

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce- so happy to see you posting again! I'm sorry to hear of all your and Charlie's difficulties. (((Hugs))) We will keep you in our prayers. I always look forward to reading your post. You are usually the last one of the evening and I rarely sleep so I have been missing you!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    (B)Joyce(b) did that work? So glad to hear from you. Yes we knew you were with us. It's understandable why you don't want to talk! I just had the flu and thought I actually might drown choking on my own snot a few times! Finally I went back to basics...set up a pan of water (w oranges and cinnamon) steaming all day AND one of those Niquil steamers a foot in front of my recliner which I slept in bc laying flat was intolerable w my sinuses. Niquil and DayQuil. Turned the heat way up for a week. Sent my daughter out for a lot of chicken soup and tempting juices. Thankfully didn't pull a back muscle...I have before from coughing..but I leaked for a week bc of constant hacking. Good luck. We love you and all want some good things to happen to you.

    Kim.....thanks! Levi is soooo handsome! I'm jealous of your greenery!

    Bullwinkle. You poor old girl! Lucky you have such a good mummy and Daddy! My pigs send wags.

    Chris. Hang in there.

    Mostly I just wanted to ask for good wishes bc tomorrow I have my panel interview for the Supervisor position. I am prepared. Haircut clean clothes resume updated, cover rewritten and action plan created.
    Just trying to keep anxiety at bay. It's my last thoughts as I try to sleep and I wake up thinking on it too. I downloaded sleep pillow? An app w an owl icon for sounds of nature to sleep by. I like the rain choice. It seems to have helped measurably by decreasing at my Fitbit recording of the number of times I am restless while sleeping. I also went out and invested in 5000 D3. Will begin tomorrow. Oh and my daughter has an interview w the grocery department at Whole Foods in the am too. She has been off pot and cigs for three weeks and has been put on busebar? Seems much better. So good thoughts for her too please.

    Night Ladies

  • kj_4
    kj_4 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi gang. 51 and been on and off this site for 4 years or so. I do best when I stay on track and log... looking to connect with others and help keep me accountable. Wish I didn't love food so much. Been battling weight for pretty well all of my adult life.
  • CheriGee2
    CheriGee2 Posts: 24 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    I was about to get in bed and couldn't resist taking a picture of my darling family waiting for me. :)

    Does that leave room for you in the bed? What a sweet bunch of babies.
    Cheri Gee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    wow I slept like a rock last night.. I needed it.. Thanks Barbie for keeping us going.Love the pictures of Sasha ,Brandy and Bernie? is that the kitties name?
    Joyce~ I am soooo sorry you have been going through so much... sending you love and hugs.. and my daughter's birthday is Feb 5th too. I know how you feel my mom has been gone 16 yrs this month...
    Got Sean's address down there for care packages...so will send something this weekend...
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Barbie - Thanks for the February group! Your stick-to-itive-ness is what keeps the rest of us coming back.

    - thought some of that might be the case... how are your eyes?

    Mindy - good luck to you and to your daughter!

    I am at 185 pounds this morning, so for the last three months, I've gained six pounds per month, a vicious rebound from seven months of successful loss, from 210 down to 167. I can use all the excuses I have, from winter-time to vacation to not having a job to any number of things, but the reality is, nobody held me down and shoved food in my mouth.

    Spoke to my brother, who just turned 65 (he's ten years older than I am) and they're trying to get a clot in his heart busted so they can perform a gastric sleeve operation for him. He says he weighs 307 pounds. I would bet it's 40 pounds or more higher than that. He also has COPD, and has already had one heart attack and an open-heart surgery. Our mother had at least seven heart attacks in between the age of 51 and 72, when a stroke killed her.

    My only saving grace is that I didn't stop exercising. And I'm here. And I'm serious about saving my own life. Again. So, I start again at 185, and this time, I only have 40 pounds to lose to get to goal weight (last year, it was 65, so there's progress). Not setting a time frame on that, though. Just "be lighter." So, with that in mind, here we are:

    February goals -

    Log everything that goes in my mouth
    Don't eat back the exercise
    Think about what I'm about to eat for five minutes before I eat it, rather than regretting it for five hours
    Be lighter at the end of the month than the beginning.

    January goals - were only to be lighter at the end of the year. I've still got time!

    Lisa from West Texas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited February 2016
    Joyce - Soooooo glad to see you back posting. <3 Love you loads. :) Can't imagine what you are going through.

    Barbie - A million thanks for keeping us going! :flowerforyou: Your alacrity does not extend to 2016 then? :laugh:

    Rori - Lovely to see you again! Hope your back gets better soonest. <3 You have done brilliantly to keep your weight steady.

    Goals for February

    1) Keep to 14 units a week alcohol. It works out at 2 units 5 days a week, 4 units 1 day a week and one alcohol free day - usually Monday. I kept to it pretty well in January by having an extra alcohol free day if I went over the day before.
    I am feeling so much better for keeping to this limit. :D In fact I have ordered from Amazon a set of bar measures to make sure my units are real units. DH usually overpours when he does it. :grumble:

    2) Lose my pesky pound. This is the one that creeps up on me when I have a bit too much entertaining. I have been at maintenance for over two years now, so my exercise and eating regime is firmly established, but that pesky pound leaps on me when I enjoy myself a bit too much. :laugh:

    3) Tidy the last few hidden areas in the house. The public areas are pretty good, but some cupboards etc need purging.

    4) Write my memoir at least 3 days a week. I've been letting other pleasures get in the way of the most important thing in my life. Will do some this afternoon. After many years I realise that asking myself to do it more often doesn't really work for me and only leads to a guilt trip. :ohwell:

    5) DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. (Voltaire via Gretchen Rubin)
    I am getting MUCH better at this. :D

    Last night DH 's laptop suddenly died on him with no warning. Just a blank screen. After a lot of panic and some lost temper he managed to restore it to Friday, but he has lost a couple of days' work on his novel. It was some nasty moment as he hasn't backed up his novel for some weeks. :sad: I generally back up on a memory stick each time, but haven't the last couple of sessions. :ohwell: BIG lesson for me. Sometimes I load up to Dropbox and occasionally I email myself with it as an attachment, but it's so easy to get lazy.

    Love to all you ladies, old and new. :love: You are so important to me. :flowerforyou:

    Heather in the south of England
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Thanks so much, Barbie! :)

    My goal for Jan was to move more and I think I did that.

    Goals for Feb:
    Continue to move more
    Read a book
    Stay away from the computer during the day for at least an hour.
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Barbie: Thank you <3 Seeing this new thread gives me hope this month and determination to fight on o:)

    I'm starting again at the same old 194.6lbs. There I said it, and I owned it. My goals for February are:

    1. take 15 min each day to get my head straight on what (portion control, healthy food choices) and why I'm doing this (because I feel so much better and knickers fit better! ha ha).

    2. record every crumb I eat

    3. walk 2 miles four times per week

    4. Be down 2 lbs on February 29th (awesome sauce that it's a leap year :D )

    Joyce: Sending hugs and prayers that things will get better for you and Charlie. It's nice to hear there are still good people that will go out of there way like the man that delivered your washing machine. I had a problem with my refridgerator delivery and no one stepped up to make it right, took 2 weeks and I was complaining loudly. I miss my Mom every day, every day....Keep talking to us. Also, get a plummer in to replace just the O ring until you can manage the full repairs.

    That's it for me folks. Time for bed.

    <3 Rosie in So Cal who is clawing my her way back to the light and peace

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    I have not done well either.. I am at 180, rather than the 150 I was at last year... I am not going to beat myself up.. have been through alot emotionally and I am an emotional eater.
    I know I just shovel in the food that isnt good for me, but I do have to say I have been getting alot more veggies in too..
    It is just trying to get back to exercising and doing it daily...working at 12:30 today so will sweep and wash the floors, also get my daughter a birthday card and send it out..
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Sending love and best wishes to everyone. Love reading all your posts, such a fantastic listening and support mechanism for everyone. You all write with such emotion that I feel that I can relate to you all and tell you how I feel and know that you all understand what I am experiencing and going through.

    My mum went into hospital on Saturday, she has a cold and found it difficult to swallow and eat. Mum looks well, she is loving watching what is going on to other patients in the ward, I personnally think she likes all the attention and company. Mum's blood test was showing that her heart medication isn't working and they are looking at alternative medication. Mum has vascular dementia and the carers kept telling her that is why she keeps forgetting things. Mum turned to me and said I didn't know I had dementia, am I going mad. I try to reassure her that she is fine and that it was caused by mini strokes. I keep telling her that she will be staying at home and Pat and I will look after her with the help of carers.

    Whilst visiting her in hospital we have noticed that she is really alert and taking everything in eg what the doctors and nurses are saying and how she sometimes has to wait to be attended to. We keep saying the nurses are really busy with patients who are really unable to do anything for themselves.

    Looking forward to her coming home, hope it is soon.

    Take care everyone.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Whew! I think there were over 300 posts since last Friday! A lot of reading. Welcome fellow Newbies! I am three weeks new to this group, but it is a great group of ladies! Very busy.
    I managed to complete my January goals; some of them it was a beginning of good habits.
    I got all of the 2015 tax info complete and out to my clients, I have been drinking more water (around 80-100 oz/day); which means I have been getting extra steps due to all of the trips to the potty!, I have been walking daily outside at least 30 minutes/day. Unfortunately, it is always dark while I am walking due to my work hours and the shorter daylight of winter. I have also been doing much better at making healthier food choices. I have switched back to a high protein, low carb/fat diet. It seems to work best for me. I have lost 6 pounds in the past three weeks. Not much, but any amount down the scale is fine by me!
    Lenore-I love reading your posts! So many of them make me laugh. We are very similar, I think, in our upbringing and in the raising of our own kids.
    SAD- So many of you posted about suffering from SAD. My own sister was diagnosed with it about 18 years ago. At that time, I had never heard of it and it sounded like a joke. She and her family moved from Michigan to Florida. She is very happy there and said she will never move back to Michigan or the MidWest. Miss her terribly, but glad she is in a place where she can function and live a happy healthy life. I don't think I have it. Like most people, I love sunny days, but I really enjoy winter and I think the main reason why I do, is that I go out and walk, play, hike, skate, ski. I don't always want to go out in the cold. I do sometimes wake up cranky and want to just pull the covers over my head, but once you get out there, it is so beautiful, silent, and crisp. I think I feel more "alive" in the winter, than in the summer.

    I tried the roasted chick peas. Meh. They turned out crunchy. I tried a mexican spice mix (lime, cumin, cayenne) and I also made some greek/dill flavored ones (lemon, CAvendars, dill weed). They were good. I think I will try a couple more batches. One of them will have to be a curry/indian flavor and maybe a barbeque flavor? I will let you know how those turn out. I don't like the roasted chick peas as much as the kale crisps. Love those things!

    Let's see February goals:
    continue walking daily and begin running by months end
    continue water intake, hopefully my bladder will get used to it
    continue healthy food choices
    do something loving for some one each day (daily duties like dinner, cleaning, etc, don't count)
    begin a daily devotional
    spend at least 15 minutes each day writing

    Wanted to leave you with a "love" note going into February:
    One of my little boys that I care for was coloring this morning and he made a picture for his mom. It had a big pink heart and he told me that it said "Mom- for you- Nolan" but reading it, it looked like this "Mom-FU- Nolan"! Don't you love new writers?!
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Barbie - Thanks for getting it going again!

    Joyce - Sorry you have been going through so much this past month. Things will get better - we have to believe that! Glad you posted.

    So when I looked back for my goals for January, I discovered I had not set any! No wonder I haven't progressed much...... I didn't really lose any weight this month. 4/10's of a pound is not worth talking about! The good thing is thought, my feet and legs have not been bothering me as bad as they were. I'm going to a neurologist on Feb. 25 for an EMG on my back. The podiatrist thinks I may have a compressed nerve. Hmmm....I've never had one before.

    Anyways - here are some goals for February.

    1. Walk every day at lunch time - at least.
    2. Lose 4 pounds this month.
    3. Track every BLT - bite, lick and taste
    4. Plan, plan, plan
    5. Get back into my stretching routine, with some yoga added in.
    6. Take a few minutes every day for just me.

    Have a great day everybody!

    Donna in beautiful, rainy WV
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did an hour of Mari Windsor's Lower Body Pilates DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of my Tummy Toner DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class

    irish terri - OK, I am now officially jealous

    Welcome everyone new.

    Eleanora - you were very wise to come here, you'll get lots of support. Tell us more about yourself.

    barbie or anyone else - is there a way where you can view just your own posts? I seem to recall at one time you could, but with all the changes MFP has made, can you still?

    Joyce - you're in my thoughts. Come back soon!

    I remember I said that I'd tell a person if the clementine I had peeled easily or not, only I don't remember who I was to tell. Well....for that person....it was a Halo and pretty easy to peel

    I just checked my friends list, and what's going on? Most people are listed as not having logged in for three days, and I know that isn't correct.

    Lenora - before moving down here I worked at the Y where we lived. When we moved that's when the economy went south and no one was hiring. I admit that I got used to not going to work

    pip - liked your saying "life's short, pet hard". So happy for Kirby that he's back to running. He'll be at his old time in no time at all. Let us know what the vet says about that liquidy lump. That's interesting. What a bright helmet. No one will miss him, that's for sure

    Oops! Looks like I forgot to post last night. Well, it's Monday now and I did one segment of the Tummy Toner DVD, held my plank for about 2 min 50 sec, and will take the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a 20-40-60 plan on the treadmill. Basically, it's recovering for 1 minute, fast walking for 40 sec, then running for 20 sec

    Tomorrow is the day I skype with Bryan and his therapist. I've sent him an email telling him that I remembered. I wonder if he did.

    Rori - wonderful NSV. I'm not surprised that they fit you as you were quite trim when you were here.

    Joyce - so happy to see you posting. So sorry for Charlie and your woes

    Mindy - good thoughts being sent your way

    Heather - so sorry about your hubby's loss

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    My word for 2016 is "alacrity"....I will greet all experiences in my life with cheerful readiness

    :)HeatherI think I proofread everything but the year got by me. Actually, alacrity may be my word for the rest of my life...I like it a lot.

    :'(Joyce, I am happy to hear from you and sad to hear about all that you and Charlie have been going through.

    :)Cheri Gee, In the middle of the night, I had to push the dogs over because one of my feet kept falling out of bed and when I disturb the dogs, Bernie, the cat starts wandering around the bed and then thinks he should sleep on top of me.

    welcome.gif..to everyone who is new to this thread today...we were all new once and just kept coming back and joining in the conversation....I start this thread over each month because I need all of you to walk this path with me.

    :) I got up extra early this morning so we could go to an early meeting but when I woke my hubby, he had not slept well and decided to sleep instead of going to the meeting so I have extra time to spend with all of you. I'll wake him in time to go to the chiropractor at 8:15. We see the chiropractor twice a month early on Monday mornings then we go the grocery store. Later this morning I have a dentist appointment. Soon I'll walk the dogs again.

    :) If you are still trying to decide on goals or resolutions for February, here is something from Gretchen Rubin that has helped me:

    You hit a goal, you achieve a goal. You keep a resolution.
    I think that some objectives are better characterized as resolutions, others, as goals.
    “Run in a marathon” or “Become fluent in Spanish” is a good goal. It’s specific. It’s easy to tell when it has been achieved. Once you’ve done it, you’ve done it!
    “Eat more vegetables” or “Stop gossiping,” or “Exercise” is better cast as a resolution. You won’t wake up one morning and find that you’ve achieved it. It’s something that you have to resolve to do, every day, forever. You’ll never be done with it.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where there is frost on the ground and the sky is clear enough to see the moon.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    well I just talked to Jean(DSIL) she is flying down to see Sean on the 11th and coming back late Sunday night, leaving early thursday morning...well that monday I have to go up there and do the pills and dinner for Faith so that is 5 nights in a row... I have to stay overnight with Faith ,thursday night,friday night and saterday night.. and be with her most of Sunday get her dinner and pills into her and then come home, then get up the next day go to work and go up there again..to say I will be busy is an understatment.. but anything I can do to help my brother stay sober is fine with me..Tom asked if I am getting payed for taking care of her, I said no I dont think so.... but that is ok... again I am in it for the long haul for my brother.. plus time away from Tom is good for him also..
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Barbie ... Thanks for helping us "keep on!"

    January goals
    Lose 8 pounds ... Well, I got sick and that derailed me, but I managed to lose 5.5!! I'll take it!!

    February goals
    Lose 6 pounds
    Keep on with weighing, logging, water and exercise.

    Interestingly, I did get back to the gym until the cough took me out. As soon, as I can, I plan to be get back at it.

    Welcome new ladies!

    As I'm reading goals, I want to make a comment ... Lose the "passive" verbiage. Banish phrases like "I'm hoping" or "maybe I can." These only give you permission to waiver. Mary's quote "I know I can" is the kind of statement that supports positive changes! Hey, Nike didn't make millions with the slogan "just try" ... It was "just do it!"

    Beth near Buffalo
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Thank you Barbie!
    Miriam, I always appreciate your take on mental health issues--you can present things in a very calm and professional manner in a way that makes it easy to understand! And as most of us know this is one complicated area of medicine.
    Speaking of complicated, I just skimmed through this article:

    If even half of what they discuss is true, we should not be beating ourselves up about why we might not be meeting our goals. Lots of complexity and variation in the ways we each process our calories. Also there is a lot of the history of nutrition studies I did not know about. But knowing that there are success stories here helps us all get good ideas on how we might get closer to our goals.
    Joyce, you have a lot going on. Hope things will turn around for you soon...wish I had that magic wand.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Joyce - I am so happy to hear from you! I am also so sorry that you have been going through such trials and tribulations. Although it's not quite the same, I can relate to your washing machine experience. Mine quit during a load of dirty diapers when the boy child was little. Hugs and prayers to you!

    Lisa - You can do it!!

    Alison - Like you, I wouldn't expect payment for helping out a family member.

    Beth - Good point!

    Elaine - Sorry about your mum! Although it sound like she is kind of thriving in the new environment.

    Barbie - Thanks for getting everything set up again for February!

    I finally weighed on Saturday morning. It wasn't lovely but it was better than I had feared. I'm three pounds heavier than I was last year at this time. I had some bad days with calories but, overall, my good days by far were more frequent for the month of January. Now it's on to tackling getting my exercise back on track. There are plenty of excuses and even some good reasons, but I need to get past them all.

    For the past week, my back has been unhappy. I'm pretty sure it's because I've been glued to the computer at work and have been hunched over plus sitting for entirely too long. That is something else I will work on beginning today. However, the bursitis in my hips has flared up and I am in a great deal of pain--enough that it is waking me up at night! I spent most of yesterday flat on my back to relieve any pressure on my hip joints. It was boring but it helped. It took a little while to be able to function this morning, though. Because of the pain, I will certainly get more walking in because I can't sit for very long at a time!

    When the pain from my hips go away, I want to begin Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred again. It does more to build muscle and tone my body than anything else I have tried.

    It's time for a walk-about. Catch y'all later!

    Carol in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member