

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of deep water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do an Ultimate Weight Training and Cardio DVD. Well, time got by me and I couldn't post last night. Did the Ultimate DVD today. The plan for tomorrow (Fri) is to do a Rebound Fit DVD

    Tomorrow afternoon we're supposed to go out to lunch with the Newcomers. I already know that I'm going to order the grilled chicken breast from the children's menu and then the steamed broccoli and just have water to drink

    Yesterday I went to the foot MD, he took x-rays and there's nothing in my foot so he's treating my heel pain as if it was plantar faciatis (?sp). He put a bandage on my foot and gave me some exercises to do. Weird thing is that I do most of them anyway. I guess I'll just do them more often, I found I can do some while standing brushing my teeth....lol

    Then went to ceramics last night. I declare the welcome sign to be completed except for the parts that the lady who works there will do for me. she wasn't there this week, so next week I'll ask her to do them and then fire it. Pray real hard that the sign doesn't "shiver". Did start on the worm, Vince is doing the log that the worm sits on, I need to find pics of turtles

    Yee gads, over 100 posts. I'll probably skim a bit then we go to the lunch.

    Oh, had a unpleasant experience at the food store last night. In the past whenever an internet coupon didn't scan, the cashier would always input it manually. Last night I was told "if it doesn't scan, we can't accept it". It's not my fault that their scanner doesn't have a high enough resolution. Well, I did write to the corporate office to see if this is their policy or if maybe it's this manager's policy.

    Linda - I usually wash the dishes and leave them to dry overnight.

    Joyce - Matt looks so happy. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that he was a heroin addict at one time. So glad you got that armoir

    drkatiebug - I have these Polar insulated water bottles. Got them at D***'s. The thing that I like about them is if in the summer I leave them in the car, they don't get boiling hot. I forget how much I paid, actually I got them on sale. Be pickey. Like I said, what I like is if I leave the water bottle in the car, in summer the water isn't boiling hot

    Heather - good thoughts for your DIL

    Lisa - I knew you'd be a great asset, and I bet the interviewer knew it too.

    Chris - thanks for sharing the pic of the Christmas tree. Very different

    Bandit Sylvia - good for you! Good looking computer case

    Welcome everyone new!

    mary - what a horrible experience you had. I agree with Dee. When we first moved to NC we had a vet that was near where we lived since one of our cats was diabetc. Now that we've moved, we like him so much that we travel 20 minutes (about) to go there, even tho there are vets closer to here

    Kim - loved your hair

    Carol - good choice on the salad

    kimses - you asked how anyone could be mean to a puppy? I ask how could anyone be mean to ANY animal!

    Went with some friends to go see the Star Wars movie. They were going out to dinner afterward, but for one thing Vince told Denise that he'd call her tonight and walk her thru taking the antivirus off her old computer so he can put it on her new one. Also, he's been having constipation lately. He remembers how it was when he had the blocked colon and now he's taking some of the Mira-Lax stuff.

    pip - oh, Bullwinkle looks so cute on the bed!

    Marie - let us know what the final result is, we all care

    terri - for Christmas I got a t-shirt that says "move over boys, let a girl show you how to bowl".

    I sent Bryan an email thanking him for his honesty to me in his email and saying that while we can't change the past, perhaps his therapist can help us with the future and would he be open to a Skype session? I also mentioned that I'd worked with therapists in the past and whenever there was a family problem, they always wanted to speak to the entire family. Now I leave the ball in his court.

    Elaine - good for you wanting to succeed in a lifestyle change

    katla - doing a happy dance for you

    Vince is low on his cookies so I made a pineapple angel food cake. He said "you know, I also need devil's food". I just told him that I want to change things up. Which is true. But it's also true that this is somethig that I'll eat

    lpdjones - great walking!

    Chris - what an inspiring post. Thanks for sharing your journey with us

    wardshelia - sometimes it takes our bodies a while to catch up with itself. Also, you might very well be putting on muscle (which is better than fat). don't get discouraged

    Cheri - thanks for posting what the words mean. Really liked it.

    Pole Penny - I can see why your heart resides in that house. Mine would, too.

    Mary - trust your gut. I wouldn't use a vet, no matter how good he was, if my pet was treated the way Shep was. Well...maybe I'd use the vet because I'd be there and most of the time I'd be with the pet. There are times when they have to take our cats in the back for blood, etc. But there is no way on this green earth that I'd ever ever ever leave my pet there for any length of time. I'd have a horrible vacation. that's not what vacations are supposed to be for.

    Jane - glad to hear MIL is improving

    Lenora - we put a lot of our Christmas toys for the cats away, then bring them out the next year. Like kids, they treat them like new toys

    Michele in NC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Just logging in folks. Still not up to snuff. Cold is definitely getting me down. Today I awoke at 9 AM, took daytime medicine and went to bed until 2 PM. Crazy. I ate two Van's Ancient Grains waffles, then at dinnertime I ate a BLT wrap. I still don't have any energy for much of anything.

    One thing that got me down was watching "Biggest Loser" and seeing their beginning weight, (which their weights are about the same as mine around 230-40). They look with such disgust at their bodies, and feel like total failures. I sometimes think that maybe I should feel like that when I look at mine. In order to improve my well being, I need to hit a certain low. Maybe coming to terms and accepting the fact that I was (and am) an obese woman, isn't such a good thing. I look at myself and see areas I wish to improve on, but in general I am content. Is this not a realistic approach? To think back and remember when I was larger, a weekend nudist where legally acceptable, and what I would term an active obese woman, kind of amazes me. I was an "in your face" personality, not concerning how people judged me. I played tennis at the resort, with my sons, in the nude, not worrying about much of anything, and my boys have said now, they admired my tenacity. I think being a large woman I taught them some valuable lessons in acceptance. But that is not me now.

    I have a certain seriousness to my life now. Having shared a tough disease like liver failure to transplant with my husband has brought a clarity to what life means to me. There is a sense of wanting to complete this task of getting to a certain point physically that carries a stress all its own. Then there is the time I have wasted. It's the time wasted that is holding me back.

    I wish to walk thru this world with grace. To move through my world with a willowy sense about me. I wish there to be less of me and more of living. Looking back to how I felt when I was bigger, I made it a point to take up space. It mattered that I was a large obese woman with ideas, and opinions. Now, I would just love to enter a room and have someone say, "wow, that is a really nice sweater". It's not so much about changing societies opinion of how obese people acclimate. It's not so much about making a statement, its about living whole and at peace with myself. Having typed what I just typed, maybe I'm not as content as I let on....

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Thanks for the write up drkatiebug! :) Unfortunately I cannot find HomeRoutines for Android but there are several other ones that am will look into.

    Cheri NE Ohio

    I don't think there is an Android version. That is really too bad, because it is great. I hate it when you learn of a great app and they don't have it in your version. Android has a super duper graphing calculator app but there is no iOS version.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Too tired to post normally --just wanted to say good night.

    Carol in foggy NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Becca, Biggest Loser is all about the drama. Your body is not disgusting. Don't let that hyped up non-reality get to you.

    Thanks for all the water bottle suggestions. I needed one, so I picked one at Kroger. This is not to say that I won't keep looking for the perfect one. This one is pretty. It is made by Bubba and is aqua and pinkish purple. It holds 24 ounces, has a double layer so it won't sweat and is dishwasher safe. I paid a little less than $12. I don't think it will hold up to being left in a hot car, so I may look for one that will before summer gets here. It fits in my cup holder but not well. I wish it was just a tad bit slimmer.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited January 2016
    Dr Katiebug- My Chevy Spark has a big round cutout in the door area, so my 32 oz water bottle fits in there. You need to search for a car that your new water bottle fits in.... (heehee) You are right about the drama in that show. I need to not let those affect me so.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Carol in foggy NC (((nighttime hugs))
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    11,000 steps
    130 minutes of dog walking
    94 minutes riding the exercise bike
    two minute plank
    line dance class
    nap with hubby and the pets

    :)Katla, that is great news about the brace for your wrist and having the use of your fingers...hope the riding is OK soon

    welcome.gif to all the new members of our community....keep coming back and you'll find some of us that you identify with and conversations that you want to be part of.

    :) Jake had an appointment with a doctor who will likely be taking care of what ails his back

    :) I got the paperwork to fill out for the appointment with the neurologist who may have answers to what ails my legs.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful chilly NW Washingtont09013.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness


    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin

    January Resolutions (with week one comments)
    *meditate for 10 minutes a day four or more days a week (great, so far)
    *sort and discard papers for 15 minutes four or more days a week (making a good start)
    *treat myself like a toddler (as suggested by Gretchen Rubin) ( yes)
    *get income tax papers gathered in one place (making a good start)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My son called today to say that they called the new pulmonologist (the one he has an appointment with on the 19th) and begged them for an earlier appointment, so he's going there (to Joplin) tomorrow at 10:30. He believes that he will be admitted to the hospital, so he's making arrangements for the kids. I'm picking them up in the morning, at which time they will load their weekend bags into my van. After I pick them up from school I am driving them up to meet their mom (about 30 miles away) when she gets off work, and they will stay with her for the weekend, then I will pick them up Sunday and bring them home with me. At the same time, I'll be taking the step-son to his dad's place in the same town.

    I have fears about him being admitted though. When he falls asleep at home, somebody has to watch him and see that he doesn't stop breathing. The "wife" does that all night, which is something I didn't know about until recently, and the kids take turns if he naps during the day, when they are home. Anyway, I'm afraid that if he stops breathing in the hospital, nobody will notice until it's too late. I know I've been in the hospital, even in ICU, and had machines making all kinds of alarms and nobody came to check on me for a long, long time.

    So, I'm a little tense about it, but I'm glad he's finally getting in to see the doctor. Hopefully he can get back on his Alpha 1 infusion meds. It's hard to think about much else tonight.

    I hope you are all having a great evening.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    L, congrats on your progress. I think 30 minutes of cardio is great!!! loopy.gif I’m proud that I’ve built up to 10 min.

    Chris, way to go on exercising when you don’t like it. You are so true about the health benefits of not only losing weight but exercising and getting in better condition for what each day older holds in store. You are still a baby as I’m barely over a year from turning 70, but I do feel better than I have in years and plan to feel better still in a few months. Thanks for sharing and reminding us that it’s not always fun, but always worth it.

    Sheila, are you eating a balanced diet within your calorie limits? If so maybe try to mix up the exercise a bit. How long have you been eating what you eat now?

    Cheri, great definitions!

    PolePenny, love the pictures but especially the one with the kids holding the kids. What fun!!!!

    Karen, what part of NY are you in?? Cause due south in SC It’s only Thursday night. I don’t mean to burst your bubble! But in just 24 hours it will be.

    Pip, I love, love, love the doggie pics!!!

    Mary, thanks for the invite but I prefer to only compete against myself. Good luck to you.

    Beth, sorry your pup is puny. Hope he recovers quickly.

    Mrbmit, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Come often to help reach your goals. Please tell us a bit more about yourself and sign each post with the name you want to be called along with a location, general or specific.

    Jane, glad MIL is better and sorry that you can’t go see her. You get well soon.

    Barbie, I hope you get some answers about your leg ailment. (((Hugs)))

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a good day. Finally got most of the Christmas decorations in the attic. Got some things done around the house and now need to attack my office. I’m way behind on filing and need to organize my paperwork for our HOA since I am on the BOD for next year. Well, I guess that’s this year. Gosh how time flies. I'm off to bed.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - I would think that his alarm of not breathing would be watched much differently then oxygen level and IV bag. I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • sweetnsouthernsass
    sweetnsouthernsass Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 50ish. Mind if I join in?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member

    Pls send positive thoughts our way, we r taking bullwinkle tomorrow to the vet to take a big lump removed tomorrow
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    Tomorrow, 1/8 is yogi's 2 year bday!!!!!! Happy bday son!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    <3 Hugs to Bullwinkle from Brandy and Sasha 1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif
  • jmok01
    jmok01 Posts: 22 Member
    Prayers and positive thoughts to Sylvia's son & grandchildren, Bullwinkle, and all others (human and fur babies) with health concerns.

    Love all the pics - (furbabies, homes, and others) that have been posted recently. I'm not a pet owner, but enjoy the pics and hearing about the impact they have on the lives of those who are.

    Went way over on calories today. Am paying special attention to the comments today about exercising even when a person doesn't feel like it. Unfortunately, I caved in to not exercising today - but tomorrow is a new day! Off to bed now so I will get enough rest that I'll be able to get up early enough to get on the recumbent bike for awhile before work!

    Take care!
    Joyce in SD (still faceless as I can't get my pic to post)

    Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Kim: You’re looking so relaxed and happy. I can almost smell the Pacific ocean. Love the teal.

    Mary: I believe that Angie’s List and Yelp have listings for vets. That’s another avenue for warning the public about the evil brown haired lady’s deplorable behavior.

    Sylvia: Where in Hawaii did your studio partner live? I remember my first year in Denver after living on the islands for 17 years. It really helped me when locals pointed me towards the right clothing and vehicle to have for winter conditions. I clearly remember my first parka, a Columbia jacket that was barely used and still had the ski lift ticket attached. Got it for $6 at Goodwill and wore it for years.

    Lisa: Hope you get the job.

    Margaret: Still sending up prayers for your DH.

    Elaine: Kudos for getting into exercise. It’s wonderful to treat yourself to variety. I am most comfortable with cardio, but thanks to u-tube, I also work in strength, pilates, yoga and barre exercises. Sometimes it might only be 5-8 minutes worth. Baby steps.

    DJ: Love you, too. Always a treat to read your posts and enjoy your gifs.

    Lpdjones: Pat on the back to you for your exercise. Stretching to 30 minutes is a marvelous NSV.

    Chris: Proud of you and your great progress towards regaining radiant, pain free health. So inspiring.

    Pole Penny: Love all your pictures, but the one of the goats…oh, how darling!

    Grandmallie: Jury summons, ugh.

    Pip: Are your pups as sweet as they look in those pictures. I just want to cuddle them.

    Jane: I feel bad for you but glad your MIL is improving. ((((hugs))))

    Michele: We do the same thing with Mars’ Christmas toys. He’s had the same ones for about 3 years now.

    Vicki and Michele: About remote Reiki…I don’t think there is anything you need to do. However, if I could shoot you a quick text when I’m about to send you healing energy, you can be aware and provide me feedback if it worked. Please message me with a number or email. My class is tomorrow night and all day Saturday.

    Haven’t finished reading all posts, but I’ve got to get to bed. Will do my usual 5 AM workout, then will go with DH to see plastic surgeon and discuss the progress of his healing (we’re not very encouraged thus far). Then, I have my annual mammogram. Next week I have to be in NYC for work and my 60th birthday. I was bummed about not getting to spend it on a sunny beach. However, my second choice is go ice skating, so that’s the plan. My good friend is organizing a bunch of our gal pals for skating party at Bryant Park next Thursday night. I’m giddy with excitement.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills where we're about to get a snowstorm

    January Goals:
    Benchmark my average daily step count, and increase by 20%
    Eat mindfully
    Start a gratitude journal
    Reach out to 3 friends
    Get mammogram, physical, haircut and eye exam scheduled
    My word for 2016: Optimism
  • chalcedony
    chalcedony Posts: 11 Member
    I must say that 2015 has been a crazy year. I discovered I have diabetes at Easter and started working MyFitnessPal in earnest at that time. I found out through a life insurance physical. They rejected me! I've since lost 35 lbs and 'graduated' my BMI from 'Obese' to 'Over' and I am halfway down in that category. My goal for 2016 is to get that well within the 'Healthy' range - which I anticipate to be another 20 to 30 pounds. This should kick the diabetes I hope. My doctor thinks it will.

    August brought a major change as I had to move my youngest child (who is 20) into an assisted living facility. He has was diagnosed late in 2014 with a mental illness. It has been rocky to get this far. Coinciding with his move, I had a lacunar stroke that left half of my body numb (but still strong and functional). November brought another change with my middle son getting married. Things went down hill drastically for fitness and diet goals since then.

    I am not old enough to retire. I have a small business - with two emphasis. I work as a business application programmer when I can find the work - part time for now - still working through all the appointments and services and paperwork for my youngest. When I can not find the work, I also 'do' nature photography and have been working hard with emphasis toward fine art. I went out this morning on a photo shoot. Feel free to enjoy what I found on my photo blog: Northwood Park New Hope It has been more theraputical than profitable. I see I'm not the only photographer, (Penny at the North Pole!) :)

    My goal for January is to get back on track with the diet and exercise - which has been excellent so far. Also get the monthly finances and budgets figured out for home and finances and taxes ironed out for my businesses. It would be really good if I can get a decent business plan figured out for this year. Last year was a bust because of the family health issues. Lastly, my goal this year is stay on track with regular intercessory prayer - for my family and those around me but also specifically for Syrian refugees.

    I am quite hopeful for 2016 and anticipate a much better year than last year.

    Best to all of you!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    Hi gals,

    Pip – Bullwinkle is so darn cute!!!

    Wardshelia – are you logging your food? As I have found that as I up exercise I tend to think I can eat more…and more is always more than the calories I burned… so logging is a critical component.

    Mary – I would avoid that vet completely.

    Becca – we each evolve sometimes quickly, some times slowly…and who you were before is part of who you are now and who you are now will be part of you when the scale agrees that you are a willowy woman. I think being comfortable with who you are now and how you look now is a sign of good mental health especially went coupled with the belief that there are areas that could use work and that health is the goal.

    Bullwinkle - Levi says bark bark woofff

    Thanks for the complements on my Teal… it is fun. Emily (my god daughter) and I are close, as I am with the boys too. I always wanted to be a mom but it was not in the cards, so have put that energy into being the best aunt I could be. It is not always easy to bite my tongue and not gasp as they tell me things I don’t want to be hearing but am so thankful that I have been the one they have turned to and not to a friend who doesn’t have life experience. I know about the sex, drugs and rock and roll as the saying goes… but I also know they do the sex with protection, the drugs are booze done without driving, and the rock and roll is loud (how it should be). For those that think we look like mom and daughter I’ll find a picture of me with my bio-nephew and then you’ll see what a younger male version of me looks like – LOL!

    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - I will be sending very positive thoughts for Bulwinkle tomorrow. Give Yogi a Happy Birthday hug!

    Rori - I will check those sites out. We will definitely need a kennel when we go on trips that we can't take him. My kids would watch him most of the time.

    Kim - I told my DH that I will not take him back there. I gave them 2 chances. That's 1 too many!


    Mary from Minnesota