

  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    grammiekb wrote: »
    This looks like the place for me to get the motivation I need.
    I will not make New Year Resolutions this year. Instead I am going to focus on babystep monthly goals.
    I will be 58 in February, and SO want to look and FEEL better.
    I am 5'3" and I have tettered on the 180 lb mark on the scales for the last 15+ years.
    Think the most I ever got off was 10 lbs.
    I have gone from working 12 hr shifts for 38 years to basically a couch potato.
    I am a closet eater and stress eater, and love my carbs. Baby steps...

    January goals: at least 15 minutes a day on my stationary bike followed by a few weights.
    Write down every bite, drink that passes my lips, good or bad.
    Drink more water.
    Aim to keep my kitchen counters tidy and free of food/papers,etc, that should be elsewhere.
    Start each day with a glass of water with lemon juice.
    Try to get more organized.

    Why water with lemon juice?Just curious. Best to you.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Drkatiebug... Yep, Taylor's stuff ... I don't know her last name either. I go along as best I can ... Don't stress if I fall behind or get caught on one area/subject. I consider it a success that for the first time in 30 years I got my recipes organized ... Took me months, but it's done!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening, Ladies,

    Kristina, welcome. This is a great place for support so come often and have a great 2016.

    drKatie, I love that we are all so different and yet support each other so totally. Also that each of us has our own little quirks. Until we moved into this house, we never had dirty dishes in the sink. Not even a cup or glass. Now for some reason, DH thinks every dish he uses must sit in the sink and soak for a while. What’s with that????

    Calypte, welcome to you as well. It would be great if you would sign your posts with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Donna, welcome. There are probably as many here that haven’t retired yet as those of us that have. We don’t discriminate regardless of work status, marital status, child/grandchild status, weight status or anything else. smiley-laughing002.gif All are welcome as long as your goal is to get healthy and stay there. Congrats on your great loss and not letting the gain get any higher. Come often.

    Betty, please know that I am rooting for you to finish that 1993 quilt. Just think what a feeling of accomplishment you will have. Go Betty, Go Betty! cheer.gif

    Beth, I know you can lose that weight that you recently gained. I find that I can get rid of the weight I put on over a vacation or holiday. It’s the other pounds that don’t seem to want to move.

    Becca, sending healing thoughts your way. This is no way to start a new year. ill.gif

    Heather, if you have all that in one drawer, I agree you don’t have enough drawers. Sounds like it’s time to go furniture shopping. idea.gif

    Penny, funny story and probably true for too many of us.

    Mary, good lookin’ family. Shep is a doll.

    Allie, that is a hard drive and trips like that get harder the older we get. Or at least for me. I’m glad you made it home safely and hope you sleep well tonight. ((((Hugs))))

    Willow, welcome. Just remember if you fail in your goals one day, just start again. This is a journey and not a race so take one step at a time.

    Cheri, thanks for the web site.

    Jane, take care of yourself and feel better. (((Hugs))) Hope MIL is better soon.

    Pip, I’m just so glad you and Kirby are both still here after what you’ve been through. I’m sure you are both getting stronger and closer to normal every day. Yes, he’s a keeper, for sure! Happy New Year

    Barb, welcome to you. The thing many of us have found that helps is to plan our food ahead of time and go ahead and put it in our food diary. That way we know how many calories we are eating and can just stick to the plan. If for some reason we do change, it’s easy to go to the diary and add or delete something. You can do this. Good luck.

    Rori, what a great gift for your DH. I know that concert tickets have gotten out of site. I don’t know how people can afford to go all the time but some do. Congrats on doing the Reiki class. That should be very interesting.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Well, we had our New Year’s dinner of black eyed peas and collard greens with ham. That should insure a year of health, good luck and prosperity, or somethin’ like that. Love you all, ladies. Let’s do this!

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy New Year. rose.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 45 min of an extreme cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a South Beach Diet supercharged Workout DVD. We'll see how this one goes.

    janetr - so sorry you're not well. Well, look on the bright side, with the cold sores in your mouth you won't want to eat anything!!!!

    Karen - happy early anniversary and birthday!

    DJ - add me to the list of fuddy duddies. I fell asleep, Vince wok me up about 11:50, watched the ball drop, called the girls and wished them happy new year, then went back to bed.

    Welcome everyone new! Mars (no, not Rori's cat). Penny, Lynn, grammiekb, texasgal, Barbara, Kristina, calypte, Donna, EmmC, willow, Barb and anyone else I may have misssed

    Alison - so glad you made it home safe and sound

    Joyce - I'm also very worried about your eyes. Please let us know as soon as you can what the results are. I am not crazy about them taking so long.

    Viv - welcome back!

    Pole Peny - I always so enjoy your pics

    DeeDee - it's been just terrible, all the rain. As a matter of fact, I tried hard not to run the dishwasher on christmas Day because the gound was so saturated.

    Lisa and Alison - safe travels

    katla - we'll probably go see Star Wars next week (after the kids are in school). Congrats on your son's house selling!

    DJ - I hate coming home from a trip to a messy house. Vince laughs and says "what are you doing, cleaning for the robbers" Vince took down some of the outside decorations and I'll help him tomorrow. We should get them all down. We brought in the inflatables so that they could dry out.

    Donna - awesome weight loss

    Betty - I have these placemats that I swear I have been making for 15 years. I just have so much trouble doing crochet in the round. Even tho this is a fairly simple pattern I still have trouble

    Becca - so sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you get better fast

    jane - so sorry you're sick and MIL is not at home

    Rori - enjoy the concert. What a great thing that your bro can get a FitBit at a discount. If I were you, I'd definitely take it like you're going to. Does your practice partner in Reiki have to be in CO? I think Reiki is so very interesting

    Lenora - I got a jigaw puzzle for christmas. Usually, I'd put it out and work on it a little at a time. However, now that we have cats I haven't figured out a way to keep it out but not have the cats jump up and send the pieces in every direction. Any ideas? Prayers for your son and his family

    Michele in NC
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Well, I'm BACK! I joined this motivating Discussion Board the end of June. I lost 14 pounds before my trip to Disney World. I know that Christmas and the holidays have helped me gain weight! I am a teacher, and it's been so nice to be off school. SO, I am going to try to change my eating habits around. I need to start to cook healthier for my family. I also need to get some exercise some how!!! I feel so much better when I take the weight off. Her I go again! Thank you so much for continuing with this Board!! :)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Three pages already! Happy new year!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • moots4me
    moots4me Posts: 49 Member
    Happy new year!

    1. Meditate 10 minutes a day.
    2. Cut out the nightly wine.
    3. 5k in February.
    4. Average 30 minutes cardiovascular a day.
    5. Weights/total gym 2 week.

  • trublutopaz
    trublutopaz Posts: 70 Member
    After a number of setbacks, I'm here for sure this time. It has to happen. I'm nearly 60. I teach high school. I need to lose 65 lbs. I have a few goals/resolutions this time around. I hope it's okay if I post.
    1. Use meditation to stave off worry (one of my biggest problems)
    2. Monitor meds after my thyroid surgery.
    3. Watch food intake.
    4. Walk or ride three days a week.
    5. Weights three days a week
    6. Consult a trainer
    7. Try to change my image from "I am a teacher" to "I am a person who happens to teach." Seriously, it's important.
    8. Take more time for myself and fun
    9. Find meaningful volunteer opportunities
    10. Start looking beyond my job.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    b]Beth[/b], so proud of you for doing the math. Is your declutter group the one that Taylor (can't remember last name) has? I get that one. She has some really good ideas and is very down to earth.

    The things I like about Flylady are: you can do anything for 15 minutes, even housework done incorrectly blesses your family, and "just jump in where you are. You are not behind." The things I don't like are that a bunch of her testimonials are really just trying to push her products. I will admit that her calendar is the absolute best and is hanging on my wall right now.

    Lenora, I'm sorry your Fitbit knockoff didn't work for you. I loved Peter Walsh's Clean Sweep show. Is that the one you watched.[/quote]

    At this point and having to nurse an UIT for few days; don't know what I asked. Brain Fart! I need to start with one room, finish it; and, then move to another. I have a lot of 'stuff' (some I inherited from Mother) when they split up Mimi's house after her funeral; Daddy said that spouses would NOT be there and 'if'' there was something that one of them wanted then that would be counted as one of their choices. It went pretty well; but, Jo my uncle wife really wanted to go put names on things. They got pretty much what they wanted and Mother got pretty much was she wanted. I think the thing I resented most was that he treated her children from a pervious relationship better than he did his own. He spent his time climbing up the corporate lady and moving any time they made an offer to him to do so; at the expense of his children - or 'on the backs of them' is a better way to put it. They were in a different school every school year and because of the punishment he had inflicted, they did not make friends very easily.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    tuliplor, I remember you and planning your trip to Disney. How did it go. I love Disney any way I can get it.

    Thanks for concern about my eyes. Each day I learn a little more about them. Sometimes they are just a bother. There is one big floater that I call my windshield wiper since it just starts at the bottom and goes across and across. Now I am beginning to realize that it is worse back here in my office. When I am in the living room using the lap top ON MY LAP, I guess my eyes are tilted differently. Here in the office it is basically right at eye level and it is a lot worse. So it is pretty difficult to move my eyes just the right way to read. When I am talking to people and not focusing on reading anything, I don't hardly notice anything is wrong. Baked a cake tonight and I was wondering how it was going to be to read directions but it was OK.

    Today my sis, Michelle and I all went out to the building we are having dinner at tomorrow. We have to take absolutely everything we would use at my house. Pots and pans, spices, milk, corn starch, eggs, you name it, we have to take it. The only thing they have there is a lot of serving spoons. Oh they have a good bathroom for Charlie and wonderful soft toilet paper.

    Kids came in early afternoon just as I was getting ready to leave so I didn't get to see them much. Had a nice supper then went home and opened presents. I got a nice outfit for trinity the 14 year old. For so long she has been such a string bean we have just been comfortable in buying extra small for her. So I bought a real pretty blouse on clearance. And speaking of clear, it was to clear! So I bought a bright pink cami to go under it. Now I have seen her in her camis and there isn't much to her up there. Well this was a different kind of cami, more the type of material of work out gear. But she is no longer and extra small. But the blouse although it looks OK she says it rides up to far in her arm pit. she said she wanted casual rings and her Mom sent me picutres from Kohl's and I went overboard and got her 7 of them. For her sister I got a razor that is a kind of skateboard and then another one of the knex that makes a roller coaster. I don't know who was more excited, her or her Dad. In years past Charlie has always given the girls money because they needed it for their finances. That's the kind of guy he is. Needing for finances instead of getting them something that they would't have the money for. So Christina got that early in the year :# Michelle told me to do what I wanted for her and then sent me a wish list from Amazon. So I got her a FitBit, Koerg individual coffee maker and a tool kit. She said she kind of liked me to go shopping for her. I enjoyed it much better also. And I felt sorry for her sister just having to sit there and watch Michelle open her presents. But her car was sitting outside and that's what they needed their money for.

    So we have had a good family day and we will have an even better one tomorrow. I ahve one brother who isn't feeling well at all and may not come :'( That will be a loss. He is the outgoing fun loving brother. My other brother is very quiet guy who jsut takes care of his wife and grand kids. But when the two of them are together, John is able to let loos and have a great time and we build up some great memories.

    Bed time now. Welcome to so many newcomers. I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you. I need a lot of help staying on track and DJ is real good at kicking my butt when needed.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning all, and welcome all you new ones (and returnees), to this amazing group. We're glad you're here!

    Mary from Minn - what a good-looking bunch! Shep looks like he's spying a chew toy in the distance... :)

    Rori - your precise soul (don't know how I know that) will love the Fitbit. I've got the Charge HR, and it is a huge triumph when it vibrates and flashes to tell me I've hit my 10,000 steps. It also helped me train so my heart rate doesn't stay past maximum for very long, I can steady down to where it should be, at 80% of max.

    Pip - glad to see you and Kirby on recovery road... hope 2016 is a less painful year for the pair of you.

    Last day on the road for us for our vacation... then Sunday and Monday to recover, as the DH is due back to work on Tuesday. I know him, and the chances that we'll be on the ranch and that he WON'T work on Monday are slim to none. That's OK, it's been a highly restful week, all told. Today will be a long drive, but if we get tired, we'll stop and get a room. Probably won't - home is in the offfing, and we're both ready, I think.

    Busy week scheduled, for sure, for me. Monday night for me is writer's workshop, so I'll stay in town at the warehouse. Will have to take business clothes, as I have a job interview. Family Dollar stores in town is hiring Managers and Assistant Managers, and open interviews are Tuesday.

    The two of us did a lot of talking over the miles we've been traveling, and we need one more year of me working to get us to the point where we want to be. We don't want to be in debt, and other than the warehouse (which we see as an investment) we've accomplished that, but it's pretty squeaky. So, back to work I go. Either the Family Dollar thing will work out or something will. One more year at the ranch, and he'll be fully vested in the ranch deposits in his 401K, so he will feel as if he has options. Especially if I'm working at the time. Not saying he's unhappy, he's not, but being sole support is a different kind of pressure than having options. In our seven years together, we've both been the only one working at one time or another--truly a partnership. But when you're the one working and the other partner is not, you don't feel as if you can change the situation, and that makes things tough.

    Wednesday afternoon I also have to be back in town to do a Business Profile interview for the paper for the RV storage lot part of the warehouse. It looks like that's all we'll open up for now - the rest of the building repairs are just going to take time, and we need to do them slow and do them right, whether or not I'm working. Uncontrolled progress simply leads to more issues. I'm such an impatient soul, but this is our future we're working toward, and worth making small steps toward a defined end.

    Speaking of which - my defined end is to simply get back in routines, whether I'm working or not. Working out at the gym or running at home every day that I can, logging my food, and being lighter at the end of January than I am here at the beginning... and pretty much the same for the year. If stickers will work, I'll do that, if Xs on a calendar will work, I'll do that.

    The DH is snoring away, which is a good thing, since it's barely 4:30 a.m., and I've got my weekly article to finish for the paper before we pull out of Shreveport. Hopefully 2016 will be a good year for us all. Glad to be here, and glad all of you are as well!

    Lisa from West Texas, home soon!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning!

    Today I didn't write, but I got all my photos downloaded onto my laptop and saved them on my memory stick. Before lunch (my favorite curry laksa) I am going to sort through tights and leggings. DJ - I will have a think about storage. :flowerforyou:

    DH isn't going to football today as the weather is so awful. :'( I do love my time to myself, but I have decided to have my soup anyway and he can make himself a sandwich. I have a Korean film I want to watch, but it will wait. It really is foul out there.

    I really like Barbie's quote STRATEGY IS STRONGER THAN WILLPOWER. Anyone who has trouble keeping their comittments to themselves, like me, should really give it some thought. Basically for me it is "If it ain't easy it won't happen, or it won't happen for long." Willpower wears out very quickly, which is why I always say, don't ask too much of yourself. Low calorie diets only last while the initial enthusiasm is strong. Then people wonder why they are giving in to temptation, having a binge, or just going over calories. If you can't stick to it, don't start. Life should be enjoyable. Food should be a pleasure, not a punishment. Moving more should not be a dreaded task. Find a way to have fun.

    Off to check my drawer. :D

    Heather UK
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Goal is to get down on the mat before tea and computer. Got down on the mat yesterday , but not before both. Haven't had tea yet today, but here I am, and here I go down onto that mat. Happy 2016 Lovelies!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning my friends~
    10 and a 1/4 of sleep and gosh do I feel better!!!
    trying to get a grocery list together will go early tomorrow morning.. trying to figure out food for me and for Tom for a couple of weeks, thats how we roll. going to cook and make things to freeze, saw a recipe for shepards pie stuffed potatoes, that sounds like something he would eat!!!
    more veggies and fruits for me , and basic proteins, trying to cut out most sugars and carbs.. that will be a challenge.. but I can do it,
    when we had dinner with Helene and Bert, (renter and her friend) she asked what would could help with kidney disease.. vegetarian diet and staying in shape, she said well if it were me I would be on that right away.. this coming from a 72 yr old woman who plays pickleball tournaments,bikes 30-40 miles ,golfs, swims laps she is uber active.. and is a gem.. I want to be like her.. have to build up to it, but I want to feel good and really get back into shape..
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Beth what online decluttering group do you belong to? I would be interested in looking into it.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    After a number of setbacks, I'm here for sure this time. It has to happen. I'm nearly 60. I teach high school. I need to lose 65 lbs. I have a few goals/resolutions this time around. I hope it's okay if I post.
    1. Use meditation to stave off worry (one of my biggest problems)
    2. Monitor meds after my thyroid surgery.
    3. Watch food intake.
    4. Walk or ride three days a week.
    5. Weights three days a week
    6. Consult a trainer
    7. Try to change my image from "I am a teacher" to "I am a person who happens to teach." Seriously, it's important.
    8. Take more time for myself and fun
    9. Find meaningful volunteer opportunities
    10. Start looking beyond my job.

    Hi, Trublutopaz, your goals hit me as I am a teacher like you, goals #7 through #10 were particularly familiar to me. As I approach retirement (still more than 5+ to go) I worry that I won't know how to relate to myself and others without the focus of being a teacher. It does take mindfulness and I am not there yet, but it is so very important to be mindful to know why you are still teaching.
    Here are some things I have been thinking about, I keep in touch with colleagues that have retired and notice what they are up to, whether they seem happy with their activities etc., I notice what I do on my vacation time, do I just sit on the couch and eat or do I actually plan on social activities or something new, sometimes I have to force myself to try something new, start with subjects that you love, for me it is music so i attend workshops and concert that interest me, for my husband it is visiting historical sites that connect to his love of history.
    This year I stopped after school tutoring because I was not taking care of myself and everything hurt, b.p. was high, I was not on a healthy trajectory, so I stopped working after school and I go to the gym instead and what a difference, my mood is better, my energy is up.
    I have always admired teachers that have a real joy and energy for teaching, but I've noticed that they don't have a one track life, they have interests that lie outside of the classroom, yet are really talented teachers.
    Anyway, welcome to the group, logging and checking in have been very beneficial to me the past 4 months.
    Karen from NY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) With all this talk about tidying up and decluttering, I realized that we did a huge amount of that four years ago when we moved into the house we're in now. The housing market was terrible and we had visions of waiting a year or more to find a buyer so we adopted the motto "Trust God, Clean House, Stay Busy". We let God find the buyer and we spent our days staying busy sorting, discarding, and packing. We rented a large storage unit (later a second one) and began packing things in boxes and discarding as we went. Since there was a lot of time, I began going through boxes of STUFF (paperwork, memorabilia) and used the advice I got from a friend who moved from a three bedroom 2,600 sq ft condo into a one bedroom apartment in an independent senior living place......she said, "be ruthless"....she also said that they cried a lot as they discarded things. She was equally ruthless when her husband died and she gave away and threw away his things. One day, as I was going through a box of old letters and cards, we got two offers on our house and immediately stopped the sorting and discarding and began even more serious packing and putting things in storage to make the move go more quickly.

    smiley-laughing025.gif The hardest part of the process for married people is staying out of each other's stuff. It is so easy for me to point at all the boxes of garage stuff and hobby stuff that Jake has that he hasn't looked at in years, rather than attacking the boxes and file folders that I've accumulated. When we started on the garage, the first thing Jake said to me was "why do you insist on keeping a second cat carrier when we have only one cat?"

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifBut now, no talk of folders and boxes....there are dogs to be walked on quiet dark streets under a clear sky with a beautiful moon.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful chilly NW Washingtont09013.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited January 2016
    Mary great picture!

    Gayle hope your friend is healing quickly.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Did my drawer. Moved some leggings to another place. Then I threw away some long sleeved tops and a pair of pyjama pants. :D:D:D How good it feels! Going to sort through more long sleeved tops tomorrow. :drinker:

    DH is painting his bathroom ceiling. Looks good. He has some wall to paint as well, but not a huge amount. I wish the electrician would come back to change the mirror light bulbs and the pull cord, but DH isn't as bossy as me. :blushing:

    Just been looking through the TV schedules for next week. Huge improvement over the Christmas rubbish. Hooray! :drinker:

    I have been sent my poo sticks, which is our equivalent of your colonoscopy. You have to wipe 3 different days of poo on a bit of card and send it through the post. :noway: I haven't bothered to do it before, but might this time. Not very appetising though. :ohwell:

    Been using my Dyson. I'm in love. <3

    Heather UK