

  • m1cbry
    m1cbry Posts: 9 Member
    I will be 52 in May, and SO want to look and FEEL better.
    I am 5'3" and I have hovered on the 175 lb mark on the scales for the last 8 years.
    I tend to do better when I am surrounded by encouraging people....and boy do I need encouragement! This looks like the place for me to get the motivation I need.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Glowworm ... The website is Home Storage Solutions 101. She's known as Declutter365 on Facebook. She offers free downloadable calendars and lists and whatever you need. I work with the calendar the most. I do get her email too... Where she reminds you of what they're doing. It's just a tool but I like it.
  • shesback1
    shesback1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Happy 2016!! 2 years ago I lost 72 lbs using MFP. Then I guess that I thought
    that I could do it on my own. I stopped logging in what I ate, I stopped walking and I slowly gained over 30 lbs back. It's
    amazing how it "sneaks" back.

    I would like to make a commitment to myself to join some challenges and work them.
    I would like to lose the 30 some odd lb that I regained.
    Thanks MFP for making this possible.
  • tashiaberman
    tashiaberman Posts: 48 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!
    Starting off the new year right this time and getting back on my Somersize diet program. Last time I lost 38 lbs. before the plateau and am hopeful to do so again.

    Last year was not a good one for me. Recovering from breast cancer, chemo, radiation, surgery and LOTS of steroids, then a back injury and more steroids helped me gain back all that I had lost and a few pounds more! Let's not even talk about the holidays and all the cookies, candy and scrumptious add-a-dish gatherings. This year will be better, since I'm finished with all my treatments -- hurray! -- and recovering my mojo. My back is better too -- though not perfect.

    My plan for the new year is this:
    1) Stick to my Somersizing diet, because it works. (Anyone who wants to know about the diet can google Suzanne Somers, Somersize and we also have a Facebook support group with lots of recipes, etc. You can find her books at most bookstores, including used book stores.)

    2) Exercise 30 minutes per day, even if that just means walking the dog for 30 minutes. (I was up to walking/jogging up to 2 miles per day before I got sick. Now I struggle for anything over 1/4 mile.)

    3) No cheating on the diet! If I fall off the wagon today, I'll get right back on tomorrow. One sweet cheat means two weeks of getting your body back on the program!

    4) Plan sweets that are allowed, so I don't cheat. Plan lunches, so I don't cheat. If the unexpected happens, do the best I can until I can do better -- it's okay.

    5) Stress is no excuse! I can be stressed skinny as easily as I can be stressed fat.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Karen Your post about thinking ahead to retirement has some great points that relate to anyone. My husband and I have frequent discussions about how to approach retirement. I've seen older siblings not have a plan and they have really struggled (and are in the midst of the struggle). I think about it A LOT. 4 more years for us. I have a life map (thanks to the AARP site Life Reimagined) that I did. It has a silhouette of a bicycle rider at sunset and it says, "stay healthy, see the US, tap into creativity, read good books". There are also sections for family, friends, and work that I gave some thought to.

    Yesterday I put my first sticker on my calendar for a day of staying on track with food and exercise. Have to start somewhere!

    This house needs some straightening up! That's my plan for the day. No special methods. It's more like getting shoes out of the way so I don't trip over them and doing laundry.

    Kimses in MA

  • TexasGal1
    TexasGal1 Posts: 65 Member
    Good morning! I'm enjoying my coffee and reading about your doings before getting ready for Zumba that starts at 10.

    Yall are talking a lot about decluttering. I'll have to check out Declutter365 on FB that bwcetc mentioned. For whatever reason, the declutter bug hit me a couple of weeks ago and I've been slowly going through stuff and boxing it up for charity or trashing it if need be. It's amazingly scary what we have accumulated. I guess this will be my year of decluttering because there is no way it can be done in a short amount of time..... I guess it's kinda like loosing weight - it will take time. (Sometimes I get philosophical.... Thank goodness it's not often....)

    It's time to get ready for Zumba!

    Have a happy day!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Barbie: Thank you for continuing to be the lynch pin for this friendly community to come together month after month. So proud to have been with you all for 3 years now. How time flies.

    DJ: Love what you said: If we have the right attitudes and work at it, this can be the best year of our lives. Today is a day for a fresh start and we can leave any negativity behind us. I don’t mind holding on to the positive and I count my blessings that I have lots of that to hold on to. I really needed to inhale this today.

    I caught the ‘clean up bug’ from reading all your posts. Yesterday I put in 2 hours in my office cleaning out my credenza and one of my desk filing drawers. Today I tackled the upper shelf of my walk in closet and purged a bunch of purses, gloves and scarves. Feels great.

    There is one event my DH has wanted to attend for years: an AC/DC concert. Today, I was perusing a ticket brokerage and saw that they will actually be in Denver in February. Unbelievable. I had sticker shock when I saw the prices of tickets, but since he NEVER asks for anything, I felt this was one thing we could splurge on and enjoy together as a late anniversary celebration and reward for him going through the melanoma surgeries with grace.

    Don’t think I ever told you that my brother in San Francisco works at FitBit on a contract basis. He expects to be there at least another 6 months and gets employee discounts on their products. He called today to ask if I’d like one for my birthday in 2 weeks. YES! I think that will add another dimension to my fitness regime. Can’t wait.
    Another thing I’ll be doing for my health this month is taking a 2 day course in Reiki, a form of energy healing. I have had headaches and body aches relieved by Reiki. I hope to learn enough to help others. I understand that the second day of the training we will actually practice sending healing to friends and families remotely. So if anyone wants to be my practice partner, please message me.

    Happy New Year, my friends. Stay well. We can do this. B)

    Colorado Foothills

    January Goals:

    > Benchmark my average daily step count, and increase by 20%
    > Eat mindfully
    > Start a gratitude journal
    > Reach out to 3 friends
    > Get mammogram, physical, haircut and eye exam scheduled
    ** My word for 2016: Optimism

    Awesome !!! AC/DC tickets, cool...
  • tberrycastle
    tberrycastle Posts: 32 Member
    I love this stuff! Great posts! How do I join this group? (Note...I've been with MFP off and on for a couple of years but obviously haven't figured out its finer points. LOL)
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I didn't do so well in December, gained back nearly all I lost over the year! So, I am renewing my commitment to myself to log EVERYTHING I eat through the month of January and beyond. I would like to lose 5 lbs this month. I began a water aerobics class in November and have signed up for it again beginning Monday. This class is only 2 times a week so I am looking for something else so I can get at least 3 hours a week instead of only two. I am going to try to take back the dinner cooking from my husband. He seems to only fry everything and I really want to cut out the amount of fried foods that we eat, for his benefit as well as mine. I think I am going to have to drag him kicking and screaming into a more healthy eating lifestyle!

    I got the news just before Christmas that my daughter will be having another baby in April. They think it's another girl so that will make 3 granddaughters for me to spoil! I will begin knitting some things for the new one and looking for some fun patterns to make for the two older ones as well.
  • MLW1956
    MLW1956 Posts: 5 Member
    I am a newbie and this is my first time joining in an online group. I live in Connecticut. 59 years old and need to get rid of this extra weight. I had gastric bypass 2003 lost 90 lbs. Life/death happened gained back 42 lbs. Want to take control back and be happier in 2016. No more excuses. :smile:
    [*] Make healthier choices
    [*] Take my medications properly
    [*] Log my foods daily
    [*] Exercise 3 to 4 times a week

    Mary W
      [*] <3:)
    • barbiecat
      barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
      I love this stuff! Great posts! How do I join this group? (Note...I've been with MFP off and on for a couple of years but obviously haven't figured out its finer points. LOL)

      You just joined by posting. Jump into the conversation and before long you'll find that you feel like part of the family. Be sure to click on the white star at the top and turn it yellow to bookmark the page so when you come back to "Community" you can click on the gray star and find us again.
    • Katla49
      Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
      Newbies: Welcome! You join by posting. To find this group again, click on the hollow start at the top of the page. It will turn yellow. When you want to come back, go to Community and click the gray star you see. It will bring you here. :flowerforyou:

      Yesterday we took our Christmas Tree down and put the decorations away in the garage attic. The only decoration left is the Christmas wreath at the front door and I'm not ready to take it down yet. I do still have three wrapped presents that were a part of DDIL's gift. We will give them to her the next time she visits here or we go there. They're crystal goblets, and I didn't want to ship the whole group to her parent's home across the country from here. The one I did ship arrived safely.

      Today will be my first riding lesson in 2016! I look forward to it. It is only 27 degrees outside at the moment and I will be dressing WARM. When I was heavy I was always warm no matter what the air temperature was, but that has changed since I met my weight loss goal. I'm healthier and happier, but also not as warm. :ohwell: :bigsmile:

      Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

      “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

      January Goals :
      1. Log every bite and swallow.
      2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
      3. Have fun every day.
      4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
      5. Eliminate alcohol.
      6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    • DLS1029
      DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
      DJ and Michelle - thanks for the welcome words!

      It's a beautiful, sunny and cold day here in WV. It makes me feel motivated to go for a walk and clean house. Going to a birthday party for #2 grand daughter-she'll be 4 and is so excited about her party! Then later we are going to #1 grandson's last BB game of the season so today is pretty busy.

      Already started prepping veggies for lunch next week. Back to work and some sort of normalcy.

      Have a great weekend friends!

      Donna in Wild Wonderful West Virginia
    • terri_mom
      terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
      Happy Saturday ! ! !

      The clinic is open today, and it is the start of a new year, so, after reading and responding, I will sort and redistribute magazines, then completely my paperwork. We are pretty busy today, so it will be mostly time-management. I will finish reading the thread for December first, then jump into 2016 shortly.

      Becca – I am also enjoying the Bear Naked granola. It is offered in so many flavors, and seems to be low in fat compared to many others. And it is affordable at Big Lots (like $2.50 per bag). I like it in my yogurt. So sorry to hear that your blood donation in conjunction with your sore throat has wiped you out so badly. Too bad DH had to suffer with naughty kids in the laundromat.

      DrKatie – Hooray for joining the gym. I hope you truly enjoy it, and learn plenty.

      Linda/IA – HaHa about the time to take DD to work, and her Dad taking her. I’ve been there before, too. Thank goodness for the alarm system on my phone.

      Peach – Have you visited many gyms yet? Most of them these days are trying to help people avoid “Gym-timidation”. I know you will soon decide what is right for you.

      Rori – Hooray for your weight moving in the right direction. I hate plateaus. Keep up with the emotional support from your co-worker, too. Congrats ! ! !

      DJ – I never heard about keeping a candle in my car. I do have salt now, and a shovel, and 2 sets of jumper cables. I also keep a few bottles of drinking water and a blanket. But you are correct about cell phones. Thanks for the suggestion. // I also told DH in no uncertain terms that he should NOT keep Frosted Flakes in the house. DS doesn’t eat them, DH shouldn’t eat them now that he has diabetes, and I don’t need them for any reason. We’ll see what happens next time he goes to Sam’s Club.

      Joyce – Hugs and Prayers for you and DH and your eyes ! ! !

      Sharon – Hugs and Prayers for everyone regarding the loss of life. It will likely cause grief far beyond what we can imagine. I hope everyone is able to move through mourning feeling love and at their own pace. More Hugs ! ! !

      Margaret – Beautiful pictures of all the winter flowers/plants. Thanks for sharing.

      Sylvia – Hugs and Prayers about your ex with the mice. That is absolutely horrible abuse. I’m so glad DH is the opposite. Definitely what you deserve ! ! ! // Happy Anniversary !

      Well, ½ of my work day is over, so I have to post before I read January 2016. Apologies to anyone I missed. Know that I hold you all in my arms and prayers.

      NYE we took DS and a friend to Harlem Globetrotters. The boys had lots of fun, and so did I. Then my age sank in, when they got into friends car to find an open Bowling Alley, while DH and I went to the Casino. NYE at the Casino is new for us – usually we just go to bed whenever, then give each other a Happy New Year kiss when both of us wake-up. We ate supper a little after midnight in the café. I decided to end the year with something I have always loved but gave up for weight/health reasons – Grande Nachos. Stupid, because after eating only ½, I felt nauseated. So, grande nachos are now on my “never” list. Yesterday I did my produce shopping, and Sunday I will buy $3.99 / lb cod, and more Healthy Choice soups for 89 cents each.

      Happy New Year to Everyone, along with hugs and more Hugs ! ! !

      Terri in Milwaukee
    • metabolicwreck
      metabolicwreck Posts: 2 Member
      Hi, everyone. I'm a total newbie to this app, and so to this discussion board.

      I'm 61 year old with multiple sclerosis, Graves disease, restless legs syndrome, and am expecting to develop diabetes any day now. I've been on the Atkins diet since July, and have gone from 186 bounds to 161 (although, after the holidays I'm back up to 166)

      I joined this app because it somehow links to the exercise recording device I got for Christmas. I'm looking forward to the camaraderie I sense in this group.

      I didn't "formally" set any resolutions for this month, although I do intend to:
      get back on the diet
      make travel plans for a trip to Hawaii
      finish the Master Gardeners' scrapbook 2015 project I'm committed to

      That will probably keep me busy!

      Happy New Year to you all.

    • Resolved2016
      Resolved2016 Posts: 23 Member
      Good morning from the Pacific NW--I'm Susie, 55, just started back on MFP with my new Fitbit Charge HR last weekend. I started with a 3 day jumpstart, and it felt empowering to begin before the new years resolution timeframe. I have about 30 lbs to lose before my son's college graduation in May and I'd like exercise to become a habit for the rest of my life. But I really HATE "exercise." I do love to walk, though, and I enjoy lifting free weights, so...one step (literally) at a time... Anyway, I look forward to hearing about all your successes.
    • Peach1948
      Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
      Welcome to all the newbies!
    • DamitJanit
      DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
      Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

      Good Day Ladies,

      MicheleNC, if you want to put the puzzle out to work on, could you cover it with a cloth when not in use, to keep the cats from re-distributing the pieces? I don’t know how we did it but when we had cats, they didn’t get on counters and tables.

      Tuliplor, welcome back. Sorry you regained some of the weight you lost. Even though I went way off track between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, I still look at this journey as a life change that I will continue forever. Even when I was eating poorly, I still recorded my food every day. Good luck this year.

      Joyce, it sounds like a wonderful time with everyone there. I love getting gifts for people when it’s something I know they will like. Sounds like you did some serious shopping.

      Lisa, glad it’s been a safe trip and I know it’s always good to get home. Good luck with the interview.

      Heather, I soooo agree with you that for me it needs to be easy or it won’t happen. Actually on the low calorie part, I find it easier than I thought I would. I simply chose my favorite low calorie foods so I can have more of them. I have cut back but still need to work on portion control. When I control the portions I find I’m hungry. smiley-sad012.gif

      Barbie, well that is quite a word for 2016. I’ll admit that it was a new one for me. I had to look it up. But it does sound like that’s something you constantly do, and one of the many reasons we love you.

      Heather, it’s so nice when we get something we love, like your Dyson. That makes cleaning such a joy as compared to a drudgery. Have fun with it as long as you can.

      M1cbry, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called along with a location, general or specific. Come often and join right in.

      Shesback, welcome back. I know for me, once I reach my goal I’ll have to stay with MFP forever or will end up just like you did…..only I might not stop at 30 pounds. Good luck.

      Tashia, welcome. Congrats on overcoming your cancer and other health issues. I hope 2016 is a great year for you.

      Kimses, congrats on that first sticker! Every journey starts with that first step.

      Tberry, you join by simply showing up and joining in. Great start! Now please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you and sign each post with the name you want to be called, along with a location, general or specific. Come often for great support and wonderful information.

      MaryW, welcome to you as well. Sorry to hear you went through all that and gained almost half of it back. MFP works so you can get where you want to be if you stick to it. We are here for support so come often.

      Katla, I love hearing about your riding lessons and how you enjoy them. I’ve mentioned before that when I was FAT, I was always warm or HOT and sweating like crazy. I didn’t know it was because I was fat? Duh!!! I didn’t read the Fat Ladie’s Manuel, what can I say. Now that I am 60 pounds lighter, I am cool much of the time. Life is grand!

      Terri, sorry the Grande Nachos upset your tummy but good that they are now on your “never” list. Wish they were on mine! Happy NY!

      Wreck, welcome to MFP and to this group of lovely ladies. Hopefully you won’t develop diabetes since a number of us here were diabetic when we started but are no longer. It’s amazing the health benefits from a healthy diet and lifestyle. Come often and join right in.

      m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

      Today for the first time, when I came upstairs after my morning coffee and breakfast, rather than go to my computer to check in with MFP I turned on my new Wii and did some exercises. I have to keep doing that because I end up spending too much time on here and don’t get to the important stuff. I do think I’ll like exercising with the Wii and it will keep me motivated. I have to get back to regular exercise!!!
      I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

      Words I live by:
      Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
      Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
      I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
      Myrtle Beach, SC
    • nccarolb
      nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
      Good morning! I think there is something about cold weather setting in that makes everyone want to clean up their environment. I hope my desire to do so will last until my son goes back to school. Cleaning with him here is an exercise in futility!

      Speaking is son and school...Last semester was horrible for him and he has decided to go the community college route. He waited a bit too long to take action so doesn't know which school he will be attending. There are a few options but details must be worked out for any of them. I am very serious when I ask for your prayers, good vibes, etc. that he does not want/need to live with me. I love my child with all of my heart but him being a constant part of my household is terrible for both of us. He's been here for two weeks and I am ready to pull my hair out! This is a huge source of stress for me.

      I'm not going to set formal goals for myself because that doesn't work for me. However, my plan is to get back on track with exercise and food. I'm also actively looking for a new job. Suicide is really not a wonderful retirement plan.

      Once Andrew has gone to wherever he will be for the next semester, I need to finally move into my home completely. Sick of half filled boxes sitting around!

      Well, now I need to see if I can get the kid out of bed long enough to pick up his mess from downstairs so that I can vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, etc. Wish me luck!

      Carol in NC