I have more than 50 lbs to lose. Comment and I'll add you as a friend!



  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    Me too but I started in August 2014 and lost almost 30 pounds by November through diet and walking an average of 12,000 steps per day. I gained seven pounds back between Thanksgiving and New Years but now I'm back on the straight and narrow. I wouldn't mind tracking that 50 pounds (my goal is 30 more) with you.
  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    CanaDana11 wrote: »
    @cortezsabrina17 I haven't started the gym yet. 1. it intimidates me so I'm a bit worried about going. 2. It's seems like coming off the pop and junk food is making me feel sick. I'm lethargic and almost feel like a have the flu

    So don't go. At least not yet. In the meantime get an activity tracker like a Fitbit or Garmin (I have a Garmin Vivofit 2) and start tracking your steps. If you do it everyday and sync your walking to MyFitnessPal you will soon see remarkable results. Before long you will eventually build up enough confidence to hit the gym. Just don't over do it :smile:
  • ernestrodgers82
    ernestrodgers82 Posts: 204 Member
    I have 58 pounds to loose =0) We can do this ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Sindy!
  • luna4eva735
    luna4eva735 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me! I need to loose 33 lbs.
  • ksiddens25
    ksiddens25 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting back! Wanna lose about 100 lbs! Cutting out fast food is gonna be the hardest for me. I'm always on the go work 2 jobs don't have much down time don't feel like cooking but trying to start!
  • adepetite45
    adepetite45 Posts: 2 Member
    I have about 100lbs to loose. We all in it together

  • kate199164
    kate199164 Posts: 1 Member
    I have 86 to lose. Time to get my butt to the gym!
  • veleaton
    veleaton Posts: 6 Member
    Need to lose about 100 pounds so I have to be dedicated to getting this lifestyle change correct
  • inabottle
    inabottle Posts: 11 Member
    i got about 70 left to loose... add me if you like..
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    Hello count me in too, I'm tired of each year not meeting my goals.
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    I went to a steakhouse and was so excited to get meat but instead i got salad

    Not all salads are equal to light. Stay clear of dressings poured over the salad, get it on the side and use sparingly. sometimes salads are more calories than steak.
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    CanaDana11 wrote: »
    @shathaway123 the one thing I noticed tracking my food is how horrible I have been with portions. Plus if you eat out that's not even a rational amount of food but we've almost trained ourselves to finish the plate. Time to break that cycle!

    This is a really great tool, I was also surprised at the portions then when I started watching calories I found it hard to eat my share some days. I drink a lot of water so it keeps me feeling full when I should eat. Hang in there!
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    I am trying to loose roughly 30-50lb, feel free to add !
  • christmas486
    christmas486 Posts: 1 Member
    CanaDana11 wrote: »
    Looking for friends to help hold me accountable. I have more than 50 pounds to lose and the doctor still wouldn't be happy but I would feel better. I love pizza, fast food, chocolate and favourite is chips and dip. So please please add me or comment to help knock those foo
    SexySlimRN wrote: »
    You can do it

    Ive 28 pounds to loose I knew I was putting on weight over the last year, but was also in a bit of denial finally got weighed today and im so annoyed I let it get this far.
  • blessedmoore714
    blessedmoore714 Posts: 13 Member
    Your post made me giggle :D I've added green shakes to help with my veggie consumption - still not ready to give up my daily cup of coffee yet... Maybe moderation is a better strategy!!! Here's to accountability
  • ahyun2000
    ahyun2000 Posts: 4 Member
    you can do it! just remember don't give up even if u end up eating bad occasionally. (i just started, but have been allowing myself cheat days basically half the week). feel free to add me if u want to!
  • suelovesdc
    suelovesdc Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I started in 2014 with over 80 to lose - lost 50 in about 15 months - then life got tough, needless to say - I have gained back 13 in 6 months... so I am at around 40-45 now to lose and trying to get back to food tracking. It sucks - I hate it - but I know if I cant be honest with myself, it will never change.... we can do this together! :smile:
  • luvmypug1
    luvmypug1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I have about 60-70 to lose, already lost 100 as of last feb., but gained 10 back since Thanksgiving. I never craved chocolate, never really liked it, but I do now. don't know what changed. I have gotten back on track and lost 7 lbs since the first. Trying to exercise, but it is so difficult to follow, I have no rythym...and I am a big girl so its hard getting my feet off the ground and balance.
  • mommy60445
    mommy60445 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! I'm actually starting next week but wanted to see what I'm actually eating for a week first. So my food charts will e dumb the first week I'm sure, but feel free to add me:) I'm hoping to lose the same
  • 48839
    48839 Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me Rashandagrant@yahoo.com