about a calorie of food in terms of effect on the body.
    What then is the true science? Which health docs aren't mockumentaries? and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy? Does sugar not cause insulin to rise? And does insulin not cause fat storage? How can a calorie of protein be equal to a calorie of sugar in terms of effect on the body when one causes fat storage and the other does not? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of counting calories I just believe the path of least resistance for weight loss is limiting sugar intake.

    The opinion that reducing sugar intake is not looked upon positively on the main boards. Unfortunately any science that supports that is often labelled pseudo science, or the studies are deemed poor. I agree with you but I doubt that you will find any support here.

    The Low Carber Daily, eat clean or paleo groups are where like minded people tend to go to.

    Eliminating sugar is not looked upon positively.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    shamani5 wrote: »
    and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy? Does sugar not cause insulin to rise? And does insulin not cause fat storage? How can a calorie of protein be equal to a calorie of sugar in terms of effect on the body when one causes fat storage and the other does not? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of counting calories I just believe the path of least resistance for weight loss is limiting sugar intake.

    1. Not everyone is getting fatter and sicker, and yes, compared to previous generations the number of sedentary individuals is significantly higher. People are working longer hours of sedentary jobs, and the average level of physical activity has dropped significantly since WW2.

    2. Sugar causes insulin to rise, and yes, insulin stores fat. But you store roughly* the same amount of fat if you eat the same amount of calories of sugar, protein, or fat (protein also causes insulin to rise, and fat doesn't need insulin at all, because it is already fat and can be stored directly in your fat cells at any time). Your body stores fat after every single meal of your life, and burns it in between meals. You only accumulate fat if you gain more fat over the course of the day than you burn.

    * You actually immediately store a bit less fat if you ate carbohydrate instead of fat, because carbohydrates have a secondary energy storage molecule - glycogen - while fat can only be stored as fat. However, for long-term energy balance, it doesn't matter, because it also means you burn a little less fat later on when you burn a bit more glycogen instead.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited December 2015
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Proponents of the low carb diet say they are less hungry and therefore eat less calories.

    In general, the studies I've seen that try to quantify what influences satiety show carbs have very little, if any, direct effect. The most important factors:

    Protein strongly increases satiety
    Fiber strongly increases satiety
    Calorie density strongly decreases satiety
    Fat somewhat decreases satiety

    Carbs, of course, have an effect in that they can quickly raise calorie density - but so can fats. It's usually the combination of sugars and fats that are the most calorie dense foods.

    I find many high-carb foods like pastas to be extremely filling.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    shamani5 wrote: »
    Ofcoarse a calorie is a calorie but hes obviously talking about a calorie of food in terms of effect on the body.
    What then is the true science? Which health docs aren't mockumentaries? and if its right then how come everyone keeps getting fatter and sicker? Is everyone just lazy? Does sugar not cause insulin to rise? And does insulin not cause fat storage? How can a calorie of protein be equal to a calorie of sugar in terms of effect on the body when one causes fat storage and the other does not? Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of counting calories I just believe the path of least resistance for weight loss is limiting sugar intake.

    The opinion that reducing sugar intake is not looked upon positively on the main boards. Unfortunately any science that supports that is often labelled pseudo science, or the studies are deemed poor. I agree with you but I doubt that you will find any support here.

    The Low Carber Daily, eat clean or paleo groups are where like minded people tend to go to.

    Eliminating sugar is not looked upon positively.

    ^^^^^This sentiment that sugar in any form needs to be eliminated has emerged VERY strongly in recent times on MFP....

    This puzzles me, as how or the bigger question Why does one even attempt to remove ALL sources of sugar in their diets....OK added sugars yes if you so desire but the naturally occurring ones in fruits and vegetables and whole grains, beans and legumes.....that is such an enormous nutrient vacuum to fill.

    How does one get the necessary vitamins, minerals etc without fruit and vegetables????
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I think 100% eliminating sugar would be near impossible..
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I have seen entire posts dedicated to the evils of milk after someone realized there was naturally occurring sugar in milk... and fruit... both make me very sad :( My summer staple is berries with milk and a teaspoon of sugar, apparently it is the holy trinity of evil. (And if you try to take it from me, you will have to pry it out of my cold, dead fingers!!)