

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    morning peeps =

    hugs to all that need them, I'm so sorry....
    we are going to build the fence regardless if the neighbor's owner of the home chips in for 1/2 or not. I don't want stress to be part of the issue every time I let my dogs out to pee and his dogs are out too. I called the number the neighbor provided me and told asked if they would be willing to pitch in for half. she was the property mgr and asked me to give a big to submit to the owner. I texted the neighbor (owner of the dogs who so happened to have built the fence) and he said he would give them a big. 3800.00 for both sides of the fence, divide by 2 would be $1900.00 for that side of the fence. so asking for 950.00 for their share. I hope they do the right thing and pay for their share, it's only right, only fair, good karma. if they don't, oh well.

    today we have a health screening at work so I'm fasting til it's my turn. glad I didn't have a hard cardio workout today. just water, I want a good reading. I get a $100 visa debit card for it :0)

    type to ya later.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thinking about you Sylvia, and your son...

    Michele, woke up thinking about you. The therapist is a goober, and wrong, dead wrong. Therapists should never blame, they should help, and there's something awfully fishy about that whole setup. Hope your cheek's better.

    Glo, glad to see you!

    My weight loss is back in progress again - lost four pounds since 2/1. I switched back off of Nexium to another acid blocker, cheaper among other things, and I think the Nexium was actually hiking my appetite up into the stratosphere. Not nearly as continually hungry since I quite taking it. Anyone else had that issue with it?

    Our son should be home tonight, or at the latest, this weekend, along with his young wife. Don't know how long they'll stay, but hoping for a week. They're staying with her mom now, supposed to meet me at a concert that I'm attending tonight in order to write a music review, don't know if they'll come back to the ranch with me tonight or come out this weekend. Annoying not knowing. :neutral:

    Headed out into another 70-degree, sunshiny morning to run with Daisy the dog, come back, shower, and head into town to get a couple more hours writing in this afternoon before the concert.

    Hugs to all that need them, gentle thoughts,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sylvia ~ My heart goes out to you and your son.

    DH is doing his monthly antique show this weekend so I get the house to myself for 4 days. Sometimes this is good and other times I get lonely.

    This year will be my high school 50th yr class reunion. I have not lived in that town since graduating and will not get involved in any way. Many of the girls from my class are still very close. Most of these lived in the small town where I went to school and I lived in a farming community about 11 miles away. It was like two different worlds.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sylvia - There are several reasons that the EMTs don't use their sirens. Heart problems or lung issues - they do NOT want to patient to hyperventilate. They are already scared enough. Hard enough on them in the back of the bus as it is. Once out on the highway, they'll usually turn them on; then use them to get through town; even then, they have to follow the rules of the road. They can' just whiz through a red-light but if they had the siren on; people are supposed to stop and pull over for them. The times I've been in an ambulance they used it from the moment they got into town and as the patient, it was stressful for me to hear it - was having seizure issues and it made my BP go up; then EMT in bad would tell him to cut it off to see if BP would come down.

    Chat with you later
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    There is no possible way for me to catch up on 6 pages, so I’m starting back on the most recent page. Hugs and Prayers for everyone I miss ! ! !

    Sylvia – Hugs and Prayers for the situation with your son. I hope you all find the strength and peace you need and deserve.

    – good luck with DH and his appointment.

    Gloria – It sounds like things are coming together. Congrats and keep up the good work !

    Lillian – good luck killing all those bad bugs !

    Michele – Hugs and Prayers. It’s too bad your son is looking to place blame for a typical childhood with a parent who cares. Be strong and compassionate. Much Love for You ! ! !

    Anne (Wisc) – you can be exactly who you are, and I hope you find comfort and peace, and a corner of the cruise to enjoy exactly what you want and need ! ! !

    Barbie – I’m so sorry for the frustration with your leg pain/numbness/etc. I hope you find answer and/or relief soon ! ! !

    Tonight’s bowling is “State Qualifier Challenge”. The boys in positions 11 – 28 compete for 4 spots at State. The house is near where we live, so DS should feel confident going in. We’ll see if he can find and keep his mark through all 4 games. I’m nervous for him, but I won’t tell him that.

    I was unable to put stickers on my calendar over the weekend, but stayed on the wagon so far this week. I have my fitness tracker set on 7200 steps, and have reached that every day this week, too. Happy ! ! ! I hope I can find another one of these trackers, because the technology is low, the price is low, but that is exactly what one of my friends is looking for.

    My hands have been too stiff to crochet lately, so I likely won’t have my gold poncho done before we leave for Reno on March 1, that makes me sad. But I have several others I can take, so maybe it will be ready for next year. DH got us tickets to see Penn & Teller in Tahoe, so I’m pretty excited about that, too.

    Now, back to work. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, things are looking up. They thought they would transfer him to a big hospital in joplin but he's out of the woods now so they are going to move him downstairs to a regular room. He's resting comfortably.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Sylvia, Michele and anyone else who needs a rainbow <3 - this is a photo I took through my living room window 90 minutes ago.


    Love Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Kettle bell swing-22X9X 30

    I will be MIA for a couple of days because I will be on the road and visiting with my daughter!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ What a beautiful photo. My granddaughter loves rainbows.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Sylvia thank goodness... did you get any rest?
    I have been running around getting things packed for me, and stuff left for Tom.. will leave in a couple of hours to go up and stay with Faith
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hi Ladies, My goodness lots going on. I have been up and got horses fed then showered and am trying not to be too anxious about meeting this new doctor. I hate having to fill out all of those questionnaires.

    Sylvia - So sorry for the scare but glad he is doing better. Lots of hugs for you.

    Michele - That therapist sounds a little hokey to me but you have no idea exactly what he has told her. Here is something to think about. Bryan is not ready to take responsibility for his life and wants to blame someone else. You are a safe target because you will always love him no matter what and he knows that. Many, many hugs to you.

    Kim - Thanks for sending us info about Michele.

    Allison - Try to enjoy your time away.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Michelle~ I agree a real therapist wouldnt blame anyone for anything they are suppost to be a neutral party..
    very fishy...
    and you have heard my tales of what my daughter blames me for. I did the best I could ,but this generation thinks we are just suppost to bow down to there every wish.. we had to learn the hard way. and they just want everything handed to them... sorry ain't gonna happen...
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Betty – It’s a little late, but here’s my experience with arthritis. I have had OA in both knees since around 30 years old (too experimental while a gymnast from age 5-14), and I also have RA. I have been getting cortisone injections since the beginning. I can get them as often as every 4 months, but I usually try to stretch it out to get them right before a big event (vacation, wedding, etc). I used to take 2 aleve twice a day without fail. I have reduced that to just evenings because my rheumatologist has added Diclofenac, and it is too expensive to take twice a day, so I take it as soon as I get up in the morning. I have been a candidate for knee replacement since 40, but no one “in network” was willing to do it while I was that young. Now I just add it to my list of problems, and DS is getting used to carrying my things up and down the stairs. I will probably have the replacement surgery in a few more years, when I have a longer vacation available from my employer (or when we move to a place that does not have stairs). Hugs for your DH and you ! ! !
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Michelle~ I agree a real therapist wouldnt blame anyone for anything they are suppost to be a neutral party..
    very fishy...
    and you have heard my tales of what my daughter blames me for. I did the best I could ,but this generation thinks we are just suppost to bow down to there every wish.. we had to learn the hard way. and they just want everything handed to them... sorry ain't gonna happen...

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Done that house sterilizing thing...now if DH would just wash his hands more and cough into his sleeve or a Kleenex...anything but into the air!!! Do I sound paranoid - yes I am. I don't want DGD to take a flu bug home her mommy is 20 weeks pregnant and I know what coughing when your pregnant is like...been there done that and not fun. I know everyone got flu shots but you can still get the flu.

    I need a nap!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan .... no we were not named after Saskwatches (don't even know how to spell that lol)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just got back to the hospital from lunch with hubby. My son is still in ICU, sound asleep. So I have no idea when they are going to move him. Hubby said he will go get the kids from school. That's nice because my head seems to be floating from stress and lack of sleep.

    My son had been seeing a pulmonologist here in town ( the ONLY one in our town) but they got mad at each other and my son started to see a doc in Joplin. It was something about a test that came back positive for meth, which my son swears was a false positive caused by one of the meds this doctor had prescribed but the doc refused to retest to prove it. I looked up the med in question and it really does reference false positives for meth. Well, this jerk doctor happens to be in charge of ICU here at our hospital. My son said he did not want they guy having anything to do with his care, period. So, they sent in another doctor. This doctor, a woman, came into the room with a real bad attitude right from the start, and accused my son of being on meth, and demanding a urine test to prove it. She said they would catheterize him if necessary. He calmly told her that he would be happy to provide a sample and that he had not done meth in many years. So, two nurses came in in rapid succession demanding a sample and also threatened him with a catheter. But none of them provided him with the cup for the sample, even after he asked for one. The female doctor also was accusing him of planning to leave against medical advice, even though he told her he wouldn't do that. She was really being a jerk.

    Hours later, a team of three burly men came in to draw blood for " blood gasses" whatever that is. He said he's had that done before, so no problem, go for it. The guy drawing the blood, who remembered Steve from the last time he was in here, chatted in a friendly way, then casually asked him if his "lifestyle" doesn't contribute to his health problems. Huh? I didn't know what he was talking about. Steve was still a little groggy, but he said "I don't think so." After they left, I asked what the guy meant and Steve said he didn't even understand what the guy asked him.

    So, I believe that this pulmonologist has poisoned the well against my son. He has planted the idea that Steve is a drug user, and the whole staff is acting like he's dirt. I'm really annoyed by it but don't know what to do. I wish I had thought to record these conversations.

    I've complained before about my own treatment at this hospital and they just lied to cover their tracks. So I don't know what to do about this, or even if it's my place to say anything. He's 39 years old, after all.

    Well, he's waking up. Bye for now.

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hello - I'm glad I found this wonderful group (again). I was off of MFP for a year and have struggled w/unexplained weight gain and am at a all time high at 174. Logging does keep me accountable and I hope that will help and I also have an appointment with an endocrinologist at the end of March, so hopefully they will be able to shed some light on what is going on.

    February goals:
    1. Log every bite.
    2. Attend Crossfit 3x per week.
    3. Practice my burpees and get to be able to do 10 in a row
    4. Get 11k steps per day

    Also, if anyone would like to friend me I could use the support and accountability. Thanks.
  • kim824
    kim824 Posts: 68 Member
    Kim at the top of the screen is a little star touch that and it will turn yellow. Each month there is a new group setup do the same thing next month.

    Thank you. It took me days to find this again. I really need the motivation and support. Thanks again!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Well here it is another day, feeling kind of bummed today. Not sure why, didn't sleep well, was a wake more then a sleep. My Bible class last evening was fun. Alot of ladies starting out and the lady that is in charge is so crafty and she made us each a bag for our book and made us a journal. I am looking forward to the next five classes, it's a short class, but the lady in charge makes it fun.

    Anne--Sending prayers and hugs. Take it one step at a time.

    Sylvia--So sorry to hear about your son, please take care of yourself. I agree that whole deal sounds strange. I know that they are to treat all patients with respect and sounds like that is not happening. I would ask to talk to the complanice person and if no results go to the state.

    Donna--Hugs, being able to care for our parents is a Blessings and a lot of work. Please take care of you.

    Katla--Sending prayers and hugs that all goes well with DH

    Heather--Beautiful rainbow.

    Michele--Please be careful. I always told my kids that I did the best I could with what I knew at the time and once they turned 18 and were out of their own, they are responiable for what they do and how they behave.

    Well I am going to sign off for today. I am all up to date reading and not a lot to say. Hoping I can sleep tonight. Tomorrow DGD is spending the day as they have no school. Hope I can sleep tonight.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE