What's the first thing you cut out to help in weight loss



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Overeating :D
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Nothing. If anything, I added "forbidden" stuff and new foods into my diet that I didn't eat before.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I cut out things I used to eat "just because" - even though I didn't thoroughly enjoy them....such as normal, everyday ordinary bread. I really don't like it that much and I was eating it just out of habit. I have decided that I will only spend calories on food I really, really, REALLY enjoy....so for instance, I may get a bread bowl of soup or a sandwich at Panera on tomato basil bread...because I LOVE it...but ordinary store bought bread...meh.

    Many candies I also do not enjoy that much -

    I save my calories for stuff I LOVE and ENJOY
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I cut out soda - or at least regular soda.
    Still have pepsi Max now and then
  • BoomstickChik
    BoomstickChik Posts: 149 Member
    My crap attitude about it being impossible to lose with thyroid disease. It definitely is possible. I'm proving it finally.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member

    Not because they are carbs. But because they caused huge crashes and I ate them without limit.... I still eat carbs but try for low gi ones. I limit bread now to 1 slice every few days with a high protein meal. Not crashing anymore...
  • angelinhell
    angelinhell Posts: 56 Member
    I don't cut anything out, I just eat a lot more veg because it bulks out my meals for less calories. I don't ever feel deprived.
  • RedLipsRedDress
    RedLipsRedDress Posts: 125 Member
    The first things I cut out were chocolate and alcohol. Explanation: I got a mysterious allergic reaction and thought it was chocolate. I cut out alcohol because I was on medication. When I noticed this led to a serious weight loss, I got motivated to start living healthier. Now I know it wasn't chocolate that causes my allergy but I only have one small piece when someone offers, I don't buy it because I have just overcome my addiction. As of alcohol there were two times I had a glass of wine (or maybe half glass) and it made me feel sick. Now there is only one thing I am trying to avoid at all costs - oil in my salad because it adds at least 100 calories in my daily intake and I'd rather eat something more filling like a piece of whole grain bread, cheese, fruit or a spoon of peanut butter. But it's not something I miss, I get enough fat from meat, dairy, nuts, etc. And of course I'm not eating / drinking junk but I'm don't crave it anyway.
  • lx3tx
    lx3tx Posts: 34 Member
    My first reaction was that I didn't cut out anything, but as I thought about it more, realized I sorta have. I've cut out rolls and pasta, for the most part. They'll sometimes find their way back in. I'll sometimes eat rice. So basically I've limited carby stuff, but I still eat potatoes with no problem. I just don't find pasta and bread worth the calories and would rather eat other food. I still eat pho and ramen though... I loves it.
  • luvleephilly
    luvleephilly Posts: 41 Member
    I have cut out soda, juice and sugar. I probably will have sugar in my tea but for now its out the door. As for juice and soda I never really liked soda and juice I can live without for now.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    janjunie wrote: »
    I cut out nothing, seriously. Smaller portions that fit into my calorie goal and it didn't even feel like a diet.

    ^^ This
  • caryinboca
    caryinboca Posts: 4 Member
    Interesting reading others responses. My biggest failling is rewarding myself after working hard at something. No more yummy brownies, key lime pie or carrot cake. No more popping into burger king or wendys even for a small burger and small fries. My goal includes Planning ahead and using the calories more wisely. Amen and water glasses raised to cheer our future pounds lost!
  • arditarose wrote: »
    I'm not one of those "eat everything in moderation" peeps of mfp. I don't really eat bread or pasta (unless it's homemade) when I'm cutting, or maintaining. Doesn't fit well. I just put everything I'd want in a sandwich or taco on a salad.

    You and me both girl✔️

  • Overeating :D
    Lol true true✔️
  • Bossladytrainer
    Bossladytrainer Posts: 19 Member
    Try carb cycling.
    Eat a small amount of carbs one day, then add them back the next... or try low carb on rest days and high carb on strenuous exercise days.
    It works for me as well as my clients.
  • MADglow2016
    MADglow2016 Posts: 2 Member
    I cut lazy habits that don't serve my goals, ex: getting take out when I don't feel like cooking, eating as much as I always have instead of measuring, choosing to eat slower and not finishing if I'm full, jumping on the treadmill while watching tv instead of the couch, being more mindful of choosing to not eat treats rather than eating them because they sound good... etc...
  • Negative_X
    Negative_X Posts: 296 Member
    Cutting out extra sugar made a huge difference for me, when I first started. It's rare I go above 25-50 grams a day now. Most of it comes from vegetables and fruit.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I cut out the negative thoughts and incorrect mindset. The mind has to be in the right place first in order for the body to follow. Eventually, I did switch to a low carb diet and that has worked wonders for me. But, that's just my personal experience. Finding what works for each of us individually is important.
  • CourtneyMarie1760
    CourtneyMarie1760 Posts: 45 Member
    Soda! I lost 7 lbs in 4 days!