

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just sitting here waiting for our friends to arrive. I hate this bit - the house all clean, the cushions all plumped, the food all prepared and then you just have to wait, not really wanting to get on with anything in case they show up! :ohwell: Looking forward to seeing them immensely.

    Glad I made some of you laugh with my naked son story. I think I will be dining out on it for weeks!

    Pat - my DH has written a couple of novels, set in the time of the Anglo Saxons. He couldn't find a publisher, so published them himself on Amazon for Kindle as well as hard copy. He is now working on the third in the series and finds it keeps his brain active. They are detective stories involving a young woman called Winfreth. I think she is a bit like his elder daughter - has a mind of her own!:happy: The first one is called The Glint Of Silver and is set in Winchester in the 9th century.

    My sweet peas I have cut smell lovely in the house, but they have a lot of greenfly and are quite spindly this year. Can't see any ladybirds to help me out. Every day I go out and wipe off the eggs of the cabbage white butterflies that are infesting our broccoli and brussels sprouts. I am fighting a losing battle though.:grumble: At least with the cooler weather the runner beans are beginning to set. Shan't have our usual bumper crop though. Zucchinitastic though, with only one plant!

    Robin - I am so happy for you. Now you can move forward with confidence.

    Going to waste a bit of time now watching "Escape to the Country" on TV. Love looking at other peoples' houses.

    Bye for now, Heather, UK
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Just another manic Monday…..

    What a crazy weekend! Saturday was just beautiful and we finally finished power washing our deck. I scrubbed all of the railings, which get green algae on the bottoms…eewww! No matter what I do, it always comes back the next year. Anyhoo…what a difference! It looks great. Now we have to have a party (DH says maybe Labor Day). The weather this year hasn’t exactly been cooperative. Either we are having severe rainstorms or excessive heat! :huh:

    Speaking of weather….we had torrential downpours on Sunday, and I mean torrential! My SIL planned a BBQ for the family July birthdays (3 of them) and because the rain came in pockets, she grilled when it stopped. The sun would come out for a bit, and then….BOOM….thunder, lightning and heavy downpours would start again! Philly had a record rainfall total of over 8” in a few hours. It was just CRAZY!:noway: We gave Milo two benedril before we left to calm him down because he has major anxiety issues and gets so scared when there is thunder. He was hiding under the table when we got home, and no amount of coaxing could get him outside for a walk even when things calmed down. Poor thing is just a big 100 pound furry baby!:laugh:

    Still haven’t caught up with the posts, but just wanted to check in. Mondays are payroll day so I must get to it!:grumble:

    Welcome to all of the newcomers. You will feel the love and support of all who post on this thread.

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (NOPE, but working on it!)

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning Monday morning. How can you tell I stayed home this morning?
    Seriously, when retirement comes, I just might be ready for it. Now, it may be just because it is summer, I’m not sure I would be so joyful if it was -10C and snowing out.

    Phoo/Pat – ah yes Duluth – my “go to” city when a shopping fix was needed. I also loved to ski at Lutsen and Grand Marais was one of my favourite wander places. I could spend days just meandering around. Good food too!

    Barbie – wow, that is one beautiful lily. I would be outside looking at it every ten minutes.
    I often buy “inside” flowers because I can’t bear to cut the ones in my garden and kill them. Anthropomorphic yes, and maybe a little odd, but hey, I even put wasps outside that get onto my windows.

    Michele – going to phone Sears manager today and see what solution they have for my delivery. I didn’t think I should deal with it Saturday as I was upset and I would rather be a little distanced from the situation if it annoyed me. Sounds like the same fridge as I got. With the nutritional and calorie count thing, I have used the recipe part of MFP quite a lot, I just find it takes so long to get the searches done in order to find the ingredients. Is the MasterCook faster than MFP’s program?

    DebA – wow, those are amazing before and after pics.

    Cindy – sounds like the farm house would be a nice addition for your family. I hope it works out. You have such a great attitude about it.

    Well, short post today, going to get some more housework done. The number of dogs means I have to vacuum every day. Maybe I should invest in one of those Roombo or robotic vacuums – hmmmmm.

    Bye for now, enjoy the day
    Lila in the sunny Kootenays
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi All! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I had made some notes, but that was over a week ago! I've been keeping up on reading, but do find it hard to keep up on responding. So my goal today is just to write something about me and to keep my foot in the door!

    Saturday my husband and I helped my nephew and his family move from Camden, NJ to Philadelphia. They have 2 babies - a 27 month old and a 14 month old, and a 3rd on the way (due early Dec)! I got the impression it's starting to dawn on them what they've taken on, having 3 children so close together, and will (hopefully) wait a bit before having more (which, apparently, they do want). At least I got my exercise in, although I also ate - a lot.

    Yesterday, though, I stayed in and did nothing. I have depression and anxiety and I find that after an event where I have to socialize, the next day I really can't do much of anything. I am on medication and in therapy, but I get rather despondent at times, as it seems that, overall, I'm getting worse as I get older rather than better. Other times I'm optimistic, however, and today is one of those days!

    The binge eating has continued, but I'm hopeful that today is a new start. I finally went walking/running again this morning - I'm on week 5 of Couch to 5k. This is something I really want to complete. I've never been able to run - always got very winded very quickly. Even in HS, when I took a little mini-class called "Run, Run, Run" I couldn't get up to running a mile. But there was no real program - we all just ran around a track as far/fast as we could. I love c25k!

    I continue to derive inspiration from you all, you lovely and strong women! My thoughts are with you, those who are suffering, those who are celebrating.

    Kate in Brooklyn, NY
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Dee Dee.........that story was proof that you already look great; just think what a little "fine tuning" with the weights will do!!!

    Robin...........it's so nice to hear you sounding happy!!!

    Hearing more and more about the flooding in NC and Philly.........funny, we had not much of anything........

    Gym this am for ladies exercise class, got a lot of my squats knocked out there. There were only 7 of us this am..........at the moment I'm the "baby" of the class at 61. I've been going to this M-W-F class around 8 yrs now.........the gym itself 10. It's really sad seeing these mostly wonderful women falling off..........such stories!!! Home countries of Puerto Rico, Spain, France, Greece, Germany, Japan, Egypt. The woman from France was hidden in a cave as a child during WWII from the Nazis and she used to race in European road rallies. We used to number at least 15 on a reg. basis----now a really good day is 10.

    Heading back to gym shortly for yoga and to work on weights............almost to my 2nd elephant!

    yanniejannie midAtlantic, where it may or may not rain
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings from cool and misty Omaha! We finally are getting a LITTLE rain, not much, but it’s a nice change.
    Saturday we went out with friends for Mexican and I was happy that I limited my chip intake to 12 chips and only had 2 margaritas and NO wine at their house playing cards. Usually card playing with them entails LOTS of wine.:drinker:

    Yesterday we never did get out to the bike trail, so I ended up doing calisthenics during the ads between innings on the baseball game! It wasn’t much of a burn, but it was something anyway. Baby bird Peter has died….Benny found him on the deck and promptly gave him to DD#2 who got home from the mission trip safe and sound. We had a record low last night (50!) so maybe he got too cold. I baked 8 loaves of zucchini bread (all from one zuc! :glasses: ) and froze it. Today I will vacuum seal it. I used plain yogurt for most of the oil and Truvia baking blend so that calorie count won’t be too high!

    Our brisket was amazing. DH took his first bite of it and burst out laughing in sheer happiness LOL.:laugh: It was only his second attempt at smoking and OMG was it good. It was all I could do to only eat 4 ounces!

    I’ve been to water aerobics and enjoyed my favorite thing in the morning…reading the paper with my coffee then a little snooze with various animals on top of me! It’s one of those cool grey days that just lends itself to sleeping. We have slept with the windows open for the last 3 nights.

    Yannie jannie: I hope by now your headache is gone!

    Jodios: have a safe and fun trip. Watch out for Flossie the storm.

    Sandy not gaining is a victory in itself!

    Michele: oh no water in the basement! How are you going to tackle that problem? Oh, and congrats on the weight loss but sorry it came about due to stress.

    Terri: those lazy days are the best, aren’t they?

    Joyce: what a great outcome for your sister!

    DeeDee: hope the boys were compliant…I know your hair wasn’t! :bigsmile: LOL

    M: what is your favorite cooking magazine?

    Grandmallie: your shopping list sounds very healthy….I can’t afford a lot at Whole Foods either (or Trader Joes for that matter)

    Pat: isn’t that great that your binge was something not bad and you logged it? I wonder about the same things in our food that you do. I can’t afford organic; around here it’s nearly double the price of non-organic, but we do have lots of meat brands that don’t have antibiotics or steroids, etc in the meat and I do get that. All those chemicals are a double edged sword; we would not have nearly the amount of food we do without them. I try to eat “clean” by not eating much processed foods.

    Heather: I think you should say it again. That story was hilarious!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And it’s a better excuse for almost anything that “my dog ate it”!!!!!

    Critter Sue: yay for the smaller tops. I’m worried about the old man (18 year-old cat). He had lab work done Saturday and I’m holding my breath because I don’t want to give him daily fluids if he is in renal failure. UGH I hate that. :angry:

    Lila; what a funny mental image of those eyes staring down at you from inside the grapes!

    Vicki: enjoy the cooler weather at your end of Nebraska!

    Barbie: stunning lily!

    Deb: glad you had a nice visit

    Cindy: let us know how the bid on the house goes!

    Robin: we are all excited for you too. It is so nice to hear about someone who likes her job!

    Bj: nice to see you again!

    Lucy: I have been hearing about all the rain up your way. Stay safe!

    Kate: couch to 5K sounds intriguing! Is it a special plan with increasing activity?

    Well I should get some work done on the books. Tonight I am looking forward to leftover brisket! I may have to eat some of my exercise calories back and get 6 ounces today! I also need to highlight my hair...coloring is a 2-day process for me! Take care all, Meg from Omaha.:drinker:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. -
    Martha Washington

    Haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts here yet but just wanted to share this quotation. It actually was on the board at my chiropractor's office. Had a great day yesterday, bbq with DH's family who are here visiting from Phoenix and today I already got in lots of water exercise and chiropractor. Dealt with Comcast and US Cellular - Comcast customer service was great and US Cellular not so much. Usually it's the complete opposite! Have a great afternoon and evening ladies!

    Kathy in breezy sunny IL :drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies. I went to the Y today!!!!!!:happy: :happy: I rode 4 miles and then worked on one strength machine. The doctor has told me to take it easy going back and only do the strength exercises 3 times a week, once back into it and do as much cardio as I feel like I can. My sister also belongs to the Y but we are there at different times. But she was there today:happy: Even though we both live n the same town we don't see each other that often. She is so self focused it is hard to be with her. But I still love her and my internet is her only frequent way to keep up with the rest of the family. Her husband has a computer but she has always felt like she would never know how to operate it. He doesn't feel comfortable in giving me the wi-fi password so I can take my laptop over there:grumble: So she has to come over here. We live in a bilevel and has so many injuries that she frequently has restrictions. I had a little insight into why she falls so often. She got to the Y today at 10:30, on the way she ate one of the prepackaged bowls of Honey Not Cheerios. She ate it dry. Then she did 2 different Silver Sneakers aerobics water classes and she stays after and walks several miles in the pool. I got there at 1 PM and she was walking. When I finished at 1:30 she was just then finishing. And all of this excersize of one dry cup of Honey Nut Cheerios. We sat out in the car talking for about 30 minutes and then she was heading off to Walmart. Still not eating anything.

    Well I could talk all day long about my sister's problems but then I would feel like I am my sister so I won't.

    My blood sugar was 98 again this morning. I just don't understand it.

    I just love the idea of buying an old farmhouse. But I would want it already renovated! I love the charm, the history but not the work in getting it modernized. Plus I like living close to shopping centers!!!!

    See you later, Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Well our heat streak is broke. Been in the 70's the last couple days and even some rain. Turned off the AC and opened the windows. Sure enjoing that.
    Joyce- Hope you are feeling better. I had my lab work done last Thursday and my AC1 was 5.8. Best it has been in years, so happy about that. I have blood work done every three months and this is the first time everything but one was normal. Happy Dance.
    Kathy- Congrates on the job. Sounds like with work and school you will be busy. Please make sure you have some ME time so you do not get burnt out.
    grandmalle- I understand how you feel about your job. When our patient count is down we have to flex out and use our vacation hours to keep us at 40 hours a week and keep benfits. I do not like having to use my vacation for that but can not afford to loose benfits. Then found out today they are going to out source the Finance dept Jan 2014 and that means 40 jobs lost. It is scary. I Thank God everyday for my job.
    Liz- Sending prayers for you and your sister. I lost my sister 8 years ago and I still miss her and would love to just be able to talk.
    Welcome Helen- Just take it one day at a time and keep coming back this is a great group.
    Pat- Must be in the air, I've really been struggling the last week. Trying hard to shake it off and remind myself of the many Blessings I have. Doing alot of praying.
    Heather- You got my attention with DS story. I am a visual person and could see my son. Great NSV from your DH. Sometimes when you think they are not paying attention they surprise you. I know mine does alot. Hope you are enjoing your guests.
    Critter Sue- Good NSV with the tops. I need to go thru my cloest and get rid of the stuff that is too big. After losing 97 pounds they just hang. But a part of me is afraid what if I gain it back.
    Cindy- Pray things work out for your son and the farm. You are right God has a plan. I truely believe when we got our house it was all God's doing. And everything about it was just right for us. Good Luck.
    DeeDee- Nice NSV, it is always nice when someone notices.
    Robin- So happy for you and it's amazing how the stress about a job being gone makes alot of things better.
    Michele- a poker run is usally a ride sit up by a group to raise money for different things. The one I helped with this last Saturday was for sucide awareness, They do programs at schools and places and talk about sucide and where a person can go for help. The Tribesman is an motorcycle group out of Hastings and they are an interesting group. My DH and I ride with a CMA group. During the summer there are alot of these and we help at as many as we can. DH and I have been riding motorcycles for over 30 years. I am learning to drive our trike but the two wheel one I am just the passager.
    Well hope you are enjoing these last couple days of July. Can not say I am sorry as that means Fall is on the way. Fall and Spring are my favorite times of the year.
    Vicki in cooler NE
    I saw this the other day and it made me think,
    You can't assurme that all thin people have been thin forever. You can't assume that all "fit" people didn't have to work very hard to get where they are and you can't assume all "fat" people are slobs or don't care. Everyone is fighting their own demons!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today we did housecleaning……I cleaned the bathrooms and Jake swept and ran the vacuum……we spent less than an hour and then went to do some work on the computers….that’s enough for us. …..I worked on my project in the yard for two hours when it was cool and cloudy outside and listened to music while I worked……

    :bigsmile: Robin, it is a joy to hear you sounding so eager to begin again with the healthy lifestyle you had for so long…..it is never too late to begin again.

    :flowerforyou: Pat, one of the reasons I stayed with the Isagenix program is all the toxic substances that are out there. I am a strong believer in the nutritional cleansing program. I agree that there has been a lot of bad stuff done to our food, but I refuse to let discouraging news drag me down. I keep showing up and doing the best I can.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, one of the reasons we are so happy with the new location for the Wednesday line dance class is the wood floor. The Thursday and Friday classes are in a building with a wood floor. I hope your floor is OK.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, how cool that your DH has written novels.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, our deck and fence need washing…..I keep hoping that Jake will take care of it but he’ll probably want me to help…..last year he painted all of it and didn’t have to help at all.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, we have so few flowers that the only ones I cut are the lavender and daisies that are so prolific.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, slow and steady wins the race……keep on keeping on…..you have a lot going on in your life and it sounds like you are taking good steps toward health and fitness. This quote helps me when I start comparing my progress with what someone else is doing:
    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, your friends at the gym sound awesome

    :flowerforyou: Meg, congrats on being moderate on the alcohol.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, that’s a great quote from Martha Washington……it fits right into my philosophy of life.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, congrats on your blood work…very thought provoking quote at the end of your post.

    :heart: Barbie from warm and sunny NW Washington

  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Our valley is filled with smoke from several forest fires, so I am spending my day inside with the AC and an air filter machine. Generally my exercise has been outside, however, today I am going to try a yoga DVD and maybe some dancing…it might not be pretty, but at least I will be moving.

    Heather…I had to laugh at your comment: I WAS TRAMPLED ON IN BED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT BY MY NAKED 34 YEAR OLD SON ! Great family story for the years to come! On another note; doesn’t it feel good when your DH compliments you?

    CritterSue…Feeding your koi in the pond with a waterfall sounds wonderful! Every year there is a pond tour here that I enjoy and I always think how nice it would be to have one.

    Barbie…Beautiful Lily, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like it with the lilac coloring.

    Michele…What a storm that must have been!

    Meg…Your Mexican dinner sounds like fun, congrats on the no wine while playing cards! Zucchini bread is one of my favorites.

    Pat…I think that there is some truth and science regarding harmful foods, especially processed, but I also think that a lot of the information out there is based on emotions and politics. I agree that it is confusing trying to determine what food choices are best for different individuals, especially with all the conflicting information that’s available.

    Robin…I like your positive attitude!!

    Dee Dee…What a great compliment!

    Deb…Sounds like you had a great visit with your sisters. My sister lives in the same valley as I do and we see each other in passing or at family events, but we don’t get a chance to talk a lot. So I really enjoy it when we do get to spend a few hours together, without others, just visiting.

    Cindy…Good luck with the farm house…how exciting!

    Vicki…I like your ending quote.

    Hope you all are having a good afternoon/evening.:flowerforyou:

    Terri, from southern Oregon
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Getting very close to 500 posts so I'll be short. Still struggling but reading your posts gives me hope that I can get back on track. I'll finish my second round of antibotics for this UTI on Wednesday and hopefully be done with it. Thinking of you all and hanging on for dear life!
    Sue in Tx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had to share a cute story.Violet and I took a walk.We saw a cardinal.She goes,look Grandma a Red Robin.lol
    Have a good night all
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Evening everyone;

    this day went well calorie and exercise wise.

    We went to the bank this afternoon and were assured we would not have a problem getting the loan we would need. we can put 50% down finance the rest and my husband says we could pay that back in 3 years time. Now we just need to make the offer and see if the owners will take what we are willing to pay. We'll see what happens and if God is willing then the little farm house will be just right for our son.

    Well one day at the time as my MIL used to say. Its hard to believe she has been gone almost 3 years.

    Hope you all have a good evening.

    I'll check back in tomorrow.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got word on Face Book that my son in law's sister had her first child. My grand daughters both have such tender hearts and love to work with younger children I' so excited that they now have a little cousin. His sister is such a girly girl and loves to take her nieces shopping. Both my girls have such a huge shoe collection and it is all due to their Aunt Mary. So we'll see how she does with a little boy. I have been eagerly waiting to get a call from my daughter saying she had her baby, it's funny I saw it on Face Book before she could call me. She was a little baffles I knew. That's social media for you!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Deb - the most damage were two empty boxes that got water and the floor in my exercise room. Not sure if that's rouined or not, time will just tell. If it is, I'm not sure what kind of floor to get. Tile can be hard on the joints.

    Vacuumed out the pool today, got about 80% of the dirt. The water is green now (as opposed to brown). Tomorrow we'll probably run the robotic cleaner. This red clay is discoloring the sides of the pool, not sure how we're going to handle that. I know Vince is VERY frustrated and he's so afraid that we'll get another storm and more dirt in the pool. I highly doubt we'll have another storm like this one was. We did go to look at riverrock at another place today, but I'm still not sure that it'll match. If it weren't for that one spot that needed it, I wouldn't have a problem because we need it behind the equipment pad and behind the old retaining wall. It wouldn't matter if that didn't match exactly, but not matching in this one spot would stand out like a sore thumb.

    Did 20 minutes of yoga today then took the extreme pump class. Tomorrow I'll do a Leslie Sansone 5 Mile walk DVD

    Cindy - I do hope you get that farmhouse. How exciting!

    ServPro is supposed to be here tomorrow. Don't know what time. I usually go to a mahjongg game on Monday nights, but I think I'll skip it tonight and get the books out of the bookcases for them. Just in case they're here at 9 in the morning, I'd like to have everything done.

    DeeDee - yea for sunshine!!!! The sky is so blue here right now.

    Robin - you sound so much better. I'm so happy

    Pat - yesterday wasn't real bad weather-wise, it was Saturday that was the horrible rain. Newton got something like 6 inches. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the flooring in the exercise room is rouined or not.

    Lucy in DE - someone on here mentioned the Wet & Forget item, I used that on my deck and it took the green (mold?) stuff away. Now there's this black(mildew?) on the deck, but I think that'll just take longer and longer to disintigrate. Honestly, I was skeptical at first about the stuff, but it really does work well. I used to have to clean my railings on the deck (about 20') with a toothbrush to get all the green mold off at least once/year. Now I can just spray this stuff on and the mold goes away. Sounds like you got the rain we had on Saturday. Don't you just wish they'd make foods without so much sodium? I know one time I went to buy applesauce and thought "hey, I'll try the WalMart brand" Then I looked at the ingredients! I was shocked to see that it contained apples and SALT. Guess the salt is in there for a flavor enhancer. I just put it back and got Mott's Natural which had only apples in it.

    Lila - Honestly, I don't think the Mastercook program is any faster than MFP's recipe. I used this before MFP had that, or at least before I knew that MFP had it.

    Kate - I had my first children two 2 years apart and the third 16 months after the second. To be honest, I found it easier to have them close in age. Yes, it's a hassle at first, but in the end it really was easier. In sports the older one was in one league while the two younger ones were in another. It was just diaper-changing-assembly-line. The older one could have, say, the small Legos but the younger ones couldn't. To me, it was harder to have them further apart in age.

    One branch (the one that I don't go to much) is closed right now due to water damage.

    Anyone know how the corn crops have been?

    Kathy - thanks for the quote

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle have you ever considered cork floors for your exercise room? They can come in tiles

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    Hello, all. Figured I’d better get caught up before the next iteration of this message board gets started. Tried vegetarian soy chorizo scrambled with eggs this morning & was pleasantly surprised since I’ve always been leery of soy. So much healthier but it still satisfied my Mexican food craving. I’ll have to look for other soy food options that I can hide.

    Cindy – prayers that the offer was accepted so your son gets that little farm house.

    Jane – I love the ‘red robin’ story, we have way too many blue jays here: haven’t seen a cardinal since I lived back east.

    Sue – hoping for great results on that second round of antibiotics.

    Terri – hope they’re getting those fires under control.

    Barb – I haven’t yet commented on your sweater before & after photos. How inspiring it must be to look at the before you & it must give even more joy to wearing that sweater. I just read about the Isagenix program after reading your post. I just don’t find shakes satisfying, ah, well. Love the Baryshnikov quote.

    Vicki – happy dancing with you about your blood work!

    Joyce – good for you getting to the Y and easing back in per instructions.

    Kathy – I should print out the Martha Washington quote. I try and embrace that philosophy but there are days when it’s a real struggle.

    Meg – great job with the chips & margaritas, I’d never be able to do that ;-b I love when I take some reading time and my 15 yr. old cat, Hobbs, noses his way under my hand.

    yanniejannie – “almost to my 2nd elephant!” – huh? Hope you get enough rain to get the humidity out of the air.

    Kate – let me know how the C25K is going, I’m a little afraid to try it. I never was a runner and I think I want to be a oneder before trying it. I understand your need to recuperate from large group settings. Exactly how I feel! I need my quiet time, with a book preferably. Trying to change that into quiet time while on the treadmill at the gym.

    Lila – so glad it was a wonderful morning for you.

    Lucy – your poor 100 lb. baby, Milo. I live right by an army base so my animals are generally accustomed to loud noise (artillery). Still, on the 4th of July my cat, Hobbs, found a spot in the kitchen to hide out.

    Heather – It may take the rest of his life to live down the “naked son story.”

    Pat – no, you’re not being Chicken Little. I think we all have questions about the foods we eat that we didn’t used to consider. I try and stay with unprocessed, but I won’t claim that that’s an absolute for me. I don’t have time to grow everything I want to eat myself and it’s not feasible economically for me to stick with organic. I do the best I can and that’s all that any of us can do.

    Robin – way to get that positive energy going! Go you!

    DeeDee – great compliment! I feel pretty wimpy with my 3 lb. weights, but, hey, I started with kidney bean cans (~1 lb.)

    Gail – good luck with the birds, mine are so noisy! Cannot wait till they fly off and I can let DH cover the chimney with a bird guard.

    Michele – good luck with the basement, river rock, and all.

    Anyone I've missed, sorry, but I couldn't read back through everything. Sending out positive thoughts to you all.

    Janie, Pacific NW

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I've wanted to do this for a long time. I made the 500th post!!!! Now it can all start anew.

    Joyce, indiana
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Greetings from very stormy Maui. It is thundering, lightening, very very windy and pouring outside. :noway: I'm a bit freaked out and my DH is sound asleep next to me (he can sleep through any thing!!!). :laugh: Thank goodness Tropical Storm Flossie lost some of her power before she hit us - I can't imagine how much worse it could be.
    We ended up doing an extra long work out in the fitness center because the rain started down in torrential sheets and we wanted to wait until it calmed down a bit before we went out into it (we are about a 5 minute walk from the fitness center). It rained off and on all day and we did get out for an early dinner, but when we decided to try and get a walk in along the beach it started raining again. It got a lot worse for awhile (complete with flickering lights and thunder that rattled our windows). Ahhh paradise. At least the weather has Flossie moving out tomorrow so hopefully we'll start to get to enjoy our vacation soon.

    Dee Dee - what a great compliment. FYI I'm starting a strength training challenge when I get back. You can join us and start to use those new dumb bells:wink:

    Heather - LOL

    Robin - you sound so much happier!

    Michelle - hope your basement is all cleaned up

    Oh oh...lights are flickering again. I need to plug my laptop in since I'm almost out of power. Hopefully I'll be posting again from sun shiny Hawaii :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:
