

  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks, Heather! I will certainly check that out.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Stats for the day-
    Other- Yard work 114min = 337c

    Got the dog house out. Had to dismantle it, couldn't fit it thru the door
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got home from the lake, hubby was sitting on the sofa and Spot came up to him wagging his tail and holding his fabric frisbee. Hubby got up and went outside with him. AAAWWWW! How sweet! Of course the other two went along. Hubby's conversion to a Spot lover is complete.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in... DGD is napping - she had a meltdown so ..it is off to bed!!

    Updating my Food diary - tough when your DGD eats 1/4 to a 1/3 of your oatmeal and berries. But she told Grandpa she didn't want toast she wanted grandma's oatmeal and blueberries.... so added strawberries and bananas. Cleaned up the laundry room so that the wash machine repair guy doesn't get all dusty when he comes to fix it. So while I had the vacuum cleaner out thought I may as well do the whole house. DGD did the dusting :) . Then lunch and downstairs to do some Leslie Sansone walking DVD. I need to get 12 miles in today and tomorrow to reach my goal of 105 miles in February. DGD tried to wiggle her little bum so she got a bit exercise too.

    Now I am going to pace the floor and watch the Bronze medal game of the Scotties Tournament of Hearts (curling for those that don't follow).... pacing because I need to get in my steps yet remember!!

    Later everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    I painted the top blackv1aamgqzoog2.jpeg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ- Great job on getting your 10 sets of push-ups done! You are ahead of me! They do really hope show definition in your arms. They really need to get ready for weightlifting.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pip ~ Good job! Cute.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    smiley-says-happy-birthday.gif Miriam!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member

    Working in your beautiful yard sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Stayed positive all day ate well and spent some time outside today. All in all a good day. No tears today first time in 6+ weeks. Maybe I am starting to turn the corner now that the cruise is over.

    Glad to see so many of you seemed to have a great day too.

    Anne from Wisconsin

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    OhDD65 wrote: »
    Barbie....our fearless leader. I know her dedication to exercising and eating healthy. Glad to have found this site and love there are others that are so welling to cheer each other on. Again looking for some encouragement and hoping this will remotivate me to get back on the healthy living and exercise trail. Finally a down on my scale this am. Just maybe walking 2 miles 3 out of 5 days has worked. Definitely needed this !! Onward we go ladies.....


    welcome.gif Diane it's good to see you here....if you come back every day, you'll meet a lot of great women who will encourage you to keep on going on the healthy living and exercise trail.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Bullwinkle enjoying deep couch city, testing the new bed
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Pipcd34 great pic.

    Anne from Wisconsin
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Miriam – Thanks, I do cut them back each year. I have a couple of re-bloomers; one is a brown and gold that my BF gave me. Her mother had moved them from Arkansas to Japan and back, to Albany and back to Arkansas. When she died BF dug them up and put them in her yard. Had them forever! BF gave me a couple of fans and they are beautiful when they bloom. Last year none of my flowers did very well. I think they needed something. My lily flowers were not up above the leaves, were down in them on short stalks. That was a first; and, don’t know if digging them up and re-planting them will help any.

    We lived in the next block from the Methodist Church growing up; parents owned the entire block. We did not go out and play when there was a funeral either. Funeral Directors marked off sidewalks anyway, so you had to cross the street to walk uptown (2 blocks). They did have a cherry tree in the corner of the lot that MS/HS BF and I would climb up into it and eat cherries until we almost puked. One summer (she was in the 7th and I was in the 6th); we made a beautiful pie for our boyfriends – only problem was we did not ‘think’ to pit them. LOL! We also decided one day to try to make some peanut brittle (using pecans) and coconut; stuck in the pan for the most part. We ended up pouring it out in the middle of the side street and watched cars drive through it. Looked like someone had puked in the middle of the road; but, it stuck to the tires like pulling taffy. We took the pot up to the mill and threw it away in the big garbage bin. Was one of my mother’s favorite; “we never saw it, Mama!” We had so much fun growing up together; were inseparable. What one did not think of, the other did.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited February 2016
    Pip........not sure where I saw this pic,but wanted you to see it. Pat

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :)Cheri, your afghans are fabulous and so creative

    :) As I read about all your adventures and your daily plans, I am reminded of one of Gretchen Rubin's "secrets of adulthood" (from her amazing book, "The Happiness Project")....What's fun for other people may not be fun for you, and vice versa."

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness


    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    OK I DID have a slice of my husband chocolate cream pie....and so no dinner for me. Maybe a cup of coffee later on. I have max'ed out on my sugar, and I had a large stir-fry of a lunch. Hope everyone is doing well this Sunday. Today I:
    -did my goals for next month
    -clipped coupons
    -finished my Susan Wiggs book...and even cried a little...Lakeshore Chronicles # 4 "Winter Lodge" I have read the Beekeeper and the second book of that. Love her style of writing!
    -finished reading the Sunday paper, and clipped out a section on eating Whole Grains (the germ, the bran and the edosperm ewwww) anyway a couple of wheats that sound interesting. I will tell you more as I get into the story more.
    -fixed a great lunch of a piece of teriyaki chicken that was left-over from last nights dinner, some Chinese cabbage, purple sliced onions, mushrooms.

    Kind of a lazy day. Need to get my eyes checked though. When I go thru bouts of reading, its really hard to focus on TV, the world in general afterwards. Eye strain.

    Watched Mother Nature give us two heavy downpours, with large hail and everything!

    Take care all!
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi ladies – I have not been keeping up with everyone’s posts this month, but I just read today’s posts. It’s so nice to come back and hear what is happening in everyone’s lives.

    I’ve been completely swamped with work. I had actually planned to logon and catch up on a few things today, but that just did not happen. I’m hoping things calm down a bit after the 1st, but I think that may just be wishful thinking.

    I am starting week 3 of my uFit program. It has been a really good program. We have had two classes with a nutritionist. She is a big proponent of the plate method of eating, focusing on eating lots of vegies, and really paying attention to eating when your body tells you that you are hungry. We also had a dietician talk to us about the results of our biometric screenings. My cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure are all in a normal range, but my triglycerides are a little high. And, my body fat % is way over what it should be. We talked about how our food choices can help impact those numbers positively. We are also focusing on exercise and I’ve been to the gym almost every day of the program. That does take quite a time commitment but I’m hoping that I can figure out how to make this part of my daily schedule. This week is going to be another hectic week with work, activities for my daughter every night, and a couple of classes for my uFit program. I have got to figure out where in the week I am going to make time to get to the gym. I might have to become an earlier riser and get there first thing in the morning.

    Miriam – Happy Birthday! Glad you got to spend some time in your garden this weekend.

    Penny – Gorgeous pictures.

    Not sure when I will be able to check in again. Have a great week.

    Linda in IA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: You are inspiring in so many ways, but your ability to see the good parts of a complicated and flawed dad are amazing. I admire your balance and imagine it took work and effort to get to this point. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Kate in AL: We kept mom's house as it was during her lifetime. She owned it outright ant the only bills were utilities. We took her there a few times to visit while she was living in the assisted living facility. After she passed, the house was mine. I hired someone to sell the contents and many furnishings were hauled off to the dump before the sale because they smelled so bad. Once the house was empty we put it on the market and found a buyer. We sold it at a fair price for its condition, and the buyers turned mom's house into a wonderful home. Its worst drawback was that two chain smokers lived there for more than thirty years. The place reeked. The buyers fixed that problem buy painting everything with a smoke proof sealer before they began decorating and it was transformed. They got a good deal but they earned it. :heart:

    Pip: I love the Bug keychain. :smiley:

    I've had a good day today. I took the dog for a walk in the sunshine and chatted with an old friend. Getting to be outside and absorb natural Vitamin D is a blessing to be cherished in February. Beautiful NW Oregon can be a damp place and dry days need to be savored. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    1. Find a place I can learn to fall without getting hurt once my doctor says it is ok to try.
