Need a change in routine

Ive been going to tye gym since end of september... eating at a deficit... n onky lost 25lbs... i started at 335.5lbs im at 313... (was at 311 for a week) i go to the gym 5 days a week... my off days i massivly clean my house... i dont takw a full day off... i do weights 3 days a week n cardio all 5 days... hour on the arc trainor... after 3 months im getting bored n plateaud already..... help


  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    Change something :) Add a day to your gym routine, or another 10 minutes to your cardio. Stop eating something that you do on a daily basis. Something that has worked for me in the past is to take a whole week off of exercise and still eat healthy (but not be crazy). Then when I get back at it, it comes off more quickly.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    How many calories are you consuming?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    25 pounds in four months is excellent progress!

    How long has it been since you lost weight? How many calories are you eating and how are you measuring your intake? How do you determine calories burned from exercise and how much, if any, of them do you eat back?
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    That's really good progress! If you feel a need to change up your routine because of boredom, do it. But I would recommend sticking to the basic CICO formula on which you have been losing an amazing >1.5 lb/wk. Weight loss isn't a steady, consistent amount every day or every week, but if you're in a calorie deficit, you will see a downward trend over spans of 3-4 weeks.

    What progress were you expecting? Do you think perhaps expectations merit resetting?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Have you re assessed your calorie goal on your profile lately? You are supposed to do it every 5-10 lbs as our calorie needs drop as our weight drops.

    A review of your digital scale logging and liquid measuring as well as a general tightening of logging practices may be in order. I know I tend to take things for granted after I have been at it for a while and will just carry forward a slice of bread or an apple instead of weighing.

    It is generally the little things 10 cals here, ( mid slice of bread not end) 30 cals there (eyeballing the salad dressing instead of measuring) that cause the problem, not the big things.

    Make sure you are logging your exercise and eating back 50-75% (adjust as needed). The extra fuel is needed and does not subtract from your deficit, that is in your base calorie allowance.

    Your exercise is for health and fitness, eating at an as accurate as possible deficit is what will help you lose weight.

    Cheers, h.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    I eat 1300-1700... depends on tye day... i use my polar hrm to determin cals burned n its rather accurate... n i log allll my food in... spices n whatever...
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    Im gaining and losing the same 6lbs since middlw of December
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    My doc says for my weight its not nessasaey to eat back my calories... n i have polycystic ovarian syndrome but taking metformin to fix my hormone imbalencs
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    N in 2 and a half months i lost 13lbs... last 3 weeks i lost 12 due to the metfformin in my system... 13lbs in 15weeks... isnt good progress
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Are you using a food scale to weigh everything you eat? Also, HRMs will not be accurate for lifting, only steady state cardio.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    If you are going off your Polar HRM do you have your current weight or starting weight entered in it?
    It is all down to the maths. Logging sometimes isn't enough. Weighing, measuring and double checking entries, use the usda site, will up the accuracy.

    Losing 1 lbs a week is quite reasonable. If you are aiming for 2 and it is not happening, try stepping back from your HRM for a couple of weeks and log food and exercise through and according to MFP numbers
    once yiu have a base to work from extrapolate your actual loss and calorie goal from there. It is the most accurate way I have found- deriving my own numbers from my own logging practices.

    Cheers, h.
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    Mfp numbers are higher tyen my hrm... my actual weight is logged in to it... n yes i weigh my food with my scale
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    Heart ratw monitor is alot more accurate then what mfp says... mfp estimates my cals burned at 100-200 higher...
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    N havw only been using my hrm for a montg... 79days before that just straight mfp... i have a 114 day streak on here
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    The rate that i workout... n some days only eat 1300 cals i should b losing alot morw weight
  • wozniaks
    wozniaks Posts: 72 Member
    Maybe your not eating enough and the body went into starvation mode and is holding on to it or maybe jack up your protein and eat every 3 hours to boost up your metabolism
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    There is no such thing as starvation mode... its a hype... ask any doctor... thats y ppl on like survivir who barely eat are skinny as hell by the end... i dont starve myself butbi also dont forcw feed myself whwn im not hungry... i eat when im hungey... n doimg weights increases my metabolism
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    wozniaks wrote: »
    Maybe your not eating enough and the body went into starvation mode and is holding on to it or maybe jack up your protein and eat every 3 hours to boost up your metabolism

    There is no such thing as starvation mode and that is not how it works. If you gained weight from starving yourself, then why do people die from starvation??????
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    Ty my point exactly
  • charmedbrat
    charmedbrat Posts: 65 Member
    Its just what ppl tell ppl who dont eat enough because it isnt healthy... but you dont gain from not eating enough... it just isnt healthy to not eat much