The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @Ohhim Congrats on your marathon in yuck conditions. I think you did an amazing job! I'm so very excited about my Disney half--but I have every intention of getting my photo here and there. I'm not wearing a tutu for nothin'

    @_nikkiwolf_ congratulations on baptizing your new shoes, lol. I hit a few big, icy puddles this morning and was quite grateful for how my Peregrines just whisk away the water.

    @skippygirlsmom congrats to Skip for qualifying for state and her PR!

    @Stoshew71 and @Elise4270 Shirts ordered!
  • healthierhappierpaige95

  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone! Brand new to running but I've been working my way up. I'm following the attached plan for a half marathon. It's not until May but this way I give myself plenty of time to work up to it. My goal is pretty low - 20 miles.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Quick check in before work. Hope to be able to comment later.

    1 Jan 13.4 km
    2 Jan Rest
    3 Jan 6.3 km
    4 Jan 5.4 km
    5 Jan Rest
    6 Jan 8.3 km
    7 Jan 5.3 km
    8 Jan Rest
    9 Jan 15.3 km
    10 Jan Rest
    11 Jan 6.1 km
    12 Jan 8.3 km

    Total: 68.4/150 km

    All my training is slow and easy because increasing mileage for my first marathon in July.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    1/1 - 3.5 miles
    1/2 - rest
    1/3 - 2.3 miles
    1/4 - 8 - rest (ITB rest)
    1/9 - 4 miles
    1/10 - 11 - ITB rest

    9.8 :disappointed: out of 120 miles

  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    @skippygirlsmom ... you better heal up soon... or get those damn hips replaced...
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Newbie welcome to @Lisaburnett71

    @MobyCarp: congrats on winning your age group!
    @runner_girl83: congrats on your 1st medal!
    @kateparry84: Way to go with the distance PR
    @Ch1psNQueso: It sounds like a 5K is well within your grasp. I’m with @Elise4270, go for it!
    @Ohhim: 98% humidity….eww. Congrats on pushing through..that sounds miserable.

    Jan 1: When the run started it was still the I'm counting it here.
    6.59 cold night miles, slow, around 12:40/mile.
    Jan 2: REST DAY
    Jan 3: First “official” training day for the HM and first snowfall of the year (on a run day at least). 3.51 miles. Some fast intervals mixed in with slower paced runs. 12:10 average pace, fastest split was mile 2 (11:29).
    Jan 4: Wimped out 
    Jan 5: Ice in my ‘stache at the end of the run…that’s new. 3.2 miles this morning
    Jan 6: Went an extra .5 before I took my first (brief) walk break. 5.05 miles avg. pace around 12:11
    Jan 7: REST DAY. Plan on some walking and weights.
    Jan 8: Wimped out 
    Jan 9: Beautiful running weather..50 degrees this morning in Central Ohio! Easy 6.2 miles but every step SUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKED! 12:08 average pace. A little over 1/3 of the way to month’s goal. #betterrunnexttime #ohwellatleastIdidit
    Jan 10: run
    Jan 11: Feeling slightly better..we’ll see if I feel up to a run after work.

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    edited January 2016
    Winter means
    • Colder Weather
    • Less Sunlight
    • Fewer RUNS
    Special shout out to @shanaber , my Mizunos lasted 263miles..and are still going (thanks for the DUCT TAPE tip)

    In it for 50

    • 05 - 4.9mi Rain Run
    • 09 - 9.1
    • 11 - 7.3

    Year Totals - 2016 (Goal:600miles)

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I don't think there's enough sole on my favs to screw. I love getting new shoes, but would have a hard time screwing them too. (I just know @MorningGhost14 won't pass that up :blush:)

    Well, it DID conjure up certain images....

    And for the record, while I freely admit to having a close, intimate relationship with my shoes, I have, up to this point anyway, drawn the line at screwing. Not saying there was not this hot little red and gold pair of Merrells that sorely tempted me...
    Lol, you guys are priceless! Now I feel even more guilty about taking both these tempting pairs of new shoes home last week, and that already after the first date at the sports shop >:)
    @Elise4270 , I have just PMed you about the shirt order. If MFP eats the message before you can read it, let me know so that I can send it again.
    rune1990 wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ I haven't singed up yet, but I will be. It will be my first race, virtual or otherwise! And I love the new sauconys, great color. I need another pair of shoes to swap out on wet days too! BTW is that a road or a path in your photo?!
    @rune1990 It's a tarmac path, roughly wide enough for 2-3 people to walk side by side - that is, usually two people walking next to each other in front of me manage to block it quite efficiently, until I start to run with really noisy steps to motivate them to move a little closer to each other... :smile:
    I used to be a little sad that nearly all paths in this area are paved, but with the recent amounts of rain I'm starting to see the benefits...

    @skippygirlsmom Congratulations to Skip - sounds like it was a really big event, and she did great!

    @Ohhim Thanks for the very detailed race report! It's highly unlikely I'll ever run a Disney Marathon, so at least reading about it was really nice.

    @7lenny7 I love your new winter running profile pic! Glad I had never to expire the "freeying eyeballs" feeling myself, that doesn't sound fun at all.

    @randilast Welcome to this group, and have lots of fun here!
    I'm also planning to run my first HM in May. One question I had while looking at your training plan - just out of curiousity: wouldn't following the plan lead to more than 20 miles this month? Or are you spreading the plan out a bit so that it will "last" until the race date? The HM training plan I'm currently following will finish a few weeks before my race, but so far I was planning on following it for now, such that I have a little "buffer" in case I have to miss a week or something later down the road.
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,905 Member
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    First Skip says thank you so much "Momma stop bragging!" was the next sentence.

    @morningghost14 I'm with you! this is the first time I've been hurt that I honestly don't see the end in sight. My PT is having a hard time getting my primary care to sign a form to continue physical therapy so I'm about to replace her. I'm so frustrated, at Skip's meet I had to hop down the stairs because I couldn't bend my knee right to go down them.
    @runner_girl83 love the medal great race!! Love the Garmin picture. I fell one day running, I was going backwards talkign to my neighbor, my first reaction was to phase my garmin and then check for broken bones!
    @9voice9 you'll do your 10:30 race day. I can never hold under a 10 mile pace, but I seem to in HMs because of all the excitement
    @elise4270 thanks for the shipping you'll be hearing from me.
    @mobycarp great job on the race love it
    @ceciliaslater super long run!
    @juliet3455 no other words but BBBBRRRRRR
    @ohhim I loved to read the race report. I've heard from a few people that Disney isn't the race if you want to race. Skip and I want to do one cause we're Disney freaks. Sorry the weather sucked.
    @7lenny7 love the balaclava look I wear one too and Skip wore mine last year during soccer conditioning when it was 5F and they were out at night practicing
    @whatmerunning no words for you screwing your shoes :blush:

    I think I might be caught up on the posts, I really did some major skimming!
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    January Goal—will try for 140 km, half marathon Feb 7 and I’m behind in my training

    1/6—3.89 km or so…first run after being sick…still congested and a bit sick
    1/7—3.40 km—still feeling icky so keeping it short. Just ran around my complex
    1/8—5.29 km..about to kill my lungs. Sick of the congestion
    1/9—5.01 km
    1/10—10.48 km-
    1/12—4.55 km skipped 1/11 due to it being cold and rainy
  • alydanbeads
    alydanbeads Posts: 120 Member
    24/45 miles complete :)
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Happy New Year everyone. I wanted to hit 25 miles last month for my first month back after injury and I ended up at 30+. I think I will try for a stretch goal of 40 miles as I am trying add miles so I have a longer run once a week and 3 miles each of the rest of the runs.

    1/1 4.0 miles. First run of the new year. Tripped over Neeko 3 times but otherwise good and already 2 minutes faster then last time.
    1/3 2.0 miles. Legs were tired today so did an easy mile to warm up then did intervals (fartleks?speed play?) for the second mile.
    1/5 1.0 miles. Did an easy mile on the treadmill before my session with my personal trainer just to warm up and wake up my legs.
    1/6 4.0 miles. Did a slow steady pace on the treadmill and made it thru all 4 miles with only 2 walk breaks. A .25 mile warm up is included in that milage total though.
    1/8 3.0 miles. Technically 3.1 but I am only counting full miles, and maybe half if I get desperate. That was a nice run but I overdressed and overheated. It was 40 and rainy and I had on a heavy shirt, a sweatshirt, a hat and gloves.
    1/11 2.0 miles. Had rain/freezing rain / snow yesterday and last night so ended up on the treadmill. Could only manage 2 miles before I had to get ready for work because I procrastinated so much. I will make it up this week as I am planning on trying for 5 miles Wednesday but realistically will be happy with 4.5. I think I am still on track for the month.

    16.0 down 24 to go

    @Ohhim Loved the race report.
    @skippygirlsmom Congratulations to Skippy that is awesome. I get the same thing when I brag about my son.
  • NezyRumRunner
    NezyRumRunner Posts: 74 Member
    @Ohhim - wow! Grt details!
    I did the Dopey last year and, being a S FL gal, I nearly froze the first 2 days...Lol!
    The weather for the half and full were much more my speed, but I did hear northerners complain about the humidity. I honestly didn't feel it.

  • smilelaughlove17
    smilelaughlove17 Posts: 134 Member


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    @MorningGhost14 LOL! Thanks for the laugh. I really needed that. I'll think of you every time I slip my foot into my All Out Fast Merrells.

    Thanks for all the shirt orders and PM's. I have many to sort through. Pain and soma have claimed this evening.
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Pain and soma have claimed this evening.

    Damn... so sorry to hear that :(
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @7lenny7 - You win the cold runner bragging rights! I've run in temps that cold, but not that cold with significant wind. I think the worst cold weather I've run in was +3° with blowing snow, snow under foot, and 25 mph wind; and I didn't stay out in that very long.

    @Ohhim - Great race report! I'm something of a novice marathon runner, having only completed one; you give me some ideas of stuff I may want to pay attention to during my second marathon.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    January Running Totals (miles)
    1/1 - 10.17 warm up + 7.5 mile race
    1/2 - 12.29 long slow run
    1/3 - 5.16 easy with fast finish
    1/4 - 6.01 easy
    1/5 - 11.09 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/6 - 5.95 group run
    1/7 - 8.04 warmup, speed work, cool down
    1/8 - scheduled rest day
    1/9 - 16.48 warm up + Winter Warrior Half
    1/10 - 7.46 easy
    1/11 - 10.07 easy

    January to date total - 92.72

    Goal - 51 to 62 miles per week, per training plan
    expected January total - 245 to 251 miles

    Today's notes - Yesterday it was 49° and I ran in shorts. This evening, it was 20° with snow flurries and I wore my heavier tights and 3 layers on top. One day, and a return to normal winter running weather. The roads were still clear, and I wore road shoes instead of trail shoes on the presumption that there wouldn't be much accumulation (forecast of 1" over night); that worked out well, as I saw the very beginning of a few flakes sticking to my driveway when i got done with my cool down.

    Garmin reports the run as 10.07 miles in 1:20:19, for an average pace of 7:59 per mile. Full mile splits ranged from 7:49 to 8:05. My target pace was the 8:00 to 8:30 range, so I was slightly faster than I should have been. It's always harder for me to control my pace when it's dark, when I run rolling hills, when it's cold and windy, and when there is traffic making me want to get off the current road segment ASAP. All those factors came into play this evening, and I coped with them about as well as I ever do.

    This does not count as the week's long run; that will be 13 miles on Saturday. I'll still need to run 6 days to get my weekly mileage target in, given the modest length of the long run.

    Upcoming races:
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY - need to register)
    March 26, 2016 Spring Foward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY - need to register)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)