

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Sylvia - making your own bread is an option. Everybody loves my No Knead bread. You can add as much salt as suits you. Message me for the recipe. It's delicious and easy.

    I have a better photo of my friend, with her eyes open, so here is a reprise. We had a patient waitress. :D

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- you both look great!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm back from yoga! I had a lovely time and am so pleased that I went. :bigsmile:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks everyone for a dose of reality, when it comes to those "Biggest Loser" non-reality shows. It is a part of my "reprogramming" that I could do without. I think fondly on the past when I was an "active nudist" going with my family to the resort on a weekly basis. One thing that I recall is the moment when I noticed that even the "beautiful women" of the world were calling me their friends. In the "textile" world that does not happen very often. I remember chatting with a gal named Candace (yes even her name is beautiful). I kept thinking, "wow she is valuing what I have to say and everything". A year into our friendship I told her about that, and she was all, "that is ridiculous, you are a beautiful lady inside and out!. I vowed to find more Candace-like people in the world.

    I have started re-reading a book I bought called "My Best Life Diet" by the guy that Oprah always had on her show. I like how he talks about it not being a diet like something you wean yourself from, but its a program where you take small steps with change. So these are my small changes so far:

    Changes for January

    -the kitchen is closed after 7 PM
    -I will move every day doing something.
    -I will NOT get on that dam n scale for a month!
    -I will be present in everything I do.

    Baby steps.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Go Becca! Small steps rock! <3
    You are gorgeous. :love:

    Heather UK

    Beth - I feel so honoured you mentioned me. ❤ This evening, unfortunately, I succumbed to a mini binge, Alcohol related, but it's been a while since I had one. A learning opportunity. Not over maintenance calories, thankfully, but definitely not something I want to do often. The devil got a hold. >:) Humbling. I welcome these mini breakdowns as it reminds me how easy it is to slip up. :blushing:

    Much love, Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather you have a beautiful happy smile!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Got a call from the vet. Everything went well. Sending out the piece for a biopsy, to get checked out. She's at least 1 pound later. Thanks for all your positive thoughts
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thank you Peach, Mary - I have known this friend since I was 11 years old and we have been close buddies since we were 15. How great is that! Close as sisters. That's why it is so difficult for me to deal with my other difficult friend who is part of the same group from high school. . The same history and I used to be in awe of her. A little bit in love with her. :'( I love her, but can't deal with the nonsense that comes out of her mouth.
    We used to be in the same Drama group, Debating group and went on a Paris holiday together, all four of us. Excursions to music venues. A LOT of history. A novel ? ? ?

    Heather UK

    Pip - so happy all, went well. I know it was a difficult time for you. <3

    OK - latest research says that women should exercise after eating and men on an empty stomach. :D
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I decided to read during the day and at night and I won't have to read 4 pages at night.

    Heather, such a lovely time. I don't think I have ever been to a resturuant that I have a pitcher of water at my table. You look like you are having fun. Nice that you aren't the only one who feels that way about your other friend.

    pip, that picture of Bullwinkle looks so sad. But I love the bow! Glad the procedure went well.

    Katla, yes, both my girls know about MFP. Michelle used to be a member and n longer does anything. Christina is sick of me talking about MFP. When she goes on a diet it is usually one of the faith based diets that have small groups so you actually see your accountability partners.

    Got a good nights sleep last night with my new sleeping pill. I was reading up on the second he gave me. He gave me 2 but said to try the one first since it comes in a generic and would be cheaper than the other. But the 2nd one said that it's purpose is to keep you asleep and not get you to sleep. The one I took last night was a coated type pill. I am used to taking a pill that I can gradually get myself off of it by cutting it in half and then cutting that in half until I am not taking anything. I can't do it with this kind.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Pip :) So glad Bullwinkle is doing okay!!! Hope everything with the biopsy will be fine. Happy birthday to Yogi, I love the shirt!!! Everytime I see a pic of your furbabies I want to hug the iPad <3 ! How are you and Kirby doing?

    Sylvia :) Sending lots of good thoughts to you and your son! I know this is so hard for you...hugs <3 !

    Heather :) I love the pic of you and your friend, you look relaxed and happy! Please tell me about that beautiful sweater you're wearing, leopard print? Would love to read another novel from you...bring it on!!!

    Drkatiebug :) I am in awe of your organizational skills!!!

    Becca :) I think you're beautiful inside and outside too!

    Mia :) I love to read your posts!

    Katla :) I'm glad you enjoyed your yoga lesson today! Is your wrist very painful?

    Penny at the Pole :) You have such beautiful pics!!! Thanks for sharing them!

    Margaret :) Hugs and prayers my sweet friend <3 !

    Miriam :) Hope your kitty will be okay! Noel (my dog) kept getting the cone off her head too, she could flip it around and it looked like a cape, then she couldn't walk, she kept stepping on it. I admit I laughed a lot at that! Your girls are absolutely gorgeous!

    Mary :) Shep is so blessed to have you for a mama <3 !

    Carol in NC :) Have a wonderful time tonight!!!!

    Welcome to everyone new!! Keep coming in and posting!!!

    Wish I had more time to chat, I'm going out to dinner and still have to get dressed :# !

    DeeDee in cold foggy and icky NC
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Well, it has happened to me. I see everyone else say they wrote a post and then lost it or it didn’t post correctly, and I have to admit I figured it was all user error. Now it has happened to me. I swear that I posted yesterday, but when I logged on today my post was nowhere to be found. Guess if it is user error, it was my error yesterday. :o

    Kim – Love the teal! I’ve always teased my daughters that I’m going to get a purple streak in my hair but they will have none of that.

    Mary/MN – OK, I requested to join the Biggest Loser Challenge so we’ll see what they say.

    Jane – Glad you received good news on your MIL.

    Becca – You are amazing! Think about how far you’ve come and be proud of that. I agree with DrKatie that the Biggest Loser is all about the drama. I usually do watch the show, but I did not watch the season premier. I was disappointed by all the promotional pieces that said this season is going to be all about temptation. Isn’t this show supposed to be about helping people lose weight and not about constantly tempting them with bad choices?

    Sylvia – Prayers for your son and his kids. Does the mother still have the same boyfriend? Are you concerned about them staying with her for the weekend? At least they will be under your roof next week where they will be safe and well cared for. I hope that your son gets the care he needs. <3

    OK, I’m only to the bottom of page 23, but I’ve got to run for now and will hopefully log on later tonight to catch up and check in.

    Linda, preparing for a cold weekend in Iowa
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Well I am so behind again. But work the next 3 days 6-5:30 so should be able to catch up. DH is going back to the doctor on Monday as he still is not eating and losing weight. I am doing better eating wise this week. One Day at a Time.

    Welcome to all the new ladies,our group is growing fast, so going to take a while to get caught up again. I was off yesterday and besides walking the mall I got some cleaning done at home. Not a real busy day and enjoyed that.

    Joyce--Sounds like you had a great family time. Lots of good memories made for everyone.

    Katla--So sorry to hear about your fall and wrist. I am so afraid of falling on the ice. Please take care of yourself.

    Marygrace--It does sound like you have had a tough 2015. Glad to have you here. I know you can do this and just remember you are more then worth it and One Day at a Time.

    Chris MA--Your Downtown Abby party sounds like so much fun.

    DJ--Baby steps. I like your moving starting with 5 minutes. We can do this.


    Michele--I understand your concerns about a dress now with the wedding is so far off. My DGD's MILto be is planning thier wedding. She bought both her son's rings to give on Christmas day and now she is planning a double wedding the first part of Dec 2016. DS is so upset as she is planning everything and wants it to be on the beach in Florida and then the next day get a boat for a week. We will not be going as have other plans for vacation this year and can only afford one a year. DS was so upset last evening he was talking the D word. So I spent a lot of time last evening praying for them.

    Janetr--I am joinning you in the happy dance. I have to get my DL by March and want to get a new picture taken.

    Cheri--So sorry to hear about DH's job. Sending prayers that something opens up soon. So much of that going on.

    Sylvia--Sorry to hear DS is putting so much stress on you. Thank you for being there for the DGC and I agree you are the only thing stable in their lives. Love the new computer bag. I love things colorful like that. Glad things worked out well with the stain and your new shop renter. Proud of you for standing up for yourself.

    Mary--I would be upset and make sure I let the vet or someone know. What is wrong with people. If you work in a vets office, you should at least like animals. Glad your DH talked to the vet. I am like you and would feel comfortable taking any furbaby to that place as long as she works there.

    pip--Love the pictures of your fur babies, Thanks so much for sharing.

    Chris--Thanks for the positive remarks about exercise. I know it works, just getting it done.

    Penny--Thanks for sharing the pictures enjoyed them.

    Becca--Hugs! So much of what you said sounds so much like me. We can do this and it is not too late.

    Well I am up to the top of page 24 and time to get somethings done and go home. I will be back tomorrow and hopefully get caught up. Pray everyone has a good weekend and stay safe.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016

    Mary/MN – OK, I requested to join the Biggest Loser Challenge so we’ll see what they say.
    Linda, preparing for a cold weekend in Iowa

    What you joined the group that is all you need to do. Then you have to go on the thread and enter your weight.



    Me know if you need any help. There will be at least four of us from here in the challenge.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited January 2016
    Carol fortunately I made it home on the tire and then DH took it up to a gas station for repair. It turns out it was a corroded rim. The repair was under a $100 dollars. The car is a 2003 and we have tough winters here in Minnesota. Years ago when I had a flat I had my car towed because I do not want to change my tire on the road. AAA to the rescue again.

    Deedee thank you for the kind words.

    Heather love the happy picture.

    Pip enjoy you pictures.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Robin ... I loved your art photographs! Beautiful.

    Becca ... I've been thinking of you a lot today. I think your thoughts and insights speak to many of our hearts ...

    Younger son was accepted to his first choice university today ... But still has to audition to see if he gets into their music department ... That's in March. I'm not sure how I feel about it ... We're near Buffalo, NY ... The school is in Nashville. And my son has a lot to work through before I'll feel comfortable sending him so far away ...

    Pip ... Glad Bullwinkles surgery is over.

    Allison ... I am continually amazed by the calorie counts and nutritional data of so many foods!

    Husband brought home a vendor's gift ... A tin of chocolate lovers chunky caramel popcorn. Oh my ... I ate some yesterday ... No nutritional data on the can or their website?? I'm guessing because it's a nightmarish amount of sugar and fat! Today have stayed away from it!

    Sylvia ... Praying your son finds some relief. I'm wondering why they don't have him on a monitor at home. When my older son was a baby he came home with a monitor that alarmed if he stopped breathing or if his heart rate dropped too low. In his case, we would touch him and he would "start-up" again ( he was extremely premature). Surely, they have things for adults. I can't imagine what a burden it would be for children to be responsible for monitoring their dad!

    Goals ... Week 1
    Gym Tuesday and Thursday ... Yes!!
    Logging ... Yes
    Water ... Enough my teeth are floating
    Staying within calories ... Pretty darn close.

    A good week!

    Have a good evening, ladies!
    Beth near Buffalo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Bullwinkle is home resting on her favorite couch and birthday boy yogi is watching out after her

    Therapy session #3 this one was pushing me more. Kirby is progressing, still can't run, still numb and tingly he says. Still thinking about selling the bug for a 2008 bug model he saw, convertible!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • 1956suzyq
    1956suzyq Posts: 12 Member
    Hi hope it is not too late to join you ladies.
    I am trying so hard to loose weight
    My goals for this year are to follow a low fat diet.
    Exercise at least 150 min a week.
    Carol is Maine <3>:)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    1956suzyq wrote: »
    Hi hope it is not too late to join you ladies.
    I am trying so hard to loose weight
    My goals for this year are to follow a low fat diet.
    Exercise at least 150 min a week.
    Carol is Maine <3>:)

    Never too late, welcome