

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    KJ - I have read BEING MORTAL. I have read quite a few books on aging and death and have very firm ideas on what I want. DH does not agree with me on everything. ;)

    DH hasn't been feeling himself today. Bit light headed. Hope I don't catch it!

    I found my cheque book which I had lost for two days. I was just about to ring the bank. It was at the bottom of my handbag, which I had checked several times. It had wriggled itself underneath my Quest bar. :laugh: I was mighty relieved. :D

    My new dress has arrived. Got to try it on. Sometimes things are too small in the arms for me. Especially as I have to wear an elastic sleeve all the time for lymphodema. I ordered some navy leggings to go with it as it ends above the knee. Not my best feature as my bad knee is quite distorted. I'm looking at one or two more things for the cruise, but not in a rush.

    In Norwegian, if you say you are full, it means you are drunk. :laugh: In Spanish, if you say you are embarassed it means you are pregnant. In German, if you are hot, it means you are ............!
    I can say in Norwegian, "The drinks are very expensive!" , which will be absolutely true, so I don't think I will be drunk. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    KJLaMore - I think adding more steps would be a great challenge for the week! For me I will challenge myself to add steps to what I'm already doing. I will add an extra 2000 steps per day. If you are already doing a lot of steps then challenge yourself to something else! Share what your challenge is! Everyone did an awesome job on the push-up challenge!

    My puppy has been sick with the runs for the last 24 hours. I thought maybe it was a frozen raw bone that I bought at the pet store. Any ideas? I am going to see if I can get him into the vet this afternoon.

    Time to do my exercises!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Lessons learned from my first three days on this thread:

    1) NEVER EVER EVER skip a day. You will regret it when you see the number of posts you have to catch up on and when you don't know names it's starts to all run together.
    2) Pen and paper.... write down the important stuff or you'll forget when you want to comment.
    3) Did I mention NEVER skip a day? 40 posts... oh my....
    4) Fortification by the computer is a must... a good drink, maybe a little snack, motivation to do the reading after exercising so you can justify the snack.
    5) Just in case you missed the first lesson... NEVER skip a day.


    Okay, I'll slowly catch up and get to know you ladies. Great group by the way.

    I called my sister late last night to wish her a happy birthday when she woke up (she is 9 hours ahead of me). She is leap-year baby and this year turns 15. One day a year I let her claim to be younger than me, the rest of the time I give her heck about being *old* (a relative statement seeing as I'm not far behind her but hey, sisters you know....) I'm a bit worried about the phone bill though. I didn't have access to a land line so the call was on my cell phone. She is overseas. I wonder what a 40 minute cell phone call to Africa is going to cost me. lol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Marcelynh - lol! I love your humor! If I understand what I am reading correctly then your birthday is tomorrow? Happy Birthday! You are so right about not missing a day without having to read hundreds of posts! LOL


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Mary - Definitely get your pup to the vet if that continues! But in the meantime, see if the puppy will eat a little canned pumpkin. You can also put Pedialyte in the water bowl to help with dehydration.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Mary - Definitely get your pup to the vet if that continues! But in the meantime, see if the puppy will eat a little canned pumpkin. You can also put Pedialyte in the water bowl to help with dehydration.

    -Yvonne in TX

    Thanks for the information. I think my vet is closed for today. I left a message on their machine. I do have canned pumpkin great idea. I will have my DH bring home some Pedialyte.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    well if anyone needs a laugh, go on YouTube and put in Carol Burnett bloopers, I am crying I am laughing so hard.. that will make anyones day...especially Tim Conway and the siamese elephants,the un edited version...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    NC Carol ~ Glad to hear that your life is on an upswing.

    Just made a delicious low fat cream of potato soup and added a can of chicken breast to get in a little protein. I cook the potatoes in defatted chicken broth and only add 1-1/3 c of reduced fat milk at the end plus a little cornstarch to thicken.

  • reginaminer
    reginaminer Posts: 10 Member
    Glad I found this group. Started my healthy "all about me" journey in January. Beginning weight 252 and now at 227 by moving to a low carb/high protein intake and drinking an avg of 10 glasses of water daily.

    Goals for March:

    Start yoga and resistance bands 3x/week
    Walking outside when weather permits (still cold in Chicagoland :/ )
    Continue logging daily
    Work at motivating my teenage daughter to join me

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Welcome, Gina, we're glad you found us, too. Today is the last day of this thread. Look for the link to the March thread tonight.

    My weight class leader got the message. Yoo-hoo! We had a great kick-butt leg workout today: leg extensions, curls, and presses. Lunges, goblet squats, and some machine we haven't done before where we stood on a little platform with our feet half off, with pads on our shoulders and pressed up by rocking back and forth on the platform with our feet. It's supposed to strengthen our legs.

    I missed the gym on Thursday and Friday, did walk on Friday, but skipped everything Thursday and Saturday. I met my friend at the gym yesterday, and we did arms and cardio.

    I'll check on my February goals in a bit. I'm pretty sure I did okay, but nothing to brag about. I vow to do better in March.

    I dud have a NSV on Saturday. I wore a bracelet that matches a pendant I have. I usually skip the bracelet because the elastic is too uncomfortable on my arm and it presses into my wrist leaving marks. Well, no marks and comfortable all day. My wrist is obviously a tad bit smaller.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    damnit - moved in 10/11/96, house is pd for :0)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Well, I suppose it's good. I'm coming down with the flu, or something like it. Sore throat, stuffy head, runny nose, nausea, headache, body aches, etc. (Yes, I had a flu shot.) The kids all had it last week so my van is a rolling germ factory. My son is down with it too, and that's especially dangerous for him. He told me he might need me to drive him to the hospital in Joplin today if he gets worse. Oh, joy. Hubby has class today, from noon to 4pm, so he can't do it.

    So, I'm walking wounded today. I took the kids to school, then drove to the Y and sat in the parking lot and cried, I felt so bad. Could not force myself to go inside and work out. Plus I was afraid of passing it along to others. Then hubby met me at the Y and we went to the medical equipment store and got my son's oxygen bottles refilled, then drove them back to his apartment. I was able to stay in the car. My hubby is so sweet.

    Then I came to the studio and did a bunch of drafting. It's almost noon now and I have to decide if I have time to go home and lie down for a little while before going to get the kids. I'm a little afraid that if I went home I wouldn't make it to the school at 3:00. There used to be a comfy recliner at the studio, but I gave it to my son, so all I have is my office chair which is not very comfortable to "rest" in. But I'm drinking lots of water (and hot tea), and have a big box of Puffs Plus, so this is as good as it's going to get.

    Tomorrow we have a co-op meeting at my place, so I have to get the gallery area cleaned up for that. If I'm not better tomorrow, though, I'm going to cancel it. They can have it somewhere else without me. By the way, the young man who wanted in our co-op (I found out he is autistic) never submitted an application, so maybe his mother talked him out of it. Saves us a headache though. Still, we might want to do something for him later on.

    I got tickets for hubby and me and our step-grandson (age 14 and in a jazz band at school) to see a concert by Branford Marsalis in April. That will be good, I'm sure. I called as soon as I heard about it, so I got good seats, too. Center, right on the aisle. Usually, hubby debates going to those things so long they are sold out, so this time I did it myself. He was happy about it when I told him.

    Well, I'm going to try to lean back and close my eyes for a little bit. Have a great day, everybody!


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Just returned from the bariatric surgeons. I was up three pounds since last check up 7 months ago. Not as bad as I thot it might be. He hugged me and told me how good I looked and how proud he is of me. He really wants me to come to a support group at the hospital. I think he wants me to encourage others there, especially those more my age. There is one Saturday morning, I guess the only reason I haven't gone is the hospital is across town from me but in OKC it's not that far, only about 20 minute drive.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Just returned from the bariatric surgeons. I was up three pounds since last check up 7 months ago. Not as bad as I thot it might be. He hugged me and told me how good I looked and how proud he is of me. He really wants me to come to a support group at the hospital. I think he wants me to encourage others there, especially those more my age. There is one Saturday morning, I guess the only reason I haven't gone is the hospital is across town from me but in OKC it's not that far, only about 20 minute drive.

    Janetr OKC
    Great job!!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Made my Feb goal, lighter by all of one pound. Just taking a break from painting new bedroom we built into the office space in the warehouse to check on y'all. Got the freelance writing up to about $200 a week, so it's lightening a burden or two, but keeps me scrambling. I read every day, write when I can, think of everyone here often.

    See y'all in March!
    Lisa in West Texa
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thank you, Pip. :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, I am going to be in the OKC area in March but just for a few days. From the evening of the 17th (Thursday) until the morning of the 20th (Sunday). Courtyard OKC North. Most of the time will be spent there, usually in the pool area for the kids! My girls' biological brother, uncle, cousins Tanner, 12, and Aleksa, 14 all live there. Grandma is meeting us there. so I drive most of the day Thursday and Sunday for two full days for the kids to all get together!
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Carol, I loved reading your post and lagopus, your Amazing Grace story is, well, amazing!