

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    I just remembered that I meant to tell Elaine how much I enjoy her drawings. They always cheer me when I see one posted. Thank you so much for sharing your talent!

    A thought stuck me this morning that I would like to share, especially for those of you who, like me, were not exercisers previously. In fact I hated exercise, hated the time it took, the sweat it caused, the pain it created, everything, except for some of the cute clothes. Two years ago I hurt both my knees, fortunately not at the same time, my hips would ache and I had to take Aleeve some mornings just to get out of bed. I chalked it up to getting older and just dealt with it. I decided to get serious about this weight loss in Sept. 2015 and knew that exercise was going to be a key component so I just pulled up my big girl panties (which were considerably larger then) and began...slowly. Fast forward 16 months to this morning...I bounded out of bed with not an ache or pain, leapt out my car after a 45 minute commute with nary a twinge and then flew up a flight of stairs to my office feeling light and bouncy. I realized that nothing hurt and I was able to move so well. I know Heather shares how exercise has changed her quality of life and I wanted to let you know that she is spot on. Do I still hate exercise, yes, but I am compelled to do it every day. It is so worth it to feel this good 6 months away from my 60th birthday (shhhhh, don't tell anyone!).

    Chris in MA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Pip - Yogi is adorable! I love your bed!

    Thanks ladies for all of your support. My DH and I are hoping to go and talk to the vet this afternoon. We want to do it in person and not on the phone. I'll let you know what happens. I didn't fall asleep until 5:30 am with a 7:00 puppy time, because of this and am just getting up now at 10:30.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chris - Great NSV! Thanks for sharing your journey and success! You are very inspirational!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • wardshelia63
    wardshelia63 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi new to the group. I started going to the gym in December and I go religiously every day. I only do the treadmill but I have managed to do it at 7.0 incline starting at 3.0 mph and increasing one point every 5 mins until I reach 3.5 mph and going for 60 mins. However I don't seem to be losing any weight it is so frustrating. I am not sure it is because of my age (52) and it is hard to lose weight when you get older or what. Any words of wisdom.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member

    Posted on my Facebook page by a friend.

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,337 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sheila - good for you for doing the exercise. Sooooooo important for our health. :flowerforyou:
    Weigh everything, log everything,and stick to whatever mfp decides for your build. You should add your exercise calories burnt. Calories are in liquids, dressings and spreads and other hidden things. Vital to count every thing that passes your lips. The maths work, whatever your age.

    Blast! Lost my post! :sad:

    Never had that happen before. :'(

    DJ - I am going to see her, but can cope better one to one. :*;)

    Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, I adore your bed! That is an especially nice brass bed! Did you know that the fashion of brass beds was because they were considered more hygenic than a wood bed! Do you ever polish the brass parts? I use Barkeeper's Friend to polish all my brass- it makes it look like gold!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    afternoon, just getting back in from my rounds this morning~ it took and hour and a half at the minute clinic, can you believe it, all because of the dopey computer system, felt horrible for the NP and the person waiting after me..
    but all is done , now this is just for the darn discount for our insurance...
    my BP is 110/66, cholesterol is 167 hdl-55,ldl-80 triglycerides-138 .. all well within range.... BMI :( 3.0-31.9 bad , bad, bad.. I am working on that though....
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mindy - Congrats on the weight loss! Being rid of a total 30 pounds must make a huge difference in how you feel. Great to hear that your reunion with your son went well. I hope you can relax and enjoy the trip to the Keys. It is sometimes hard to accept gifts. Our weird, sourpuss psychological make-up will tell us we're unworthy of such kindnesses when we definitely are worthy. :love:

    Joyce - Impossible to believe that bright young man is a recovering heroin addict. Sending best wishes for him to continue looking so happy and healthy. About those Christmas pictures - is it just my imagination, or has the black cat in the first picture actually turned into a black dog in the second? :lol:

    Yay Heather on the writing - even if you appear dissatisfied with the amount. A paragraph is also a paragraph. Speaking of your Svalbard calendar, when I took down Longyearbyen Photo Club's 2015 calendar and saw the the cover my heart almost stopped. It was a beautiful photo of the four houses the avalanche hit first. :'(

    Concerning accents, I've got a weird indeterminate one. Brits usually think I'm American and vice versa. Norwegians accuse me of being Swedish (which I am) until they find out I'm originally from the US. It irritates me no end when they light up at that point and say "Yeah, you do have a bit of an American accent" even though they have known me for two years and never heard anything but Swedish before. smiley-angry039.gif

    My father talks the same way when he's in East Africa. He calls it "mid-Atlantic muddle" but muddle has nothing to do with it. Rather, it's a carefully ar-ti-cu-la-ted English, the kind that evolves after years of speaking to people whose native language isn't English, and who often appear not to have caught what you said. Superimpose onto that Garrison Keillor's pace and timing (the Americans will know what I mean) and you've got my lecturing style in a nutshell. None of my students ever ask me questions. They all go into a kind of hypnotic trance until I stop talking. I'm not sure whether that's good or bad :noway:

    Mary - I agree. Stop going to that vet until the brown-haired one is gone!

    Wow Katla-of-the-ten-fingers! That's great! The fracture must be less serious than feared.

    Chris - Great story about the role of exercise in your evolution from a physical wreck (pardon the drastic description!) to a Fit and Fighting Fifty-niner. We all need to hear about that kind of success! Oh, and don't worry about the upcoming b-day. You'll be much better off as a fit 60-year-old than as the tired person you were half a year ago.

    Son and family have gone back to Stockholm now. I think I'll see them next in late February. Before bed the last night, my grandson hugged me and said "Gamma, I'm going to miss you..." :heart:
    Here's my son reading to the kids. Anybody recognize the book from their own childhood?

    My husband and I visited one of the neighbors to catch up on local events and the kids came along. It was ... um ... intense. Fortunately nothing broke. Then we went out to the barn to see the goats - the main attraction where the children were concerned. As luck would have it, the goats are giving birth now (I would have expected it to be later in the season) and our neighbor took several 3-to-5-day-old kids out of the pen for my "kids" to pet. The human kids were enchanted.

    Lastly, a picture of the north Norwegian house where my :heart: resides. The golden eagles live on the slope above, which is also the slope we climbed last summer - some of you might remember my story about defying acrophobia for the sake of the view. Note the bright afternoon light! :wink: Tomorrow I'll be back in Svalbard where it won't get this light for several weeks yet.
    /Penny, soon back home at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Today I have decided to get a calendar that has a large area to write my JFT exercise goals. I do my cross trainer and have started to go on longer walks but I need to do some strength training, stretches etc. I will try to alternate them for different days and try to extend the times and repetitions.

    Previously I have hated exercise but I am now definitely trying very hard to change my views. I know that to lose weight you have to eat less and move more, but it is more important to me to sucred in making it a lifestyle change. I am determined to form good habits, a healthy and sustainable routine and a better outlook for my future well-being.

    Wishing everyone success in their future goals.

    Get some banging music, that'll get u going
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Terri and D.J. thanks for the funny kicks! I had a wonderful salad for lunch and feel virtuous, now I must not ruin it with nibbling while I cook dinner, truly my downfall this past week.

    I am not a natural exerciser, but I also discovered the effort is worth it for all the benefits you get in return, and yes, the benefits do come in time, just wait and your energy will be unbelievable along with other good things, just don't overdo it, do it consistently.

    Cheri love the facebook quotes about never giving up, I am going to use with all of my students as well as using it to encourage me to keep at this!

    Cheers and it is almost friday, right?

    Karen from NY
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Penny - thanks for the pictures! Your kids look absolutely delighted to hold those baby kids!

    Elaine - sound advice from PIP! I really do love your artwork!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Penny, your photos of the kids with the kids reminds me of when I was driving in Amish country a few miles from my house, and saw a sign that made me take a second look! "Free- male kids" As the mother of three "male kids" I could empathize with the feeling until I realized that the sign was referring to goats! LOL
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just popping in to say Happy Thursday and to mark my spot <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,337 Member
    Penny - oooooohhhh those kids! (I mean the human ones!) :laugh: Your house isn't bad either. <3

    Heather UK (stuffed with spicy rubbed salmon and asparagus) :D
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    That's bullwinkle on the bed
    The bed belonged to kirbys dad or grandpa
    The black dog is yogi
    Another teaser
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Mary from Minnesota - I'm only on Page 19 so you may have already addressed the issue with the woman at the vet's office. If you haven't yet may I strongly suggest you call and speak to the vet? You need to let them know why you are not coming back. That behavior is beyond rude and I would not want my animals treated that way. The vet needs to know why he/she is losing clients.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    lpdjones wrote: »
    Good morning Ladies, I have been uplifted by your terrific posts. Today I go see employee health about my return to work on Monday (yea), then off to see my NUT. Hopefully she will tell me to start adding back solid foods (since I already added back egg whites). I end my day with PT. I know I need it but OMG it is intense.

    I have a NSV to report! I did 32 minutes of speed walking this morning! I haven't done 30 minutes of continuous exercise in a very long time. I even had a little glow going (because it is vulgar to sweat).

    Have a great day one and all. L.

    Yeah, do that 30min girl!!!!!!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hidee Ho again ladies~
    a quick stop in ... have a crock pot chicken recipe that will suit Tom fine, it has tater tots, bacon, diced chicken and shredded cheddar with 3/4 cups of milk in it...
    got the bed all made, made the meat for his taco's will have cranberry quick bread in the oven and cleaned the pellet stove, will take the dogs for a walk in a few minutes...
    Stopped up to see my dad and bring him grapefruit from Florida... I love the man dearly but OY does he talk.. I know he is lonely and I love to visit ,but he could go on for hours and has, and this was all about political stuff I have no interest in, but he is what you call I guess a flag toting conservative that, we live by the constitution ,dont pay taxes and the government is all cheats and liars.. well I guess the last I agree with ,but I didnt say a word for the whole time... :s
    well lucky me, I got a jury summons again this year, since I didnt actually have to go to the courthouse, they got me again.. My husband hasnt gone since I have known him....
    Oh well off to walk the doggies
    Penny~ love love the pictures :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,681 Member
    Tbt when we were bringing yogi home