any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think a "cheat day" is ok. The difference between losing and maintaining can be a fine line, so at least we don't put on weight-it just comes off slowly.
  • StatutoryGrape
    I'm 5'4" and 140...would like to lose about 5-10 pounds. I put on a ton of weight when I got switched to a different type of birth control...GRR! Just can't seem to lose the weight, though.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Argh!!! Calories at maintenance for a month and I'm 117.5-118.5. Calories at a 1lb deficit for a week and I'm 117.5-118.5. Calories really low for the week and I'm 117.5-118.5. Can't seem to break out of this range no matter what I do :frown:

    And magically if I give up and eat more and exercise less I'll probably lose. Makes no sense!!!! I'm trying to avoid doing eat stop eat and much as possible because, well, I love to eat!

    What strategies are people using to lose those last few pounds?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    does giving up count as a strategy? I think I have! I mean, I can have fitness goals and try and eat better, drink less (booze) but it looks like I am going to weigh in the same 2 pounds up or down.
    Unless there is something you are doing "wrong" what else can you do? CutMD, you are at a healthy weight, as most of us on this thread are, and that is the weight your body wants to maintain.
    Even if I got really strict and got down it would be impossible to maintain, I fear...
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    How are you going to try to lose the weight? I am 5'3 and 122lbs and I want to get down to 110 which is what i was 2 years ago. I eat really healthy and work out nearly every day, and I dont know what else to do! You think I should just limit my diet to protein and veggies/fruit?
  • dskline1
    How are you going to try to lose the weight? I am 5'3 and 122lbs and I want to get down to 110 which is what i was 2 years ago. I eat really healthy and work out nearly every day, and I dont know what else to do! You think I should just limit my diet to protein and veggies/fruit?

    Without going into too much detail and the following is only my own personal opinion....I have found that when you get so very close to your goal or when you are at a stalling point....strength training is the answer. So many women are afraid of this, but it really does pay off and has sooo many benefits other than the visually obvious. In response to your diet dilemma...where as fruit can be counted as carbs, I often wonder how one can eat healthy to fuel their body by cutting out an entire macro nutrient. I follow a low glycemic formula 40/30/30 and it seems to work on all levels for me. Please note though...all carbs are not created equal....I make better choices most of the time, but not always..... =)
  • orange_avocado
    Hi, I just joined this site and was so happy to find this thread! I'm about 20-30 pound heavier than I want to be, but not "fat" by any means. I usually hover just a tick or two into the overweight category on my BMI (25.5ish). I lost a ton of weight during college and got down to 130, but gained it back since entering the real world and sitting on my butt all day in front of a computer. I loved how I looked and felt back then, though, and want to try to reach 125lb this time and not gain it back! Ahh... hope springs eternal. Really I would just be happy to lose the extra chub and consistently maintain a weight that makes me feel good and not cringe at photos of myself.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome orange-avo! We need to revive this thread, maybe get some people on board for a weekly challenge!
    I am running, Gateway to 8k, 3 days each week and doing nothing the other days, I think I want to get back to doing 30-day shred.
    I am also going to try and drink less in October.
    What about the rest of my not-that-heavy friends? any thoughts on a challenge we can check in here for encouragement, support or whipping?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Hi, I just joined last week, and I'm also so happy to see this thread. I have so many people tell me that I look great just the way that I am, but I am so disgusted with how I look right now! I am 5'3" and 130 lbs. I'm in my healthy weight range, but that goes all the way down to 104, so I'm on the high end. I set my goal weight to 115, but I actually think I might change it to 105. It's time to quit messing around and "pretending" to be on a diet.

    I signed up for the October Jillian Michael's 30 Day Slim Down Challenge and am excited to see the results, but would love to keep up with other woman that are not considered "over-weight"
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    i'm 5'6" and 138 lbs. I've been doing some heavy heavy weight training and cardio for a bout a year now, but haven't really been to careful on my diet til now. I talked to my personal trainer (ex-football player and competative weight lifter) and he said that carb cycling is the way to go! I started monday and i've lost 2.5 lbs. It's a little bit confusing, but if you take some notes while you're reading about it, it'll come together. I know this is prob a lot of water weight, but I feel great and the no carb periods are only a day long, so you don't really feel that deprived! If you friend me you can look at my food diary and get an idea of what you can eat. Let me know if you have any questions
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i am 5 foot tall and weigh 127 (started at 151). that means i am no longer overweight, but i am definitely not happy with my body shape. i'd love to do a challenge and have some support to tone up. :) my goal is to reach 112-113 or so.
  • starheart24
    I am 5 feet and I currently weight 137 pounds and want to get down to 115ish. I have been eating so much better then I have been. I want to get down to where I used to be. I am glad I found this group.
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    I feel like I maybe sort of/kinda of fit in with this group. I'm 5'4", and currently 146 lbs. By most BMI charts, that's just like a pound overweight, but I wear a medium/small tops and size 8 jeans. My goal is to get to 120 or a comfortable size 4 - not sure how much I would have to weigh for that... so i just say 120ish.

    Anyway. Nice to meet you all :)

    Horray, some on in the same boast as me (well, there abouts). I'm 5'5" and am currently 170 lbs. I can fit into a size 10 just fine (sometimes a size 12 in the top, I'm a little chesty), but I'm not happy at all about the love handles and the belly (and the extra padding on the tights). I'm hoping to get down to 135, but I know realistically it will probably be about 140. 135 is just too low in body fat for me.

    My body weight minus all the fat in my body is 120, I have no idea how people can by my height and weight 110 lbs? Maybe my bones are dense or something. I once was a size 26" waist when I was 110 lbs (back when I was only 14 and 15 that's nearly 13 years ago). Today, my waist would be 28" at the weight of 140 lbs. I'm not sure if I can get into a size 6. When I was 148 lbs 3 years ago (just under 19% body fat), I was a size 8.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    the whole weight/size thing is strange, considering. My measurements are 34-27-34 and I weigh 112 today. My goal weight is 110, I weighed 107 for most of my adult life. I know from shopping for wedding dresses that there are girls with my measurements who weigh more-so maybe my bones are less dense! and no matter what I weigh my waist doesn't change. and then we have vanity sizing so clothing sizes vary a lot depending on where you shop.
    hyenagirl, how do you find out what you would weigh without the fat? that would be a curious thing to know.
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    hyenagirl, how do you find out what you would weigh without the fat? that would be a curious thing to know.

    When I went to college, they finished building a new student fitness center and had free service (you were only alloted one before you had to pay) where you would breathe into machines (to calculate your BMR) and they would calibrate your body fat with some infrared thing and calipers Then they'd give you a print out of all that stuff.

    If you have a scale (and you weight 110 lbs) that calculates your body fat percentage (or you get it calibrated), and it says 14%, then multiply (1 minus the number .14 which is .84) .84 by 110 and you will get 92.4- which is your weight with zero percentage body fat.

    Consequently if a person is 210 lbs 47.6% body fat, they multiply the number .524 by 210 and that gives then their weight without the body fat, 110 lbs. If that person looses 50 lbs (and gains zero weight in muscle, but it happens if you're doing strength training like 30DS), then their weight is 160. 160-110 is 50. 50 divided by 160 equals 31.25% body fat, I have a minor in statistics, so I'm all about calculating percentage changes.
  • chrystlana
    I'm in the same boat. I'm 5'5" and 142 lbs. So a healthy BMI, but not ideally where I feel my best. I would like to lost an additional 10-15 lbs, but I think 10 is more realistic. 130 lbs was my typical weight before having both my kids.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I am 5'8", 138 pounds -- size 8 or 10. Have only been on MFP about 1 month. Joined more for maintanance and toning as I am right at the mid-point of my "healthy weight.". However since joining I have set a new goal of 135. I have just 3 pounds to go. When I reach that weight, I might try for 129-132 -- depending upon how I feel and look. Wear a size 6 Jean now. It would be a fantasy to wear a 4 or smaller. I take it one small goal at a time.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't know my body fat %, but are you saying I won't gain muscle doing 30-day shred? well, I guess the weights are pretty light...
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    I don't know my body fat %, but are you saying I won't gain muscle doing 30-day shred? well, I guess the weights are pretty light...

    You'll gain a bunch of muscle during the 30 day shred, even if the weights are light. I was being hypothetical to show how the calculation works. Keep in mind, muscle ways more than fat, but it burns a bunch of fat too!
  • orange_avocado
    Hi asjerven, thanks for the welcome!
    I'm totally on board with doing a challenge! I've just started working out again, so I don't have a consistent routine yet. I've been trying to hit the gym 3-4x a week and do a variety of things: run, take classes, lift weights, etc. I'd love to do a challenge that focused on nutrition, like X many days a week w/in your calorie range, or eating X number or veggies a day, drinking all 8 glasses of water... whatever. Or maybe just a general 'get your *kitten* in gear and report back here!" kind of thing. ;)

    BTW, I tried the Gateway to 8K (are you using Podrunner?) and loved it. Good luck!

    And welcome to everyone else who stumbled on this board like I did!