Day 1/365



  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    That is perfect!! Thank you Stacey!!!
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Great job, you two! You will keep each other honest...and focused!
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 577 Member
    If we join this conversation can we do our own day count? Either way it looks like you have a great start :smile:
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks bdgfn! I may have to count on you too some days lol!
    Livlovlrn... You can do whatever you need to do to be successful. Start your count when your ready and contribute always! Whatever you need from me, you got it! I can be a cheerleader, tyrant or anything in between. Together we can do this!! ( I guess this is my new motto.... Totally corny!
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    Just getting home from work.... Will post my real post in the morning!
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    Good luck
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    I took a day to rest my knee and now it is swollen even worse. Lol. That will teach me to either a) think I can wrestle with the floor and win. Or b) spend a whole day doing homework. But I am still under calories so it is all good.
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    Day 6/365 - couldn't sleep last night, so I can feel today being a craving day! Must fight.... No kryptonite around me today though so I should be ok! Lol
    Im at work so will post a couple times throughout the day today! Have a great day everyone!!!
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    edited January 2016
    I hear you on having a craving day. My mom called me this morning. She was laying in her driveway in the pouring rain. Got her to the emergency room. All before my first cup of coffee. Sigh she is fine, dislocated elbow and a sprained wrist. But I made due with dried fruit and a snickers bar with pizza when I finally got food.
  • born2transform
    born2transform Posts: 209 Member
    I love accountability groups! You should post everyday, a very good idea. You can do this :)
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    Day 7/365 - oh Stacey! Sorry to hear about your Mom. How are you today?
    I hope she is not in too much pain.
    As for myself, I ended up not having time to eat at all until I got home from work at 8:30! Still under calories, but not nearly enough protein!!! And I was so hungry I don't even remember chewing.... Bad!!
    Today is a good day so far and I'm headin toward lunch which is planned and good! Lots of water today already and I'm off early enough to get a good walk in tonight with the dog!!!
    Stay strong Stacey!!! We got this!!
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    Mom is doing well today. Will be staying at her place for the next couple of weeks. Diet is all screwed up again today. But that is just life right? Trying to remember that it isn't about what I did one day but the sun of all 7 days in a week.
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    Keep a stiff upper lip, and be strong! Tomorrow lets get back on track!!! Next Tuesday is my weigh in with my Doctor and I need to keep doing well! Come on Stacey!! Life is always going to throw us *kitten*, and you are worth your health! You deserve to be healthy, fit and feel good!!! Let's do this! Xoxo
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    Somehow I have managed to come in under my calories the last two days even with all the chaos.
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    7/365 - that's Great!!! How are you feeling?
    Great day for me today... Sticking to plan, except for tonight at skiing. I will share fries with my daughter, but I've accounted for that, plus I'm skiing!!
    That should burn a few extra calories...
    So I'm up to 2 coffees, and they are double doubles. I need to get down to one to start, then reduce my cream to milk and my sugar to nothing... That's my goal for this week! By my weigh in next Tuesday that's where I want to be!!
    Have a great day, and I'll check in later!
  • Emmest1
    Emmest1 Posts: 8 Member
    I love the idea of this accountability post. Plus I'm so nosy/curious that you'll get me logging on here every day just to read the comments in this thread :D
  • jess_donoghue
    jess_donoghue Posts: 67 Member
    Mojo and Emmest please join in! I'll take all the butt kicking I can get to stay accountable...
    Am I doing this right though or is there a different forum I should be posting on?
    If we do this together then it doesn't seem so bad or hard.... I'm going for 7lb losses at a time, so it's not overwhelming and completely do-able. That's why.... WE GOT THIS!!
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    Jess, how is it you go skiing and I injure my foot?
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    Don't know where the rest of my post went. Lol calories are good again today and while her bathtub hates me my,mothers scale is my new bff, it says I am down 7lb in the last week. Lol. Going to wait to log that until I double check it on my own scale to be sure. But for now it's fun.