any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Haven't lost anything recently but looking slimmer with better measurements, so... whatever. I looove turkey, really looking forward to that, collard greens, and marshmellow sweet potatoes. Since I can't have gluten I don't have to worry about dressing, pound cake, rolls, and my other high calorie favorites, though I might make gluten free dressing or at least cornbread to take with me too my family's house :tongue:
  • blackrose123
    hi everyone... i have( like most of us) belly-fat problems.. i'm wondering how long will it take me to get rid of it,,, i started diet 2weeks ago.. i'm on 800 calories a day... a do jillians shred twice a day and sometimes pilates or losing weight yoga,,,
    i cut all sweets,snack and alcohol.. i mostly eat fruit and vegetables, nuts and low fat dairy products... how long does it takes to see results ?? i'm happy with other parts of body just this belly..arrrr!!!
  • beadyjules
    Hi all,

    I'm new here but I think i fit into this category well, I'm around 127 lbs but would like to be about 120 ideally. I'm getting married in 20 months so it's given me the motivation to make the change, I don't want to loose heaps of weight, just a little from my tum/thighs & to be generally fitter.

  • Sparklewolfie
    hi everyone... i have( like most of us) belly-fat problems.. i'm wondering how long will it take me to get rid of it,,, i started diet 2weeks ago.. i'm on 800 calories a day... a do jillians shred twice a day and sometimes pilates or losing weight yoga,,,
    i cut all sweets,snack and alcohol.. i mostly eat fruit and vegetables, nuts and low fat dairy products... how long does it takes to see results ?? i'm happy with other parts of body just this belly..arrrr!!!

    I have read that not eating proteins and carbs together helps with reducing belly fat, though to be honest I don't know how true that is and I can't find where I read it at :huh:

    Also interval cardio! I read a blog by a MFP member who did interval cardio so I started alternating with walking and race walking and I think it worked because I lost cm around my waist and abdominal extension! Then I hit a binge eating cycle so I'm still recovering from that:grumble: and haven't got any long-term results to speak of...
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    this is getting SOOOO hard!!!!

    I keep telling myself to get off the scale and quit obsessing.

    I think I'm just going to focus on maintaining the rest of the week - i'm 2 lbs away from my Thanksgiving goal - unless I magically drop two lbs in two days, I'm pretty sure I didn't meet it. Still TOM though, so anything can happen, I guess!

    I think that I'm going to challenge myself to not "lose weight" but to do a workout schedule and eating plan - thinking more hardcore/regimented between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Anyone want to join me?

    I'm thinking it will start right after the feast... starting with a fast until dinner the following day and I'll take it all the way through Dec. 23.

    however, the routine is up to you. we all have our own ways of doing this.

    My goal is to be 115 by Christmas (or LESS) or at least LOOK 115. Maybe I should pull out my favorite pair of jeans that don't fit me and make those my goal - or buy a new pair of jeans... you know? Something that I want to wear on Christmas day.

    You might want to weigh in / take measurements before the feast. I plan to also weigh in after the feast just to see how much i really ate!!! LOL

    so who's with me???
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    yep . i was always 110-115
    after having a baby im now down to 132..which isent that heavy but its heavy for im trying to loose another 18 lbs
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I have read that not eating proteins and carbs together helps with reducing belly fat, though to be honest I don't know how true that is and I can't find where I read it at :huh:

    Ha ha! You just read that 10 posts above you, its on this page (19).

    I'm not laughing at you I just found it funny that while I was scrolling the last page of this thread I read that piece of info.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Jenjabbour, I feel obligated to join you since we are the same height and have the same goal weight. I've been really lazy about these last 3 pounds, part of it is that it's getting harder to see what I'm trying to lose. Fasting is hard unless hubby is out of town cause he likes for me to eat and doesnt support dieting in any form, but I will try...
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Jenjabbour, I feel obligated to join you since we are the same height and have the same goal weight. I've been really lazy about these last 3 pounds, part of it is that it's getting harder to see what I'm trying to lose. Fasting is hard unless hubby is out of town cause he likes for me to eat and doesnt support dieting in any form, but I will try...

    yay! we can do this together! sorry your hubby isn't supportive about this, though, i'm sure that makes it really tough. my hubby supports me in that he's glad I'm doing this but has no problem eating a burger and fries right in front of me....LOL... so i have to have a lot of self-discipline. is he gone during the day? maybe you could fast each day until he gets home, that way he sees you eating. i know that some people do the 16 hour fast each day and see results, too.

    i hear you on not seeing the results as much anymore. it makes it soo hard! but this challenge i expect to see some great results if i do it right and not cheat!

    my plan is to fast m,w,f - and during the week, i'll avoid red meats, dairy (well, limit it), refined sugars / flour, and eat lots of fruits, veggies, water, and proteins from chicken, fish, beans, nuts. i'll run m,w,f and i'll be doing the JM 30DS every night. i'll keep my weekends open - friday evening - sunday dinner - to eat what i like, but of course w/ in reason. i probably won't get any workouts in on the weekend, but i'm usually pretty active w/ errands, house cleaning, kids, etc anyways.

    i don't plan on counting my calories. i want to see if i can lose or at least maintain by just using the ESE plan and making healthy choices most of the time.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am with you, too, Jen. I think you should get a new pair of jeans, I am sure there are some more flattering cuts these days anyway. I am excited because 1. the winter pants I recently brought out of storage are loose! and I booked a February break to Dominican Republic-all inclusive. So, I have that to keep me good through the holidays-bikini time is looming :smile:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I am with you, too, Jen. I think you should get a new pair of jeans, I am sure there are some more flattering cuts these days anyway. I am excited because 1. the winter pants I recently brought out of storage are loose! and I booked a February break to Dominican Republic-all inclusive. So, I have that to keep me good through the holidays-bikini time is looming :smile:

    those are some great incentives!

    ok, so if i get a pair of jeans now.... (or maybe on black Friday), and my goal is to lose 6 more lbs by Christmas, do I just need to buy a size smaller than what fits now? i've never purposely bought too small...LOL
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I'm with you since I didn't make my November goal. So now I have 10 pounds to lose by the end of the year.
    this is getting SOOOO hard!!!!

    I keep telling myself to get off the scale and quit obsessing.

    I think I'm just going to focus on maintaining the rest of the week - i'm 2 lbs away from my Thanksgiving goal - unless I magically drop two lbs in two days, I'm pretty sure I didn't meet it. Still TOM though, so anything can happen, I guess!

    I think that I'm going to challenge myself to not "lose weight" but to do a workout schedule and eating plan - thinking more hardcore/regimented between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Anyone want to join me?

    I'm thinking it will start right after the feast... starting with a fast until dinner the following day and I'll take it all the way through Dec. 23.

    however, the routine is up to you. we all have our own ways of doing this.

    My goal is to be 115 by Christmas (or LESS) or at least LOOK 115. Maybe I should pull out my favorite pair of jeans that don't fit me and make those my goal - or buy a new pair of jeans... you know? Something that I want to wear on Christmas day.

    You might want to weigh in / take measurements before the feast. I plan to also weigh in after the feast just to see how much i really ate!!! LOL

    so who's with me???
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Jen, I don't think you should buy jeans in advance, too hard to say where the pounds and inches will come from and you might want to try on a bunch to find the best pair for you, so make it a treat when you accomplish your goals, even if the scale hasn't changed-might be muscle! or ask for a gift certificate for Christmas somewhere they have jeans you like, or a good selection of brands.
    If you really like the old favorites then sure, try them on every week and see how it goes!
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    Im in the same boat girly! Lets work on this together! Im 5'6 120 pounds wanting to be at 116. Not much to lose but it super hard when we are as small as we are already! I just wanna be defined not lose fat! I want those rock hard abs and tight tone legs :)

    This I can completely relate to I am 5'7 originally weighing 136 and now happily 120-124 with nice abs and finally toned legs! I am finally in love with my legs bc its where most of my weight goes. I just run run run! and do abs twice a week!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    The weirdest thing happened today. I had a dream last night that I was bingeing on sweets and verbs and looking for fries, and when I woke up I was 1.5lbs lighter than I've been all week. Figured it was a mistake and weighed again later and the scale showed 116.5 for the first time ever! Don't know if I'll still be that weight tomorrow but it was very motivating since I've been 118-119 for weeks!
  • blackrose123
    hi everyone... i have( like most of us) belly-fat problems.. i'm wondering how long will it take me to get rid of it,,, i started diet 2weeks ago.. i'm on 800 calories a day... a do jillians shred twice a day and sometimes pilates or losing weight yoga,,,
    i cut all sweets,snack and alcohol.. i mostly eat fruit and vegetables, nuts and low fat dairy products... how long does it takes to see results ?? i'm happy with other parts of body just this belly..arrrr!!!

    I have read that not eating proteins and carbs together helps with reducing belly fat, though to be honest I don't know how true that is and I can't find where I read it at :huh:

    Also interval cardio! I read a blog by a MFP member who did interval cardio so I started alternating with walking and race walking and I think it worked because I lost cm around my waist and abdominal extension! Then I hit a binge eating cycle so I'm still recovering from that:grumble: and haven't got any long-term results to speak of...
    well tnx for info :) i'm walking hour a day with dog but my hartbeat isntgetting high i really dont like to run :/ i had beer yesterday oh man i was dizzy.. :) i didnt have any sweets for 2weeks and when u consume alcohol your body "thinks" its sugar and it goes faster in your blood system.. my 3 weeks diet and 1hour a day exercise is going to the end,,i think that wont be enough i still cant get into my goal jeans:blushing: i didnt wear them since february so i said i have to till february :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    good job, cutmd, it must feel good to have the scale move in the right direction, give you incentive to get through the holidays without binging. Funny about the dream, I used to dream about smoking when I quit-sounds like the same thing.
    I have seen results more through my running program than before, when I was doing strength/circuit training, but it is just time and consistency, I have been pretty good at sticking to my calories and getting enough fiber.
    December and January will have to include some strength training though, if I want to be bikini-ready by Feb. 19:)
  • Sparklewolfie

    well tnx for info :) i'm walking hour a day with dog but my hartbeat isntgetting high i really dont like to run :/ i had beer yesterday oh man i was dizzy.. :) i didnt have any sweets for 2weeks and when u consume alcohol your body "thinks" its sugar and it goes faster in your blood system.. my 3 weeks diet and 1hour a day exercise is going to the end,,i think that wont be enough i still cant get into my goal jeans:blushing: i didnt wear them since february so i said i have to till february :)

    No running, just walking fast enough to raise your heartrate/breathing (race walk). Beer has a lot of calories! If you know it is going to make you dizzy, don't do it! I didn't know about the sugar thing... I don't drink :tongue:

    Instead of going "on a diet" for 3 week or until February or whenever, why not make a healthier lifestyle change? It is better in the long run :smile: So instead of depriving yourself, learn to eat healthily and how to allot for treats and stuff. I am still learning that too :laugh:
  • Sparklewolfie
    The weirdest thing happened today. I had a dream last night that I was bingeing on sweets and verbs and looking for fries, and when I woke up I was 1.5lbs lighter than I've been all week. Figured it was a mistake and weighed again later and the scale showed 116.5 for the first time ever! Don't know if I'll still be that weight tomorrow but it was very motivating since I've been 118-119 for weeks!

    That is so strange but cool! I usually think about binge eating while conscious (sucks). Maybe by dreaming it, you will avoid it in real life :tongue: I wish that would work for me!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Eh, it was a one day thing; back to my usual weight despite being down 500 cals yesterday. I am officially frustrated. Let the uncounted bingeing begin!!!:devil:

    The good news is I'm happy with how I look and just want the number at this point