


  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member
    Fun shot of my blackhed
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    WYMANT0004 wrote: »
    Fun shot of my blackhed

  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    My fiesty white sided rat snake
  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member

    Thanks. Your white-side is pretty impressive as well

    For kicks, here is what my breeding season looks like this year

    PhantomPin x Mochi

    Lesser het Hypo x Mochi

    Lesser het Hypo x RedStripe (after I saw a RedStripeMojave at a show, I switched to this guy instead, figure I should get cool offspring regardless of who dad turns out to be)

    Pastel G-Stripe x RedStripe

    RedStripe x RedStripe

    Striped dinker x Albino Woma

    Woma x Ivory (poss OD poss Pastel poss Butter)

    Enchi x Ivory (poss OD poss Pastel poss Butter)

    BlackPastel x Ivory (poss OD poss Pastel poss Butter) [this is a different male than the one in the previous two pics]

    AlbinoPin x Candino

    Albino x Woma het Candy

    FireFly x BellyFly

    Mojave het DG x Enchi het CG
  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member
    138shades wrote: »
    I vote NO on snakes.

    If you dislike snakes, fine that is your prerogative. However, you were the one who chose to click on a topic titled 'Snakes' so you have only yourself to blame for being here...
  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member
    And so begins my breeding season:
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    WYMANT0004 wrote: »
    And so begins my breeding season:

    Sweet! What is the pairing?
  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member
    Sweet! What is the pairing?

    Firefly x Bellyfly. Lots of potential combos... Of course, any BlkELs are going to be a nightmare to figure out LOL
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    edited May 2016
    Just tell me they aren't on a plane. Cuz I am tired of these mother *kitten* snakes on this mother *kitten* plane!

  • pfreeme
    pfreeme Posts: 42 Member
    It's a true story! No innuendo!

    Poor snake!
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    awe! its soooo cute!!!!!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    We don't need no snakes on no MFP.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member Just NO.

    Snakes terrify me. In my head, rationally, I know the non-venomous ones won't hurt me, and I know it's an irrational fear, but it's there nonetheless. When I walk into the reptile house at the zoo, the hairs on my arms will literally stand straight up on end. :(
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    but they just want a kiss
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    @moyer566 soooo adorable
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I've eaten Habu when I was in Okinawa, back in the 70's. Tasty.
  • blairrob12
    blairrob12 Posts: 215 Member
    No! Just No!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited May 2016
    blairrob12 wrote: »
    No! Just No!
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Okay, I have to ask: what do all of you do with your snakes?
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Um feed and care for them like any other pet lol
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I'm against it. We have a major problem in the Everglades because of lost pets and zoo releases from hurricanes. It's now impossible to fix.
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm against it. We have a major problem in the Everglades because of lost pets and zoo releases from hurricanes. It's now impossible to fix.

    Against what?
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I'm against it. We have a major problem in the Everglades because of lost pets and zoo releases from hurricanes. It's now impossible to fix.

    Against what?

    Allowing people to have snakes as pets. Released non-native species are doing serious ecological damage here.
  • ashleyandniles16
    ashleyandniles16 Posts: 79 Member
    I see enough snakes where I live lol
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited May 2016
    Ws2016 wrote: »
    Okay, I have to ask: what do all of you do with your snakes?

    all of my animals come out of their cages a few times a week too. I prefer social creatures. the dragon hangs out at the window. the frog finds a happy spot and falls asleep. the snake sits someplace and looks around
    I'm against it. We have a major problem in the Everglades because of lost pets and zoo releases from hurricanes. It's now impossible to fix.

    the zoo releases nonnative species? no.
    People should not be releasing their pets in the wild anywhere. those are irresponsible people and my herp keeping will not be determined by stupid people.
    I see enough snakes where I live lol

    i love seeing snakes in the wild. still love having them as pets too
  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm against it. We have a major problem in the Everglades because of lost pets and zoo releases from hurricanes. It's now impossible to fix.
    Allowing people to have snakes as pets. Released non-native species are doing serious ecological damage here.

    Yes, Hurricane Andrew did result in the release of Burms and, yes, they are an invasive species there because of it and, yes, absolutely invasive species are not good...

    That said, you need to do a bit of fact checking before damning us herpers. The "major problem" of snakes in the Everglade is absurdly conflated by the media and the AR movement.

    Do you know what invasive species causes the most ecological damage in FL? Pigs

    Do you know what pet kills thousands upon thousands of native animals and has been the documented cause of numerous species extinctions and yet ggoes unchecked? Cats.

    I will go even further. Kudzu, the creeping death of the South -- Brought in by the US Government.

    Japanese carp? Brought in to help clean out a totally different invasive, again, by the Government.

    All of these and more cause vastly more ecological damage than the Burms in the 'Glades and you never hear about them? And why is that? Simple, because many people are afraid of snakes and it is so much easier to feed that fear to enact over-reaching regulations that are used as window-dressing to pretend something is being done rather than deal with the real problem species.

    If you do not personally like snakes, that is fine. I will never tell people they have to like snakes. But do not point a condemning finger at me, a responsible reptile keeper, while your own neighbourhood is probably populated by a sizable population of feral cats, being fed by "kind, caring people" all the while killing thousands of birds and small animals every month.
  • WYMANT0004
    WYMANT0004 Posts: 81 Member
    Ws2016 wrote: »
    Okay, I have to ask: what do all of you do with your snakes?

    As others have said, I treat them like any other pet. I handle them, I feed them and all that jazz. Plus, sometimes I like to just sit and watch them, I am sure many do not understand but they really are fascinating creatures.

    Additionally, with the ball pythons especially, there is the breeding end. Again, I do not expect everyone to understand but an analogy is that it is kind of like breeding orchids with all the different colour and pattern mutations. And, given my education and profession, getting to play with the genetics of it all is more than a little bit fun for me, but then I am a total science dork so I get why that aspect does not interest most other people.

    I also use them for education. I do talks with them for kids at schools and libraries. They are a great way to get kids to become engaged in nature and science. And I also think it is important to teach kids, and adults alike, that snakes are not these evil malicious entities they are made out to be.

    Really, there is nothing quite so satisfying as seeing that one kid positioned as far back in the room as possible at the start of one of my talks because they are afraid of the snakes but at the end of the hour, when I offer to let anyone interested come up and pet the snakes or get a closer look, there is that same kid, pushing to get to the front and reaching out and touching the snake. To see them conquer their fear and learn to respect the animals as unique parts of the world... It is just awesome
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    edited May 2016
    Some of my babies this morning
