any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I just went to the BMI calculator and the lowest recommended weight for 5'5" below 125, 125 is well within healthy. I don't know who's goal this is, but I just want to say, good luck, I hope you achieve your goal. When your thin-ish and you want to be thinner it's really hard to feel supported and I just want you to know this is a healthy and achievable goal.
  • emmavisman
    emmavisman Posts: 33 Member
    Me tooo!
    I am 147pounds 5'5
    i used to be 120 pounds which is when i felt my best... basically i went travelling and the weight gain just kept coming!
    i want to lose 27 pounds. it will put me in the middle of my healthy weight range!

    ps, all those girls that are tall and want to weight 110 pounds!?! that is ridiculous you will get very sick! try and aim for a healthy range that is much more achievable. when i was 120 pounds (even in my healthy weight range) the doctor still told me i had to put on weight, so to aim for -110 is really not healthy!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    When I first started here I was 145lbs (but I lied in my profile and didn't start counting pounds lost until I went down to 142) . At 5'6" 145lbs isn't bad.. but I felt huge compared to my former self who two years ago was 130lbs. Before college I was 120lbs, which I realize now was too small but even at 16/17 I wasn't fully deloped, I was basically a stick.

    I gained the freshman 15 and was juggling between 130-135 up until last year. I don't know what happened last year but I was at my heaviest. I think a lot of it had to do with moving away to another province (I live in Canada) and didn't know many people so I just snacked when I was bored.

    I am now 137lbs which is great. My goal weight is 135lbs; however, I don't know if once I lose 2 more pounds if I will be happy. I may have to revise my goal weight to 130lbs. Anyway, my whole point of this is that I'm not really focusing on the number or the pounds of weight loss. My goal is to reach whatever weight it is that makes me feel good, happy, and confident when I look in the mirror. So maybe 132 is my goal weight. Or maybe 140lbs will be my goal weight after doing more strength training and building more muscle. All I know is that I'm not fully satisfied with my body right now.. so I'm just losing weight until I feel happy with myself.
  • hatf
    hatf Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I just joined about a week ago, and I don't have much to lose. I'm 5'2 and I weigh 112. I just want to get down to 105. I weighed 103 when I got married 4 years ago. 103 was an easily maintained constant weight and it is where I was always most comfortable. Unfortunately I gained about 12 lbs and then I got pregnant and gained 20 more. I lost all the baby weight fast, but the weight I gained before getting pregnant has been impossible. I have a small frame, and I'm carrying all the weight in my thunder thighs. I am shaped like a pear, and I have already lost all my boobs so I'm not worried about that. If I could just slim down the thighs and the arms and tone the belly I'd be just fine. I'm doing p90x which is about an hr of exercise everyday. I'm suppose to eat 1200 calories a day, but it's not easy.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Mookz0r - Thank you so much for the advice on breastfeeding calories burned! I added it as an exercise at 500 calories burned per day (since my daughter is almost 5 months old now). This will help with my hunger issue! Thanks again!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome, hatf, I saw your pictures! I understand if you want to get more fit/toned but don't worry too much about the scale. If you eat right and exercise you should be happy with the results. Everything takes time, though!
    and, I decided South Beach is not for me. Mostly because I don't want to eat eggs for breakfast everyday. and when I eat eggs, I want them wrapped in a tortilla, with potatoes! but I will try to work out 6 days per week and stick to the cals (1200 plus whatever exercise I do).
    The thing I did like about south beach and I will try to limit breads to only whole grains and get more fiber and vegetables.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Yes, I am 5'7" and at 142, My goal is 125... Just for me.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    When I first started here I was 145lbs (but I lied in my profile and didn't start counting pounds lost until I went down to 142) . At 5'6" 145lbs isn't bad.. but I felt huge compared to my former self who two years ago was 130lbs. Before college I was 120lbs, which I realize now was too small but even at 16/17 I wasn't fully deloped, I was basically a stick.

    I gained the freshman 15 and was juggling between 130-135 up until last year. I don't know what happened last year but I was at my heaviest. I think a lot of it had to do with moving away to another province (I live in Canada) and didn't know many people so I just snacked when I was bored.

    I am now 137lbs which is great. My goal weight is 135lbs; however, I don't know if once I lose 2 more pounds if I will be happy. I may have to revise my goal weight to 130lbs. Anyway, my whole point of this is that I'm not really focusing on the number or the pounds of weight loss. My goal is to reach whatever weight it is that makes me feel good, happy, and confident when I look in the mirror. So maybe 132 is my goal weight. Or maybe 140lbs will be my goal weight after doing more strength training and building more muscle. All I know is that I'm not fully satisfied with my body right now.. so I'm just losing weight until I feel happy with myself.

    I know how you feel. I developed my curves after highschool, started college at home (some things just didn't work out) I left home, joined the military and got married. Through all that and some bad birth control I have packed on a few pounds. I was 125 in HS, 130 when I joined military (2 yrs ago) and 136 when I married last year. Now I'm at 142ish (TOM- got some extra water) I just want to be back down to a slim 'fit' me. My husband loves my body, but I'm not happy. I want to feel healthy. (Plus I want to KNOW I look better than his ex, who is still trying.. :P
  • hatf
    hatf Posts: 2
    asjerven.. Thanks for the welcome! Honestly I would be happy with just a couple inches off my hips and thighs! I hope the tummy will shrink just a little too, but ab exercises hurt even though the c-section was 16 months ago. Maybe with P90x I will get there! In the past week I have completely changed the diet. I have stopped drinking sodas and switched to whole grains. Pretty much if it doesn't come from the earth or an animal, I'm not eating it. I never can seem to get the entire 1200 calories in though.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, you look great for anyone, hatf, and just having a baby 16 months ago! c-sections are really hard on the abs!
    I can't believe you are not hungry enough for 1200 cals doing P90X. Excercise makes me really hungry. I always eat my exercise calories. It seems like I can stick to the diet or exercise but not both at the same time!
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    Yup, I'm at the top end of my BMI range and I want to be near the bottom end (which is where I've been most of my life). FYI it really isn't unusual to not be able to lose more than 1lb a week when you're struggling with the last 10lbs - actually it can get to the point where you feel grateful if you're managing to lose 1lb a week! It needs tenacity is all - keep fighting and we'll make it! :flowerforyou:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    so true Jodie_t! There just isn't enough deficit to safely lose any way but slowly when you are nearer to ideal weight!
    It's hard though, since I know many on this thread (including me) are used to being thinner and not having to try at all! that is why I am just trying to develop better eating and exercise habits and maybe not have a magic scale number in mind.
  • kls390
    Hey! Glad I found this thread. I've been on this site for awhile now.. but just recently starting posting on the boards/starting to get to know people. It's nice to have others in the same position as you for support and motivation! I've struggled with somewhat disordered eating during this past year, but I think that this website has been helping with the way I view food and exercise. Anyway, just thought I would say hi!
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm 5'6" and at 157 ish pounds. I did a biggest loser contest earlier this year (and won) and lost about 27 ish pounds. I took the summer off from eating super healthy and exercising as much as I should have. I only went to the gym 1-2 times a week instead of the 3-6 I WAS doing. So, sumemr is done and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I'd love to get down to 135 but realistically I'd be happy at 140-145. Feel free to add me as a freind if you are in the same boat and need the support as well. Money was a godo driving force for me to win the biggest loser contest I was in, so now I need a lil extra support.
  • jenni185
    Same story here.....I'm pudgier than I want to be and am in the healthy range for weight and BMI. Hoping to find some motivation and lose some weight.....
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Yep, me too! My bmi is right at the top of what is considered to be healthy for my height (5'6") and although this is a great achievement for me, I would like to be nearer the bottom end of a healthy bmi.

    The only problem is that when I got down there before, about 3 years ago, people were saying how skinny I was and that I needed to put on weight and I don't want that to happen again. Not quite sure how I can prevent this.......
  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    I was knocking at the ceiling of 140 which is the highest I can go and remain healthy when my sister directed me here. I don't want the weight I've already lost back, so I'm aiming to get back down to 120.
  • Rinny_D
    Rinny_D Posts: 80 Member
    I have to know-what are bingo wings?

    LOL. they are the saggy bits on the bottom of your arms. The idea is that when the old fat ladies who play bingo yell out bingo and put their hand up their "bingo wings" wobble.

    One of the hardest parts to tone! :(
  • Rinny_D
    Rinny_D Posts: 80 Member
    I am 159cm (5 ft 2) & weigh 52kg (114.5 pounds). I want to weigh 46-47kg (101-103 pounds). I have always been around the 55kg weight (121 pounds), but mostly due to muscle as I played many sports including Rowing.

    I will never be petite as I have pretty big thigh and calf muscles which annoys me! 46kg will put me under the "health weight range" but honestly, I think I have fat now, imagining me weighing at 63kg (138 pounds) which is at the top of my "healthy weight range" is not a sight I would want to see!!

    So now to burn the hardest parts to burn, a little bit of belly, some bum, and thighs.... lots of walking maybe?

    Also.... Does anyone ever have their friends annoyed at them for remotely suggesting that they want to lose weight? I find that my friends who are a little "bigger" than me are the ones who think I am stupid or crazy for talking about wanting to lose weight.

    I want to be able to look as good as Miranda Kerr ( Australian Miss Universe), Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria Parker, and Yvonne Strahovski (plays Sarah Walker in Chuck!).
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    yep, my sw was 134 and right now i am at 129. my first goal is to get to 125 and see what i look like there. if i want to lose more, probably will go down to 120 and try to maintain from then on. its only my first week here but i love this place already, lol!