

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Swam 50 laps this morning. Now am sitting by the fire taking it easy. I'm closing in on a few jobs with final interviews next week, so I'm feeling optimistic. I haven't had time to get bored yet and think I could get used to not working. 5 more years!

    Kimses in MA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So sorry about Michele and her cheek. Wonder how she did it. What kind of therapy do you have to do for a fracture like that? Surgery, just Mother Nature? If you are reading, get better quickly but don't push yourself.

    Has snowed off and on for the past two days but i would imagine we only have an inch. Since we are in a bi-level, we are always the last to loose our snow.

    Started to do my taxes yesterday afternoon. Singed into Free Tax Usa like I do every year and it wouldn't accept my username/password. They always upload all info from the previous year but I had to create a brand new account. I had clicked on the 'don't remember password' and in order for me to get it sent to me I had to answer the security questions correct. One question, every logical answer didn't work so create a new account. So I did that, wrote down the username and password and all 3 security questions and answers. When I went back to it later, it wouldn't accept it again. So if I want to still got with Free Tax, I have to create a new account again. Pulling my hair out and I can't afford to do that. Also my banks site won't accept my old password. That's how I pay my bills.

    /well back to the desk top for taxes so I can see how much money we owe state of Indiana

    Joyce, Indiana

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning. Another day here we go. Tonight I am starting a new Bible class for women that is about 8 weeks long. I took the first part last year and now they are doing the second. I am looking forward to it as last time had fun. This one is called (When the crown breaks).

    Katla--Your riding sounds like such a good thing. Glad you are enjoying it. I also find it interesting that the doctor says horse riding is ok, yoga not.

    Sylvia--What a speical thing you did for Bernice you are such a caring person. Proud to call you my friend.

    Becca--Glad you are in such a good place right now, it has been a lot of work and you deserve it.

    Barbie--Good for you with the doctor. Hope the news is good.

    Heather--Thanks for the update on Michele and I did send her a message.

    Happy dance as I am back caught up. Prayers for everyone and remember we are not in this alone.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Becca I love the drawing! If you didn't win what did the winning picture look like?

    The winning drawing 2015. Amazing huh!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Kimses in MA~Great swimming! I have been taking a break from the laps, and just heading to the 'warm pool' and stretch, doing aqua aerobics. Tomorrow I will take the water zumba class, so look forward to that!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE~ Thanks for the encouragement friend! Today I lost 1.5 lbs at my TOPS meeting, so feeling good about that! My lowest weight is posted here, because I use my morning scale weight. I am nude so, can't do that at TOPS....well I could but they would be yelling and screaming at me! Once I started weighing in my swimming suit, and they said that wasn't legal. It has to be clothes you would wear specifically for that season.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    CheriGee2 wrote: »
    CCSJ - wow that dress and figure are awesome. Know you feel really good inside when you wear that fashion. I've heard that if a woman wears a pretty tiara and a cape, she can rule the world. Same goes for that black and white vision. Enjoy.

    The other day while husband and I were walking about our little town, we saw the postlady. She had on her US Post office official Cape on. She said she has the US Post Office official knee high socks too! It was windy so her cape was flying! Too cute!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Forgetfulness - A mind is a terrible thing to lose. Can someone tell me where to go to put in my weight and other measurements? Seems like I need to write this down. Never seem to be able to find it. Thanks.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Becca – I’m with you … I am beginning to introduce ‘real’ food into my diet; and, finding that it has NOT been so difficult to do. I’m not craving things like fast food, such as cheeseburgers and such; but, they look way too good to me. Ordered a Mediterranean hummus and veggie wrap at Publix; and could only eat 1/2 of it. A little too much oil; so, only ate 1/2th of it. Good, but, different. I love hummus and spinach and feta cheese, etc.; but, think if I had made it myself - would not have added so much oil and probably used a small wrap to make it. Knew I could not eat the entire things, other half for supper tonight (or lunch tomorrow). Will probably share left-over fried rice that DH brought home yesterday. Looking all the time about portion control and making sure that I track everything into my mouth on MFP. Weighed 158.5 at yesterday’s weigh-in and dropped 1 more point on my BMI. Two more points to go! Then we will sit down and talk about what I want to weigh that will keep me within that BMI point scale of 'normal range'. Top or bottom of scale. I’ve got a goal that I am working for … fit into my size 10’s and getting my jeans re-altered if possible. IF they can be altered again. Tailor told me a month ago, when they started sagging on me; to bring them back when I got to my goal weight and then he’d take them up again - or see if they could be taken up more. I’ll also get a ‘free’ facial – thanks to my CMWLP. So looking forward to that!

    Great that you are finding the encouragement you are from DH and DS – that makes it so much easier. I will share with husband a few chips; and, he’ll dole out as many as I say I want to have (under what the package shows as a serving) – getting usually less – so I don’t go over my allotted calories for them day. I savor the taste by eating them very slowly. I’m a spinacholic myself; and will steam a package of them along with mixed mushrooms … and eat just about all of it.

    Got to go into town and get a check, then hopefully BF and I can go out to eat; but, she had a Dentist appointment this AM, so she might have to have a quick one, if she can go, at all.

    Chow! Not on food - that might be bad for you!

    Great job with lowering your BMI! I definitely look at food in restaurants differently. I have that measuring mind, and I draw a line in the food. Before I finish eating, I catch the waitress and ask for a container. Then I put half in it. Then I can continue scarfing happily, knowing I won't over-eat my portion.
    Once I actually cried when I was out of spinach. I was on Jenny Craig mind you, and I was really hungry, and cranky. And I cried.
    melodramatic in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora, hit the home page, then go up top to Checking in....no worries. :-)
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Once I actually cried when I was out of spinach. I was on Jenny Craig mind you, and I was really hungry, and cranky. And I cried.
    melodramatic in

    Gee Becca,
    I'm glad you clarified that you were hungry and cranky. LOL.....
    But honestly, I get it like everyone on this board does.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks, Becca, for the heads up. I get so confused sometimes; especially, after last week and part of this weekend. Went back to GYN, this time he did do a pelvic/rectal exam and said that I was a little constipated; but not compacted. Instructed me to go buy a bottle of Magnesium Citrate; drink it, and then at night use my Miralax (as directed) until I go back in mid-March for my cystoscopy. The magnesium citrate was very lemony; not much of it, but it worked. Called PycheMD and hopefully the nurse who I was very 'short' with last week will put my message on his desk; but, also mailed a letter to him about Bill wanting me to call him before I did anything about the dosage of my Geodon. I wish his old nurse was there - not that I would get a response any earlier.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi gals,

    I have been exchanging emails with Michele, and with her permission am sharing parts of our emails so you will know what is going on…..

    From Michele:

    I had that Skype session with Bryan. To say that it didn't go well is a big understatement. In his email to me he said that he wanted to have an adult relationship. He blamed me for lots of things in his past, but really they were things that I had no control over. Like he blames me because he was SEVERLY overweight in high school. He says that my asking him things like "where are you going" "who will you be with" and "when are you coming home" made it so that he couldn't have a social life. I basically said to him that I was sorry that he was in pain, but the past is the past and can't be undone, perhaps going forward his therapist could help us with our relationship. Can you just imagine the therapy that a child who comes home and announces that he's going out and the parents just say "ok" will need? They don't care who their child is with, if there will be anyone there, when the child is coming home -- they just don't care.

    Well....I couldn't figure how she could help us with our relationship unless she knew me, so I assumed that this Skype session would be a sort-of "getting to know you" one. Boy, I couldn't have been further from the truth! I was lectured on how a child needs this and a child needs that. What does this therapist think -- that I'm going to have another child??? Then Bryan proceeded to blame me for things that I had no control over, like his being so overweight. The fact is that someone will not lose weight (or stop smoking or stop using drugs) until they're ready to. And he wasn't ready until his second year at Elon. But I was told how he lost it himself (well, he wasn't home, so what was I to do?. I was blamed for the fact that I never offered to come see him. Well...we gave him and his wife tickets to the US which we would pay for in full, but he never took us up on them. From the pictures of the apartment he has that he sent us, it looks to me like that apartment is pretty small...so are we supposed to stay in a hotel?

    It was VERY stressful....so much that I think that the stress brought on the seizure I had. Stress can bring on a seizure. I'm right now getting myself back on track, I am logging just haven't read any posts since last Tuesday (when it happened). went to the MD and he's going to put me on an anti-seizure med. I am not to drive for 6 months basically to see how my system deals with this drug.

    I'm supposed to Skype with him and his therapist again next Tuesday. I really want Vince to be there. I admit that I was feeling very very uncomfortable without him being there this time, and I do wish he had been in retrospect. I am not going to do this again.

    Bryan seems so very vulnerable right now. I'm not sure why, I always thought of him as being more independent. Like I said, I'm getting myself back on track, I know that I'll have a lot of posts to catch up on. I'm hoping that later this week or the weekend will give me time when I can at least skim over them.


    I do appreciate everyone's concern. That touches me greatly. After it happened, Jess called multiple times a day and was going to come down last weekend. I told her that she'd planned to come down next weekend, that she shouldn't pressure herself. Vince is taking great care of me. Actually, he's going to be my chauffeur for the next 6 months.

    I go to the MD Thursday to get the stitches removed. I am trying to look on the bright side of this seizure thing. Hey, I fractured my cheekbone but that's causing my cheek to be so swollen that I can't wear my glasses so (pity here) I can't see the dirt to clean it. Isn't that a shame???? lol Another positive is that the fracture is making my teeth sensitive so therefore I don't want to eat a lot. The bad thing is that I can't bite down on things like an apple. But I can eat the apple if it's cut up. You know me, I'm someone who is always on the go, so having to be at home for a long time is not going to be easy on me. Now Vince has no problem at all staying home days on end. Not me......he'll get a reintroduction to having to go food shopping. This will also mean that I'll need to preplan things (like what I'll need in the house), I can't just run out to the store. But this too shall pass......
    Absolutely you can share on the forum what's happening. I was HOPING to start reading posts. But today was the first day I took the Lamictal. One of the side effects is abdominal pain and another is diarrhea. Did I ever have abdominal pain! I kid you not, I don't remember it ever being so bad since I gave birth. I had to go for my injection of Prolia (for the osteoporosis), I almost didn't make it to the bathroom. Explosive diarrhea. I know, TMI probably. At least I cleaned the toilet and the floor!

    Thank everyone for their concern. It's so great to know that there are so many people who are concerned about me. My own son may not be -- but strangers are.


  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Kim.... Thank you! Michele... thinking about you!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Joyce, is your caps lock on? That may be why your passwords are not working.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle ~ So sorry to hear what you have been going through. Praying that things will get better for you.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Michelle~ ;Love ya.. and hope your on the mend soon xoxox