

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Hi VIV! Remember me from down south? I seem to remember that you live in York. How have you fared with the floods?

    Love Heather UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Wishing you all a very Happy healthy and prosperous New Year!!!

    Penny at the Pole :). That pic is absolutely awesome!!!

    Viv :) It is so nice to see you again :flowerforyou:

    Margaret :) Gorgeous pics!!! Prayers for you and hubby <3 !

    Mary :) Shep is so adorable!!!! Just a baby!!! Noel was 9 weeks old when I got her and the breeder really wanted to keep her a couple more weeks, I'm so glad she decided I could have her earlier! I have a completely spoiled dog!

    Katla :) I'm so sorry you and hubby have been sick! Glad to hear your feeling a little better :flowerforyou:! Schooner is adorable, look at that sweet little smiley face!!!

    Joyce :) It sounds very scary what's going on with your eyes! I hope you'll get some relief soon! Glad to hear that you and Charlie are getting out some! You're having your Christmas celebration this weekend right?

    Michele :) Hope you get things worked out with Bryan, I'm sorry he's being so hateful to you right now..hugs to you! Have you guys had a ton of rain up your way? It's been miserable here!

    Carol in NC :) How exciting about the new guy!!! I know you've been getting a lot of rain, I've had puddles in my yard :s !

    Sylvia :) Maybe your sweet nature is rubbing off on hubby!!! My granddaughter told me the other day that I know everyone, I told her I didn't know everyone, she said but you talk to everyone...well....I do like to talk ;) ! Happy Anniversary!!!!!

    Dr.Katiebug :) Love the numbers!!!!!

    Carol (Peach) :) Sometimes even though we adore our grandchildren, we need a break from them!

    2015 was a great year for me, I retired in June, and who knew I would be busier than ever :noway:. I'm hoping in 2016 I can slow down enough to actually get my overstuffed closet cleaned out. I have that book you were talking about Dr.Katiebug, I just need to utilize it now!!!

    Time to get off this thing and head out to the track, it's not raining right now!!! I'm so excited I can actually go outside and get some exercise!

    DeeDee in NC
  • lealbitz
    lealbitz Posts: 2 Member
    Hello and happy new year! This looks ik a nice group. Turned 60 last year and need to refocus on my diet and fitness goals.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thanks, Barbie! Such a pleasure to know this will be here each month...

    Last vacation update... we're heading toward San Marcos, TX, once the rain lets up. It started peeing down about 4 a.m., which finally stopped the fireworks. My husband is wide awake, just about to get out of the shower. He did NOT sleep well last night, we're used to country quiet, and between the sirens and fireworks exploding, drunken voices and apparently someone learning to tapdance upstairs, it was not a restful night (for him - I took a Benadryl, and four hours later, took another). :wink:

    Luckily, he's not a cranky guy.

    JanetR - cannot BELIEVE you are in Fort Stockton, though I did wonder when you said you were heading for Arizona. Sorry we missed each other... and the warehouse is at 701 North Rooney, just two blocks off the main drag, which is Dickinson. When you see the green, orange and yellow striped building catty-cornered from the Shell Station at the eastern end of Dickinson, that's Rooney Street.

    Off to the races, he's making rustly noises behind me, and I'm still in my jammies! Not used to this when I'm the early riser...

    Happy New Year, people.

    I have only one goal - I want to be lighter at the end of 2016 than I am here at the beginning. And I won't know what that weight is until I get home. Detaching from the scale for a week has been revelatory.

    Love y'all...

    Lisa, soon to be back home in West Texas
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy New Years to All!

    My goal for January is to move more!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Happy New Year!

    Thanks Barbie for carrying us forward into the new year.

    Cheri NE Ohio

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Happy New Year my dear friends...slept maybe 4 hrs and we got woken up by the people in the next room having there own little celebration..if you know what I mean....so we left at 2 am..another 5 hours until we get home :o
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    OK, you have all shamed me into making some goals for January.

    1 Lose my pesky pound that I put on over Christmas. I am at maintenance, so don't need to lose more than that.

    2 Cut back on alcohol. I will drink no more than 2 units a day ( that's my evening Pernod ) except for either Friday or Saturday when I can have half a bottle of wine. (Around 4 units) That is still quite a lot, but if I try to cut down more than that I won't stick to it. I will also commit to one day a week with no alcohol. o:)

    3 DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. (From Gretchen Rubin, originally from Voltaire)

    DJ - I hope you don't mean you are going to only eat 1200 calories a day. I don't think anyone can stick to that long term. I exercise in order to eat and eat back all, or nearly all, my calories. Doing more exercise is a very good goal. My extra 600 exercise calories is a life saver. Literally.

    Drkatie - Nice maths! I bought DH two maths books for Christmas and he is really enjoying them. I will read them next. I hated maths at school.

    Penny - Lovely! :flowerforyou:

    Did a tiny bit of writing this morning, but better than nothing. My exercising does interfere with my writing, but I feel that the exercise regime does literally save my life. Will have to find a way of fitting in the writing.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I finally got "the life-changing magic of tidying up" from the library....it is a best seller and I was originally #38 in line to get the book.....the author criticizes the approaches to tidying up that are any variation of a little at a time--a process that has worked for me, but I plan to read the book with an open mind....until then I'll continue my plan to go through files for 15 minutes a day and put away 10 things and all the other tricks that have worked for me....I am a great believer in "outer order contributes to inner calm"--thank you, Gretchen Rubin

    :) Penny, I love your picture of a little bit of daylight......I love walking in the dark but we have a lot more daylight here than you do.

    :) Thank you everyone for your kind words...I may be the one who gets the thread started but without all of you, it would be very lonely here.

    <3 Barbie
  • grammiekb
    grammiekb Posts: 9 Member
    This looks like the place for me to get the motivation I need.
    I will not make New Year Resolutions this year. Instead I am going to focus on babystep monthly goals.
    I will be 58 in February, and SO want to look and FEEL better.
    I am 5'3" and I have tettered on the 180 lb mark on the scales for the last 15+ years.
    Think the most I ever got off was 10 lbs.
    I have gone from working 12 hr shifts for 38 years to basically a couch potato.
    I am a closet eater and stress eater, and love my carbs. Baby steps...

    January goals: at least 15 minutes a day on my stationary bike followed by a few weights.
    Write down every bite, drink that passes my lips, good or bad.
    Drink more water.
    Aim to keep my kitchen counters tidy and free of food/papers,etc, that should be elsewhere.
    Start each day with a glass of water with lemon juice.
    Try to get more organized.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I finally got "the life-changing magic of tidying up" from the library....it is a best seller and I was originally #38 in line to get the book.....the author criticizes the approaches to tidying up that are any variation of a little at a time--a process that has worked for me, but I plan to read the book with an open mind....until then I'll continue my plan to go through files for 15 minutes a day and put away 10 things and all the other tricks that have worked for me....I am a great believer in "outer order contributes to inner calm"--thank you, Gretchen Rubin

    <3 Barbie

    I'm currently reading this book. I too was on a very long waiting list. Not sure yet if I agree with her process but do agree that the outer represents the inner. This last home move was an eye opener in how much STUFF we continue to carry forward with us. Like your approach and have been doing this in the past year. We have another move looming for 2016 and I've warned the hubs that all the STUFF ain't going forth with us.

    Happy New Years Day!!!!!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2016
    Viv aka Wizzy: Welcome back! You have been missed. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Wishing you a happy, healthy & prosperous New Year, too. I hope your exercise was satisfying. :bigsmile:

    Newbies: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: Safe travels homeward! :smiley:

    Peach: Moving more is a great goal. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope your journey home is safe. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on writing! A tiny bit is a thousand times better than none. :happy:

    We planned to see Star Wars on New Year's Eve, but never left the house. Perhaps we'll get there today. Has anyone seen it already? Did you enjoy it?

    We got phone calls from both of our kids last night & had the chance to see DD and DGD thanks to facetime. DS had good news. His house in Colorado Springs sold! It has been a source of worry for the last few years & he & his wife have no plans to return there to live. He had a stable renter for several years, but she was transferred to a different city. This takes away a source of worry and stress. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Penny yes I remember you mentioning your connection to St. Paul. The picture has a misty quality about it because it was taken in the morning of a cloudy day. Going to see the poinsettia show at the Conservatory is one of my holiday traditions.

    December goals:

    Will continue to eat many fruits and vegetables.
    Watch portions better.
    Exercise daily be it a walk or one of my many fitness videos
    Continue to touch base with friends and ask about their lives
    In that vein not to get so caught up in DH health issues that it is all I can talk about
    Continue to stop and enjoy something Beautiful everyday
    Continue in new choir


    Quote: Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite.
    Need to watch my portions more closely. Having some weight creep. Sleeping better on the days I don't stand too long. If I am standing working at exercises that relieve some of the stress.

    January goals:
    Same as December goals
    Add laugh daily

    Didn't exercise enough in December and was not as careful with portions as I needed to be, so had more weight creep. I am finding I am the opposite we asked about DH health issues. I like to hear about and talk about other things.

    Watched a Graham Norton video with Bennedict Cumberbatch posing with otters on you-tube that created tears of laughter.

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    DJ The CO alarm went off at 3 am. There were 7 people in the house. There are 4 alarms all hardwired together (one goes off and they all go off). There was 1 outside the bedroom doors and only 2 (me and my husband) out of 7 people woke up. Apparently teenagers can sleep through just about anything. There was a story in our local news about a 10 year old and a 15 year old at home alone when the CO alarm went off. The 10 year old heard it but the 15 year old did not. Fortunately the 10 year old woke up his brother and they were all ok . Interesting, isn't that?

    Kimses in MA
  • msymsed
    msymsed Posts: 8 Member
    I am making a New Year's Revolution...I refuse to let anyone or anything control my eating. I have gone through too much (gastric bypass 10 years ago next month and plastic surgery to remove excess skin this past year) to allow that to happen. This means I have to take back control over other aspects of my life...easier said than done. Being single, I HAVE to have a job and I have been out of work in the past for long periods of time. But I have to learn I cannot please everyone and I can't let stupid actions by incompetent leaders rule my life. I stress eat and I have gained 15 pounds very quickly. SOOOOO....my January goal:

    I am 5' 1.5" and weigh 148.6 pounds. I was 132.6 at my lowest and it wasn't that long ago.

    1. Keep track of my food intake on MyFitnessPal (it works very well for me when I do it) with a 1200 calorie limit
    2. Begin a light exercise regimen (to begin actually doing something...and build up)
    3. Keep anything I eat that has sugar in it to 7 grams or less per serving (and eat ONE serving)
    4. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    5. Limit eating out to once a week
    6. Start culling my house down by releasing stuff of unnecessary sentimental value (I am single and there will be no one to leave it all to anyway!)
    7. NOTHING from a vending machine! Bring food and snacks to work.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    THANK YOU to all you wonderful women who have been mentioning getting your home tidy and clean. :flowerforyou:
    I have just used my new Dyson cordless to vacuum the hearth rug and sofa. Got some dust off the back of the sofa that has been lingering for a while. :D Then I spot cleaned the rug and got off some spots that have been annoying me for a while. :D Then, after reading Flylady (thank you Penny) I scrubbed the sink and washed down the outside of the front door. :drinker: I feel great!

    I am someone who is tidy in the parts of my house that the public see, but not so good where it's out of sight. ;) My utility room is messy and so is the office. Also garage. Some of my drawers and a closet could do with a sort out. I will have 5 minute goes at those - socks etc. Today I threw away a few magazines. :drinker: I have had this habit of hidden mess all my life. When I was a teenager it was particularly severe, in fact pathological. I think it represented the face I presented to the world, versus the "real me". Now I am not such a mess inside I might be able to sort out the cupboards. :laugh:

    Lots of love and thanks, Heather UK
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Wow so many posts already today. Thanks to Barbie who keeps us going! Happy New Year to all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Happy 2016. May it be the healthiest year ever. <3

  • TexasGal1
    TexasGal1 Posts: 65 Member
    Greetings and Happy New Year!

    I'm a total newb for this group. I am 53 (54 in March) and live in the North Texas area. I love almost all things outdoorsy. I enjoy the beach, standup paddling (SUP), kayaking, archery club, hiking, geocaching, camping, etc. Life is so good!

    Of course, doing all these things requires me to be better physically and mentally. Since July, I have gained back 17.5 lbs. and I FEEL every one of those 17.5 lbs. Ugh....!

    So, in order to get back to my goal weight, I pledge to:
    1) become active with this board;
    2) re-establish my workouts - Zumba or other cardio 2x week, lifting 3x week; and
    3) track and log everything (workouts are auto-logged using Fitbit Charge HR).

    I've enjoyed reading everyone's goals, past and future. Yall are encouraging, for sure. The positive energy from all of you is so uplifting!!

    Here's to a New Year and a New Me! B)