The February 2016 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    2/1: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    2/2: 5 miles
    2/3: 7.5 miles
    2/4: 8.2 miles (am)

    A decent 8 miles today. 2 miles warm up, 2 miles marathon pace, then two miles off because I was going uphill against the wind and I'm tired, then the last 2 miles were at half-marathon pace. Felt much easier than yesterday, but I'm definitely still recovering my energy. Hoping my evening run tonight will be 100%! A day's worth of coffee should help with that ;)

    This morning felt like pure springtime though. It was 52 degrees, foggy and drizzly, some weak sunshine starting to come through at the end of the run. Birds chirping, squirrels darting across my path..... so very spring-ish! It felt like a March or April morning today, not one at the beginning of February! But little ol' me in shorts and a t-shirt was not complaining!


    Upcoming races:
    4/3: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon

    @kristinegift 8 this morning and more to come?
    You really need to move to northern Alabama after garduation. I need a good partner to push me.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for February

    2/1 7.55 miles - 7.55
    2/2 7.4 miles - 14.95
    2/3 4.5 miles - 19.45
    2/4 7 miles - 26.45


    Upcoming races:
    UAH Spring Road Race 8K - 3/6
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25

    Continueing my cutback week. Body is feeling much better this morning for the first time this week. I was even able to get in a tempo pace for a couple of miles. It also helped that Jimmy (one of the guys in my PPounders group) decided to go fast today and that pushed me a bit.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/01: 3 miles, easy, 8:36 pace + 45 min x-training + core
    2/02: 5 miles, tempo, 8:22 pace + 40 min x-training
    2/03: 5 miles, speedwork (4x800m at 5K pace) + 45 min strength training + core
    2/04: Off (bad held cold -_-), 45 min x-training
    Total: 13 miles

    Training plan called for 4 easy miles today and off/cross training tomorrow. I started feeling sick yesterday and woke up feeling super awful this morning so I decided to switch the two days.


    Upcoming races:
    2/20 - Mardi Gras Chaser (5K)
    3/12 - Leprechaun Leap (5K)
    3/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    3/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    4/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    5/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    edited February 2016
    Newbie welcomes to @DCKgirl03 @sleepigrl @telepneff (As others have said, plenty of people are using metric measurements here but if you really want to know “What’s that in mileage?” it’s pretty simple…For every 5KM, count it as 3 (it’ll be slightly off but pretty close). If you want to be exact, 5K=3.1 miles)
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    3---6.25 A+ run. Ate my first bug of the year.
    Actually we supposedly eat something like 10 spiders a year in our sleep IIRC. Pleasant dreams. ;)

    @dennie24: WTG on getting in the 5 despite Old Man Winter
    @Virkati: Place an “s” in brackets [] in front and a “/s” in brackets behind any text you want to do a “strikethrough” on (the crossing it off my list thing) Or you can just highlight it and click the 3rd icon over (the S with the crossout line through it) if you're on a desktop (not sure if this is an option in the mobile version of MFP or not)
    @kristinegift: You make me tired just reading about 8 miles plus more :s
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    edited February 2016



    Upcoming races:
    May 14, 2016 Glacier Ridge Trail Ultra 50K (Portersville, PA)
    June 4, 2106 38 Mile NIght Fun Run (Kettle Moraine State Forest, WI)
    October 1, 2016 Cloudsplitter 100M (Pine Mountain, KY)
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    Goal of 70 Miles for February

    2/3 – 3.58 Mi
    2/4 – 3.63 Mi

    Progress toward Goal 7.21/ 70
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Tempo run this morning consisting of a 1k warmup then an attempt at a 5k PR. Did it in 32:21 which beats my prior 5k PR by 46 seconds. Woo-Hoo!

    2/1 - 4 miles
    2/2 - 4.3 miles
    2/4 - 4 miles

    12.3 of 100 miles


    Upcoming races:
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    4/16 - Garmin Wickedly Fast half marathon (Olathe, KS)
    4/30 - BattleFrog 8k obstacle course run (Kansas City, MO)
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS)
    </insert more races here>
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @WhatMeRunning -Congrats on the 5K PR! Have you run an actual 5K race recently? I can't imagine running a 5K PR on a solo run. Something about that race environment propels me! If you haven't done one recently, maybe you should. You will probably surprise yourself!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited February 2016
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @WhatMeRunning -Congrats on the 5K PR! Have you run an actual 5K race recently? I can't imagine running a 5K PR on a solo run. Something about that race environment propels me! If you haven't done one recently, maybe you should. You will probably surprise yourself!
    I haven't been in a 5k event for some time. Last one was October 2014 when I was still quite new at running. I may sign up for one so I can get a better feel for my real 5k pace since events always give that certain boost.

    Truth be told my real focus is getting my HM pace up and the 5k pace is just sort of a bonus side effect. I'm having one hell of a hard time improving my HM pace from last spring despite all of the miles I built up to run 3 fulls last year. I'm actually a little slower on my HM times at the moment than I was a year ago at this time. Everything in the 10k and below distances though show a lot of improvement though.

    I suspect it is because my training all of last year was basically high mileage base building and no speedwork. So I started off training this year with just speedwork as often as I could at first and adding in everything else as I feel strong enough to. One thing that kept me from speedwork previously was injuries because adding speedwork in with the long runs and easy runs was just too much for me. This way I have the speedwork first and add in everything else over time, and should be HM ready this Spring with a PR (I hope).
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Newbie welcomes to @DCKgirl03 @sleepigrl @telepneff (As others have said, plenty of people are using metric measurements here but if you really want to know “What’s that in mileage?” it’s pretty simple…For every 5KM, count it as 3 (it’ll be slightly off but pretty close). If you want to be exact, 5K=3.1 miles)

    Or just let google do it for you. If you google "1 km to miles" it will take you to a page where you can adjust the number of km's and it will give you the equivalent miles. Or vice versa.

    1 KM = 0.621371 Mile
    1.5 KM = 0.932057 Mile
    1.60934 KM = 1 Mile
    5 KM = 3.10686 Mile

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I haven't done a 5K yet. I am afraid if I signed up for one, I would be under the pressure to attempt to sub 20 (or close to it) which I never tried to do. That would suck real bad. LOL Plus I haven't done any speedwork to prepare for a 5K.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @Stoshew71 While I'm not looking at Alabama I am browsing jobs in Georgia! I'll be your virtual training buddy in the meantime!

    @GBrady43068 I do doubles 2x a week usually (this week is an exception). I prefer doing multiples rather than running every day. But trust me, I am really happy tomorrow is a rest day. My legs are just as tired as one might think!

    @WhatMeRunning Congrats on the PR! Glad the focused training is paying off already!
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine. I'm told he works with a lot of runners, so hopefully he can get me some answers and let me know how realistic my marathon is at this point. Annoying to get injured so late in the game (6 weeks out)--and not even on one of my long or fast runs. :'(

    The appointment is on the 15th, so I'll be hobbling around until then, getting in as much exercise as I can without aggravating the injury.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    I haven't done a 5K yet. I am afraid if I signed up for one, I would be under the pressure to attempt to sub 20 (or close to it) which I never tried to do. That would suck real bad. LOL Plus I haven't done any speedwork to prepare for a 5K.

    I'm kind of in the same boat. It's been well over a year since I've done one and my 5 miles race PR pace is actually faster than my 5K by over 20 seconds. I think I am going to focus my current training on my 5K pace. Hoping maybe I can run a spring 5K at sub 7 pace. That would be pretty tough for me at this point. I am just hoping that the focus on speed will not be a recipe for injury. Need to be smart about it.
  • cbro70
    cbro70 Posts: 224 Member
    edited February 2016
    Glad to find a good running group. I used to run a lot many years ago and last summer started up again and ran my first 5k in 12 years. This year I have started to take everything serious, I quite smoking, try to eat better and run as much as I can. I have set my first goal to run a 5k in March and am working on my time.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    @skippygirlsmom That's a good tip, dressing for ten degrees warmer!!

    I go 20 if its calm and sunny. But I'll run shirtless at 45. Windy conditions I'll dress for the real feel. Each layer I add equals 5-10° depending on the conditions. Gloves add 15°. Ear cover is a must at or below 40. Toy with it long enough and you'll get a good feel for it.

    When in doubt i make sure I'm running a loop to lose a layer if needed. Ive even left clothes in the brush to come back for. And I find I run faster if I'm slightly underdressed, which is hard for me to embrace since I loved hot days. But running has ruined that. I'm now dreading temps above 60. Just my 2¢.. I think you'll find you acclimate to cold temps quicker. But cold here is 20-40.

    I bet lots of men follow you while you are running :wink: @elise4270

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    cbro70 wrote: »
    Glad to find a good running group. I used to run a lot many years ago and last summer started up again and ran my first 5k in 12 years. This year I have started to take everything serious, I quite smoking, try to eat better and run as much as I can. I have set my first goal to run a 5k in March and am working on my time.

    Welcome aboard @cbro70 Welcome to the nut crowd... I mean fun happy runners.

    I grew up on athletics (played football and wrestled in HS) and tried out for my college wrestling team (with very little sucess). After college during my early career years, I played in pick-up basketball games and the beer softball league. Then got real lazy. I picked up this running stuff in October 2013 after meeting some runners right here on mfp. 14 months later I ran my first marathon. it was history after that.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    @skippygirlsmom That's a good tip, dressing for ten degrees warmer!!

    I go 20 if its calm and sunny. But I'll run shirtless at 45. Windy conditions I'll dress for the real feel. Each layer I add equals 5-10° depending on the conditions. Gloves add 15°. Ear cover is a must at or below 40. Toy with it long enough and you'll get a good feel for it.

    When in doubt i make sure I'm running a loop to lose a layer if needed. Ive even left clothes in the brush to come back for. And I find I run faster if I'm slightly underdressed, which is hard for me to embrace since I loved hot days. But running has ruined that. I'm now dreading temps above 60. Just my 2¢.. I think you'll find you acclimate to cold temps quicker. But cold here is 20-40.

    I bet lots of men follow you while you are running :wink: @elise4270

    Nah, my trails have little to no company.

    @cbro70 welcome to the group!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Made an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine. I'm told he works with a lot of runners, so hopefully he can get me some answers and let me know how realistic my marathon is at this point. Annoying to get injured so late in the game (6 weeks out)--and not even on one of my long or fast runs. :'(

    The appointment is on the 15th, so I'll be hobbling around until then, getting in as much exercise as I can without aggravating the injury.

    Hey that's great news! I have occasion issues with a subluxed cuboid. Wouldn't possibility be what's going on with you?
  • cbro70
    cbro70 Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks, look forward to getting to know everyone and motivation to run more